Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4)

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Locke (Aces MC Series Book 4) Page 21

by Foster, Aimee-Louise

  I gulped for breath but was only taking down dirty sooted air. I couldn't get up from the position I was in, I was stuck. My chest felt heavy, I coughed and a retching sound filled the room as I spluttered knowing that time was running out for me and the children.


  I was looking forward to spending some more time with Irish, I found her to be a breath of fresh air. She wasn't like the other birds I'd been out with, Irish didn't harass me and want to know my every move, she gave me the freedom that I needed and allowed me the down time I desired without hassling me. Of course it was still very early days but I was hoping that something may develop once I was able to move back here permanently.

  Things had developed quickly between us over recent weeks. After our discussion the other day I was pleased that she didn't just think that she was a booty call. She knew that I had secrets but understood that I couldn't share everything about my life and that was the best way for me to be able to protect her and the club. I'd learnt very quickly that I could trust her and she was showing qualities that would make her a perfect old lady, not that I was currently in the position to take one. I needed to complete the last part of my task in order to hopefully seek the retribution I had so desperately been looking for.

  The smell of KFC filled the car, my stomach rumbled and I sniggered at the noise hoping that I'd make it back before I opened the box and started to munch on some chips. There wasn't much traffic on the road which I was grateful for, and pulled up outside the shop pleased that there was a decent sized space. It had been a while since I'd driven a car and I'd nearly scraped it on the wall as I manoeuvred it from the back car park earlier, I doubt Irish would be pleased to find a scrape down her precious mini.

  I leaned over to the passenger side footwell to get the bags when something caught my eye. I glanced through the car window towards the front door to see flames flickering around the door.

  "Fuck!" I threw the bags onto the seat and jumped from the vehicle assessing the carnage as I made my way around the car.

  Pulling my mobile from my pocket I quickly dialled CJ.

  "Call the fire brigade, Spike, Duke and then get your arse over to Keira's shop in that order." I hung up quickly and rammed the phone into my pocket before running my hands through my hair. I stood on the pavement as intense flames swallowed the front door and clawed their way to the upstairs window. What the fuck had happened?

  I couldn't get into the flat through the front, it would be suicide to even attempt it. The only way in would be down the alley and up the fire escape as I'd done earlier. I quickly ran through the narrow alley between the buildings that led to the small car park at the back of the building, and made my way up the steep iron stairs that led to the fire exit at the back of the properties.

  I banged on the door, "Irish!" I shouted hitting it frantically. I cupped my hands around my face trying to stop the reflections as I desperately tried to see inside the building but it was no use, it was full of smoke. I took a step back and kicked just under the lock hoping that it would give a little but this was an expensive door with numerous safety catches. How the fuck was I going to get in there? I stood back and gave another swift kick but to no effect.

  A noise caught my attention and I saw one of the neighbours hurrying down the fire escape.

  "Have you seen Keira?" I asked franticly.

  "No!" The plump man said as he ushered his wife in front of him.

  "Have you got any tools? I need to get in here."

  The man looked between me and his wife assessing the danger, "Let me get her to safety and I'll get you some tools. What do you need?"

  "Screwdrivers will do but hurry man if she's in there she hasn't got long."

  The man nodded and hurried down the stairs. I turned my attention back to the flat, "Keira!" I shouted banging on the door. The smoke seeped from the crevasses of the door like it couldn't hold it in any longer, I needed to get in there and save Irish and the children, I couldn't let someone else die in circumstances as horrific as I wouldn't be able to live with myself.

  I jumped at being touched on the shoulder and turned to see the man holding two screwdrivers in front of me.

  "You can't go in there man, wait for the fire brigade they won't be long."

  "By the time they arrive it will be too late." I snatched the screw drivers from his hand and turned towards the door. I was hoping that she hadn't double locked it when I left earlier as that would make the process more difficult, especially with the tools I had.

  I placed one screwdriver at the bottom of the door to lift it slightly and the other by the lock. With my right hand I moved the tool forcefully and popped the lock. The thrill of adrenaline rushed through me knowing that I was able to open the door successfully and to get in to the building.

  As the door opened the smoke rushed towards me, making me cough. I dropped to my knees trying to peer through the thick smoke. "Irish!" I sputtered crawling on my hands and knees into the room keeping low to inhale as little smoke as possible. I placed my hand in front of me to guide myself around the room, I knew the layout fairly well and used that knowledge to aid me. I could hear the crackle of fire from behind the main door and was grateful that it hadn't entered the room yet although it was only a matter of time.

  The further I got into the room the thicker the smoke became. Where the fuck were they and why hadn't they tried to get out if it was a matter of exiting the building from the rear? "Devon! Tommy!" I shouted between coughs. I continued to feel around in front of me and felt someone's leg.

  "Irish!" As I ran my hand up her body I shuffled closer on my stomach so that I was beside her. She was unconscious and I knew that I needed to get her out of here as soon as possible. I tried to grab her under her arms to find that they were restricted. Moving closer I ran my hand down her arm to find that she was bound. What the fuck had gone on? I'd only been gone half an hour at the very most, had they been robbed? I managed to untie the rope still confused as to why and who had tied her but I didn't have time to contemplate, my lungs were burning and I needed to get her out quickly.

  I patted Irish on the cheek seeing if I could rouse her, "Irish, come on babe!" There was no response she was lifeless. I rammed my hands under her arms and dug my heels hard into the carpet as I dragged her along the floor. I became frustrated as I wasn't covering ground quickly enough and changed my position by rolling Irish on her side and getting behind her. I tightly wrapped my arm around her waist but this zapped more energy and I was fading fast.

  A flicker of light caught my eye and I turned towards the back door, "Locke!" CJ's familiar voice rumbled through the smoke. "Tell me where you are!" The wobble in his voice alerted me to his concern and the possible severity of the situation.

  "Here!" I stated but finding the words hard to get out from the rasping of my throat.

  Before I knew what had happened Keira was being dragged from my arms, I tried to hold her but the force was too strong. "Let go Locke, we've got her man." CJ shouted over the cracking of the fire. I let go and raised my thumb not that he'd be able to see but I wanted to let him know that I was grateful.

  Someone went to grab my arms but I shrugged them off, "Locke I've gotta get you out man, it's not safe in here." It was Stoney, he'd come in with CJ.

  "No, get her to safety first. I'm okay but I've gotta find the kids." I coughed.

  "I'm not leaving you, it's orders."

  "Well I'm not fucking coming until I find those kids. Help CJ and get Keira to safety, promise me you'll look after her Stoney."

  "You're a fucking stubborn bastard."

  I sniggered but the movement hurt my chest, Stoney left my side and I could see movement as they dragged Keira free which gave me a sense of relief.

  If the twins weren't in the living room they were either in the bedroom or bathroom unless they'd been taken? My thoughts wondered, had Liam come back to take them or even hurt them? I slowly crawled across the living room towards the bedroom and reached
up for the door knob.

  "Devon, are you in here? It's Locke I need to get you out." I turned the knob and had to barge the door with my shoulder in order to get the door open.

  "Devon!" I spluttered as I quickly closed the door behind me. Visibility was better in here, the children had placed the duvet behind the door to try and keep the smoke out. Without warning both children ran towards me and jumped into my embrace clearly upset from the ordeal.

  I brushed Devon's wet hair from her face where she'd been crying so hard, "It's going to be okay kids but we need to get you out of here quickly." I looked down at the kids to see that they were both nodding understanding the severity of the situation. "What happened? Are you okay?" I asked.

  "Some men came here and were asking questions about you."

  My heart sank at her words and my head span as the blood pumped around my body, I now knew who'd been here and immediately felt responsible for this carnage.

  I had no time to wallow in self pity, I needed to get the twins to safety. I lifted the children from my lap and crawled over to the bed to get the two pillows from the mattress. Quickly removing the pillow cases I tore strips big enough so that I could put them over the kids' mouths and nose to try and stop them from breathing in any more fumes then they had too.

  "Come here kids." The twins crawled over to my side copying my earlier movements and I carefully wrapped the material around their faces. "This is going to help you breathe a little better. It will still be difficult to see in there but that's the only way out of the building." I saw Tommy's hesitation but Devon grabbed his hand and squeezed it reassuringly.

  "You can do this Tommy, we both can. We've been brave before we can do it again."

  Devon's words were heart warming and I needed to keep the momentum going. "I need you to keep low and crawl along the floor towards the back door. Stay in front of me and go as fast as you can. Do you think you can do that for me?" Tommy and Devon nodded enthusiastically. "Before we go I also need to tie this material to your ankles because I don't want to lose you in there." I attached the material to each child and got them to move towards the door on all fours ready to make their escape. "Are you ready?" I asked.

  "Yes." They said together through the material.

  "Okay, three, two, one." I opened the door and the smoke rushed inside making it harder to breath. The flames were now licking the inside of the door like an angry tongue trying to claim the room. I clung onto the material as the children scurried through the living room in the direction of the back door.

  "Locke!" CJ's voice was reassuring and gave me hope that we'd get out in time but my lungs were burning inside. I gasped for air but every time I opened my mouth it filled with smoke making it harder to breath.

  I tried to drag myself further towards the open door but I was becoming sleepy from the exhaustion and the fumes that had consumed my body. I felt the thin strips of material fall through my fingers but I didn't have the energy to try and chase them. I heard CJ's voice in the distance and slowly gave him a thumbs up letting him know that I was okay. I could hear the crackling of the fire behind me as I lay helpless but feeling blessed that I was able to save Irish and the children.


  I could see the twins near the doorway crawling side by side as I made my way back up the fire escape, taking two stairs at a time trying to get to them quickly. It had taken longer than expected to manoeuvre Keira down the fire escape, through the alley and onto the street at a safe distance from the building. A crowd of people had now congregated to watch the events but the emergency services still hadn't arrived although I could hear sirens in the distance. We placed Keira on the pavement across the road and a passer-by said that she was a nurse and was happy to tend to her until the paramedics arrived which I was grateful for.

  I grabbed Tommy and watched as Stoney picked up Devon to follow me back down the fire escape. "Locke!" I shouted and saw a hand appear from the smoke as he gave me a thumbs up. He was a fucking lunatic for going into the fire but his quick thinking had saved the woman he loved and the twins.

  I quickly thought of the phone call I made to Spike, to let him know that there'd been a fire at Keira's and the screams from Angel as he relayed the message as I listened helplessly on the other end of the phone. They'd been through so much lately, I could only hope that the kids were going to be okay. I glanced down at Devon who was shaking as she held me tightly, I gently cupped the back of her head holding her close as I jogged down the alley. As I reached the high street I could see that it was the height of activity. Paramedics were tending to Keira and another crew quickly swarmed myself and Stoney as they noticed the children in our arms.

  "Please let me take the child," a paramedic prised Devon from my arms although she didn't willingly go.

  "They're my children." I heard someone shriek. I turned on my heels to see Angel and Spike run across the road in our direction.

  Spike quickly took Tommy from Stoney's arms and jogged over to the ambulance so the paramedics could take a closer look at the children. I'd a basic understanding of first aid learned from being in the army, and was no way a medical professional but the twins were talking and looked to be in good health so I'm sure they were going to be okay. I glanced at the curb side where we'd placed Keira earlier to see that the paramedics were performing CPR on here, she was in a really bad way, I just hoped she pulled through for Locke's sake.

  "Where's Locke?" I turned to see Duke looking franticly around the street searching for him.

  "Locke was making his way from the building when we got the kids out." I also glance around looking among the people trying to find him. "Fuck!" I sprinted down the alley towards the fire escape but there was still no sign of him.

  As I reached the bottom of the stairs there was a huge explosion. I turned my back towards the building and crouched feeling the force as debris and glass flew through the air.


  I turned in Stoney's direction to see him cupping his arm. Moving closer I could see that his skin had been sliced in several places.

  "You need to get that checked out."

  "No way, we need to find Locke," I nodded knowing that I'd do exactly the same thing wanting to make sure one of my brothers was okay rather than worrying about myself.

  We both ran up the fire escape stepping over the debris in our wake. At the top of the stairs Locke's lifeless body laid where he'd collapsed directly in front of the door.

  "Stoney give me a hand." I shouted beckoning him beside me. Scooping my hands under Locke's arms I lifted him and started to drag his body before Stoney bent down to lift his legs. He was heavy and unresponsive, I needed to get him some help. "Speed it up man!" I shouted encouraging Stoney to move faster although we were hampered by the narrow stairwell. I noticed the pressure Stoney was putting on his arm by lifting Locke which encouraged blood to piss out everywhere.

  "I can't lift anymore CJ, my arm's killing me." Stoney placed Locke's feet on the ground and I dragged him with the little strength I had left up the alley towards the street.

  "Give him here." Duke muscled his way in and scooped Locke up like he weighed nothing, and hurried out onto the street to place him on the ground. Another ambulance was trying to manoeuvre its way down the street but it was hampered from the amount of people who had lined the street to see what all the commotion was about.

  I hadn't realised how weak I'd become from trying to rescue everyone but I could hear the rattle from my chest as I tried to take in the clean air.

  I knelt down beside Locke and slapped him on the cheek, "Come on man, you need to breath." Locke was still unresponsive and I needed to act otherwise it may be too late. I placed one hand on the centre of his chest and placed the heel of the other hand on top, interlocking my fingers. I leaned over his chest and pumped my hands like I'd been shown in the army but there was still no movement. I removed my hands and quickly tilted back his head before leaning down to seal my lips over his mouth to try and breathe some
life into him.

  Tears were streaming down my cheeks, onto Locke's face as he lay motionless. I broke from the momentum, "He's not fucking breathing Duke!" I screamed, praying for him to breath. I continued to pump on his chest, "You mother fucker don't you fucking leave me."

  I glanced around at the crowd who were now watching my every move as I continued to pump his chest, their silence spoke a thousand words but I wasn't giving up hope. "Don't just fucking stand there, do something!" I shouted.

  Stoney crouched beside me and listened for any sign of breathing, he placed two fingers in the crook of his neck checking for a pulse, "He's gone man."

  "No he hasn't!" I screamed pushing Stoney out of the way and placed my hands back onto Locke's chest. "Come on Locke, I need you man please don't leave me."

  The next thing I knew I was pulled away, engulfed in Stoney's arms as he held me close to his chest, "He's gone man, I'm sorry but he's gone."

  Chapter 17


  I felt numb and didn't know what to do with myself. I didn't want to speak to anyone I just wanted to stay with my friend. The coroner was going to perform a post mortem within the next couple of days which usually meant you couldn't sit with the body but I couldn't wait that long and being Locke's next of kin I was allowed to see him.

  "Mr Jones!" I used both hands to wipe the stream of tears that flowed down my cheeks before turning towards the voice. A nurse stood at the door smiling sympathetically, "I'm sorry Mr Jones but I can only give you another ten minutes and then we need to move Mr Dixon." I nodded my head slowly so she knew I understood and turned my head back towards Locke.

  "Stoney's with Keira, the doctors have said that she's going to be okay and could possibly be let out tomorrow." I stroked his hand, it was cold but I didn't care because it was Locke's. Rigor mortis had set in but I wasn't ready to leave him yet, he'd been alone for so long in his life that it didn't feel right leaving him now.


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