A Soul So Wicked (Moon Chasers)

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A Soul So Wicked (Moon Chasers) Page 2

by Sharie Kohler

  He glanced at the fuzzy image: a slim female, dark hair peeping out from the hood of a coat. From the accounts he’d heard, it could be her. But so could a lot of other women.

  He stared at the blurry image awhile longer, absorbing everything he could. There was something about the female. A way she held herself even when she didn’t know someone was looking. A guardedness.

  “Where is she?”

  “That was taken at a small airport in Rocks-burgh ten months ago.”

  “Ten months ago?” She could be anywhere now.

  With several more clicks of the keyboard, she printed out another page. “Here.” She tapped a small town on a map of Alaska. “This town is an hour’s drive from Anchorage. I found the name of a Tresa King on a roster for a town meeting, signed two weeks ago. Tresa’s not the most common name.”

  Two weeks ago. He stared at the small dot on the map, his chest filling with hope. A town meeting? Would she be participating in society? Something as mundane as a town meeting? It didn’t fit with his idea of her, but then, she wasn’t operating under her own free will. She was a slave to something else.

  He folded the second printout and tucked it inside his jacket. From his other pocket, he pulled out the payment owed and dropped it onto her desk.

  She opened the envelope and peered inside. “Thanks.” Rising, she led him to the door. “Let me know if you ever need any more work done.”

  “A word of advice.”

  She gazed at him, her eyes wide through her smudged lenses.

  “If you’re going to freelance, don’t be so trusting. Don’t invite your clientele inside your home.”

  She blinked up at him. “You mean I shouldn’t have trusted you?” she asked baldly, trying to smile, but it failed to reach her eyes.

  “No,” he returned evenly, grasping the doorknob. “You shouldn’t have. You never know what kind of man you’re dealing with… especially after he gets what he wants from you. Once you become unnecessary, you’re expendable.”

  The pulse at her neck beat faster, like that of a rabbit face-to-face with its hunter. His gaze narrowed on the rapidly thrumming flesh, everything in him pulling tight. Humans. So very fragile. So tempting.

  She looked nervous now, but he could smell her excitement, too. An acrid, loamy aroma on the air. She was getting her kicks off the danger of this moment.

  “And what kind of man are you?” she asked.

  He leaned in closer; whispered the word against her ear as he inhaled her. Citrus shampoo and popcorn. “A killer.”

  At first disbelief crossed her face, but as he continued to stare at her, her expression changed to trepidation. Her hand moved to her throat self-consciously and she edged back a step.

  Satisfied that she would be more cautious in the future, he turned to go. Perhaps he shouldn’t have bothered to warn her, but he couldn’t help caring. A weakness maybe, but caring was what made him different from his brethren—bloodthirsty animals. As long as he cared, deep in his gut he didn’t feel like he was a total lost cause.

  Descending the steps of her town house, he vanished into the night, moving quickly, nothing more than a shadow to any passing eye. He covered several blocks, passing a row of sleepy bungalows in a newly restored section of Charlottesville. Restored or not, there was no hiding the fact that three blocks away was one of the most dangerous areas of the city. A slum where all manner of unsavory characters skulked. He had once loved places like this. They were familiar… the best hunting grounds.

  At first he thought the men trailing him were thugs who had drifted over in search of prey among the quiet, trimmed lawns. He walked on, unconcerned, as he waited for them to make their move. It wasn’t a question of him being ready. He was always ready. He was a creature of instinct, his aggression and his violent impulses always there, simmering just beneath the surface.

  As they continued to trail him, following him out of the neighborhood and into a wide parking lot of cracked and broken asphalt that backed into a strip of warehouses deserted for the night, he concluded they might be more than your standard thugs.

  He stopped. Without turning around, he called out, “Are we going to do this all night?”

  The footsteps stopped. The hush of silence fell. He knew human nature. At his invitation, the thugs would either run or attack.

  Only neither happened.

  Quiet surrounded him.

  His skin prickled and pulled tight. Even without a full moon, his strength and speed put him at an advantage. All of his senses sharpened. He listened, straining for the slightest sounds that were unnatural to the surroundings. And then he heard the faintest click.

  He dropped to the ground effortlessly in one liquid motion as the bullet whizzed above him. He scanned the parking lot and spotted the figure in the distance, taking aim again.

  Darius moved then, unleashing himself. He covered the distance separating him and his would-be killer in one second and snatched the gun from the man’s hands. The man flailed and writhed, cursing, striking him with useless blows.

  Darius’s nostrils flared. He brought the pistol closer to his nose and inhaled the sweet, metallic odor. Silver. Kryptonite for him and his kind. His gaze snapped back to the man, and he understood instantly who—what—he was. “Hunter,” he spat.

  “And you’re Darius,” the guy sneered, his lip curling over his teeth. He grimaced when Darius tightened his hold around his throat.

  “How’d you find me?” He’d worked hard to stay off the grid.

  “You’re on every hunter’s wish list—the lycan without a pack. You should have been taken out years ago.”

  Darius didn’t bother responding. How could he explain that he was different from the rest of the lycans out there? The hunter wouldn’t believe him. He scoured the area for more hunters. Where there was one, there were others.

  Almost on cue, a dark SUV tore into the lot at full speed. The vehicle jerked to a stop several feet before them, trapping them within the bright glare of headlights. Singed rubber polluted the air.

  Darius positioned the hunter in front of him, not keen on taking a silver bullet. The other hunters spilled out of the SUV. Using the doors for cover, they sized up Darius and the captive hunter.

  “Sam, you okay?” one barked out.

  “Let him go!” another shouted.

  Darius smiled lazily, considering the scenario. Four hunters, all with weapons aimed at him. He’d faced worse odds.

  “I’d be happy to let you all go. If you just walk away and forget you ever saw me.”

  “Not a chance in hell!”

  Darius sighed. He didn’t relish killing anyone, even hunters. They thought they were doing the right thing. Truthfully, most lycans needed killing. They killed indiscriminately, gorging themselves every full moon. Like rabid dogs, they needed to be put down.

  Sam squirmed in his grasp, his efforts wasted. The slightest squeeze and Darius could put an end to him. Years ago, he would have. Before he’d regained his conscience.

  “How’d you find me?” he pressed, tightening his grip on Sam’s throat. For years, he’d been mere myth and legend. He’d like to know how his existence had been verified, how he’d suddenly made it onto every hunter’s kill list. It was a mistake he wouldn’t make again.

  “You’ve been getting a lot of exposure lately. Heard you’ve been working with some kill-forhires—and a bunch of scientists,” Sam panted. “Did you think you could hide from us? We’ve got men everywhere.”

  He shouldn’t have been surprised. Single-minded in his focus, he’d cast his usual caution aside and gotten sloppy in his quest to break his curse. Hiring dozens of researchers, historians, and even his own army to accompany him on certain missions wasn’t exactly keeping a low profile.

  He couldn’t regret it, though. The prey he hunted wasn’t anything he’d ever faced before. He didn’t know what to expect, but he had to defeat her. For himself. For the world.

  “I don’t know what you’ve been pla
ying at, dog, but you’ve lived long enough. Time to give it up.”

  He sighed. He’d played enough with these hunters, who smelled of the silver they packed. “Five of you? You really should have brought more—”

  He flung Sam toward his comrades in a swift shove. Before anyone could register what had just happened, he catapulted into the air, touching down on top of the SUV before springing through the air and landing in the parking lot. He rushed across the asphalt, a blur in the night, too fast for the eye to process. Bullets plugged the air around him.

  He stopped moments later, several miles away. The night hummed around him, silent except for the distant growl of cars on the far-off highway.

  Sliding his hands into his pockets, he was comforted by the crinkle of paper there. That was all that mattered. Whistling softly, he strode down the sidewalk.

  In the marrow of his bones, he knew he was closing in—he felt it. He’d have her this time. Whether or not he reclaimed his soul in the process, he’d finally have her.

  He’d have justice.


  Her face is lovely in her utter stillness. Possibly lovelier than the other two. Air falls in hot rasps from your lips. It’s impossible to resist. You have to touch her. Just a slide of your fingertips against her cheek, her throat, the delicate shape of her collarbone.

  Envy fills you… deep and dark, a covetous yearning that pools in all those hollow places inside, every nook and cranny, until you’re overflowing, ready to burst.

  You reach for the bag and spread rose petals around her gentle curves, taking care to crush a few of the petals so their aroma curls on the air. So romantic.

  In your other hand—the knife.

  It feels comfortable. Right. Like it belongs there.

  You give her cheek a sharp little slap, trying to rouse her. No sense in doing this if she isn’t awake to appreciate it.

  She moans, a catlike little mewl, and you can’t help wondering if she makes that sound when she makes love, too. When she’s with him. The very possibility consumes you, smolders hotly in your blood until your breath falls fast and hard. Eager for it, you slap her harder.

  Her eyes flutter open, and it’s there in that glimmering brown—her absolute wonder and awe as she sees you. You press the knife to her supple flesh and understanding floods her face. She knows.

  She’s ready.

  At last.

  Now you can begin.

  * * *

  TRESA WOKE WITH A gasp, a scream lodged in her throat. She clutched the bedcovers to her heaving chest, staring blindly at the wall, straight ahead at the picture of a sandy beach dotted with striped umbrellas. She blinked, trying to focus on the seascape and rid herself of the image of a dying girl.

  But the horrible images clung, impossible to shake. Just like the other dreams. They were becoming a regular occurrence.

  It surprised her that mere dreams should take such a hold on her and fill her with such horror. She had lived through countless terrible things and those images haunted her every time she closed her eyes. Even though the memories were faint and gray, she struggled to suppress the fuzzy recollections so that they didn’t overwhelm and cripple her.

  But this dream was fresh, frighteningly clear. Just like the others, it felt… real. Like it wasn’t even a nightmare. The aroma of roses still teased her nose.

  She dragged a hand over her face and closed her eyes in a slow blink. The girl’s face was waiting, the brown eyes rising up in the dark of her mind. Tresa quickly reopened her eyes.

  The girl’s fear, her terror and pain… the person wielding the knife had relished every moment.

  She flung back her covers and stepped into her slippers. Walking from her bedroom, she flipped on the kitchen light and squinted in the glare. The light provided some comfort; experience had taught her that monsters preferred the dark.

  Opening her fridge, she removed a carton of orange juice and poured herself a glass. Setting the empty carton aside, she took a long drink. She’d need to brave a trip to the store tomorrow.

  In truth, she dreaded her excursions out into the world less lately. She felt… safer somehow. Almost at ease. It had been over a year now. A year where she had led a safe, seemingly human existence. Fourteen months had passed since her demon attempted a possession. Some days she almost convinced herself that she was a normal woman.

  Some nights, eating popcorn in front of her television, or looking for the right kind of shampoo at the grocery store, or brushing her teeth, the awareness of what she was slipped entirely from her consciousness. For those few blessed moments, she felt peace. She forgot that she was a witch who had surrendered her soul to a demon over two thousand years ago.

  And then she’d suddenly remember, and the reality would crash down on her.

  The repeating nightmares couldn’t be coincidental. Was it his doing? Balthazar using a new ploy to get at her? Usually he invaded her directly, planting himself inside her mind and taking over her body, but maybe he’d found a new way to torment her.

  She squeezed the bridge of her nose. Her head was already starting to ache. Shoving thoughts of Balthazar away, she washed her glass. Putting it back in the cabinet, she moved into her bedroom, determined to return to sleep.

  The nightmare probably had nothing to do with Balthazar. Her overactive imagination had probably latched onto some horrible story she’d seen on the news last night.

  Climbing into bed, she pulled the warm covers up to her chin and snuggled into them, enjoying her bed. Outside the wind whistled, stirring the wind chimes she’d hung on the porch. It was the longest time she’d stayed in one place. She actually felt comfortable here.

  With a deep sigh, she closed her eyes and prayed to a God she was sure no longer heard her prayers that Balthazar continued to stay away. For the first time, she was somewhere that was beginning to feel like home. And even though she didn’t deserve it, she didn’t want to lose this.

  * * *

  THE FOLLOWING MORNING, TRESA put on her heavy snow boots for the half-mile trek into town. She had an all-terrain vehicle in the garage, but she rarely used it. Maybe the fresh air would help chase away the vestiges of her nightmare. While the nightmare hadn’t returned, she’d slept fitfully, as though she feared it would return if she let down her guard.

  Standing, she glanced outside. The snow fell swiftly and a shiver coursed down her spine. You’d think after residing in subarctic climes for generations, she’d be used to it.

  Shaking her head, she grabbed her thick, hooded parka off the hook and tucked herself into it. Stepping outside, she closed the door and stood on the porch, tugging on her gloves and inhaling the crisp, cold air.

  The skin at her nape prickled, and she stilled, gloves half on as her eyes narrowed on the snowy landscape. The bare, snow-packed road stared back at her. Her gaze moved on, scanning the tree line, studying the dark foliage peeking out from the thick blanket of white. She looked for anything, the slightest thing that wasn’t part of the natural landscape.

  The flesh on her neck still tingled, but she didn’t see anything. She usually sensed Balthazar before he made his presence known. Their bond was palpable. If he was here, she’d know.

  Of course, there were other things out there. Things like her. Inhuman creatures that had no right to life. Creatures that hunted and preyed on the innocent. That preyed on her. Not that she was in any way innocent.

  With one last glance to assure herself that no one was lurking about, she set a brisk pace to town, letting the activity warm her blood. Her breath fogged in front of her in froths of white. Her thoughts veered to her nightmare again. The images intruded on her in bursts, like flashes of lightning in the dark.

  Soon she was passing the post office that shared space with the police station. It was a small town where everyone knew everyone else. They even knew her. At least what she presented to them: Tresa King, a freelance writer who sometimes, when the courage seized her, volunteered at the nursing home.

  When a month had passed and Balthazar hadn’t harassed her, she’d thought she’d test the waters and see if socializing attracted his notice and stirred him from wherever he’d gone. She’d chosen solitude not because she wanted to be alone, but because it was the responsible thing to do. No one was safe around her as long as she was under the thumb of a demon.

  She’d started out volunteering a few hours a week, reading and visiting with the elderly, ready to flee at the first sign of Balthazar. As the weeks stretched out without sight or sound from him, she took on more hours.

  The door of Mountain Pines chimed when she entered the lobby. She stomped her snowy boots on the heavy rug. The place had that pungent smell found in nursing homes and hospitals, the stench of sickness mingled with antiseptic. The staff took extra care to make the place homey, though, and Tresa always felt comfortable the moment she stepped inside.

  The lobby contained several couches and side tables. Lamps emitted a warm, fuzzy glow. There was something comforting about the place.

  “Hello, Tresa,” Marcie greeted from the desk.

  Tresa smiled back, removing her gloves. “Hi. How was your weekend?” Picking up the pen, she scrawled her name on the volunteer clipboard.

  “Watched that new Matt Damon movie. Good stuff. Not much else to do… Can’t believe we got another snowfall this late in the year.”

  “Yeah.” She tugged her scarf down from her lips. “Still steady out there.”

  Marcie nodded.

  Setting down her pen, Tresa flashed her a smile. “I’ll have to check out that movie.”

  Marcie nodded. “Definitely.”

  Tresa walked the familiar path to the community room. Two women and a man in a bright red vest sat around one of the round tables near the television, staring vaguely at a morning talk show where two women bantered cheerfully and discussed the latest spring fashions.

  Tresa stopped at the table and cleared her throat until she snared their attention. Pulling a deck of cards from her pocket, she asked, “Who’s up for a game?”

  The old man in the vest grinned, revealing a set of perfect dentures. “About time you got here.”


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