Crossroads 5: Show Me What Love Is (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Crossroads 5: Show Me What Love Is (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 9

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  “You said ‘brother.’ Are you telling me her brother Angelo fucked you over and stole that money?”

  “Him and his partner, Smitty.”

  “Shit. I haven’t seen him in ages. He wasn’t even around when Bethany wound up in the hospital.”

  “Yeah, I remember. I also remember you flipping her bill. Was it to tap that or cover your cousin’s ass?”

  “She deserved better. Curran was fucked up on shit that one of your buddies gave him, so I would be cool if I were you.”

  “Whoa, so a no-go on taking the bitch to smoke out her brother?”

  “No. She doesn’t know where Angelo is. She doesn’t even talk to him.”

  “Well, she may now since he has money.”

  “He used to call her for money and to get his ass out of jail. I haven’t seen or heard anything about Angelo being around here.”

  “Well, my sources say he’s heading north. The only things north are his sister and fucking snow.”

  “Well, I can feel her out for information. She’s working for a friend of mine.”

  “Ahh, so you haven’t given up the idea of tapping that, huh? She is one fine woman.”

  “She’s a little too young for me, and she was my cousin’s at one time and could be his again if he finally has his act together.”

  “You trying to play matchmaker?” he teased and then laughed.

  Cristano thought about seeing Bethany with Chancellor Cummings. He hoped she wasn’t sleeping with the guy. He hated him and his two brothers. Dalton shouldn’t have died that night.

  “Not me. I’ll keep my eyes and ears open and see what I can find out from Bethany next time I see her, but remember, she has no relationship with her brother, so it’s not worth your time to go after her to get to him.”

  “You seem a little protective. Am I getting the right vibes?”

  Cristano was quiet a moment.

  “She’s off-limits, Ferdinand. End of story.”

  * * * *

  Bethany was hurrying down the street. She was thirty minutes late for her dinner with Chancellor. She’d spoken to Troy. He was running late at work anyway and offered her a ride around nine if she was still stuck in the city. That gave her the added peace of mind that, if things went wrong with Chancellor, she had a ride home.

  As she got into the restaurant, she fixed her hair and adjusted the straps to her briefcase and pocketbook. She had wanted to take some things home to go over again tonight. She felt rushed, stressed, and then the maître d’ smiled at her.

  “Miss Rigallo?” he asked.


  “Please follow me right this way. Mr. Cummings has been waiting patiently.”

  She nodded and followed the man through the crowded restaurant. It was upscale and known for its lobster bisque, which she’d never had the opportunity to have. As they got to the table in the back, which was private and hidden by a booth-like circular seating, she caught sight of just Chancellor’s hand tapping the bottom of a wine glass, his cuff links in gold with diamonds sparkling in the candlelight. She felt an excitement, a thrill and desire instantly from the sight, and she hadn’t even laid eyes on him yet. He was handsome, and as the man gestured for her to take a seat, Chancellor stood up to greet her.

  She stared up into his eyes, and she felt her cheeks warm and her heart begin to pound as a smile formed on her face.

  “Hello, Chancellor. Sorry I’m late.”

  He took her hand and brought it to his lips, kissing the top.

  “I forgive you, this once,” he teased, and she chuckled.

  She started to pull off her dress coat and the maître d’ helped her and then hung it on the hook behind the table and out of the way.

  “It’s been a heck of a Monday, and the rest of the week is more of the same.” She took a seat, and the waiter came over.

  “May I get you something from the bar?” he asked.

  She glanced at Chancellor’s wine glass.

  “A glass of cabernet, please.”

  “She’ll have the same as I am having. Thank you.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  She fumbled with her napkin, fixed the place setting, and then fixed her blouse before she looked up and exhaled. Chancellor was leaning back, smiling.

  “Are you good now?” he teased.

  “I think so.”

  “Good, because I want your complete attention, Bethany. I want to enjoy this evening with you and show you that I’m not some egotistical, money-hungry lark who was trying to buy you or piss you off with arrogance and control.”

  “That sounds like a tall order to fill in one night.”

  The waiter set down her wine glass, and Chancellor lifted his to toast to her. She lifted her glass.

  “That’s only the beginning of what I plan to fulfill this evening.”

  “Oh, really? What else is on your agenda to prove?”

  He held her gaze, and that sexy, powerful, assertive expression of his had her pussy clenching and her breasts tingling with desire.

  “That you are quite special and that it takes someone as special as you to snag the attention of me, Riley, and definitely Collin. So I plan on answering any questions you have about us, hope to make plans for the four of us to do dinner or get together this week, and maybe seal the whole thing with a kiss at the end of the night.” He tilted his glass toward hers, and she tapped hers to it.

  “Play your cards right and be honest, Chancellor, and we’ll see about sealing the deal, as you call it.”

  “Hmm, a challenge. I like that. We’re going to get along quite well, Bethany, but no games. You asked for honesty, and honesty you’ll get.” He took a sip of wine, and she watched him, mesmerized by his ability to be in control of this date, this situation.

  “I’m sorry about the Jeep. It was out of line and stupid.”

  She nodded. “Forgiven and forgotten.”

  “So, how is the new position at work? Are you heading in the right direction?” he asked.

  She started to tell him a little bit about what her day was like and what the rest of the week entailed. He told her about some similar projects he worked on, and before long, she was bouncing some ideas off of him and he was giving her some great tips and insight from a businessman’s perspective, as well as an investor’s perspective.

  “I know the restaurant well. It’s a great place and very successful. The family is big, too, and all into cooking, handling the restaurant business and other things. If campaigned and promoted correctly, it will be a sure thing.”

  “I’m certain, too. The food is supposed to be wonderful. I’ll find out Friday when I meet some of the big shots there and the owners.”

  He looked awfully serious a moment. “Is Chicatiro going to be there, too?”

  Her chest tightened. She didn’t like that he knew Cristano and that he obviously disliked him. There was no way she could tell him about his relationship to Curran and how she knew Cristano, too. It was enough sharing that a man had hurt her with Riley today.

  “He will be, but only because he is Romulo’s financial backing and the majority owner of the company I work for. It’s business, Chancellor, nothing more.”

  He reached over and covered her hand with his. He held her gaze.

  “Don’t be angry with me, Bethany. I feel this instant protectiveness over you. That’s all.”

  “I can take care of myself.”

  “I’m sure you can. Speaking of which, how often do you trek through the woods on your own?” he asked, sounding upset about that.

  “Whenever I have the chance. I love hiking.”

  “But anyone could be in those woods. What if someone tried to grab you?”

  “I have bear repellant and a knife. I am always aware of what’s going on around me.”

  “Except when you’re climbing the top of a tree in a snowstorm to get a view of Lake Wellington?” he teased.

  She shyly smiled and played with the stem of her glass. “It gave me the op
portunity to meet Collin.”

  He smiled. “Which led to you meeting Riley.”

  “And probably saved me from getting hit by that tree that fell on my Jeep.”

  “Jesus, I hadn’t even thought of that.”

  She smiled. “You and your brothers are close?” She took a sip from the glass of wine.

  He held her gaze. “We’ve always been close. We’re inseparable.”

  “That’s nice.”

  “It’s special, Bethany. It’s like no other relationship or connection.” He then looked away. He seemed sad, by the way he frowned and looked away from her.

  “You seem upset about that.”

  “Well, lately, in the past couple of years, it seemed like we’ve been drifting apart.”

  “How so?”

  “Well, I guess we’ve gotten caught in the monotony of life. I’ve dedicated the last several years to investing and growing my portfolio. Riley is absorbed in the police department and keeping Wellington safe, and Collin has his own thing.”

  “What does Collin do when he’s not out hiking?”

  “He works online. I’m sure he’ll share it with you.” He smiled.

  “Do you think it’s just work that has made you drift apart, or maybe the three of you have changed and your wants have, too?”

  Then the waiter bought over a sample of appetizers, compliments of the owner of the restaurant. Chancellor said thank you and then waved over toward the bar to an older man dressed in a black suit with gray hair and a perfectly white smile.

  “I think we gave up on finding the one thing we knew would secure our bond and make us happy and fulfilled.”

  “What is that?”

  He stared at her and then ran his hand over hers as he held her gaze. “It’s the hope of meeting someone who shares similar interests that we do and completes our circle.”

  She swallowed hard. “You mean a woman?”

  He nodded. “Don’t be scared. The last thing I want to do is scare you off, Bethany, but you must feel the attraction to the three of us as we feel for you. You can’t sit here and deny it.”

  “I’m not denying it, Chancellor.” She lowered her eyes and felt the tightness in her chest as her heart pounded. She wondered if this could really work. Could she find safety, security, and love in their arms? In their circle?

  “There are things, Chancellor, that I need to work out, and that I thought might be behind me, but maybe I’m not ready to date or to be vulnerable quite yet.”

  “Does this have to do with the man that hurt you, that broke your heart?” he asked, and she shouldn’t have been shocked. If he and his brothers shared everything, then they would talk about her and share their thoughts on her, too. Thinking that compelled her to be honest with him.

  “Chancellor, he did more than break my heart. I just can’t explain it.”

  “Okay, no pressure right now. Just know that we’ll be patient. We want you, Bethany, in every sense of the word. That’s me being completely honest.” He let his eyes roam over her lips and over the gap in her blouse as she shyly looked away.

  “Let’s eat. You must be starving from your long day in the office.”

  “I am. I totally skipped lunch.” She reached for a shrimp, and Chancellor held her gaze with a very serious expression.

  “You make sure that doesn’t happen again. Eating is fuel for your body and your brain. Skipping meals will make you weak.”

  “I’ll try to remember that when I’m swimming in financial reports and a flood of photographs of all the dishes on the menu at Romulo’s.”

  He nodded, and they began to sample the appetizers and enjoy one another’s company until it was finally time to head home.

  * * * *

  Chancellor held Bethany’s hand as they headed toward the parking garage.

  “Are you sure you can drive me? I can just call Troy. He said he’s getting off in about thirty minutes.”

  He continued walking. “It’s not a problem. I’m heading that way, and we’ll make it there in no time and still be able to talk some more.” He got to the gate, and the attendant who knew him immediately raised the parking bar and they waited.

  “You seem upset. It’s okay if you can’t.”

  He was trying to be calm and rein in his jealousy. To know that Troy, the firefighter who’d posed in last year’s firefighting fundraising calendar that all the women carried on about, would drive her to and from work each day drove him insane. He and his brothers didn’t want that guy sharing a ride with Bethany. He had a reputation, and as a guy, Chancellor knew the man would hit on Bethany. Maybe he had already.

  He turned to look at her. He placed his hands on her shoulders and looked deeply into her eyes as he bent slightly so they would be eye-to-eye. She looked taken aback, as her eyes widened and her shoulders stiffened. He didn’t want to scare her, not knowing that some dick broke her heart and didn’t treat her right. He took a deep breath.

  “Okay, I’m going to be honest here because that is what I promised you for tonight.”


  “I don’t want Troy driving you to and from work. I don’t want you sharing his car or sharing anything with him. It pisses me off, makes me jealous as damn hell because I want you to be my woman. I want you to rely on me and my brothers for help, for anything you need. I hope that doesn’t scare you.”

  She stared up at him and gave a soft smile.

  “That’s very sweet, Chancellor,” she whispered.

  He scrunched his eyes at her and stepped closer, pulling her against his chest, despite them being in a parking garage with the attendants as an audience.

  “I didn’t mean it in a sweet way. I don’t want other men wanting what’s mine. I’m very possessive and protective of what belongs to me.”

  He covered her mouth and kissed her deeply. He waited, worried about her pushing him away, but it never happened. Instead, she wrapped her arms around him tight and kissed him back until he grabbed hold of the moment and slowly pulled back. He cupped her cheeks and stared down into her gorgeous green eyes, absorbed her swollen, well-kissed lips, and winked at her.

  “You all set, doll?”

  She nodded, and he turned around and walked her to the car that was waiting. He opened the passenger side door, then closed it before he tipped the car attendant and then got into his side and pulled from the parking garage. They were silent as he maneuvered through traffic, but soon they started talking about what they liked and didn’t like about the city, and a little more about making plans for dinner this week and taking things slow.

  Forty minutes later, they were standing in her front doorway, and he just couldn’t resist kissing her one more time.

  * * * *

  Bethany couldn’t get over the attraction she felt to Chancellor. Her heart was racing, her palms sweaty, and the sight of him standing in the entryway, waiting for her to invite him in, excited her. “It’s cold out there,” he said, stepping inside with her. The door closed, keeping out the cold air that had helped cool her heated skin only moments ago. Now here they were, staring at one another, and she really wanted him to kiss her again.

  “I appreciate the ride, and dinner was great.”

  “I enjoyed spending time with you, too.” He stepped closer and drew her into his arms. He wrapped his arm around her waist and leaned down to kiss her lips.

  She kissed him back, using her fingers to run through his soft, wavy hair. Her arms were lifted higher because of the difference in their heights, and as he kissed her, he pressed his body against hers, making her breasts tingle and her pussy clench with need. That kiss grew deeper, and soon she was pressing up against him snugger, needing to feel all of him, to feel his embrace, the protectiveness of his hold, and these aroused feelings that she was quickly growing fond of.

  Chancellor ran his hands along her hips and her thighs, lifting her skirt as he lifted her up and pressed her against the front door. He released her lips as he thrust against her crotch,
and she straddled his hip as he explored her skin, her neck with lips and tongue.

  “Oh God, Chancellor.”

  “I know. I know.” He panted and then squeezed her ass cheeks, parted them, and then thrust against her again.

  He covered her mouth and kissed her just as she was going to say they should slow down, despite the fact that she really didn’t want to slow down. She wanted more. It had been so long since she was touched, aroused, taken to that next level of intimacy.

  As his fingers maneuvered toward her panties then to her cunt, she pulled from his mouth.


  His fingers pressed against her cunt.

  “Please, baby. You’re so hot and wet. Let me pleasure you. Let me feel what I do to you, please.” He grabbed hold of her as he kissed her chin, nibbled on it and then her lips as he pressed fingers to her needy cunt.

  “Chancellor.” She cried out his name and felt her body shake and explode from two deep strokes of his fingers.

  “Holy fuck,” he said, panting before he covered her mouth and kissed her as he continued to stroke her pussy relentlessly. She felt like a bowl of noodles, holding on for dear life as he thrust his hips in sync to his fingers stroking her cunt.

  She was shocked as thoughts of Riley and Collin came to mind, along with the desire to have them here, too, right now.

  He pulled from her lips.

  “Let me taste you, baby? I want to have you for dessert.” He pulled back, walking her to her couch with ease, his fingers still deep in her cunt.

  She gripped his shoulders as he lay her down on the couch.

  “Chancellor, we should slow down.”

  “Why? You feel so good. This feels right, doesn’t it?” he asked her as he eased her skirt up higher and licked his lips before he lowered his shoulders between her legs.

  “What about Riley and Collin?” she asked, and felt her cheeks heat. He paused and looked at her with an expression of happiness and maybe a little shock.

  “Damn, Bethany, you’re perfect for us. I can have them here in ten minutes.”

  Her belly quivered and tightened.

  “I don’t know if I’m ready for that. I need slow. It’s been…awhile, and never with more than one man.”


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