Learning to Love Again

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Learning to Love Again Page 11

by Cynthia P. O'Neill

  “I guess when you put it that way; I should just take the plunge and go for it.” I smiled a knowing smile about the one little detail she was off on.

  “Cuz, you’re giving me the ‘I know something and not sharing’ look. What gives?”

  I tried walking away from her and heading to the shower. “Sorry, wish I could tell you, but I need to get ready. Didn’t you say we were on a tight schedule?”

  “Why you little bitch!” Grace came around in front of me, blocking my entrance to the bathroom. “Okay, spill or we’re not going anywhere.”

  “You know I could call security on you, Grace,” I laughingly threatened.

  She eased up a bit, putting her hands up in surrender. “Fine, you win.”

  I really needed to tell someone and since she had already kept our secret for this long… “If I tell you anything, you have to promise me that you won’t divulge a word you hear to anyone, no matter how much our families or your boyfriend threaten.”

  She started jumping up and down. “I promise. Now come on and fess up. What are you hiding?”

  “I’m not just having his child.” I watched her expression change to one of confusion. I grabbed her hand and placed it on my belly and pressed in, so she could feel the hardness of my bulge. “I’m having his children.”

  Her eyes kept moving between my face and my stomach. Her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water, with no sound coming out, so I finally said it. “Twins, sweetie. We found out the other day. They thought there was a problem, because the heartbeat sounded off, but with some poking and prodding, we found there’s another one hidden behind the first. We just don’t know if they are identical or fraternal yet.”

  “Oh my God! Twins!” Her voice carried and she started jumping up and down.

  “Keep it down, Grace.”

  “Doesn’t the staff know? They’re the only ones that are here. Thompson and another security guard went with Garrett and Jonathan, but Dillon and Stewart are here.”

  “Yes, they know, but we don’t want to tell anyone else until we’re married. We don’t want anyone thinking we’re getting married out of obligation, because either way, I’d still marry him.”

  Grace’s phone went off with a text. She looked at it and then at me. “It’s Hannah. They’re all getting impatient for us, so you better get your butt in the shower and hurry.” Her voice got serious for a moment, and she took my hands in hers. “Know that I support you 100% through all this. No wonder you’re already showing. I’m so very happy for you and I’ll keep your secret. You have my word.”

  The hotel spa was more luxurious than I’d imagined. It felt like I was stepping into a whole other world. The decorations were reminiscent of Japanese culture, with koi ponds, ceiling lanterns with Japanese words of health, love, and happiness (according to the spa’s manager) written down their sides, and a woman playing a koto in the corner, welcoming us to the spa with its soothing music as the pond bubbled around us. Each of the attendants were dressed in traditional kimonos and guided us down a walkway lit with small pagoda-style lanterns along the floorboard and bamboo sconces to a changing area. We were all given private lockers with keys, and asked to strip down to our underwear and put on a silk yukata, a casual version of the kimono, which were our gifts to keep.

  I was happy with the choice of dress that Garrett had picked out today. It had buttons in the front for ease in getting in and out of it, without having to mess up my hair.

  All of us changed quickly and were placed into a soothing room with a small waterfall in the corner and vanilla incense burning on the table. It smelled heavenly. One of the spa workers wheeled in a tea cart and began a traditional Japanese tea service. She explained the flavor of each tea asked each of us our preference and made them on the spot. I’ve always been a fan of English Breakfast tea and was ecstatic to find out they had it available in a form called Houjicha. It was delicious, unlike any tea I’ve ever tasted.

  After the tea cart was removed, another worker brought in a tray of fresh fruit, some Japanese pastries, breakfast breads, and the appropriate accompaniments. The hotel must have an onsite bakery, because all the breads and pastries were still warm and melted in your mouth. I’d never tasted a croissant that was so buttery and rich in flavor. But, my favorite were the Sata andagi, which tasted like sweet donut holes.

  All of us were given spa menus where we could order any treatment we wanted, except me. All the expense was courtesy of Garrett. Apparently, he’d already selected the pampering he wanted me to have. I was a bit upset over him making decisions for me, but since it was free, I wouldn’t complain too much.

  Everyone opted for mani/pedis, facials, and hair and makeup. Grace added leg waxing to her package. Hannah wanted to try a seaweed wrap, but was reminded that we were meeting the guys for lunch and didn’t have the time. I wanted to stay close to everyone and talk, but he’d set me up with a full body massage, waxing my legs and bits, and an aromatherapy treatment. I’d tried arguing that the additional items were not needed, but was informed that he’d already paid in advance for me, which gave me no choice, and I was led to a separate room.

  I thought the hotel would take forever and the idea of the guys having lunch with us was impossible, but each of us had at least two people catering to our every need. I had three working on me to handle what needed to be done. While one did on my facial, two others were working on my manicure and pedicure. The aromatherapy and massage were combined in one, which had me feeling entirely tranquil, without a care in the world. I seriously will suggest anyone to try it sometime!

  Several hours later, I was turned around in a chair and saw my reflection. Garrett had them refresh the blonde highlights in my hair that framed my face, along with a few here and there for overall effect. He had them leave my hair down, but added a slight curl to it with a curling iron, and the most subtle of makeup. It was mainly just a hint of color on the lips and cheeks, with a touch of eyeliner and mascara around the eyes. I was given all the items the makeup artist used on my face. She created art with the way I looked. I actually looked, like I felt; glowing and full of energy. I don’t know how she did it, but I’d always remember to stop by here whenever we were in town.

  I walked into the changing area to find everyone’s lockers were already empty. I guess everyone managed to get done prior to me. I panicked a bit, but was informed by the attendant that they were all waiting in the lobby for me. I quickly changed and began carrying my purse and robe out, when the manager of the spa pulled me aside, offering me a gift bag to put my robe in and stating, “Mr. Waters requested that this box be given to you in private. He’d like you to wear this jewelry to lunch with him.”

  I was grateful that Garrett had thought of everything, because I was in such a hurry that I’d forgotten to wear anything other than my engagement ring and the bracelet he’d given me.

  I opened the box carefully, praying it wasn’t too ostentatious, which he sometimes had a flair for. My mouth just about dropped. It was a pair of drop diamond and pearl earrings. A pearl drop extended from a platinum chain, dropping down off of a diamond stud. They were gorgeous! The necklace was a little fancier, a platinum chain with several diamonds, smaller pearls, and a huge drop pearl forming a delicate, yet intricate, pattern in the front. I quickly put them on and admired the feel of them, not too light or too heavy.

  When I walked into the waiting area, everyone almost did a double take.

  “OMG!” both Hannah and Grace cried out.

  “Did Garrett get you the necklace and earrings? They look amazing on you!” Hannah gushed and everyone else nodded in agreement to her statement.

  I just nodded, still feeling dumbstruck by all the pampering today.

  When we walked out of the spa, the men were all waiting for us with some form of flower in their hands. Garrett had three red roses for me, while everyone else received only one flower. “Three?” I questioned.

  He leaned in and whispered, so no one else coul
d hear, “You look beautiful, love. Three roses for the three most important people in my life.”

  It finally dawned on me that he was talking about the babies. I blushed, but kept my face buried in his neck where no one else could see.

  Freddie, who had his arm wrapped around Sarah, spoke up. “How about some lunch? We’re all starving.”

  Harris walked over to the hostess stand of one of the restaurants at the hotel before coming back to us. “Our table is ready and waiting.”

  I was surprised to see several tables had been placed together in front of a huge picture window that looked out onto the Atlantic Ocean. The water glasses were already filled and pitchers of iced tea, carafes of coffee and hot water, along with some various breads with butter, were already awaiting us at the table. But there were no menus. I glanced back at Garrett with a questioning look on my face.

  He pointed over towards the corner of the room. “They offer marvelous breakfast, brunch, and lunch options in the form of a buffet with carving and cook to order stations. Whatever your heart desires, it is yours.”

  While everyone else sat down at the table and began talking with one another, Garrett, Grace, Jonathan, and I all walked over to the food area and began glancing over at our choices. They had a wide variety of premade salads, fresh fruit, some petite quiches, muffins and miniature beef wellingtons to offer. The carving station offered some of the same items we’d had yesterday for Thanksgiving, so I opted to pass on those, but the cooking stations offered a nice array of pastas, mix-ins, and sauces. Everyone laughed when I started piling food onto my plate. If only they knew why I was so hungry all the time. I kept reminding myself that we’d tell them soon.

  Garrett and Jonathan were quick to load up on some meats, pasta, and salad. Grace looked like she wanted to sample a bit of everything, too. I opted for a nice tossed salad with fruit and nuts, a couple of petite beef wellingtons, and a freshly tossed capellini pasta with cherry tomatoes, zucchini strips, fresh basil, and mozzarella in a buttery garlic sauce.

  The food was exquisite. The way Garrett and his family were spoiling me, I didn’t think I could ever go back to eating ramen noodles or cheap college food ever again. Everything was a true culinary delight. Jonathan had asked for a pen and paper, writing little notes down about some of the foods he was tasting, apparently going to try and recreate a few items in his little bistro.

  It was fun to see my parents trying some of these foods for the first time. They were hesitant to fill their plates at first, but once they tried some of the more adventurous offerings, they went back for seconds.

  Lunch was fabulous. Actually, the last several days had been a dream come true. We were all together as a huge family, enjoying one another’s company, partaking in fine food and stimulating conversation. How could this day get any better?! I already felt that I was walking on cloud nine.

  I was surprised to hear that some of the other security guards had already taken most of our vehicles back to his house. The idea of walking, like a normal person, on the beach, was too good to be true. Everyone kicked off their shoes and dug into the wonderful feel of the sand as we all walked hand in hand with our loved ones back to Garrett’s place. Of course we had Thompson, Dillon, and a couple other security personnel walking with us for protection, but it felt nice.

  Garrett’s hand began to squeeze mine a little tighter the closer we got to his house. He was getting fidgety and nervous and I couldn’t understand why, unless he feared for our lives. All sorts of ideas ran through my head until the couples walking in front of us parted and I saw the most breathtaking sand castle, sitting atop a large sculpted heart, with the words, “Marry me?” written in the sand.

  My instant thoughts were of a couple about to get engaged. “How sweet, some guy is about to ask his sweetheart to marry him.” I marveled at the sculpture for a moment, then pulled Garrett away. “We should move along so we don’t ruin their special moment.”

  Garrett just smiled and shook his head, getting down on one knee in front of me. “You’re not ruining anyone’s moment, love. I know you’ve already said yes to marrying me, but how about making it official…today?”

  My eyes were wild as I looked at the sand sculpture and then back at him. “This is for me? You’re serious? Today? But how?! We have nothing planned. I don’t even have a dress.”

  “Everything you said you wanted, that would make you happy for our wedding, is here today. We have your parents, extended family, friends, my family, and all the little things you said you wanted. Every one of our family members, along with some hired help, has been working non-stop to get this ready for us.” He stayed down on one knee, waiting for my response.

  “So the golfing this morning?” I questioned.

  “It was all a hoax. We all left early to grab some breakfast, waiting for you to leave the house. Then we returned and were busy with the decorators and the caterers, getting everything set up while all of you enjoyed a spa day to get ready for our potential wedding.”

  “So everyone knew but me?” I didn’t know whether to feel upset or elated at the news.

  His smile was half-hearted, as everyone nodded. “I’m afraid so. We all wanted to surprise you. Every member of our family had some small part in the planning of our nuptials today.”

  “But you know how much I hate surprises.” My emotions were all over the place and I was on the verge of tears.

  Grace spoke up. “So you going to keep us in suspense or are you going to marry this guy? He’s obviously head over heels in love with you.”

  Garrett rose slowly from the sand, cupping both hands around my face. “Shall we, love? You know I can’t wait any longer.”

  I was at a loss for words but I nodded, throwing my arms around his neck and peppering his face with kisses.

  “Let’s go get married then!” his voice boomed out to everyone as claps and cheers rang out among our group.

  We climbed the stairs to his pool patio to find tables being set up with various food and drink stations. There were tons of workers hanging flowered garlands, setting out candles, and generally creating a whimsical, romantic setting all around.

  Garrett led me to the patio door of his house. “I’m afraid we must part ways here, my love. You have an entire dressing crew at your mercy, along with hair and makeup to do any touch ups.” He pulled my hand up to his lips, kissing both the top and palm of my hand before placing it against his cheek and looking deep into my eyes. “I’ll be waiting for you at the end of the aisle in a few hours, Mrs. Soon to be Waters.”

  Grace and Hannah slid an arm in each of mine and led me upstairs while our mothers and Garrett’s sisters followed. We were led to a room down the hall that had been turned into a dressing area. A huge three-way mirror and pedestal had been brought in for any last minute adjustments, along with a rack of dresses in various shades of jewel tones, all of my favorites, with several styles to pick from.

  I recognized Amber from the fancy dress shop we’d been in only a few days earlier. I had to ask the question. “I wasn’t in the shop to necessarily select a dress for the benefit, was I?”

  Amber looked a bit scared, but answered honestly. “You did need a dress for the benefit, but no, ma’am. He had us taking your measurements, getting an idea of what styles would look best on you, and taking some of his selections and altering them so they’d be sure to fit you.”

  I didn’t understand what she meant. “Selections?”

  “Yes, ma’am. We weren’t sure exactly what you preferred in a dress, so we have three that we narrowed it down to, based on how you looked in similar dresses in the shop.” She leaned in close to me and winked. “They were Mr. Waters’ personal preferences, but he wanted you to have the final say.”

  A couple of assistants guided all of our moms over to one rack where they had their choice of dresses and sizes. My mother went for a silver tea length gown with a matching lace mini jacket. Olivia chose an emerald green number almost identical to my mom’s dress
, and Aunt Lisa found a lightweight long-sleeved dress in a deep blue with a gold belt.

  Grace and I just looked at one another and shrugged. I knew we liked to shop sometimes, but apparently our moms knew what they liked and had their outfits picked out within minutes.

  The next dress rack was adorned with only burgundy and gold dresses in varying lengths and sizes. I turned to see Sarah, Tiffany, Grace and Hannah all looking anxious. “I wish I could include all of you in the wedding, but if I did that, we wouldn’t have any audience. This is very difficult to choose, because I don’t want to hurt anyone’s feelings, as I adore each of you.”

  Sarah was the first to step forward and grab both of my hands. “Tiffany and I already think of you as our sister and would welcome the opportunity to stand beside you today, but we know you’ve spent the last four years or more close to your cousin and friend. We wouldn’t feel right taking that moment away.”

  I wrapped my arms around Sarah and motioned for Tiffany to join us. “You both are so special to me. I don’t want to consider you my sisters-in-law, but my sisters in life. I look forward to growing closer to you over the years.”

  We almost started to cry when Grace broke it up and reminded us of our makeup.

  “Since we now have our wedding attendants,” Amber spoke up, “Sarah and Tiffany, this rack has been reserved for you.” She waved to a rack with short and tea length dresses in jewel tones.

  All of my girlfriends asked what styles I wanted them to wear. Did I want them in long or short dresses, with or without sleeves?

  “I would like Grace to be my maid of honor and Hannah to be my bridesmaid. I definitely want them in the burgundy and gold colors, but my sisters can pick whatever color they like best. I want all of you to be comfortable above all else. It doesn’t matter what length or style you choose, just as long as I have you here with me today.”

  Amber let everyone know that they had brought along a huge selection of shoes in various sizes, along with accessories to complete the looks and pointed towards the side wall were samples of the shoes were located. “Let me know which shoes you like and I can have someone bring up that shoe in your size.”


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