Tearing Down Walls (Miracle Book 5)

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Tearing Down Walls (Miracle Book 5) Page 9

by Shea Balik

  Irritated that he’d finally found somewhere he could make a home and now would have to leave, he said, “Bite me.” Okay, not exactly original or even very good, but Chadwick was pissed that he wasn’t given any say in his life – again.

  Just because his mate was Chief Council didn’t mean Chadwick should have to pack up and follow him across the country. The anger at having to leave continued to bubble up inside of him until he couldn’t control it. Slamming his fist down on the table that he’d just finished putting together, he watched in dismay, and a bit of satisfaction, as it splintered into a million pieces.

  Trygg growled a warning when several pieces of wood nearly hit Kellach. “I don’t know what your problem is, but hurt my mate and I will give you that fight you seem to be looking for.”

  As tempted as Chadwick was to take Trygg up on his offer of a fight, Chadwick would never hurt Kellach to do it. No. As much as he hated to admit it, he needed to talk to Saber.

  He just wasn’t sure he was ready to hear they had to leave. Sometimes ignorance was bliss. Then again, not having Saber say it didn’t really change anything. Chadwick was still very aware they would be leaving, so, if anything, ignoring it was only making things harder.

  He went to the wall where he’d managed to embed the hammer and looked at the damage. It seemed something he tended to do more often than not, leave a mark of destruction. Up until he’d made the mistake of asking his father about same sex matings, his family had been happy and loving. When he’d made that announcement of having a male mate, his friends went from carefree and mischievous to secretive and distant.

  After finding his mate, Chadwick had nearly ruined any chance of them ever finding happiness by pushing Saber away. Now he was destroying the very thing he built in a fit anger. When was he going to learn that life didn’t go his way? It would be so much easier if he’d just accepted that and moved on.

  At least he would have his mate by his side. That was something. Actually, it was better than something. It still kind of blew his mind that he’d not only found his mate, but he’d ended up being as sweet and kind as Saber, while still being tough and strong enough to fight for what they believed in.

  The bell Chadwick had just installed that morning rang as the door opened. Chadwick turned from inspecting the hole in the wall to find Saber standing there. Those dark eyes seemed to be devouring him and he found it hard to breathe.

  Without looking their way, Saber told Kellach and Trygg, “Can you give Chadwick and I some privacy, please?”

  Kellach mumbled something about being kicked out of his own bar, but thankfully, Trygg ushered him out anyway. As soon as the door shut, silence enveloped them.

  “Kitten,” Saber whispered.

  That was all it took, just that one word and Chadwick launched himself across the room and into Saber’s arms. Saber might be relatively healed, but Chadwick was still having a hard time coping with how close he’d come to losing this man who had come to mean so much to him in such a short period of time.

  He threw his arms around Saber’s neck and plastered his body against his mate. Their mouths met in a clash of lips, tongue, and teeth. Yet, even with Saber’s tongue driving into his mouth, and Chadwick’s legs wrapped around his mate’s thick waist, they still weren’t close enough.

  The sound of cloth ripping was followed by air caressing Chadwick’s back. Saber’s calloused hands trailed a path down his spine and into the waistband of his pants. A frustrated growl was all the warning Chadwick got before more material was torn and his ass was left bare.

  Then those hands cupped the cheeks of his ass, kneading the muscle even as Saber bit down on Chadwick’s lower lip. Sparks ignited a firestorm within Chadwick and he was soon sucking on Saber’s tongue, drawing it deeper into his mouth at the same time one of Saber’s thick fingers circled his puckered entrance then sank in to the first knuckle.

  It was too much yet not enough all at once. Saber’s dry digit burned, but Chadwick would rather deal with the ache it created than ask him to remove it. He wanted Saber inside of him anyway he could get.

  He nearly cried in despair when Saber removed that finger and strode to the nearest table. When he lay Chadwick on his back, he started to kiss and nip a path along his neck, concentrating on the mating mark he’d left. Like a match to dry tinder, Chadwick went up in flames.

  Every touch he gave to the mating mark went right to Chadwick’s cock. He wasn’t going to be able to hold back the orgasm that was trying to barrel through him no matter how hard he tried.

  He was mindless with pleasure, so when he felt the finger return to his pucker and slide inside, Chadwick knew there was no way he could stop the pleasure from crashing all around him. Ropes of white pearly seed spurted from his dick to land on his abdomen.

  Yet, even as he drained his balls, Chadwick never grew soft. How could he when Saber continued to tease his mating mark and stretch his channel? The bliss of having his mate’s hands and mouth on him stimulated him all over again so that he was ready for round two.

  “Damn, but you smell so good,” Saber murmured against his skin as his mouth worked its way down his chest. Chadwick’s dick twitched when he watched his mate lap up the cum on his abdomen like it was his favorite treat.

  “Damn,” Chadwick whispered, his head hitting the table when Saber’s tongue started to lick any remnants off the tip of his cock. If his mate kept this up, Chadwick would come a second time before Saber ever got inside of him.

  A third finger pushed inside of him. Chadwick had no idea when the second finger had entered him, nor did he care. All that mattered was they were getting closer to him being ready for Saber’s thick cock.

  “I know this is fast…” Saber started to say but Chadwick cut him off.

  “You almost died. I need to feel you inside of me. To know you’re alive,” he begged. It wasn’t a want any longer, it was as imperative as the air he breathed, probably more so. A part of his heart and soul died watching Saber struggle to survive. He needed to know his mate was still there with him. Tied to him in the most intimate of ways.

  He cried out when Saber’s fingers disappeared, but that cry of despair turned to one of satisfaction as the blunt head of his dick pushed past his guardian muscles and sank balls deep in one hard thrust. Air burst from Chadwick’s lungs at the harsh invasion, even as he welcomed his mate into his body.

  “Move,” he yelled at Saber when his mate seemed to freeze in place. He knew Saber was merely giving him time to adjust, but Chadwick didn’t want it. He just wanted to feel his mate loving him with his body.

  “Damn, Kitten, the things you make me want.” Saber grabbed Chadwick’s ankles, one in each hand and split them apart. His eyes were glued to the spot where they were connected as he began a pounding rhythm that had the table scraping across the floor.

  Chadwick just knew he would be making another table by the time they were finished for there was no way this one would still be standing as Saber once more made Chadwick his. Hell, if Saber made him feel like this every time, Chadwick would gladly replace every piece of furniture in the place.

  His toes curled when the head of Saber’s dick banged into his sweet spot. Jolts of electricity ran up and down his spine. Chadwick had only just come a few minutes before, yet already he was on the edge once more. His balls ached as they rolled in their sack. His prick throbbed and spurted fluid every time Saber hit his prostate.

  Spots formed before his eyes and his balls went tight against his body. He just needed something more to push him into oblivion.

  As if he were able to read Chadwick’s mind, Saber wrapped his calloused hand around his length and stroked Chadwick’s flesh in time with his thrusts. The friction had his eyes rolling up in the back of his head.

  Explosions of color blocked whatever vision he had just as cum shot from his body. His back arched up as every muscle he had went bowstring tight. The sheer bliss that was coursing through him was unlike anything he’d ever experienced
in his life. He didn’t even know that anyone could survive such pleasure.

  As if coming through a tunnel, he heard Saber shout his name. Pain lanced into his neck as Saber’s teeth once more claimed him. Possessive need surged through him and Chadwick leaned up and sank his own canines deep into Saber’s neck, making the strong Alpha male his for the world to see.

  Exhausted, he fell back against the wood surface of the table. Saber collapsed on top of him. The sharp crack of wood was the only warning they got before the table crumbled beneath them.

  The air was knocked from Chadwick’s lungs as they hit the floor, but he didn’t care. Saber was now his and he was alive. Nothing else mattered. Not even where they lived.


  Saber knew he needed to move. There was no way that broken table underneath them could be comfortable, especially with his heavy weight pressing on top of Chadwick. As much as he wanted to be sure his mate was okay, Saber just couldn’t move. Not even a muscle.

  Exhaustion completely sapped what little strength he’d had walking into town. “Please tell me you’re okay, because I’m as limp as a wet noodle at this point and even rolling off you isn’t going to happen.”

  Chadwick tried to chuckle but Saber was a big man, making it impossible to expand his lungs to do so. But he did wrap his arms around Saber and actually pulled him closer. “I’m fine, big guy. Take all the time that you need, ‘cause I don’t think I could move either.”

  Soft lips pressed against the mating mark that now adorned Saber’s neck. “Plus, I kind of like having you here. After almost losing you…” Chadwick’s voice cracked a bit. “It feels good to know you are alive. To feel your warmth against me.”

  Saber grunted. “Good, because it may be awhile before I can move.” That wasn’t strictly true. His strength was coming back, but Saber didn’t want to move. He loved being able to cuddle up with his mate. Sure, this wasn’t the ideal way he’d like to do that. A bed, or at least a mattress, would have been preferable but he’d take what he could get.

  He was falling head over heels in love Chadwick and he would do anything to spend as much time with him as possible. Which reminded him of why he was there to begin with – to talk to his mate. “Since we’re stuck here for the time being, would you mind telling why you were so upset this morning that you stormed off?”

  A long suffering sigh came from Chadwick. Saber looked down into those grey eyes and his heart broke just a bit at what he saw. Insecurity. Fear. Despair. Yet underneath all that, he swore he could see love. Saber just prayed that feeling was reserved for him.

  “I don’t think I can talk with you on top of me like this,” Chadwick said, the words a little stilted as he tried to get more air into his lungs.

  It pained Saber to have to roll off his mate, especially since they couldn’t just stay curled in each other’s arms with all the splinters of wood everywhere. Carefully, he moved off Chadwick and stood up. Reaching down, he helped his mate to his feet and realized his mistake in his haste to get Chadwick naked. His clothes were shredded and Chadwick had nothing to wear.

  As much as Saber loved seeing his mate nude, it wouldn’t make having a conversation any easier. “Sorry about your clothes,” he offered, even if he wasn’t really. Saber had needed to claim Chadwick and ripping the clothes off him had been the quickest way to do it.

  Chadwick waved off his apology as he strode to the back of the bar. He opened a door to what looked like a storage room and pulled out a pair of sweatpants and t-shirt. “Construction is a messy, sweaty job,” his mate said as he pulled on the clothes. “I always make sure I have several clothes to change into just in case.”

  Saber tried not to bemoan the fact that Chadwick’s sexy body was being covered up. It may be for the best, but that didn’t mean he had to like it.

  When it took Chadwick way too long to put on a pair of sweats and t-shirt, Saber knew he was stalling. “Are you going to tell me what’s going on in that head of yours?” he blurted out.

  Instead of answering, Chadwick went to the table they had destroyed and started picking up the pieces. When he had most of them in his hands, he tossed the wood out the back door and into a dumpster that was there. Then he came back in and started picking up another destroyed table.

  Saber may have been out of his mind with lust, but he was pretty sure he would have remembered demolishing a second table. “What happened to that table?”

  A red blush crept up Chadwick’s neck and into his face. “I…uh…well…I was upset and…sort of…smashed it,” his mate finally spit out.

  When Chadwick tossed the wood out back once more, Saber went over to him and stopped him from cleaning up the rest. “Please talk to me, Kitten.”

  Chadwick gave a nod and lowered his head, his gaze glued to a spot on the floor. “It’s just, I like Miracle.”

  Saber had no idea where Chadwick was going with this but he said, “I like Miracle, too.”

  “And I guess, I just didn’t want to move,” Chadwick said in a rush of words that Saber had a difficult time following.

  “Why would you move?” Saber was sure he was missing something but either the sex stole his brain cells, which was definitely possible, or Chadwick wasn’t making any sense.

  Chadwick lifted his head and finally looked at Saber for the first time since this conversation started. The look he gave Saber was an indication that Saber’s thought of sex stealing his brain cells was right on target. “Because you’re Chief Council,” Chadwick said as if that explained everything.

  Except it didn’t. Although Saber was starting to get a clue. “Chadwick, my position as Chief Council has nothing to do with where we live.”

  Chadwick’s brows furrowed together. “But the Council headquarters are in New York. How are you supposed to run things from here?”

  Saber wrapped his arms around his mate and smiled down at him. “By moving the headquarters to Miracle.”

  Those grey eyes blinked at him. “You can do that?”

  Saber gave a low, seductive chuckle as he leaned in and pressed their foreheads together. He kept his voice low as if he were telling his mate a secret. “I don’t know if anyone told you this, but I happen to be a pretty important person.”

  Just as he’d hoped, his mate smiled at him. “Don’t be getting a big head. It’s only Chief Council. You’re not a God, you know.”

  Saber chuckled again. “I don’t know, Kitten. You seemed to be screaming my name like I was a God when I was buried in that tight ass of yours.”

  Chadwick grinned back. “I remember you shouting my name just as loudly.”

  “With a body like yours it would be impossible not praise every inch.” Saber tugged his mate closer until there was nothing but the clothes they wore between them. “Being inside of you is my heaven.”

  Chadwick scoffed, yet Saber didn’t miss how his mate melted further into his arms. Saber took full advantage by kissing those soft lips. Their tongues slid together sensuously and Saber’s dick jerked awake once more. That he’d just come harder than he’d ever had before didn’t seem to matter when it came to his mate.

  “Please tell me you didn’t actually have sex in my bar,” Kellach yelled from the doorway.

  Reluctantly, Saber pulled away from his mate’s lips and turned to glare at the intrusion. But the moment he spotted Kellach and Trygg, each carrying a plate of food, Saber’s stomach reminded him that he hadn’t eaten since breakfast.

  “I hope those are for us,” Chadwick said, already striding toward Kellach.

  But Kellach put the plate behind his back and glared hard at Chadwick. “That depends,” he said. “Did you have sex in my bar?”

  Chadwick shrugged. “Yes, but not to worry, we threw away the table we fucked on, so there is no clean up necessary.”

  Kellach narrowed his eyes at his friend. “You’re going to replace that table too, mister.”

  Chadwick nodded, his gaze going to the plate Kellach had behind his back. “Of cours

  Kellach didn’t look happy but he moved the plate in front of him. Just as Chadwick grabbed ahold of the edges, Kellach said, “And you better never have sex in here again, got it?”

  Considering Chadwick’s stomach was rumbling as loud as Saber’s, he most likely would have agreed to anything Kellach wanted. “Got it.” Then he took the plate from Trygg also and walked over and set it one of the tables that was still standing. Looking over at Saber, his mate said, “Let’s eat.”

  Saber was all for that. When he sat down next to Chadwick, he said, “Then maybe we can finish what we started, except this time, I’m hoping you’d want to fuck me.”

  La la la la la la la,” Kellach sang as he plugged his ears with his fingers. With Trygg behind him, he opened the door to leave, but before he did, he yelled over his shoulder, “Just make sure it is not in my bar.”

  Laughing, Saber turned to his plate and started eating. It wasn’t until he was about halfway done that he realized Chadwick wasn’t doing the same. He turned to find his mate’s looking as if he were shell-shocked with his eyes wide open and his jaw dropped.

  Saber grinned, knowing exactly what was on his mate’s mind. He put one finger under Chadwick’s chin and closed his mate’s mouth, then leaned over and kissed it. “Cat got your tongue?” he teased.

  Chadwick just stared at him for another minute before finally saying, “You’d really let me fuck you?”

  It always amazed Saber that some people thought someone could be considered less of a man just because he liked anal sex. “Of course, I would,” he said seriously. “You are my mate. I love you,” he admitted for the first time out loud. “There is no part of our lives that I wouldn’t want to share with you.”

  The side of Chadwick’s lips lifted just a bit in a slight smile. “You love me?”

  Now that he’d said it, Saber was only too happy to say it every minute of the day if that’s what his mate wanted. “Yes, I love you, Kitten. More than I ever thought possible.”


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