Return to the Carnival of Horrors

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Return to the Carnival of Horrors Page 2

by RL Stine

  “But —” you try to argue.

  The kid tugs on the brim of his cap and looks around. Then he gives you a fierce look — the look of someone who’s telling you something he shouldn’t.

  “You need a camera if you’re going to beat Big Al,” he whispers. “Remember that — now scoot!”

  You heard the kid! Scoot over to PAGE 54.

  “What were you doing in the water?” the man demands. “You know this is where we keep the squid for the Squid Wrestling Extravaganza!”

  Maybe you got water in your ears. You couldn’t have heard him right. “Did you say squid wrestling?” you ask.

  “That’s right. But you shouldn’t have tried to sneak in and practice,” the man scolds. “That’s cheating!”

  “Wait a second!” you burst out. “We’re not squid wrestlers!”

  “Sure you are,” the man insists. “Why else would you be in the tank?”

  You don’t know how to answer that.

  Don’t try! Just turn to PAGE 51.

  You glance up. And nearly faint.

  You’re staring at a giant claw! A claw the size of a car!

  The claw swoops down and grabs you. It swings you through the air and drops you into a plastic chute. You slide down the chute, screaming, into a giant glass box.

  Patty and Floyd tumble after you. The three of you pick yourselves up, groaning. “What happened?” Patty demands.

  Silently, Floyd points to one of the glass walls. You glance through it — and scream again.

  Peering back at you is a giant face. Big Al’s face! The carnival manager grins horribly. “Got you!” he mouths.

  “Oh, no,” Patty wails. “Look up!”

  You gaze upward.

  The giant claw dangles over your head. Slowly it begins to lower down toward you. Opening and closing. Opening and closing.

  Now you understand the awful truth.

  You’re inside the claw game! You’re one of the tiny people!

  You’re not sure how it happened. Maybe the strange green light shrank you. All you know is, you’re in big trouble.

  Your only hope is that someone will fish you out of there. Then maybe you can escape.

  The problem is, nobody ever wins this game!


  “Do your stuff, Floyd,” you tell your cousin.

  Floyd pats his pockets, then pulls out a big multiblade pocket knife. Using the screwdriver attachment, he removes the back of the signboard robot.

  “WARNING! DO-NOT-TAMPER-WITH-THIS-UNIT!” the robot blares.

  “Can you shut him up?” you ask. The voice is so annoying.

  Floyd yanks a wire, and the voice cuts off. “Hmmm,” he mutters, fiddling inside the robot. You peer into the mass of wires.

  “Something’s wrong!” Patty cries. “The clock on the screen has changed.”

  You race around to the front of the robot. Patty is right. Single digits flash on the screen now.

  9 … 8 … 7 …

  “What did you do, Floyd?” you demand.

  “Nothing!” Floyd insists. “I just cut this wire, which leads to the self-detect system —” He peers closer. “Wait. Does that say self-detect? Oh. Whoops.”

  “What does it say, Floyd?” you ask.

  “Um. Well. It says self-destruct,” Floyd mumbles.

  Self-destruct? You stare at Patty, then at the screen.

  3 … 2 … 1 …


  “I don’t care if you think I’m a wimp,” you tell Patty. “I’m not getting on that roller coaster.”

  You walk away from the man with the cigar and the horn. “I’m trying the Slug Subway,” you call over your shoulder.

  The person in charge of the Slug Subway is a smiling elderly woman with puke-green skin. “Oh, you’ll enjoy this ride,” she gushes.

  She shows you the Slug Subway. It’s a long tunnel, lined with what looks like a gray carpet. But it’s not a rug. The floor is covered with oozing slimy slugs!

  “Too bad we don’t have any salt,” Patty mutters. “We could dissolve all those creepy-crawlies.”

  The grandmotherly woman gasps. “My dear, these are pets, carefully trained. Watch!” She steps onto the carpet of slugs. She glides out for a couple of yards, then glides back.

  She doesn’t move her feet — the slugs move her!

  “They must be strong,” you say.

  “Oh, they are strong,” the old woman says beaming. “In more ways than one!”

  Go to PAGE 135.

  The Roller Ghoster picks up speed. It climbs, high, higher — and then zooms down.

  So far, that’s pretty much like any roller coaster. But now you have a new reason to scream as you go rushing down. Screws and bolts are popping out of the wooden supports!

  Up ahead, you spot another branch-off point. A small sign points to the right. It says PIT STOP.

  But the ghostly chorus begins chanting again, “Left, left. Go left!”

  “Don’t listen to them!” Patty screams. “They want us to die, the way they did. They’ll steer us to our doom!”

  “Un-unless they’re trying to fake us out,” Floyd stammers. “Maybe they’re yelling ‘Go left’ because they really want us to go right!”

  “Don’t be a jerk, Floyd!” Patty snaps.

  “Who are you calling a jerk?” Floyd yells.

  You whip your head back and forth between your friends. They’re too busy arguing to be any help.

  But you have a plan. You can’t help grinning as you crouch over the steering wheel.

  Prepare for a sharp turn — to PAGE 46.

  “Come on! We can lose them!” you yell. You head for The Sand Trap. Patty and Floyd follow right behind you.

  The Sand Trap looks like a golf driving range. A few people in old-fashioned clothes stand along a big red line. They’re knocking golf balls toward targets sticking out of the glittering white sand.

  You, Patty, and Floyd dart past them, cutting across the sandy lot.

  “Hey! Don’t go in there!” one of them yells.

  “You’re ruining the game!” another screams.

  “It’s dangerous!” someone shouts.

  You ignore them. You figure you have only two dangers to worry about right now: being caught by the mob chasing you, or getting conked on the head by a golf ball!

  Cutting across the lot isn’t as easy as you thought it would be. Running through sand is tough. And the farther out you go, the more sand you find yourself scuffing through. You sink deeper and deeper.

  The sand is up to your knees.

  In fact, it’s past your knees!

  Brush the sand off this page and head over to PAGE 24.

  “Number two is the shorter message,” you answer. “But it doesn’t make much sense.”

  You read the message aloud. “ ‘Any Year Is A Number.’ ” You turn to Patty and Floyd. “What does that mean?”

  Floyd raises his eyebrows and shrugs.

  “Who cares what it means?” Patty responds. “As long as it’s the right answer!”

  “It’s right, all right,” the man behind the counter grumbles. More smoke gushes out of his ears. “The screen always gives good advice,” he adds. He vanishes behind the booth’s back curtain.

  “Well, that’s one game we’ve won,” you declare. “Let’s keep going!”

  “Hey!” Floyd exclaims. “You won the game! Don’t you get a prize?”

  “Good thinking,” you say. “Maybe the prize will be useful.”

  You dash back to the booth to claim your prize. But the glittering lights, the computer screen, the man with the smoking ears — they’re all gone!

  An entirely different booth stand in its place.

  Scratch your head and go to PAGE 61.

  “I am feeling lucky,” you reply. After all, you’ve come through the last few games pretty well. And if the soldier just lost, maybe the odds are in your favor.

  The three-eyed woman can’t win every game, can she?

/>   The woman presses a button, and a new Q appears. She pulls on her hood.

  Pick a number between eight and fourteen. Then, starting at the , count up the tail and clockwise along the Q. Then count backwards (counterclockwise) around the circle, the way the soldier did. Right before he blew up.

  Remember the symbol you landed on. Now it’s your three-eyed opponent’s turn — on PAGE 10.

  “We’re sinking!” you cry.

  “No kidding!” Patty snaps. “Now what do we do?”

  You can’t go any farther. The sand is up to your waist.

  “This makes no sense,” Floyd exclaims. “Quicksand is wet. This stuff is dry.”

  “Nothing makes sense at this crazy carnival!” you wail.

  The Sand Trap is living up to its name. You are definitely trapped in the sand!

  If only you had noticed the sinking golf balls! You might have made a different choice….

  Listen, you’re such a nice kid, you’re going to get a second chance. But you have to keep it quiet. And this time — pay attention!

  Sneak back to PAGE 62.

  With a WHOOSH, something swoops down from the tower.

  “Bats!” Patty yells.

  But, no. These creatures have wings like bats. But they have the bodies of small monkeys. They fly around you, chattering.

  Patty cries out as one nips her on the finger. “Get out of here, you stupid monkey!”

  “I’m no monkey,” the flying creature retorts. “I’m an imp!”

  “What are you doing?” another imp asks as it lands on your head.

  “Trying to stay on this wall!” you snap, brushing it away with your hand.

  “Temper, temper,” the imp scolds. It yanks your ear.

  “Ow! Cut that out!” You swat at the imp, and then pull yourself up another few feet. You hear Floyd laughing.

  “What’s so funny?” you demand.

  “Nothing!” he screams. “They’re tickling me!”

  “Hang on! Keep climbing!” you cry.

  Finally, in spite of the imps, you reach the tower window. You and Patty and Floyd climb through.

  “No fair! We’re not allowed in!” an imp whines.

  “Good,” you mutter. You check your watch: 11:46. “If we’re going to find anything, we’d better find it fast.”

  Time is running out! Turn to PAGE 48.

  You bump into Patty and Floyd, who are right behind you. They have no place to go. A huge crowd of the strange carnival people surround you at the Hand–Eye Challenge booth.

  You shiver. The carnival people stand watching silently. It gives you the creeps. They seem very interested in the outcome of the game. You almost feel as if they’re rooting for you!

  “This is a test of hand–eye coordination,” the young woman explains, smiling broadly. Her fangs glisten in the light of the game sign.

  You try to smile back, which isn’t easy. Her breath smells as if she’s been eating skunk casserole.

  “These are for you,” she says. She holds out two long, thin daggers.

  Your eyes widen. Daggers? What sort of test is this, anyway?

  Find out on PAGE 68.

  Wait a minute, you think. What do I really know about Ernie? After all, he is one of the carnival people. His hint could be a trick.

  You glance at the flashing signs for Lucky Day. Everyone by that booth seems happy. They’re all laughing.

  “I’ll go with Lucky Day!” you say.

  The crowd around you parts as you head over to the booth.

  You glance back. Big Al is right behind you.

  Ernie has vanished.

  Turn to PAGE 102.

  The hot-dog man looks surprised. “You actually won?” he whispers.

  “Yes, he won!” Patty insists. “And we’re witnesses!”

  “So where’s his prize?” Floyd demands.

  The hot-dog man glances around. Then he swings up part of his counter on a hinge. It makes an opening large enough for you to squeeze through. “You’ll have to come back here,” he explains.

  You step through, but he slams the counter down before Patty and Floyd can follow. “Just you,” the hot-dog man barks. “We can’t let crowds through. Against the rules.”

  “Wait for me here,” you instruct Patty and Floyd.

  The hot-dog man leads you to the back of the booth. He pulls aside a canvas tent-flap. “Charlie, the Letter-Go operator, is back there,” he tells you.

  You peer through the opening. It’s pitch-black on the other side. “I can’t see!” you complain.

  The hot-dog man hands you an old-fashioned lantern. “Here,” he grunts. “Are you going or not?”

  To claim your prize from Charlie, turn to PAGE 129.

  If you don’t want to go into the dark tent, turn to PAGE 82.

  Big Buck waves his hands in front of your face. Green sparks fly from his fingertips.

  “Your bet was off by ninety-five,” he booms. “So for your prize, I’ll give you back that number. In years!”

  A red glow surrounds you. “Hey! What’s going on?” you cry.

  You step toward Big Buck, but it’s almost more than your muscles can take. You’re filled with aches and pains, and your bones creak as you move.

  You put a shaky hand on the counter. Something is wrong! Your hand is like a claw! The skin is wrinkled, with big brown blotches.

  Your face feels all wrinkled too. “Help!” you gasp. Your teeth feel loose — and your hair is falling out!

  Patty stares at you and screams.

  Floyd squints his eyes at you. “Wow! You look just like that portrait of Great-grandma Louise up in the attic,” he says.

  “You never should have bet that guy,” Patty wails.

  You clutch the counter. You feel too weak to stand up.

  Will you ever escape the terrible Carnival of Horrors now?

  Don’t bet on it!


  Ernie glances around. He motions for you to step closer. “We can give you hints — warn you away from the really dangerous games,” he explains in a low voice. “Some of them are rigged. Total fakes. Others are so hard to play, you may die trying! And as you’ve probably noticed, losing a game here means disaster!”

  “No kidding,” you murmur.

  “We’ll try to keep you safe,” Ernie finishes.

  You frown. You’re really disappointed. “Is that all you can offer?” you complain. “I figured you could give us hints on how to win. Or …”

  “Or rewire the controls,” Floyd pipes up.

  “Or show us the exit!” Patty cries.

  Ernie holds up a hand. “Hold on!” he exclaims. “We can’t be too obvious. If Big Al even suspects that we’re helping you —” He breaks off and shudders.

  You glance at Floyd and Patty, raising your eyebrows. They just shrug.

  “We’ll be rooting for you,” Ernie adds. “Well, those of us who can still think straight, anyway.”

  Go on to PAGE 12.

  You land on the top of the castle wall. Patty lands beside you. Floyd comes up short. His fingers clutch at a stone block, slipping. But you and Patty each grab an arm and haul him to safety.

  You watch, horrified, as the Roller Ghoster rattles to the gap in Dead Man’s Curve. It teeters, then crashes to the ground.

  Your eyes are wide as you gaze at the wrecked Roller Ghoster. “Th-th-that could have been us!” you stammer.

  “This is no time to freak out!” Patty cries.

  Time? You glance at your watch. There’s less than half an hour until midnight!

  “We’re almost out of time,” you say. “Should we search the castle and try to find some way to get back the time we lost? Or” — you peer down at the rides below — “do we search for the ride that will get us out of here?”

  Which will you do?

  To search the castle, turn to PAGE 125.

  If you head back down to the rides, try PAGE 57.

  Your log rushes along a concrete channel. The sides
veer in to funnel you toward the buzz saw. And they’re already higher than your head. You can’t just jump off!

  You have an idea! You reach under the seat and yank out a big orange life preserver. Leaning forward, you stuff it down the side of the boat, between the log and the concrete wall.

  It works! The tight fit makes the boat jam in place. It comes to a screeching stop.

  You don’t waste time. You and your friends unsnap yourselves and scramble over the top of the concrete wall.

  You just make it ashore as the next log in line slams into your old boat. It hurtles forward. The buzz saw slices the log neatly in two. You gasp as the bright orange preserver gets caught on the blade, swinging round and round.

  “It really was a life preserver,” you tell Patty with a grin.

  “Right,” she replies. Then she glances around. “You know, we’re back behind the scenes here, where most people can’t go. Let’s search the place and see what we can find!”

  Search for PAGE 121 first.

  A new spotlight comes on, blazing down on a metal chute set in the wall over your head.

  “And now,” the announcer’s voice rises in excitement, “let’s get ready to RUM-BLE!”

  The sound coming from the chute isn’t exactly a rumble. It’s more like a gurgle.

  A waterfall gushes out — along with dozens and dozens of baby squid!

  One lands on your arm and wraps its tentacles around it.

  CHOMP! It takes a bite out of you.

  Yeow! There’s nothing small about the size of the pain!

  Hurry to PAGE 50.

  You jump when a hand lands on your shoulder. “Don’t waste your time talking to Clem. He’s stuck back in the last century.”


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