The Girl in the White House

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The Girl in the White House Page 13

by Nick Harlow

  “This is Gina Collins...”

  “Ms. Collins, in about an hour your network will broadcast an exclusive piece of video showing the withdrawal of our troops from the red line.” The voice was female with a husky tone, like one belonging to someone who smoked four packs a day and lived in a bar. Was it altered or real? She certainly didn’t recognize it as one belonging to any well-known public official. “The video we are providing is already at your network and will serve as confirmation of the military withdrawal. You are to report that all members of the media are being evacuated from the region as we speak, and that video will be broadcast first. This part is what we need you to report immediately. Shortly after the video showing all media have all been cleared from the area, we will contact your senior producer and give her the go-ahead on the other video which I understand you have already been briefed on.”

  “Yes, I’ve already, uh, written the story in my head.”

  “Excellent. We know you’ll do a good job. Do you have any questions?”

  “I’d ask who you are, but I know you’re not going to tell me.”

  “You’ll never know my identity and not ever hear from me after today, but for now you may call me Jane.”

  “How long do you need me to go with this... story?”

  “As long as it takes. We will continue to provide your network with the necessary instructions as needed, and you with any updates or pertinent information that you need to relay to the public. It is important that the narrative be continued to convince the terrorists we are complying... and until the situation with POTUS and the hostages has been resolved. I will continue to stay in touch through the entire process, so you will not have to, as you say in your business, wing it. You are to stay at your current location until further notice. You will receive updates from me at least every fifteen minutes.”

  “Suppose I need to get in touch with you?”

  “I’ll know it.”

  Her hair stood on end as she looked around. Was “Jane” nearby? Maybe in the FBI truck? “One more question... if all the media have been evacuated, how will I explain where the video comes from?”

  “I was about to get to that. Your network will be broadcasting exclusive cell phone video sent from a soldier to his wife, who happens to be an old friend of yours. She forwarded the video to you.”

  “That actually makes sense. You’ve certainly covered all the bases. Anything else?”

  “Just know that we appreciate your help more than you know, Ms. Collins.”

  “I sure hope so. I’m crossing a big line here.”

  “We understand, Ms. Collins, and we know your reputation. Which is why you are the perfect person to pull this off. You are being a true patriot. Your assistance will not be forgotten and you will be rewarded with a number of major exclusives in the future.”

  “Thank you.”

  “Talk soon.” The call ended. She was about to put the phone back in her pocket when it rang again.

  Brett Lauria.

  “Gina Collins...”

  “It’s me. We’re about to have some movement. One of the hostages who has been shot needs medical attention. They are going to allow a doctor and nurse into the White House.”

  “So what was all that shooting about? Who started it? Did you guys make a move on the terrorists?”

  “Can’t tell you right now.”

  “Who got shot?”

  “Can’t tell you that either. But it’s not the President or Sydney. I’ll give you the heads up when we get a doctor ready to go in. Right now you can simply go with what I just told you. Along with one more thing.”


  She heard him exhale. “One of the hostages has been killed.” His voice was filled with sadness. Someone he knew? Another agent?

  “Do you know who?”

  “I do, but the family hasn’t been notified yet. And won’t be until this whole thing is over.”

  “Is it a member of the cabinet? Or an agent?”

  “I’m sorry, I can’t tell you, Gina. Out of respect for the family.”

  “I understand. Brett, are, uh, you in the loop about some video—”

  The line went dead.

  She slowly nodded and put the phone back in her pocket. “I’ll take that as a yes.”

  PRESIDENT DONOVAN LEANED forward, trying to hear Mayfair and the other men, but to no avail.

  Desperately needing to know about those gunshots.

  Mayfair’s severely tightened face told him that something had gone wrong... but who were they shooting at?

  FBI? Secret Service?

  Surely Sydney wouldn’t try... dammit, she would.

  Because I’d do it for her.

  The television was muted, but the crawl across the bottom of the screen sent his blood pressure rocketing.

  Donovan orders retreat from red line... shots fired at White House, one hostage dead, one injured... terrorists to allow medical team into White House to treat wounded hostage... media evacuated from province along with troops...

  “One dead...”

  Gladys reached over and patted his hand. “I’m sure it’s not Sydney.”

  “Then who the hell was shooting?”

  “Gotta be Ryan. No way he’d let the kids come up in that elevator. He probably thought it was a way to end this from the inside. You know he wouldn’t just sit there.”

  Donovan shook his head. “No, that doesn’t make sense. Ryan wouldn’t start something unless the guys outside were making a move as well. And surely he knows he’s only one guy against an army. He wouldn’t leave Sydney alone. He’d stay down there with the kids and protect them, knowing Mayfair couldn’t get down—” his eyes widened. “Oh, no.”


  “I just remembered.”

  “Remembered what?”

  “The other access point to the bunker.”


  The sound of the incoming call on the teleprompter computer made everyone jump. Kyle slid his chair toward the keyboard and pressed a button that would let the call connect.

  Sydney moved closer. “Who’s calling?”

  “We don’t exactly have caller ID, but we’ll find out shortly. I hope.”

  They heard a few clicks, and then an unfamiliar male voice.

  “Rum Runner, this is Jetpack. I hope you can hear me. I got your message and our favorite I-T genius tells me this is the right number. We will be sending in a surgeon and a nurse to take care of you within the hour. Do not initiate any more aggressive action on your part and remain in the safety of the bunker. Repeat, do NOT initiate further action. We have the situation under control. Please respond via text as you did before so that I know you received this message. Hang tight, guys, we’ll get you outta there. Jetpack out.”

  “Who are Rum Runner and Jetpack?” asked Scott.

  “Ryan’s college nickname was Rum Runner,” said Kyle. “This is his roommate he calls Jetpack from the FBI. He’s the one we’ve been texting. So our crazy system is working. It’s a convoluted way of communicating, but it gets the job done.” The call disconnected and Kyle clicked over to the website which allowed him to send a text. “Okay, sounds like help is on the way for Agent Ryan.” He typed out a text reading Message received, Jetpack, thank you! and sent it.

  Sydney turned to Andrea. “Can you keep him alive until the doctor arrives?”

  She nodded. “I think so. But we can’t waste a single minute. Tell you what... it would help if we could get him moved to the medical facility so the doctor can get started right away when he gets here. I know enough so I can get things prepped and ready to go for surgery. I can start an I-V and get his leg cleaned up.”

  “Good thinking. Vince, can you give her a hand?”

  He nodded. “Sure. Let’s do it.” He and Andrea headed toward Ryan.

  Sydney took a quick look at the clock.

  Within the hour...

  And then turned to Scott, who was chatting with Kyle.

  He noticed and turned to her. “What?”

  She cocked her head toward the Situation Room. “Can I talk to you for a minute?”

  “Sure.” He got up and followed her into the room. “You’ve got that worried look. What’s up?”

  She looked over his shoulder to make sure no one was watching, then took his hands. “Look, in less than an hour a doctor will arrive and you’ll be getting in the elevator to turn yourself over to some very dangerous people. And then they’ll fly you to God knows where.”

  “I know, that’s the deal we made. We’ve been over that. I’ll be okay, Syd. It’s the only way to keep Ryan alive.”

  “I just want you to know that what you’re doing is incredibly brave. Giving yourself up to save him.”

  He shrugged. “You were about to do something similar for your father. And you didn’t bat an eye, so don’t make me out to be something special. Besides, I know they won’t kill me because I’m their life insurance policy, so I’m not exactly giving myself up.”

  “Yeah, but it is still putting you in harm’s way and you don’t have to do it. Besides, I was going to do it for my dad and you barely know Ryan. Anyway, when I heard that a doctor is coming in an hour, it finally hit me. I just got this chill, Scott... that I might never see you again—”

  “Stop it. Again, we’ve already been through this. They are not going to hurt me. They need me to keep the plane from being shot down and I know how much money my father has stashed that they can ask for ransom. I’m worth a lot more to them alive than dead.”

  “Suppose they don’t let you go after they get the ransom?”

  “At that point they’ll be in some country without an extradition agreement and they won’t care about me. And after being double-crossed, I would think they’d want me to come home and help take down my father. I plan to tell them I’ll do it. Geez, you are a world class worrier. When this is all over I need to teach you how to relax.”

  “Scott, be serious. I guess with everything that’s gone on today I’m seeing you in a different light. Though I’ve been looking at you differently for a while.”

  “Syd, you’re making this worse—”

  “For God’s sake, let me finish. I want you to know that... well, when I said I can’t lose you... you mean much more to me now that I might. So please, don’t go rogue and do anything stupid. Come back to me.”

  “I won’t. I mean, I won’t go rogue and I will come back. But you’re the one prone to going off the reservation. So make me the same promise. Don’t start freelancing and be here when I do get back.”

  She squeezed his hands and nodded. “Sure. I promise.”

  He shook his head. “Pffft. I don’t believe you for one minute.” He shot her a little smile that seemed to melt her heart.

  “Just come back to me.” She moved forward and hugged him like never before.

  “And you just be here in one piece when I do.”

  Kyle interrupted them, holding something small in his hand. “Scott, you need to take this with you.”


  “It’s the SIM card from your cell phone. Put it in your sock. It could let us track you wherever Mayfair takes you.”

  “Seriously? You can track a SIM card? Even out of the country?”

  Kyle nodded. “Well, you can’t track a SIM card by itself. You’d have to put it in a working phone.”

  “How in the world do you expect me to pull a SIM card out of my sock and put it in a phone while I’m on a plane with Mayfair and his gang?”

  “I have no idea. But at some point the bad guys will be calling your father for ransom, right? Who knows, maybe you can get your hands on a phone when no one is looking and put the SIM card in. You wouldn’t even have to make a call, just get it into a phone. It’s a long shot, but you never know.”

  Scott took the SIM card and slid it into his sock. “Hell, considering how much you’ve done with all the junk we’ve had to work with, it wouldn’t surprise me if this actually worked.”

  PRESIDENT DONOVAN NODDED as he watched the coverage on the television.

  It showed the media people were being evacuated from the red line.

  Harry figured it out. It’s working.

  I think.

  Mayfair also kept an eye on the TV, wearing a slight smile.

  Donovan turned toward the Secretary of State and whispered as he pointed at the TV. “I think Harrison got my message.”

  “We’ll know for sure when we see part two of the withdrawal with the troops. But I think you’re right. Good thing you two are always on the same wavelength.”

  “We have been since we served together. Why do you think I chose him as Secretary of Defense?” Donovan turned back toward Mayfair. “So, Mayfair, now that you’re starting to get what you want, how about releasing some of the hostages as a show of good faith? I gave you something, so give me something. What do you say?”

  Mayfair shook his head as he laughed a bit. “Long way to go, Mister President. Our troops aren’t out of the way yet. I need to see them leaving as well. And you didn’t give me something. I took it from you. Big difference. I don’t have to give you anything. My rules, remember?”

  “Fine. Call it whatever you want. But I got the ball rolling with the withdrawal and I’ve cooperated. I’ve done everything you’ve asked. C’mon, Mayfair, surely your boss or whoever you’re working for doesn’t need the White House clerical staff as hostages. These people haven’t done anything to you. Let some of them go. Why don’t you give the person in charge a call and make the suggestion?”

  “Sorry, I’m not calling anyone. I’m following my original orders and I was told in no uncertain terms that nobody goes free till the mission is complete. When all the troops are gone, you’ll all be free to go. Until then, you’re staying put. But as long as you keep cooperating, no one gets hurt. So just relax and be patient.”

  “Keep cooperating? What else do you need from me?”

  “Not yet. It will all be clear in due time.”

  “Mayfair, you do know that I have the power of a Presidential pardon. I can get you out of this if you surrender and tell me who’s behind this whole thing.”

  “Yeah, like you’d do that for me. The country would crucify you.”

  “Not if it results in all the hostages going free and putting your boss behind bars. I can get you immunity if you give up the people in charge and testify against them. The country would go for that, I’m sure of it. They’d simply see you as a pawn if we could put the mastermind behind bars. You still have a chance to stop this before things go completely off the rails.”

  “Why would I want to?”

  “Because a ton of innocent people will die when the Russians take over. Seriously, Mayfair, I’m willing to deal. I’ll put something in writing right now if you want.”

  “And it will mysteriously disappear after I surrender. Or it will be ruled that you made the deal under duress and considered invalid. That you were incapacitated and the document isn’t legal. I’m not stupid. I’m just a soldier following orders, Mister President. Just like those you have sent to guard that red line. Did you ever consider that maybe I’m saving their lives?”

  “No. You’re playing God, trading lives.”

  “And you just traded a whole bunch for your daughter. I wonder how the voters will feel about that on election day.”

  GINA COLLINS STOOD in front of the camera and heard a different voice through her earpiece, that of the senior producer. “Gina, it’s Caroline. Got your exclusive video ready to roll. Great stuff showing the withdrawal from the red line. We were real lucky that you’re friends with that soldier’s wife who shared it with you.”

  “Right.” Gina could tell the producer was saying that for the benefit of those in the control room.

  The producer lowered her voice to a whisper. “Are you clear on everything?”

  “Crystal. And I assume you are as well.”

  “Yep. By the way, the Secretary of Defense s
aid the withdrawal should take no more than ten hours. Maybe less, if you know what I mean. I’m sure you’ll probably get more video from that friend of yours.”

  “Yes, it’s nice that she’s sharing that with me.”

  “Stand by. Thirty out.”

  Gina gave the camera the thumbs up as she saw the network anchor in the monitor talk about some exclusive piece of video the network had just obtained. “Our Gina Collins is standing by live at the White House with some breaking news about what’s happening overseas. Gina...”

  “You’re up!”

  “Jack, we were lucky enough to get some cell phone video of troops leaving the red line. This was sent by a soldier to his wife, who happens to be a personal friend and has shared it with me. So I’m sharing it with our viewers so that everyone can see exactly what’s going on. Take a look.” She saw the video begin to roll. “As you can see, President Donovan’s orders to withdraw are being followed, as soldiers are leaving the area. We are told that all American troops will be out of the area within ten hours. Maybe less. The media were evacuated earlier so we don’t have any updates from our embedded crew right now, but we’re lucky enough to have this exclusive look at what’s happening thanks to that soldier’s wife. And she told me she would keep me updated on anything new she receives from her husband, so you can expect more exclusive updates. We can only assume the Russians are ready to fill that empty space and take over the region once the American troops have left. Since the terrorists demands are being met, we are eagerly awaiting the release of the President and all the hostages but we have no idea when or if that will happen.”

  SYDNEY SHOOK HER HEAD as she watched Gina Collins talk about the soldiers beginning their withdrawal. “Still can’t believe my father agreed to this. It’s just not like him to give in so quickly. And standing up to the Russians on this was so important to him. Doesn’t make sense.”

  Scott patted her on the shoulder. “It’s a no-win situation either way. And I know he’s concerned about you. He didn’t have much choice.”


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