Wyvern's Prince

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by Deborah Cooke

  Wyvern’s Prince

  The Dragons of Incendium #2


  Deborah Cooke

  Once, in the Kingdom of Incendium, there were twelve princesses of the realm, each a dragon shifter. Each fiery and passionate. Each possessed of an appetite for pleasure that only her destined mate can satisfy. Twelve men are expected in Incendium, each with special powers of his own, each with the gift to claim one dragon princess’s heart forever.

  Engaged to Prince Urbanus of Regalia, Gemma knows that her fiancé ordered the assassination of her best friend—but has been told that he’s her HeartKeeper. Caught between her destiny and her moral duty, she decides to take vengeance upon Urbanus after the wedding night. Gemma’s not counting on more dark revelations about Urbanus, much less his beguiling charm. Alone in his palace, Gemma can only rely upon herself to ensure her survival—or can she trust the mysterious stranger who pledges to aid her, for reasons unknown?

  Wyvern’s Prince

  By Deborah Cooke

  Digital Edition

  Published by Deborah A. Cooke

  Cover by Frauke Spanuth

  Formatting by Author E.M.S

  Copyright © 2016 by Deborah A. Cooke

  All rights reserved.

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  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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  ISBN: 978-1-927477-95-3

  Table of Contents

  Cover Copy


  Dear Reader


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Next in the DRAGONS OF INCENDIUM Series

  About the Author

  More Books by the Author

  Dear Reader;

  I really like warrior heroines, so writing about a warrior heroine who is also a dragon shifter has been a lot of fun. Gemma has a different nature from her older sister, Drakina. While Drakina is flamboyant, Gemma is mysterious. She’s just as fierce as her big sister, but is more inclined to keep her own counsel. Some might call her private. Others—like Urbanus—might call her secretive. I think it suits a dragon shifter princess to keep part of the truth to herself in order to serve the greater good, and I like that Gemma found her happily-ever-after, even on Regalia. Fortunately for Venero, she’s a woman ready to accept that there’s more to a story than meets the eye.

  Next up in the Dragons of Incendium series will be another short story, Arista’s Legacy. We’ll learn more about the death of the Warrior Maiden of Cumae who trained with Gemma and was her best friend, as well as (briefly) meet the hero of Wyvern’s Warrior. Arista’s Legacy will be published in November, and Wyvern’s Warrior will be published in December. Both are available for pre-order at some portals now.

  As you might have already noticed, the Dragons of Incendium stories are being published as mini-books. Each mini-book includes one novella and one short story and is available by limited distribution. When there are three novellas and three short stories complete, the Dragons of Incendium: The First Collection will be published in trade paperback and available in wider distribution. I expect that volume to be available in early 2017.

  The Dragons of Incendium stories are also being produced in audio. The series is being narrated by Saskia Maarleveld. The audiobook of Wyvern’s Mate will be available on September 13, 2016. Because of the time required for production, you can expect each story to be available in audio several months after the digital edition goes on sale.

  Although the Dragons of Incendium series of paranormal romances features dragon shifter heroines, it’s not connected to my Dragonfire series. Incendium is in a different world. Not only are the heroines the dragon shifters, but the heroes all have special traits of their own—it takes a special kind of man to fall in love with a dragon shifter princess! The Dragons of Incendium series will alternate between novellas and short stories that introduce characters and details of the world. These dragons have their own website (with a glossary of terms) at


  To stay up to date with my news—including cover reveals, sales, and special offers for subscribers—please sign up for my monthly newsletter. You can also subscribe to my new release alert, if you prefer to receive a single email on the day a new title becomes available.

  Until next time, I hope you have lots of good books to read.

  All my best



  The royal apartments in the palace of Incendium

  “I could MindBend Gemma,” Troy offered.

  “You could, but I prefer you tanned and not toasted,” Drakina replied.

  Gemma leaned against the wall of the corridor outside the new couple’s chambers and eavesdropped on their conversation. She had intended to make one last visit to her new nephew before her own wedding and Drakina and Troy’s subsequent departure for Terra, but hearing her name had brought her to a stop. She was glad of her keen dragon hearing, and her ability to remain completely still. An observer might have thought her struck to stone.

  Fortunately, the serving maid who had left the chamber and failed to completely close the door was walking in the opposite direction. She hadn’t noticed Gemma at all.

  Felice, Gemma’s pet pavofel, sat between Gemma’s feet and the wall, then wrapped her tail around herself. The pavofel was a feline creature, bred to splendor on Cumae, with blue and green fur that resembled the feathers of the peacock known on other worlds. Felice was particularly pretty, sporting two dozen ‘eyes’ in the fur of her wide and lush tail. It always amazed Gemma how Felice could seem to disappear in the shadows, given the bright hues of her fur. Once seated, Felice was completely motionless. Only the glow of her luminous green eyes revealed her presence.

  It must be true that pavofels chose their companions and caregivers, because Gemma and Felice seemed to understand each other perfectly.

  “But you can’t let her just marry Urbanus,” Troy protested. “We know too much about his nature.”

  “I doubt we can stop her,” Drakina replied, her tone suspiciously temperate. “Gemma is determined to marry Urbanus, just as Father planned, and ensure the treaty is made between the two kingdoms. You’ll never change the thinking of two royal dragons.”

  “And you’re not going to intervene?” Troy demanded. “Even if she’s stepping into a trap?”

  “You do not know that.”

  Troy snorted. “I don’t have to be a MindBender to know that Urbanus is a sneak.”

  Drakina’s tone turned thoughtful. “It is for the good of both kingdoms to make the alliance. Gemma knows as much as we do and she’s agreed to marry him.”

  “But Urbanus arranged for the death of Arista…”

  “Gemma knows that. Arista was her best friend.”

know she knows that. It’s why she hates me.” Troy could be heard pacing. Gemma’s heart filled with disgust that her older sister’s husband had been the assassin to kill her best friend. Her argument, though, was with the instigator of the agreement, not the man who’d been given the job.

  She knew enough about the Gloria Furora to understand that any choice Troy had been given wouldn’t really have been a choice. His own death would probably have been the only other option available.

  She might not be able to blame him for what he’d done, but she didn’t have to like him.

  How could Drakina have married a man, even her HeartKeeper, who could influence her thoughts? It was incomprehensible that Drakina was happy with a MindBender.

  Maybe her big sister was more influenced by her husband than she realized.

  “You should let me MindBend her about that, at least,” Troy said and Gemma bristled at the suggestion. “The way she looks at me makes me uneasy.”

  “If you used your MindBending abilities, she would do more than glare at you. You would not survive the day.”

  Gemma nodded agreement with that.

  “But why is she going? Why did she agree?”

  “Gemma must have her reasons.”

  “That’s it, isn’t it?” Troy said. “She plans to avenge Arista.”

  Gemma straightened, impressed that he was the only one on Incendium who seemed to have guessed her plan. Or at least said it aloud. It was possible her father knew.

  “I do not know.” Drakina’s tone was so mild that Gemma wondered whether her sister had guessed as well.

  “But she can do that without marrying him!” Troy insisted. “There’s a piece of the puzzle missing. Drakina, I can find out.”

  “I learned early in this palace that whenever you have not been told some detail, it is because that information is not yours to know,” Drakina replied curtly. “It is folly to provoke tempers in a household of dragons.”


  “Do you not understand that they are all on guard because they know what you can do? If you MindBend any of them, when I have vowed that you would not, even I will not be able to save you. Troy! Do not attempt this thing.”

  “You promised them I wouldn’t use my powers?” Troy was clearly surprised.

  “It was the only way to gain you access to my father’s court. You are Terran, a race he cannot tolerate. You are a MindBender, a kind he finds despicable. Even being Carrier of the Seed and my HeartKeeper was not enough for my father to allow you to step over the threshold given those credentials.”

  “Go ahead. Build my ego a little more.”

  Gemma smiled.

  “Troy! I love you. Is that not sufficient?”

  Troy made an exasperated noise, evidence that Drakina’s love wasn’t enough. Gemma had always thought that the minstrels who insisted that love conquered all were taking a simplistic view. Here was proof. “I feel like my only value is as a stud.”

  Drakina laughed, and her voice turned sultry. “Is that so bad? Come to bed, stud, and I will remind you of the benefits.”

  “It’s not funny, princess. I need to use my powers. I need to do something.”

  “And you will have plenty to do once we get to Terra. I have invited my father to come and hunt, and he will arrive within days of our return there. You will be more than busy ensuring that no Terran notices a dragon king in the vicinity.” Drakina sighed. “He is not accustomed to keeping a low profile, after all.”

  “Thanks for the warning.”

  “Look at the upside. His visit might improve his view of Terrans.”

  Troy scoffed, revealing his view of that possibility. Gemma was inclined to agree with him. Their father, Ouros, was slow to abandon any conviction. “Now, what about Gemma?”

  “She can defend herself.”

  “What kind of family is this?” Troy demanded. I thought you watched over each other!”

  Gemma felt the air chill and could easily imagine the look her sister was giving her new husband. She was tempted to peek and see if he took a step back.

  “We also support each other’s choices,” Drakina said.


  “But nothing, Troy.” Drakina finally lost patience and her voice rose. There were probably sparks flying from the ends of her hair. “Gemma has chosen. I do not understand her decision. I have tried to talk to her about it, but she is determined. She must have a reason. She must have a plan. She clearly is not going to share it, and she would share it if she needed help.”

  “She could be wrong.”

  “It is less probable statistically that Gemma is wrong than any of my other sisters.”

  Gemma smiled and nodded at that.

  Drakina continued. “She did train with the Warrior Maidens of Cumae, you know.”

  “And Prince Urbanus is one sneaky bastard. How can your father let her marry him at all?”

  “He had his doubts. Gemma volunteered to secure the alliance.”

  “Why? It’s nuts, princess.”

  “Gemma is not crazy.”

  “So, that’s it? You’re just going to let her go and if she’s wrong, well, you still have ten more sisters?”

  “She is not wrong. Gemma is never wrong.”

  Gemma heard Troy pacing the room. “And you won’t let me use my powers to find out her plan, even if it might save her,” he said with exasperation. “What’s the point of our being together if we aren’t a team?”

  “Some would say our son Gravitas was the point.”

  “Do you really love me, Drakina, or did you just want the Seed from me?”

  Gemma winced and moved away, unwilling to hear the rest of their argument. Were all marriages compromises, even those to HeartKeepers? Was the promise of true love a lie? Gemma didn’t want it to be. Or was Drakina’s happiness compromised because Troy was a MindBender? Gemma wished she knew for sure. She wanted the kind of marriage her parents had, but didn’t think she’d get it.

  She might as well marry Urbanus, conceive his son, and then kill him for his crime.

  There was a good precedent for that in the mating ritual of her cousins, after all. They always killed the Carrier of the Seed once his precious burden had been delivered. She could raise the boy herself and manage it easily.

  Her choice wasn’t really that hard to understand, or it wouldn’t have been if she’d told anyone of the master astrologer’s forecast.

  Gemma had known her fate for years.

  She’d told no one.

  She’d sworn the astrologer to secrecy, and he had taken the truth to his grave.

  Her HeartKeeper was the Prince of Regalia who would be king, the son of Queen Arcana whose true nature was disguised. She’d wondered about the prophecy when Drakina had been betrothed to Canto, but that prince’s death had made everything more clear. Urbanus was the crown prince, so would eventually be king of Regalia. Although she was skeptical that his true nature was better than what she’d seen so far, Gemma had to believe a master astrologer.

  She had to trust in the prophecy.

  Astrologers, after all, were inclined to put great value in nuance. Gemma assumed that Urbanus was slightly less wicked than she’d come to believe. Maybe he thought he had good reason for seeing Arista assassinated and for trying to have Drakina killed, too. Maybe he was trying to gain his mother’s favor so she ensured his succession, and he intended to mend his ways after her death and his coronation. Gemma might have been more inclined to help with such a goal if he hadn’t ordered the death of her Sword Sister and best friend.

  Maybe the Carrier of the Seed for Gemma wasn’t the same man as her HeartKeeper. It didn’t happen often, from what she understood, but that didn’t mean it was impossible.

  Either way, marrying Prince Urbanus was Gemma’s destiny.

  For better or for worse.

  * * *

  If it had been anyone else listening to their argument, Drakina would have noticed. Gemma’s training made her more steal
thy than anyone else—and Drakina’s concern for Troy had become consuming. He was increasingly impatient and filled with restless energy. The situation had grown worse each day they had been on Incendium, despite her efforts to manage her father’s expectations and her husband’s desires. She knew it irked Troy to have so little to do, but a Consort was a ceremonial role.

  That was why she knew they couldn’t remain. Troy had investigated Incendium, spending much time in the starports, learning and making suggestions. He had been using the gym to excess, burning off his frustrations, and the results were most impressive.

  Drakina had chosen duty and her father’s will because she believed there wasn’t really a choice. It had been her duty to conceive the heir to the throne. With each passing day, though, and her obligation fulfilled, it was increasingly clear that she had to do something to ensure the survival of her marriage. She, Troy, and Gravitas were finally going to Terra, immediately following Gemma’s wedding. In a real sense, their shared future would finally begin, because their royal duties would be complete for the moment.

  It was time to reassure her beloved.

  Troy glared at her and Drakina had a sudden idea how that might be done. It frightened her a little, but the possibility of losing her HeartKeeper frightened her more.

  “How can you ask whether I love you?” she asked, tempering her tone. “Of course, I love you. I am going to Terra with you, specifically so you can use your powers and be who you are. It is no small thing to leave my world behind for yours!”


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