Forever in Haven's Crossing

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Forever in Haven's Crossing Page 5

by Kyleigh Drake

  “Absolutely,” Logan replied.

  Caleb pressed his cock up against her pussy, rubbing it gently up and down to get it nice and wet. He then pushed gently against her opening, going slowly so he didn’t hurt her. He then stopped completely, remaining motionless when he had his entire length engorged deep within her, so her pussy could adjust to his size. Kim was impatient, however, and began to whimper and move her hips in an attempt to get him to fuck her. He reached over and swatted the side of her hip, just enough to get her attention. “I will decide when you get fucked, sugar. Now just relax. We need to go slow the first time, so I don’t hurt ya.”

  “You won’t hurt me, Caleb!” she cried. “I’ll tell you if it hurts—please, just do it!” Caleb smiled and then began to slowly pump his cock in and out, gradually picking up speed. He would pull out all the way to the head and then drive it back in fully. That feels so good.

  When she was satisfied that he wasn’t going to quit, she turned her head and there was Logan, waiting patiently. She moved her head closer so she could take him in her mouth. She took her tongue and licked the tip of his cock, which was almost purple from being so swollen. He groaned when he felt her touch and grabbed the bedpost for support. She took her tongue and licked around his slit, tasting the salty pre-cum and wanting more. She noticed how clean he smelled as she began to lick up and down his thick shaft. He moaned again when she took him into her mouth fully and she was pleased. She put one of her hands around the base of his cock, so she could help guide him in and out as deep as she could go. She gently massaged his tight, heavy balls with that same hand as she continued to suck. Kim closed her eyes, appreciating the fact that both her mouth and her pussy were completely full and she was content to stay like that all night long.

  Caleb started playing with her clit, causing the heat in her body to rise again. He was pounding so hard and it felt so good. With his cock in her pussy and Logan’s cock in her mouth, her senses were overloaded. Her pussy began to clench. “Come for me, baby,” she heard Caleb say. She felt Logan tense at the same time and just as she was preparing herself to swallow, he pulled away from her and used his hand, shooting warm cum on her breasts and tummy. She then started to come herself and fisted the sheets with her hands as she arched her back, moaning in pleasure. She felt Caleb picking up his pace, knowing he was close as well. As she clenched his cock tightly, she felt him fill her with his cream. She began to clench her pussy, causing him to moan, but she continued to milk his cock until there was nothing left.

  If she hadn’t been so tired, she may have been embarrassed when Logan began to clean her up with a warm washcloth. When he finished, they all lay on the bed, side by side. Kim had never felt so special or so loved. She lay in between these two men, feeling like she belonged there. She decided then, destiny or not, she was going to ride this wave for as long as she damn well could. When their breathing returned to normal, Logan kissed her on the cheek as he ran his finger over her lips. “You know, darlin’, I promised you would come for us at least three times and I think you owe us one more.”

  She looked at him in shock, her eyes wide. “You’ll kill me if you make me come again, Logan!”

  They both started laughing and Caleb said, “He’s just teasin’ ya, sugar. We’ve worked you out enough for one night. Right now, it’s time for you to get some sleep. We have a lot to do tomorrow.”

  Chapter 8

  “So, what’s happening tomorrow?” she asked with a yawn.

  “Well, we’re gonna take you over to our parents’ house and let you meet them first, then we’re gonna take you into town for breakfast and let you meet some of our friends, then we’re gonna go talk to Jake about your car, then you’ll go see Doc so he can have a look at ya, and then—and this is my favorite part, sweetheart, we’re gonna bring you back home so we can do some more of that fixin’.” He had his head propped up on his arm, and she could hear the grin in his voice.

  “So, were you able to find any of my stuff? What about my phone?” she asked, almost forgetting they had gone to get it earlier.

  “We got your phone, darlin’, and I’ve got it chargin’ in the other room,” Logan answered. She started to get out of bed so she could go check her messages, but was stopped from both sides.

  “Right now—you’re goin’ to sleep, sugar. You’ve had a long day,” Caleb said matter-of-factly.

  “Well, what if I don’t want to go to sleep?” she asked, yawning.

  “That’s just too bad, sweetheart, ’cause there’s two of us to make sure you do exactly that,” Caleb said, knowing she was too tired to challenge them.

  “Fine!” she said, trying to sound angry, even though she really wasn’t. She looked forward to sleeping in the middle and the best part was, she’d get to wake up that same way, too.

  The next morning, Kim woke up to the smell of coffee and Caleb rubbing her back.

  “Wake up, sugar,” he said gently.

  “Noooo, I don’t wanna,” she yawned, as she stretched her body. She then turned over on her stomach and put the pillow over her head.

  Caleb swatted her bottom. “But you gotta—so get moving.” She smiled as he went to fix her some coffee. She quickly showered and found all of her clothes put away in the chest of drawers and in the closet. Now when in the hell did they do that? After looking in the closet, she decided on a simple skirt, her favorite blouse that accentuated her breasts nicely, and a pair of flats. She put on some makeup, fixed her dark brunette hair and put it in a sexy, but casual updo, and then looked in the mirror. Her face was glowing. She looked pretty damn good. A quick spritz of her perfume and she was ready to go.

  As she walked into the kitchen, both Caleb and Logan looked up at her, but neither said anything. “Is, uh, everything okay?” she asked in hesitation.

  “Oh, everything is better than okay, darlin’,” Logan said softly. “You just take our breath away.” Both men stood and walked toward her. Logan got behind her and grabbed her around her waist, nuzzling the side of her neck. “Damn, if you don’t smell good enough to eat.” She wasn’t able to respond though, because Caleb had taken his position in front and was kissing her lips. Her knees almost gave out and Logan instinctively tightened his grip. Could every morning be like this please?

  Caleb broke away from her lips reluctantly. “We gotta go.”

  “I know, I know,” Logan said, taking a deep breath.

  They escorted her out, opening all of the doors for her in the process. Why can’t all men be like this? She had to get in carefully, as her skirt made it difficult to climb into the pickup. She then scooted over into the middle of the seat, her very favorite place to be. They only drove about a mile or so, before coming to another large, older home. Kim was a little nervous and was trying to calm the butterflies in her stomach. She noticed Caleb watching her. “It’s okay, sugar—they’re gonna love ya as much as we do.” She took his hand and held on tight as they got out and started walking up the steps to the porch. They didn’t even make it up one step before the front screen door flew open and a gray-haired woman about Kim’s height came out, drying her hands on a dish towel.

  “Oh, my Lord—Kim, it’s so nice to meet you, honey,” she said with enthusiasm, giving Kim the biggest hug she had ever had. She felt so warm and full of love that Kim wished she had a mom like that to hug.

  She introduced herself as “Sara” and proceeded to usher Kim through the door to meet her husbands, leaving Caleb and Logan behind. As Kim looked over her shoulder, Logan winked and Caleb smiled, shrugging his shoulders. They had only been there a matter of minutes, but Kim felt like she had known these people forever. They were so kind to her, a perfect stranger, but they acted as though they really liked her. Sara was a little chatterbox, which Kim appreciated, because there were no awkward moments of silence. After about an hour, and after telling his mother at least three times they didn’t want any breakfast, Caleb kissed his mother on the cheek and said, “Mom, we really have to go, but we’ll
bring her back, I promise.” She smiled and finally agreed, but then they all had to hug good-bye, which took another several minutes.

  Kim had never felt so much love in such a short amount of time. It was so overwhelming and she felt a tear fall down her cheek, followed by a few more. Logan had gone ahead to the pickup, but Caleb saw the tears and was concerned. He didn’t say anything though, until they were all in the pickup driving away. “What’s all this cryin’ about, sweetheart?” Caleb asked, causing Logan to look at her, too. As soon as they went around the corner out of sight from the house, he pulled to the side and put the pickup in park. Both gazes were on her—waiting.

  “Kimberlee,” Logan said gently, as he began to rub the back of her neck, “You need to tell us why you’re cryin’.”

  “It’s nothing—really,” she said, looking down at her hands.

  “Well, obviously it’s something,” Caleb added. “And you need to share what that something is.”

  Kim didn’t like all this talking crap. “So, you expect me to have a stupid little talk every time you think there’s something going on in my head?” she asked, irritated.

  “Yep,” they both answered in unison.

  “Well, I guess I’ll just have to do a better job at hiding my feelings then, ’cause I’m not going to be having these talks all the damn time!” she blurted out, defiance in her eyes.

  Logan was not amused with her remark. “You just won yourself a trip across my knee, young lady—just as soon as Doc says you’re able. So that’s fine if you don’t want to talk now, but I guarantee you will when I’m done with ya.” He then put the pickup in drive, the matter dropped, for now. Note to self. Don’t piss Logan off.

  Chapter 9

  As they headed toward town in silence, Kim decided she didn’t like being in the middle after all. It’s just stupid, all that feeling stuff. Why can’t they just get it through their heads and leave me alone? But she knew, even in the short amount of time she had known them, that they wouldn’t. Why does it freaking matter? Do they even really care? I’ve really got to just smile more, so they’ll never know when something’s going on. Kim had many thoughts floating around in her head on the way to town and since no one else was talking, she just had those conversations with herself.

  She put on her happy face as they arrived in town and went straight to the local diner. Everyone she met was so nice and welcoming. She didn’t feel a bit out of place. No ridicule, no judgment—just acceptance. She decided then, she wanted Haven’s Crossing to be her home forever. She still felt angry with Logan, but as she looked at the two of them she couldn’t help but feel overcome with emotions, love maybe? As they talked to their friends, one of them would casually drape their arm over her shoulder or around her waist. They were proud of her and she sensed that today, they were letting everyone in town know that she belonged to them.

  The day went quickly. They went to talk to the mechanic about her car and she was praying it wasn’t going to cost a lot. Jake was a very nice man, but apparently Logan thought he was being too nice, so he sent Caleb to take Kim out to the pickup. “I need to know how much this is going to cost, Caleb. Can’t you go find out?”

  “Logan will take care of it, sugar. Relax. It’s no big deal.”

  “It sure as hell is a big deal! That’s my car in there and it’s my money, so I need to know how much it’s going to cost.” She was getting really irritated again.

  Caleb looked at her sternly. “Sit back and relax.” She threw herself back against the seat and crossed her arms over her chest, glaring straight ahead. Logan was getting in and saw the last of her performance. He looked at Caleb, who was smiling. “She’s got quite a little temper, Logan. She wanted to know how much it’s gonna cost to get her car fixed and when I told her not to worry about it, she threw herself a tantrum.”

  “Did she now?” Logan said raising his brow. Kim sat there silently fuming, glaring straight ahead. She really felt like kicking her feet and screaming, but she refrained.

  When Caleb started patronizing her and tried to rub her arm in mock comfort, she went off. “Leave. Me. Alone,” she growled.

  “Damn, Caleb, you’ve got her riled up real good,” Logan said calmly, which made her want to scream.

  “You ain’t seen nothing yet,” she said under her breath, but loud enough for them to hear. Both men looked at each other and Logan gave a nod.

  “Looks like our next stop needs to be Doc’s so he can give us that release.” Fuck you, asshole.

  “What the hell did you just say to me?” Logan said, definitely not amused any longer. Oh, shit—did I just say that out loud?

  She could see that Logan’s jaw was tense as he drove to Doc’s. He was really pissed. She scooted toward Caleb, wanting to stay as far away from him as possible. Caleb whispered in her ear, “Sugar, you do remember what I said about not cussing at Logan, right? ’Cause that was a perfect example of what you shouldn’t do.”

  “Well, he made me mad!” she whispered back loudly, then continued to pout. Today was going nothing like she had planned.

  Doc was nice and friendly, talking to her gently as he checked her over. Logan was standing there with his arms crossed over his chest and Caleb was leaning against the door frame, one boot crossed over the other. They were both watching her the way they always did, but Logan’s look was stern and foreboding. He didn’t take his eyes off her when he started talking to Doc. “So, she’s 100 percent now, Doc?”

  “I do believe so, boys. Just make sure she gets plenty of rest this week, and she doesn’t need to be using that arm much. Her head looks good though. She’s gonna be just fine,” Doc replied, helping her get down from the exam table.

  “So it’s okay that she goes over my knee for a good spankin’?” Logan asked.

  “Logan!” she screamed, not believing he just said that in front of Doc.

  “I see you’ve been busy gettin’ yourself in some trouble, young lady,” he said with a wink.

  “Yes, sir,” she replied softly, trying to be respectful.

  “You give ’em hell, honey,” he whispered as he was hugging her goodbye. “They wouldn’t want it any other way.” She couldn’t help but smile at the elderly doctor. She really liked him.

  As he let her go, he looked directly at Logan. “The answer to your question is ‘yes,’ but you better be nice to her, Logan Wade—’cause I like her,” he said, winking at Kim again.

  As they headed toward the pickup, Kim hesitated at the door. “Get in, sugar, we’re not headin’ home right now,” Caleb said with a grin. How the hell did he know what I was thinking? They ran a few more errands and she felt like she had met everyone in town. Logan stopped by to pick up some steaks and beer and then they headed home. The drive was not so comfortable as she sat there in silence in between them. She started to feel a little warm and claustrophobic, wanting to get out of the pickup, but not wanting to be at home, either. Caleb sensed her discomfort and started to rub the back of her neck and shoulders, to help her relax.

  He watched as the Wade brothers drove her into town. They had ruined his initial attempt to get her—but get her he would. He just had to be patient and wait for the opportunity to arise and besides, there were other women on his radar right now that would suffice until the time was right for her. All women in Haven’s Crossing were evil. His mother had been one of them. His father had told him repeatedly how she had ruined their lives and how it was up to him to see that no woman ever did that again. Of course, the only way he could be sure of that, was if they were all dead…

  As they arrived at the house, Kim sat in the pickup, not moving a muscle. Logan got out and Caleb stood on his side, waiting for her to take his hand. When she didn’t, he stuck his head back in toward her and said, “It’s not gonna go away, sugar. I will tell ya though, that even as mad as he is right now, he’s not gonna be too hard on ya.”

  “But, I don’t want a spanking, Caleb,” she said in the softest voice she could, trying her best t
o sound innocent and vulnerable.

  “Then you shouldn’t have made that little comment and you sure as hell shouldn’t have told him to fuck off. Now let’s go in there and get this over with.”

  “What if I refuse to get a spanking?” she asked, trying another tactic.

  “You can refuse all you want, sweetheart, but you’re still gettin’ one. Now move it, before I start losing my patience.” She took his hand and scooted out of the seat, feeling like she was walking to her execution. She walked slowly, looking down at the ground, not wanting to make eye contact with Logan, who was standing at the doorway, waiting. The butterflies in her stomach were practicing for the Olympics, not helping her state of anxiety.

  As they went inside, she glanced around looking for an escape route. At least she could make it difficult for them. Again, however, they knew what she was thinking and when she tried to bolt, Logan had his arm around her waist in a second. He picked her up and put her over his shoulder like she was a child and when she began to kick and scream, he swatted her bottom—a prelude of what was to come. Caleb was waiting in the dining room and pulled out a chair for him. Logan sat her down on her feet, but had a hold of her arm so she couldn’t run. He then sat down in the chair and gently pulled her over his knees, making sure to hold her firmly so she couldn’t wiggle around.

  She tried to get up, but it was no use. She was stuck and had no choice except to stay where he had put her. Her view now consisted of Logan’s scuffed boots and the bottom of his pants leg. She then noticed another pair of boots—Caleb, standing there to observe. “You know why you’re across my knee, don’t ya?” Logan asked, flatly.

  “Yes,” she said, her voice a little shaky.

  “Tell me why, Kim,” he added. Great, it couldn’t just be a spanking—we have to fucking talk about it first.

  “Because I told you I wasn’t going to talk and that I’d just start hiding my feelings from you, so you wouldn’t know. And—because I called you an asshole and told you to fuck off.” I really do deserve a spanking.


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