Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4)

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Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4) Page 17

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  "Come on then, we'd better start walking." I pushed further through the bushes until I came out into the field.

  "Aren't we gonna wait to see if anyone else comes out?"

  "And risk being caught here while we wait for them? No way come on we need to go."

  I kept low and ran through the field and up the hill towards the road, it was taking longer than expected because last night's heavy rain had made the field like a bog but we persevered and waded through the watery mud until we reached the edge of the field.

  "Fuck this shit I'm covered!"

  "Well did you have an alternative route?" I asked sarcastically.


  "Well then quit your whinging and keep up." I pulled my phone from my pocket when we reached the metal gate at the end of field and dialled Wes.

  "Saviour are you okay?" Wes asked concerned.

  "Yeah, did everyone get out?"

  "The calls are slowly coming through, I haven't heard from Polar, Hustler or Slick yet, have you seen them?"

  "Slick's with me but I haven't seen the other two." I lied.

  "Where are you?"

  "In a fucking field covered in mud and shit!"

  "Any landmarks near you?"

  I panned the area looking for anything that may be distinctive, "I can see a church not too far from here."

  "Brilliant, make your way there and I'll get someone to pick you up."

  I hung up and returned the phone to my pocket.

  "So what we doing?" Slick asked.

  "We're making our way to that church and hopefully a ride home."

  Slick and I got out of the taxi and made our way into the clubhouse. As I strolled in I noticed a few of the other guys sitting around the club mentally calculating how many we may have lost.

  "Saviour, take a seat." Onyx beckoned me over to where he was sitting at the back of the club.

  I strolled towards him trying to keep my cool under the intensity of his stare.

  "Were you with Polar?" he asked narrowing his eyes.

  "Yeah, we ran through the building but split when we realised someone was on our tail. I managed to find a side entrance and met up with Slick in the bushes outside.

  Onyx glanced towards Slick who nodded collaborating my story. I swallowed hard as I looked between them, "Is something going on that I should know about?" I asked.

  "Not that I know of yet!" He stated before he stood grabbing his bottle of Jack from the table and made his way to the back room.

  "I'm covered in shit and don't have a change of clothes so I'm gonna make a move home." I stated as I lifted my boot showing the evidence to some of the guys.

  "Yeah me too," Slick stated patting me on the back as he guided me towards the door. "Thanks for helping me out tonight, if it weren't for you I'd still be sitting in that bush." Slick said humbly.

  Fucking hell! These guys never ceased to amaze me, "Not a problem man, that's what brothers are for."

  I arrived home and stripped off before I made my way into the bathroom. "You fucking did it!" I whispered to myself as I leaned on the vanity unit. A small thrill of achievement rushed through my body at the thought of Polar not being able to hurt anyone ever again.

  I striped off quickly and got into the shower, and smiled to myself as I stood under the spray of the water, lathering my body to get rid of any evidence. Tonight had been a successful evening and I could see the light at the end of the tunnel but tomorrow I would up the ante and put the wheels in motion for Onyx to meet his maker.


  "Fuck!" I shouted as I bolted upright in my sofa bed holding the side of my face. I grabbed for my .45mm that I kept under my pillow but it wasn't there.

  I opened my eyes fully and saw Onyx, Hustler and Poet displaying an array of different emotions as they crowded me.

  "Fucking hell guys, a knock on the door or ringing my phone would've been enough to wake me up." I moved my jaw as the pain shot up the side of my face. "Is there a reason for this morning's wake up call?"

  Onyx surged forward and placed his hand around my neck, I scrambled fiercely grabbing his wrists with both hands trying to release some of the pressure but slowly reduced my resistance when Hustler pointed my .45 at my head.

  "We found Polar this morning," Onyx spat.

  I continued to struggle to catch my breath, "Well that's...good...news." I said gulping for air.

  "No coz he's fucking dead!" Onyx squeezed harder before he finally let go. I doubled over gulping for air trying to get oxygen into my lungs fast as they stung like a bitch.

  "What...do you...mean?" I wheezed still gasping trying to portray ignorance.

  "I mean he's dead as in not breathing but I can't get it out of my head that you were the last person to see him."

  "And what are you implying?" I asked looking shocked. "I know we didn't get on over the years but I didn't hate him enough to want him dead." I maintained eye contact but sighed slightly with relief as I saw Hustler slowly lower the gun in my peripheral vision.

  "If I find out that you were connected in any way shape or form to Priest's or Polar's deaths then you're a dead man yourself!"

  "What do I need to do to convince you that I haven't done anything?" I asked moving to the edge of the sofa bed.

  "You won't convince me either way, I'll do my own investigation." Onyx turned and stalked from the room without giving me a second glance as Hustler sneered and threw the gun onto the bed before following him out of my bedsit.

  Poet stood assessing me with his hands on his hips, "You're treading on very thin ice Saviour." We were interrupted from a low buzzing that was coming from the air vent in the wall. I sat motionless and assessed Poet's reaction as he located where the sound was coming from before he turned his attention to me. "You better get that," he sniggered before turning to leave the room.

  I stood breathing heavily as I made my way into the hall looking at the carnage they'd left behind as my front door swung back and forth on its hinges. Peeking through the gap I saw the three of them leave on their Harley's and quickly tried to place the door in its intended gap. "For fucks sake!" I said under my breath getting annoyed. The damage was superficial but it was the fucking inconvenience of it all. I could still hear the faint buzzing sound echoing in the air vent and stomped towards it annoyed that I'd left the sound on.

  I unscrewed the vent and reached in to retrieve the phone, "What?" I asked abruptly as I sat on the sofa bed.

  "Good morning Locke."

  "What do you want CJ?"

  "Just checking in to make sure you're okay?"

  I breathed a heavy sigh, "Yeah I'm good."

  "Well you don't sound it!"

  "Well I am. Cut to the chase I know you better than that, what do you want?" I asked getting annoyed by his questions.

  "I just wanted to remind you about Thursday. Your presence would be appreciated and it would help to make amends."

  Fuck! The drugs run, I'd completely forgotten about it especially with everything else going on at the moment. How could I possibly take off again without the Satan's becoming suspicious especially after what they'd just accused me of?

  "Are you there?"

  "Yeah CJ I'm here, I'm just thinking."

  "Fucking hell it's like getting blood out of a stone!" He sniggered at my blunt answers, "I'll call you again in the week to remind you."

  "I'm not a baby!"

  "Well stop acting like one." I could hear him let out a sigh, "Locke, you need to be here for this one mate. There are whispers in the club, you know what this lot are like it may be nothing but then again it could be true."

  "Go on..."

  "Duke's getting tired of your disappearing act."

  Duke was, fucking hell I was. I couldn't go on like this for much longer. "I'll be there."

  "You better!"

  "I said I'll fucking be there now get off my case." I hung up and made sure that the phone was on silent before I walked into the bathroom and removed the side panel of
the bath. I couldn't hide it in the same place now that Poet had heard it but thinking about it what was that all about? I had always got on with Poet, he didn't seem to fit in with the Satan's either because he had a conscience.

  He had the perfect opportunity to go outside and inform Onyx and Hustler of what he'd just witnessed but he'd been casual in his approach. My thinking was that he'd now hold it against me for his own gain but he still didn't strike me as an arsehole. This place and its people never ceased to amaze me.

  I lay on the bed resting my hands behind my head trying to relax. Two down, one to go but I could feel that I was running out of time. I needed to step it up and finish what I'd started before it was too late.

  Chapter 14


  By the time I arrived there wasn't enough space to park near everyone else so I had to park on the opposite side of the yard. I was anxious at how I'd be greeted, I'd been away more frequently not by choice but due to circumstances within the Satan's that I couldn't control. I removed my helmet and hooked it onto the handlebars before I dismounted my motorcycle, and made my way over to where the guys had congregated.

  As I walked around the corner I heard Duke's speaking to the group, “Have we got everyone?” There was a slight pause until he spoke again but this time with anger registering, “You gotta be fucking kidding me!” he shouted. “Where the fuck is he?” I knew straight away that he was referring to me and wanted to turn back around so that I could get on my motorcycle and ride the hell out of here but I knew deep down that I needed to front it out, I'd been running for too long. This was my family, this was the club that I belonged to and this was the club that I'd fight to stay a member of, even if it was the last thing I did.

  “Well?” No one answered Duke but I continued to stand still building up the courage to make myself seen as I heard a metal object being thrown around the yard. “That’s his fucking lot, he's gone.”

  Shit! I didn't realise how serious my absence from the club over recent years had become, and if he was throwing around threats like that then I'd seriously have to step up to be welcomed back.

  “Whoa there Duke! Don’t make any rash decisions man.” Bear tried to rationalise and calm Duke down on my behalf.

  “Fucking rash decisions Bear! He’s been disappearing for weeks, he can’t come and go as he pleases.” Again it went quiet and I took this opportunity to step into the yard to be seen and take what I had coming to me.

  “It was his fault that Viper died.” Duke screamed at the group, totally losing control. “If I hadn’t of gone looking for his sorry arse, I could’ve been there to protect Viper.”

  “Well, if you’ve felt like that all of these years, why didn’t you just say so?” I stated cutting in on the conversation, all eyes turned towards me as I glared in Duke's direction.

  “I ain't got time for this shit. I’ll deal with you when we get back, if you haven’t already disappeared!” He spat spitefully as he mounted his motorcycle and took off riding out of the yard.

  Bear let out a low whistle as he walked towards me. "Good timing man," he stated sniggering at my expense.

  The roar of the motorcycles made me flinch as some of the guys had decided to start their journey.

  "Well at least he's here, that's a good thing right?" CJ stood beside me trying to defend me as usual as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders.

  "You better make amends because it'll be up to me to reprimand you and I don't wanna be kicking your arse or taking your cut." Bear mounted his motorcycle and fastened his helmet, "He'll calm down eventually but it's probably best you stay out of his way today, just ride along with CJ." Bear nodded his head in our direction before he rode out of the yard.

  CJ turned and enveloped me in his arms giving me a manly hug as he patted my back. "I'm so pleased you made it in time."

  I sniggered, "Well it looks like you're the only one."

  "I'm the only one that matters." CJ gave me a wink, "Come on we'd better catch them up."

  The group pulled into the services on the A13 and made its way around the car park until Woods found a suitable position for us all. I did as I was told and stayed with CJ away from the main group and observed from a far as Bear and Diesel strutted over to Duke as soon as they parked.

  "No prizes as to what they're talking about."

  CJ removed his helmet and glanced in their direction. "Duke's a fucking hot head, once his period's over he'll be fine." CJ dismounted his motorcycle and placed his helmet on the handlebars, "I need a piss, you coming?"

  "Yeah, I'll grab us a quick drink while I wait." We walked towards the services through the car park with some of the other guys. A dark blue coloured Jeep caught my attention, Spike purchased one a couple of years back and swore that it was his best purchase other than his motorcycle. I wanted to buy a car or a 4x4 that could be used in the winter months rather than freezing my arse off on the Harley.

  I walked between the vehicles and glanced at the Jeep noticing two men sitting inside. As I got closer one of the men pulled down his baseball cap slightly as if to hide his identity from me. I continued weaving through the cars until we reached the entrance to the shop where the toilet blocks were, "CJ!" I shouted ahead. He turned and looked at me expectantly, "Without making it too obvious can you see that blue Jeep?"

  He glanced over my shoulder, "Yeah, is it the one that's just leaving the car park?" he asked watching as the Jeep reversed from the space and drove towards the exit.

  I spun around and sighed with relief.

  "What's up with you?" CJ asked confused by my expression.

  "Ah nothing, I've just got my suspicious head on."

  "Come on man let's get moving or they'll be leaving without us."

  “Right, everyone’s had a piss break. We need to get moving, they’ll be expecting us.” Woods quickly glanced at his watch before trying his best to herd us like cattle, eager to stick to his plan.

  We left the services, closely followed by Tyler and Buster in the van and steadily continued our journey down the A13 in the direction of the Docks until we reached the turn off for the A126. I allowed CJ enough room so that he could filter in front of me and slowed down as we all got into position.

  “How’s everyone doing?” Woods asked from the front.

  “It’s all good Woods. How long before we’re there?” Duke asked over the mic.

  I noticed a vehicle steadily gathering momentum behind us and erratically move out into the oncoming traffic so that it could get around us.

  “Ten minutes most. Shit, look out!”

  I watched in horror as the dark blue Jeep veered towards Duke clipping his wheel and sending him hurtling through the air.

  A series of screams, cries and profanities came over the mic as I watched the guys in slow motion throw down their most prized possessions in order to get to Duke. My initial reaction was to stop like all the other brothers but there was only one thing I needed to do to help build bridges and that was to follow the mother fuckers who'd just hit Duke.

  I followed the Jeep as it continued down the A126 leaving a safe distance between myself and the vehicle. I needed to find out who was responsible for the incident, it was clearly no accident and the vehicle was most definitely the Jeep that I saw in the services earlier.

  We turned off the A126 and I hung back all too aware of the noise the Harley would produce in the side streets. I turned off my engine and kept momentum as I manoeuvred down the street to a car park and parked my motorcycle before running towards some nearby bushes.

  The door of the Jeep opened, "What the fuck?" I said under my breath as Rev stepped from the vehicle. The fucking arsehole was grinning as he joined his VP, they had what looked to be a brief conversation and I could see by their hand gestures that they were talking about the earlier incident with Duke. Rev opened the boot of the Jeep and removed their cuts, he passed Bishop one and they put them on as another vehicle pulled up beside them.

  Rev and Bishop strolled over to
greet the occupants but I couldn't see who was in the car. I fought through the thick foliage making it easier to see as I got closer.

  What the fuck was going on? I shook my head in disbelief as Flex and Billy joined the other two, hugging and slapping each other on the back as if they were close friends. This wasn't good, Skulls and Aces conspiring against Duke. I thought that things were cool between the two clubs. I know it all got a little heated when Diesel first got into a relationship with Ink but that was sorted out weeks ago and because of that very situation, Flex had become President of the Skulls. You'd think he'd be fucking grateful not conspiring to fucking kill him.

  "Fuck!" I rubbed my forehead trying to think of what to do. The guys wouldn't get here in time if I called them and I didn't know what had happened to Duke. I needed to do this, I needed to act on this tonight before they left.

  I reached into my cut and pulled out my .45mm and added the silencer, I hadn't known if Duke wanted us armed this evening but I brought it all the same. I watched as Bishop walked around the side of the building and kept low as I stealthily ran around the edge of the car park hidden by the bushes until I made my way through a gap in the hedgerow and followed him down the side of the building.

  Bishop removed his dick from his jeans and directed it towards the wall as he swayed from left to right creating patterns on the bricks. I quietly made my way up the alley staying in the shadows so I wasn't detected, making sure that my pistol was at my side until I was in position. Bishop was nearing the end of his piss, I needed to act now before it was too late. I raised the .45 aiming at his head and with one pull of the trigger his body slammed into the wall and fell in a heap onto the ground. My adrenaline pumped causing my hands to shake as I placed the gun into the waistband of my jeans. I placed my hands under Bishops body and dragged him across the alley so he was hidden within the shadows, I didn't want to be blowing my cover before I had taken more of them out.


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