Related Attribute: Personality
Requirements: None
This skill allows a character to intimidate another character into a desired course of action. To use this target, the player must state the intended purpose. A target number is assigned by the Narrator and is modified by the target’s cognizance attribute bonus. The difficulty can also be upgraded by category depending on the amount of knowledge the target has of the given subject intimidated on. Also, the difficulty is adjusted on a one-for-one point bonus for the target character’s level.
Target Number Category Difficulty Example
9 Easy Target is friendly
15 Average Target is neutral
21 Difficult Target is fearful
27 Hard Target is aggressive/agitated
36 Heroic Target is aggressive/hostile
48 Impossible Target is aggressive/combative
Example: Regis is trying to gain entrance into the Double Scale merchant’s guild. Last time he tried to bluff his way in. This time he’s going to use the threat of force to get past the door guard. Regis’s intimidate skill is 10. The guard is currently neutral (difficulty of 15); however, the guard is also level 10. This would increase the difficulty to 25. Also, the guard has a +2 modifier from his cognizance attribute, for a total difficulty of 27. Regis will need to roll a 17 or higher on 3d8 to succeed (Base target number + attribute modifier – Regis’s skill).
Related Attribute: Knowledge
Requirements: None
There is more to the skill of hunting than going out and finding food to eat. Anyone can stalk around in nature looking for some animal to claim as dinner. Hunting, however, describes the skill of observing tracks, identifying the animal related to the track, and following it. A skilled woodsman, by using other skills such as stalk, hide, spot, and listen can position himself in a position to “stumble” upon a target. The hunting skill allows that woodsman to identify and track the prey.
Target Number Category Difficulty Example
9 Easy Ground is extremely soft, snow, or mud; some other imprint that is highly observable; heavy foliage that something has passed by (broken limbs, tall grass pressed down), current environmental conditions will not erode tracks (i.e. it isn’t raining)
15 Average Ground is soft (capable of leaving an imprint); medium foliage or short grass that would indicate that something has passed by or that current environmental conditions will slightly disfigure tracks, but not erode tracks (i.e. currently misting or drizzle rain)
21 Difficult Ground is somewhat soft (capable of leaving an imprint); light foliage, very short grass to no grass at all or that current environmental conditions will disfigure tracks if the conditions persist (i.e. slight rain)
27 Hard Ground is normal where any track would be very light or that current environmental conditions will disfigure tracks soon (moderate rain fall, light snow) 36 Heroic Ground is harder than normal or that current environmental conditions will disfigure tracks quickly (hard rain fall, moderate snow)
48 Impossible Ground is hard, open area or that current environmental conditions will disfigure tracks rapidly (heavy rain fall or heavy snow fall)
Example: A commoner was attacked a day’s ride from the city gates. Leevant has been dispatched to investigate the attack. Before Leevant can arrive at the spot of the attack, heavy clouds roll in with an extremely violent thunderstorm. Heavy rain and high wind has severely affected the ground. The ground is currently wet and would be considered Easy ground (9) to track if he were trying to track something in that muddy ground.
Unfortunately, Leevant is trying to find something that occurred before the heavy rainfall. The target number to track anything before the rain is 48 (impossible). Leevant’s hunting skill is 10, which makes the total sum to be rolled 38. Leevant rolls an 8, 8, 8. With a skill of 10, he rerolls two of the eights and receives a 7 and 4. This makes his total roll 35 and grants a success. He is able to discern that there is a set of human tracks leading off to the north.
Depending on the level of success, the character can discern more information about what left the tracks. As above, Leevant minimally succeeded. The most he can determine is that the tracks are human.
Alice, however, was in the area right after the attack. Her hunting skill is 15. The ground at the time was soft with short grass on which some sort of indention had been made. The target number is 15 (Average) due to the conditions present. Alice’s needed sum total is 1. She rolls a 7, 8, and 2. She rerolls the 8 and adds an additional 7 for a total of 24, 23 points more than she needed. With this success, she is able to determine that the tracks that lead to the north are from a human approximately five-feet tall and wearing hard- soled boots. This human must have been injured, because the right leg drags more than the left.
Intuit Direction
Related Attribute: Cognizance
Requirements: None This skill allows the character to
determine which way is north, south, east,
or west. Some of this is the character’s
ability to keep track of which way north
is at all times. Other times the character
can look at his surroundings to determine
direction. Certain “tricks” can guide the
character (e.g. star placement, clues from
plant growth).
Target Number Category Difficulty Example
9 Easy Area character is strongly familiar with
15 Average Area character is generally familiar with
21 Difficult Area character is slightly familiar with
27 Hard Area character is not familiar with, but it is morning or evening and there are natural surroundings that may give clues
36 Heroic Area character is not familiar with, at night
48 Impossible Indoors or underground, no light, character unfamiliar with area, and is disoriented
Example: Leevant followed the human tracks into an old hut. As he entered the hut, the rotten wood flooring gave way. He tumbled down through a carved-out tunnel, down through the passages, and into a pool of water a few inches deep. It is safe to say that Leevant is disoriented, indoors or underground. The target number for Leevant to succeed an intuit direction roll is 48 (impossible).
Related Attribute: Average of Agility and Physical Strength
Requirements: None
This skill is used for vertical and horizontal jumping. The distance a character can jump is relative to the size of the character. The maximum distance a character can jump vertically is the character’s height times 1.5 (assuming that the character has had a running start, half if no running start). The maximum distance a character can jump vertically is the height times 4 (assuming that the character has had a running start, half if no running start). Example: Alcove is five feet four inches tall. His maximum vertical jump distance is 8.1 feet (5.4 * 1.5 = 8.1). His maximum horizontal jump distance is 21.6 feet (5.4 * 4 = 21.6).
Target Number Category Difficulty Example
9 Easy 0% to 16% of maximum vertical or horizontal distance
15 Average 17% to 32% of maximum vertical or horizontal distance
21 Difficult 33% to 48% of maximum vertical or horizontal distance
27 Hard 49% to 64% of maximum vertical or horizontal distance Running start required of at least three steps
36 Heroic 65% to 80% of maximum vertical or horizontal distance Running start required of at least eight steps
48 Impossible 81% to 100% of maximum vertical or horizontal distance. Running start required of at least 16 steps.
Example: Alcove is stuck on the roof top. The guard will break through the door soon. His only means of escape is to jump from this roof top to the adjacent building approximately 15 feet away. Alcove is approximately five feet four inches tall. His maximum horizontal jump distance is 21.6 feet (5.4 times 4). The adjacent roof top is within his range but at a base target n
umber of 36 (Heroic: 13.65 feet to 16.8 feet) and there is enough space on the roof top to get at least an eight-step running start. His jumping skill is 15. Alcove’s physical strength is 12, however his agility is 20 giving him an average of 16 and a +1 to his skill. His sum total needed is 20. He rolls a 3, 1, and 8. With a skill of 15, he rerolls the 1 and 8 and receives a 5 and 8. His sum total is 25.
Language: Speak
Related Attribute: Knowledge
Requirements: None
The Language skill is broken down into two categories that the character may spend points in, speak and read/write. A skill roll must be made when a character communicates in a language. The goal is to communicate information. The less a character knows of a language, the less the character can communicate. All language skills are considered automatic successes when the character reaches skill level 16. Soterion does have a basic language all can use to communicate to others, called Universal. This was a created language agreed upon by the seven kingdoms in order to have direct communication rather than speaking through interpreters.
The known languages are Adam, Akana, Dadaq, Drakoni, Gabad, Kalat, Miyka, Nepsah, Raphad, Remmy, Showrad, Yaarma, and Universal (Soterion’s common language). Target Number Automatic 5
Category Difficulty Example Easy Skill level 16 Average Skill level 13-15 Difficult Skill level 10-12 Hard Skill level 7-9 Heroic Skill level 4-6 Impossible Skill level 1-3
Example: Leevant is lost and tries to communicate with a Nepsah for directions. His Language: Speak Nepsha skill is only rank 5 so his target number to roll is 16. This roll must occur at each phase of communication. Leevant asks the Nepsah where the inn is. He rolls a 5, 3, and 2 for a total of 10. The Nepsah looks at Leevant, laughs, and then speaks. Leevant now rolls a total of 11 to determine if he understands the Nepsah correctly. What does a purple donkey have to do with an inn, he wonders?
Language: Read/Write
Related Attribute: Knowledge
Requirements: None
The Language skill is broken down into two categories in which the character may spend points, speak and read/write. This skill addresses the character’s ability to read and write. Like Language: Speak, the goal is to communicate information. All language skills are considered automatic successes when the character reaches skill rank 16. Until then, the character must make a skill check every time he wishes to read or write. Success means that the character is able to read the item perfectly. Failure means that there is something the character does not understand or misreads. The Narrator determines the effects of skill failure on a case by case basis.
Target Number
Listen Related Attribute: Cognizance
Requirements: None
This skill is a character’s ability to pick up on sounds that are not obvious. Category Difficulty Example Easy Skill level 16 Average Skill level 13-15 Difficult Skill level 10-12 Hard Skill level 7-9 Heroic Skill level 4-6 Impossible Skill level 1-3
Target Number Category Difficulty Example
9 Easy Hearing a normal conversation through a standard door
15 Average Hearing a whispered conversation through a standard door
21 Difficult Picking out a conversation in room filled with people having separate conversations
27 Hard Tumblers falling into place on a lock
36 Heroic Subtle sounds like breathing
48 Impossible A whisper through three feet of concrete
Example: Regis has finally made it into the guild house. He knows that his belongings are located in a safe. He doesn’t know the combination but wants to see if he can pick the lock. He puts his ear to the lock and starts turning the knob. With a listen skill of 15, Regis will need to roll a total sum of 12 or higher to hear the first tumbler. He’ll need to make subsequent rolls each time the knob is turned.
Related Attribute: Knowledge
Requirements: None
Everything has a history. The Lore skill gives the character the ability to know that history.
Target Number Category Difficulty Example
9 Easy Person or object of common knowledge
15 Average Person or object not generally know, but common knowledge to certain groups
21 Difficult Person or object of little known renown
27 Hard person or object not generally spoken of in history
36 Heroic General knowledge known to a few or of an obscure period of time or location
48 Impossible Specific knowledge known only to a few or of an Obscure period of time or location.
Example: Graphyl the Magi has noticed a sword hanging in a shop window. His Lore skill is 20. The base target number is 9 which makes the total sum Graphyl needed of 1. Graphyl rolls a 5, 7, and 7 for a total of 19. With 18 points of success, he can tell that the sword was not made locally nor recently. It was forged for a prince of Suchikos over three hundred years ago. The odd thing is that the prince disappeared shortly after receiving the sword.
Memory Recall
Related Attribute: Learning
Requirements: None
Memory recall is the skill used by characters to remember what they’ve experienced or have been told but can’t remember. Before rolling this skill, the player must specify what he is trying to remember. Unlike other skills, the base target number needed for success is 21.
Momentum Shift
Related Attribute: Cognizance
Requirements: None
During combat, a character with Momentum Shift is able to turn the group’s reaction into action. At any point within the turn, a character with momentum shift can use an action to roll this skill. A successful momentum shift increases the initiative of the entire group by 1 point for the next turn. See Combat for determining initiative. Only one member of the group can attempt a momentum shift per turn. Because the character is trying to change the momentum of the combat, the other combatants (if other players) or the Narrator rolls 3d8 and adds the skill of the opponent character’s own Momentum Shift skill (or highest of the opposing group). This is the target number the character must beat.
Target Number Category Difficulty Example 9+3d8 All Base target number Example: Both Leevant and Graphyl the Magi are in combat with Regis and Alcove. Regis and Alcove got the drop on Leevant and now have the initiative. Leevant sacrifices an action to use his Momentum Shift skill, which is 20. Regis also has the Momentum Shift skill at 10. Regis rolls 5, 7, and 7 for a total of 19 and makes Leevant’s base target number 29 (19 total sum rolled + Regis skill of 10). Leevant now must roll his Momentum Shift skill. With his skill at 20, the sum total he needs to roll is 9 or more (29 – Leevant’s skill of 20 = 9).
Open Lock
Related Attribute: Manual Dexterity
Requirements: Open Lock Kit
This skill allows a character to pick a lock. The most common application of this skill is the use of small needle-like picks to manipulate tumblers within a standard key lock. Depending on the design, however, some locks need more than a key. The target number needed to disable a device is dependent upon the quality of device created by a locksmith. The difference of a successful skill roll is added to a base target number used to create the lock to a value no larger than double the base target number).
Target Number Category Difficulty Example 9 Easy Base target number is the number needed to create the lock plus points the skill is succeeded by.
15 Average
21 Difficult
27 Hard
36 Heroic
48 Impossible
Example: Allen, a locksmith by trade, has created a lock to protect his belongings. He designed the lock to have a two-key system where both keys must be turned at the same time. Not hard for someone who has two keys, but it should be difficult for a rogue who needs both hands to
pick one lock. The lock was considered to be hard to make (27). Allen had a mechanic skill of 20 and needed to roll a 7 or higher on 3d8. On his skill roll, he rolled a 5, 8, and 1. On his additional rolls, he adds an extra 8 and 6. His total skill roll was 28 for a success of 21 points.
Five days later, Alcove is snooping around Allen’s home and finds a solid oak chest with the mechanical lock. His open lock skill is 15. The target number to open the lock would have been 48 (27 base plus 21 points Allen succeeded by when the lock was made). But because of the design Allen used, the Narrator has added 15 points to the difficulty level for picking the lock on his own. Alcove’s target number is 63. Alcove will need to roll a total sum of 48 to open the lock. (Note that two rogues working in tandem, however, would only have had a target number of 48 each. If both had an open lock skill of 15, each one would need a sum total of 33.
Related Attribute: By performance style
Requirements: By performance style
Performers have long used their skills to entertain others. Some, if good enough, can earn a living off of it. There are two purposes for this skill. First, obviously, is the quality of the performance. Second is how quickly the performer can prepare or learn new material.
Target Number
Poison Weapon Related Attribute: Manual Dexterity Requirements: Poison and kit With this skill, a character can coat a weapon with toxins in a way that offers maximum delivery. Anyone could spill poison on his weapon in hopes that it will affect the target. Most of the time, though, the poison evaporates, is rubbed off during normal handling of the weapon, or is unused during the life of the poison. A character with Poison Weapon knows how to coat the weapon and seal it so it remains effective until contact. Category Difficulty Example Easy
Bridge Worlds: Soterion Page 18