Sinful (Undone)

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Sinful (Undone) Page 19

by Jennifer Dawson

  Eight minutes and twenty-five seconds later I’m in front of her apartment, thankfully the gods are with me tonight because I find a spot on her block. I text her and wait the fifteen seconds for the buzzer to go off. I race up her stairs, ignoring how insane I’m being to get to her.

  When I get to her floor, I run down the hall to find her door already open. She’s leaning against the doorframe, in her little nightgown that stops an indecent length at her thighs. I am going to shred it from her body.

  I’m feeling dark and dangerous. I’m in a rough, claiming mood.

  I pull to a stop, grab her by the nightgown and yank her to me. She falls against me, twining her arms around my neck as our lips meet.

  Everything between us is instantly hot. Instantly out of control.

  Our mouths fight to get closer. I grip her hair, slanting her head to grant me better access. So I can get deeper. Taste more of her.

  If I don’t stop, I’m going to take her in the hall, so I pull away and wordlessly take her hand and lead her inside and down the hall to her bedroom. When we close the door behind us, I take her mouth again, delivering a hard, bruising kiss before whispering against her lips, “On the floor.”

  I’m going to need a hard surface and I don’t want to wake her roommate.

  Before she can say anything, I push her to the floor and strip off my shirt.

  She falls to the rug and immediately opens her legs, baring her pink, swollen pussy I’m about to bury myself into. I pull a condom I sure as hell don’t want to put on out of my pocket and tear open the package with my teeth. I don’t even bother to take off my jeans or shoes. I just kneel down between her splayed thighs, roll the condom on, and put my palms on her skin, roaming up and down her legs. “Hard and rough, Jilly.”

  She arches up, her gaze glassy. “Yes.”

  I pull the straps of her nightgown down her shoulders, baring her breasts, pushing her nightgown up over her hips. She looks wanton, like a sex goddess, and I have never wanted a woman more than I want her in this moment.

  I lean down and suck her hard nipple into my mouth, rolling it with my tongue, scraping my teeth over the sensitive flesh. She gasps and keens, moaning out my name in that delicious way she has. I reach between her legs to find her soaking wet and my fingers glide effortlessly over her clit. “How many times did you have to stop yourself from coming?”

  Her lashes flutter open and she meets my gaze. “About a million.”

  I circle the hard bundle of nerves. “That’s my girl.”

  “Yes, yours.” She pants out a breath.

  I plunge my fingers inside her. “Mine.”

  “Yes, god yes.”

  I can’t wait one more second, and rub the head of my cock over her slick opening once. Twice. Then on my third pass I slam inside, and her back bows off the carpet. I position myself over her, putting my hands on either side of her head, I rock, my cock filling her, enveloped by her slick, hot, tight passage. I moan and whisper against her lips, “I swear to fucking god, Jillian, nothing feels as good as your cunt.”

  She jerks, meeting my demanding thrusts as her nails rake down my back. She’s going to leave a mark, and it’s exactly what I want.

  I set a mean, dirty rhythm, practically fucking her into the floor.

  Her fingers dig into me.

  I bite her shoulder.

  Even on the floor we’re loud, but I don’t care. All I care about, all I want, is to drive into her as hard as possible, to leave my mark. To make sure she feels me long after I’m gone.

  Pressure builds at the base of my spine and I shift my angle. A second later, just like I knew she would, she starts to come around me. She’s calling out my name so loudly, I clamp my hand over her mouth, while she thrashes and struggles, convulsing crazily around me.

  I lose myself in her, pumping fast and rough until I explode with near blinding pleasure that seems to go on and on and on as Jillian’s body milks every last ounce of sensation from me and I collapse on top of her.

  I have no idea how long we drift along but all the sudden, Jillian laughs.

  I raise my head to look down at her, and catch my breath she’s so damn gorgeous lying there, completely debauched, her hair wild and spread out, her lips full. “What’s so funny?”

  “I guess you missed me.” She beams at me, looking like a satisfied Cheshire cat.

  I kiss her. “I guess I did.”

  She reaches up and brushes a lock hair that’s fallen over my forehead back. “I’m glad you called.”

  A different kind of pleasure spreads through me. “Oh yeah?”

  She nods. “I don’t want to sleep alone.”

  “Me either.” And that was just the thing, it wasn’t just the sex, I wanted her next to me. Curling into me the way only she does.

  I pull her from the floor, dispose of the condom and strip off her nightgown before stripping off the rest of my clothes. We climb into her bed and she presses against me, throwing her leg over mine as we burrow under the covers.

  I trace my fingers over her back, and that manic restlessness that drove me crazy all night, eases. My lashes drift closed and she kind of melts into me, her fingers playing over my chest. In a sleepy voice, she says, “I had plotted revenge.”

  I laugh, low and lazy. “Did I ruin it?”

  She sighs, and it’s so content sounding I can only smile. “You did. But this was worth it.”

  “There’s always tomorrow, baby.”

  “That there is.”

  And with that, I drift off to sleep, and all is right in the world.


  “I’m impressed it took you this long.” I pick up the menu and smile at my brother, who invited me for lunch at our favorite dive diner in the city. I actually am surprised he waited three whole days.

  He tilts his head and runs his hand over his water glass, wiping away the condensation. “I thought it was best to give it some time.” He grinned. “You know, cool down before I tried to talk to you.”

  That was my pragmatic brother for you. He had the patience and level head of a saint. To be honest, it was actually kind of annoying, but right now I had a newfound appreciation for the trait. I raise a brow. “And how do you feel now?”

  He shrugs one big, broad shoulder. “I’m trying to get used to it.”

  “You’re not here to talk me out of it?” Neither of us seems inclined to use Leo’s name or say any specific words out loud, as though if we just keep calling it “it” we can pretend we’re talking about what to get our parents for their anniversary or something.

  He shakes his head. “Unfortunately, you’re a grown woman. You’re also stubborn and I know you won’t listen to anything I have to say.”

  This is true, but I’m still curious about his thoughts, and he’s still my brother. “What would you say if you thought I would listen?”

  He puts down his menu and gives me that direct, level-eyed look of his. Steady as a rock is what my mom always says about him, and he is. “I just want you to be careful. To think through your decisions and not get caught up in the thrill of the newness.”

  I offer a slight smile. “Doesn’t everyone fall for the thrill of newness? If it wasn’t a thrill, why bother?”

  “You know what I mean.”

  I do, but the statement still stands.

  A waitress walks up, flicks a glance over me, before turning a hungry gaze on my brother. “Are you ready to order?”

  I roll my eyes. Michael is ridiculous to look at, made all the worse because he’s six-five and has shoulders that go on for miles. Women practically tremble before him. I don’t want to think about his proclivities in the bedroom, but I can’t help but see how his size and intensity would come in handy, considering his…preferences.

  We both order hamburgers and when she takes her reluctant leave, I do offer some reassurance. “I don’t think this is a fly by night type of deal. It’s been a long time.”

  “But it’s still new. And it’s easy to
get swept up.”

  I take a sip of iced tea. “I know you all think I’m easily distracted by all things new and shiny, but this isn’t like that.”

  He holds up a hand and cuts me off. “I’m not talking about that.” He clears his throat, shifting in his chair, looking distinctly uncomfortable. “The first time you…” He rubs the back of his neck. “Have that kind of…experience…well, it can be overwhelming and I want to make sure you’re okay.”

  Heat spreads across my chest and even speaking vaguely the conversation is awkward. It was like we know too much about each other. “I’m fine, I promise.”

  There’s a minute of awkward silence where we both look at everything but each other.

  Finally, he laughs and shakes his head. “This really sucks, doesn’t it?”

  I laugh too and the tension breaks. “Yeah, it’s pretty icky.”

  “I’m really irritated at Leo for putting us through this.”

  I grin. “I know, right? What a jerk.”

  “I’ll just pretend he’s saying prayers over you.”

  I wave my hand. “And I’ll just pretend you’re the sweet, kind gentleman our momma raised you to be.”

  He nods. “Deal.”

  I understand him. He needs to make sure his baby sister is all right, that she’s safe and cared for, and I think he’s at least pacified. “Speaking of our mother, did she tell you I’m going back to school?”

  “She did. That’s great. I’m happy you’re going to pursue something you love.”

  I can’t help but bring it back to the point of this discussion, to show him that it’s not only school that’s good for me. “Leo gave me the idea.”

  Michael’s expression widens in surprise. “Oh?”

  I nod. “Well, it’s not like he told me to go back to school or anything. But he kept asking me why I wasn’t pursuing a career in art. And when I brought up the idea he didn’t try and talk me out of it. I like that he doesn’t try and change me, but more encourages me to be my best self.” I wrinkle my nose. “Does that sound crazy?”

  He smiles. “Not at all. I’m glad. That’s what you deserve. Even though, out of all the guys on the planet, you had to go and pick my best friend.” The smile falls away and he glances away before leaning across the table. “I do have one thing to say about Leo though.”

  “All right.”

  He sighs. “I’ve never seen him act with anyone the way he acts about you.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  “With Leo, I really don’t know. I just want you to remember that since Tony died he’s spent all this time building up wall after wall to keep people out, especially women. I’ve never seen him be anything but cool and casual about relationships. In all the years I’ve known him, he’s never broken a sweat, even when he was with a woman for a long time.” He takes a deep breath and slowly exhales. “You’re making him sweat, Jillian.”

  I understand this isn’t Michael’s intention, but I’m not going to deny it, the notion fills me with satisfaction and pleasure. Like I want to go find Leo right this second, drop to my knees and give him the best blow job on the planet because it makes me that happy to hear.

  I haven’t said it yet, to anyone, but I know Leo’s the one for me. I’m totally in love with the guy and this isn’t some flight of fancy. He’s like art. One look at him and he stuck, and my emotions for him will not waver.

  Of course, it’s too soon. So I have to keep it to myself to avoid the whole—you know, Jillian—looks they’ll all pass each other. Confirmation that I’m different to Leo, it makes me hopeful.

  I tilt my head. “So that’s good, we’re both improving each other as people. Isn’t that what you want from a relationship?”

  “True.” Before he can say more the waitress comes and delivers our burgers, taking her leave when her attempts to flirt with Michael fail. He turns back to me. “Just remember, when you start punching holes in someone’s walls, there’s bound to be consequences. As long as I’ve known Leo, he’s worked to keep people out. At some point, his defenses are going to go up.”

  There’s a logic to what he’s saying. A practicality even I can’t ignore. But I don’t want to think about that. “Why are you telling me this? Can’t I just be happy for now?”

  He looks at me, narrowing his eyes. “That’s precisely why I am telling you. Because I want you to be happy. So when it happens, and it will happen, you’ll be ready for it.”

  “Consider me warned.” I don’t doubt what he’s saying, but whatever Leo’s defenses he’s not letting them stop him. I’ve never been with a man that was so…with me. So present and in tune to me. Everything he’s done and said has brought me nothing but closer to him, including this whole domination thing. Which, I’m turning out to be quite fond of. I mean, it’s hard to hate on something that makes me come so hard.

  Besides, he’s taking me to his nana’s birthday, introducing me to his family as his, and that’s huge for him. He’s told me he wants to be with me. That means something. I will not let this one niggling worry get the best of me.

  I’m positive we will conquer our demons together.

  “So this is it.” I squeeze Leo’s hand as we pull up to the old-school Italian restaurant, Sabatino’s, a Chicago classic.

  He slants a glance in my direction. “This is it.”

  “How do you feel?” I ask, grinning at him.

  “Isn’t that my line? You’re the one on display.” His gaze skims down my body, taking in my red spaghetti-strapped jersey dress that slides over my curves in the best way. “And what a display it is.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” It’s not borderline indecent like the dress I wore to my brother’s birthday. No, this dress is appropriate for a family party, despite its sexiness, and I feel gorgeous in it.

  Next to Leo, with his dark hair, even darker eyes and olive skin wearing a white dress shirt and black pants, we are quite stunning, if I do say so myself.

  He leans over and kisses me. “You’ve already met my mom and dad, sisters and my grandparents. That’s half the battle.”

  “But not like this?” I’m nervous, and I’m guessing he is too. Because I know he’s never brought anyone home with him. I know this is a big deal, and that his Italian family will make it a big deal. That bringing me is a public statement that we’re in a relationship.

  He shifts his attention to the restaurant. “No, not like this.”

  After lunch with Michael I’d gone to Leo’s and we’d spent the entire afternoon in bed. He’d been hard on me. Demanding and exacting. I’d loved it. It had relaxed both of us and we hadn’t pulled ourselves out of bed until we’d been forced to get ready. He’d still found time to take me in the shower though, hot water streaming over our bodies as he took me from behind, our hands entwined against the tile wall.


  He looks at me and I squeeze his hand again. “Thank you for bringing me. It means a lot to me.”

  Something passes over his expression and he reaches for me, wrapping his hand around my neck before brushing his thumb over my bottom lip. “What am I going to do with you, Jillian?”

  Love me. But I don’t say that, instead I smile. “You’re creative, I’m sure you’ll come up with something.”

  “Let’s get this over with.” We get out of the car and he slides his arm around my waist. Just before we walk through the door, he says, “The only reason I let you wear panties is so that I can rip them off you sometime tonight.”

  I gasp and blush, swatting him in the stomach with the back of my hand. Laughing, he pulls me inside and leads me to the back room where the party is. We step through the double doors and the fifty people already there stop and stare at us. Leo’s family is almost all Italian and they look like they belong on the set of Goodfellas or The Godfather.

  An older gentleman with thick black hair and a beefy face, kisses his hands. “Bellissima, Leonardo.” Then he’s off in a rapid-fire Italian that has most of them laughin
g, but I’m relieved to see a few look befuddled like me.

  Leo drags me into the room and whispers into my ear, “He says you’re very beautiful, and that it’s about time because they thought I might be gay.”

  Another man pounds on Leo’s back, saying something I can’t understand. Leo surprises me, by shooting back a response in Italian.

  I blink up at him. “You speak Italian?”

  He grins down at me. “Of course.”

  “You mean all this time I could have been listening to you whisper dirty words to me in Italian?”

  He squeezes my hip. “I hadn’t thought about that.”

  Before I can investigate this new skill further, he pulls me over to where his parents are, both beaming at me like I’m the Virgin Mary come to life, which after all the things their son has done to me, I most certainly am not.

  I smile and hold out my arms to his mom who wraps me up in a bear hug. “Mrs. Santoro.”

  She doesn’t let go, just sways me back and forth in a rapid motion. “Jillian, my lovely girl.” She pulls back from me, makes the sign of the cross and points to the heavens. “You have no idea how long I’ve been praying for my son to wise up and see what was right in front of him.”

  Leo rolls his eyes. “All right, let’s not be dramatic.”

  I grin back at him. “He can be a little stubborn at times, but see, I won in the end.”

  Leo’s expression flashes with amusement and something darker. That certain look that tells me I’ll be paying later. Of course, I can hardly wait. Leo’s price always includes multiple orgasms.

  I turn and kiss his dad on the cheek, grasping his hand. “It’s so lovely to see you again, Mr. Santoro.”

  “You too, dear.” His dark eyes, so like his son’s, twinkle. “I can’t tell you what a pleasant surprise this is.”

  “I’m glad.”

  Before we can say anything more, Tailia, Leo’s baby sister, squeals and comes running over to us. She’s a pretty brunette, with a short pixie haircut that matches her petite features and Cupid’s bow mouth. “Jillian! Finally!”

  I laugh and we hug. Meeting the family isn’t that bad when you’ve already known them for years. She takes my hand. “I’m so glad you’re here.”


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