Personal Apocalypse

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Personal Apocalypse Page 7

by John Sheridan

  Why wasn’t Isabella getting the message?

  This wasn’t going to work.

  She was married and she lied to me. I know her husband is supposed to be a horrible person, but that doesn’t change the moral issue I have with the situation. My thoughts drifted to Clarissa. She is the one I want to be with. I like Isabella. She was fun, friendly, kind and so freaking sexy, but she destroyed whatever it was we had. I didn’t want to talk to her on the phone. She would start crying. I would feel bad. It would end up with us meeting and I won’t lie. I fancy her. I fancy her like crazy. She is one of those rare beauties you meet in life. I just don’t want the temptation. I will talk to her on the computer and create some distance between us. That is the best thing to do.

  My cell phone went quiet.

  My house was finally peaceful.

  I returned my attention to my desktop computer and opened up my inbox. I had the usual junk mail and a few things asking me to review products I had brought online. There was one from my mother, which had an attachment. It was most likely family photos. I would check that out a little later and get back to her. I spotted one from Brendan.

  I opened up the e-mail and gave it the once over.

  It was short, sweet and to the point.

  A cold shiver ran down my spine.

  I could feel a hollow sensation pull down on the pit of my stomach.

  I re-read the e-mail. He couldn’t be serious, could he?

  ‘Dear Logan, I am so happy that we finally got to meet each other. It is like everything I have lived for was leading to that moment. I have dreamt so many things throughout my life, but it was all guiding me towards you. My destiny is now complete. I can now return to my family. I have left something down the side of your house. I don’t know why it is important, but I know that it is what I am supposed to give you. Thank you, Logan. Goodbye.’

  He can now return to his family?

  He told me they had died.

  I was out of my chair in a heartbeat. If I was quick I could get over to his house in ten minutes.

  Chapter Forty-One: Crime Scene


  I pulled over to the side of the road and switched off the engine. I felt empty. Brendan’s house looked like some kind of crime scene from an action movie. Police cars and ambulances were parked outside his house. Yellow tape blocked off his garden and driveway. A small crowd of neighbours gathered at the cordon. Policemen and women were talking to several people off to one side. I could see them writing down notes. I wound down my window, as one of the neighbours stepped off their garden.

  ‘Excuse me.’ The young woman, she had to be in her late teens, stopped by the car. ‘What happened here?’

  ‘I don’t really know,’ she replied by shrugging her shoulders. ‘Apparently there was a gunshot, but I don’t know if that is true or not.’ The image of my dream flashed within my mind’s eye. It was the man sitting in the chair, holding the smoking gun. Had that person been Brendan? I didn’t know. I had only met him on one occasion. The man in the dream was faceless. Was I supposed to stop him? Was there a way I could have saved him? Why had he done it? Did he believe in his predictions so much that he lived a sad and lonely life just to meet me? What made me so special? ‘Are you okay?’ asked the young girl. ‘Did you know him?’

  ‘No,’ I lied. ‘I didn’t know him.’

  Chapter Forty-Two: Brendan’s Gift


  I swigged at the bottle, as I paced across my living room. The wine tickled the back of my throat, as it entered my body. I was never a big drinker to start with. I could already feel my head getting that little bit lighter and my problems were not as heavy as before. I don’t understand why Brendan did it. It made no sense. Why would he kill himself? We were a day away from the end of the world. Didn’t he want to know what would happen? Didn’t he want to know what all this was about? Lucy sat on the couch, ears back. I could feel her watching, as I eyeballed the two items propped up on the armchair. I had found two packages down the side of the house when I had got back. It was just as Brendan’s e-mail said. He must have come over during the night and tucked them in the shadows. How long had he been planning to kill himself? It could not have been a spur of the moment. Not if he wrapped these up, drove over, and took the time to hide them carefully.

  ‘Fuck it.’

  I took another swig from the bottle and then placed it down onto the coffee table.

  I headed for the big package first. It was about two foot high and two foot wide. Was this another one of his paintings? I brushed my hands across the brown parcel paper, in search for a crease in the tape he had secured it with. Frustration got the better of me. I needed to know what this was. He had told me that he had some important information to give me. Was this it? Was I about to learn the secret to what this all meant? I tore at the paper. I dug my fingernails into the brown paper and ripped like a wild fox trying to get into a bin full of goodies. The wrapping was tossed onto the floor. A painting was revealed.


  I staggered back into the centre of the living room.

  I tilted my head this way and that.

  My eyes scanned the painting carefully. There was no doubt about it. The person in the painting was me. I was covered in blood. It was just like my dream. My hands, my arms, my face, my t-shirt and trousers were drenched in blood, but I didn’t seem to have any physical wounds. The blood was not mine. In one hand I held a bottle of wine. Unconsciously, I glanced towards the bottle of wine on the table. It was my solution for things that were too big to handle. In my other hand was a gun. Why would I have a gun? I don’t own a gun. What would I need a gun for? For a long moment in time I just stared at the image in front of me. Was this the message that Brendan wanted me to know? Was this how the end of the world would be? Would I have to murder others to survive? Would the new world be that dangerous?

  I approached the smaller package.

  It looked like a shoebox, but wrapped in the same brown paper.

  I ripped it open like a child on Christmas morning. I discarded the lid and looked within. Only two items sat within the box. The first was a hand written letter. The second item was a silver revolver. It was identical to the gun in the painting. I picked up the letter and began to read.

  ‘Dear Logan, by now I will be dead. I apologise for leaving you like this. I know you had many questions that you wanted me to answer. I am afraid I cannot answer any of them. I am in the dark as much as you. I don’t know why any of this is happening. I don’t know why my family were taken away from me in such cruel and unforgiving circumstances. If there is a god, he does not love us. We are the cursed ones. I have known for a long time that we would meet. I know the dark and horrible things that have happened to you. I know the pain you feel from losing your baby. I know you are a good person. It is why I have willed myself to stay alive until the day we met. Without my family I am nothing. I just want to be with them. I cannot live this life any longer. I have given you a gun from my father’s old collection. It is loaded and in perfect working condition. In my dreams I have seen that you are holding it. I don’t know what will happen tomorrow, but I hope the gun helps you to survive the apocalypse. I have also sent you my last painting. I don’t know what it means, but I think the context is pretty clear. The world is going to end. A new world of violence, death and destruction will appear. You will need to kill to stay alive. I wish you luck, Logan. You are important. We were destined to meet each other. It might have only been a brief encounter, but you are not alone. I know there are others like us in the world. Maybe that is your destiny. You might have to find them. You might have a key part in the new world. Good luck. I wish you well. Brendan.’

  ‘Damn it.’ I dropped down onto the couch next to Lucy.

  She shuffled over to me and placed her head on my knee.

  It was her telling me that I was not alone. She could sense I was upset. I leaned forward and plucked the wine bottle from the table. I took a swig,
as I stroked my fingers through Lucy’s fur. So, that was it. Brendan was gone. I had waited all these years just to meet someone who saw what I saw. I had waited for someone to tell me I wasn’t mad. I had longed to find someone that could give me answers. Brendan was now dead. He had taken his own life.

  I glanced at the painting.

  The apocalypse was tomorrow.

  Everything was about to change.

  Chapter Forty-Three: Temptation


  Lucy’s bark echoed throughout the house, as she charged towards the front door. I dropped the empty wine bottle down onto the living room floor and staggered to my feet. The world seemed to tilt at a funny angle. I stumbled across the living room and out into the hallway. I nearly bounced off the wall. Someone knocked on the front door.

  ‘Clarissa?’ I asked the world in general.

  Lucy yapped and growled at the door. It sounded aggressive, but her tail wagged excitingly.

  I unlocked the door. ‘Hello?’

  ‘Logan.’ Isabella greeted me with a welcoming smile.

  ‘Isabella? What are you doing here?’

  ‘I wanted to talk to you. I haven’t been able to catch you on the phone.’

  ‘What about your husband?’

  ‘He is away for tonight. Can I come in?’

  Unconsciously, I looked her up and down and then down and up again. Isabella was wearing a skirt and blouse combination. The skirt flowed elegantly down her body and hung at the level of her ankles. The blouse was a tight fit. She had cleverly left the top three buttons undone, which gave me a very good view at her delicious looking cleavage. My eyes stayed on her tits for a few seconds before I glanced back up to her face. Should I let her in? Did I have anything else to say to her?

  ‘Come on in.’

  The words left my mouth before I could stop them.

  ‘Hello.’ Isabella made a fuss of Lucy, as she stepped into the hallway. I closed the front door and headed towards the kitchen. ‘She is lovely. I always wanted a dog.’ Isabella followed several steps behind me. ‘I am sorry I never told you about my husband. I don’t want you to think I am the type of woman that would openly cheat like that.’ I entered the kitchen and filled up the kettle. The kitchen was fairly open and had enough counter space to meet my needs and just enough space to squeeze in a small table. It hadn’t been used much since my family moved back up north. ‘I know it must look bad, but you and I talked for weeks on end. I really care about. I know you are a good person. I am falling for you. It is why I had to meet you.’

  ‘You are falling for me?’ I slurred the words.

  ‘Yes. Logan, I am in love with you.’ She smiled a really honest and lovely smile. It wasn’t fake or forced. I could see she really did mean what she said. ‘I have never felt like this about anyone before. I know I am married and I know that I should have told you, but I am not in love with him. I am going to leave him, but he scares me. I just need to do it right. I just wanted to see you and go out with you. I didn’t plan for us to end up in bed together, but I was so happy when we did. The feel of you inside of me will stay with me forever.’

  I licked my lips, as I glanced at her tits.

  Isabella followed my line of sight.

  Slowly, she began to approach me, as she unbuttoned her blouse. Tingles began to dance throughout my body, as she undressed before my very eyes. I shouldn’t do this. I am going to be with Clarissa. I shuffled nervously, as a warm pressure gathered between my thighs. Isabella was so captivating. I couldn’t take my eyes off her.

  ‘How much have you had to drink?’ she asked.

  ‘A lot,’ I admitted. She took my hand with hers and clutched it to her chest. It was nestled nicely between her firm breasts. This woman knew exactly what she was doing to me. How did she have this much power over me? I thought I had more self-control than this.

  ‘It would be wrong for me to take advantage of you then?’

  ‘It would be very wrong.’

  She moved closely.

  ‘Do you think I should stop?’

  She leaned in towards me.

  ‘I-I...’ I stuttered nervously.

  Isabella pressed her lips firmly against mine. It was a deep and lustful kiss. It had an instant effect upon my body. It silenced that voice that was saying this was wrong. It was the voice that reminded me of Clarissa and that I wasn’t thinking straight. It was the voice that said I had too much to drink and I should just kick her out the house. It was the voice that said she was married and this goes against everything I believe.

  I opened my mouth and welcomed her tongue inside.

  A night of lust had just begun.

  Chapter Forty-Four: Isabella’s Delight


  ‘It’s incredible. Jesus. This is incredible.’ Isabella’s desperate moans echoed off the kitchen walls. She was bent over the kitchen table. Her legs were spread like some kind of police body inspection. Her tits were being squished down upon table top, as she dug her fingernails into the woodwork. Her panties rested upon the floor. Her dress had been hitched up over her hips. I was kneeling on the ground behind her. My face was buried deep into her soaking wet pussy, as my tongue curled up between her tender lips. I had never gone down on someone in such a position before. I don’t know if it was the booze, or Isabella’s power over me, but it was like some sort of demon of lust had possessed my body. I held her squirming hips within my hands. They were moving as if they had a mind of their own. The scent of lust flowed from her body. It was the fuel for the fire that made me lick her deeper and faster. Her agonising screams of pure delight were the greatest sound I had ever heard.

  ‘It’s so good, Logan. It’s so good. Don’t stop.’

  I didn’t plan to.

  My tongue curled, rolled and twisted inside her body, as I sucked ruthlessly on the edges of her lips. Isabella’s hips jolted and she cried out a long high pitched moan. I could feel her trying to stand up straight and pull away from me. The sensation between her thighs had become too much for her to handle, but she wasn’t going anywhere. She had seduced me. She wanted me to have her. There was no way I was going to let this end now. I gripped her hips tightly and pulled her back into me, as I forced my face forward. I licked her as deep as I could.

  ‘Fuck!’ She cried out. ‘Fuck, Logan!’

  I laughed like some kind of crazy person.

  What had come over me? This wasn’t me, was it? This wasn’t who I really was. These thoughts were quickly brushed to one side, as she screamed out again. Isabella was practically climbing upon the table to escape my golden tongue, but I didn’t want this to end. I wanted more. I wanted much more.

  Chapter Forty-Five: Intimacy


  I rolled the tip of my tongue around her erect nipple. Isabella giggled. I could feel her fingers stroking through my damp hair. We were covered in a light layer of sweat. It looked like we had just run a marathon. We had gone through all the condoms she had brought over. It was one of the most magically experiences of my life. I got to be with this beautiful woman. We were both lying naked upon my double bed. The duvet was now on the floor. Lucy was locked out on the landing. It was just Isabella and I. I sucked softly upon the peak of her glorious breast. She moaned softly and smiled at me.

  ‘Tonight has been amazing,’ she told me.

  ‘You have been amazing,’ I replied. ‘I could suck on your tits all night.’

  ‘They are yours to suck.’ She giggled. ‘I am yours, if you want me.’

  ‘What about your husband?’

  ‘I am going to leave him. I don’t love him. I need to get away from that house.’

  ‘Where would you go?’

  ‘I could move in with my family for a bit, but it would mean that I would be single.’ She let her words hang in the air for a moment. ‘It means I will be able to be with you. This means you get to have my tits whenever you want.’

  ‘I like the sound of that.’

  ‘I bet you do, but it also
means I get to have you.’

  ‘Why would you want me?’

  ‘I am crazy about you.’

  ‘Yes, but you could have any man. I am nobody.’

  ‘You are somebody to me.’ I could see the love through the windows of her soul. ‘You have been the only good thing in my life for all these months. I really care about you, Logan. You mean so much to me. I know I lied about being married, but I am going to leave him. This is a chance for you and me to have a proper relationship. If that is what you still want.’

  ‘I do.’

  ‘You do?’ She smiled that sweet smile.

  ‘Yes. I really like you, Isabella. I would be mad not to want you.’

  ‘So, do you think...’ she was cut off by the sound of Lucy barking. I could hear my little terrier thundering down the stairs and jumping up at the front door. Who would be calling this late at night?

  ‘Hold that thought.’ I kissed her breasts and Isabella giggled. I climbed off the bed and quickly pulled on my trousers. My eyes were firmly fixed upon her body. She looked like some kind of angel of beauty sprawled out upon the double bed. ‘You have no idea how stunning you look. I am going to be so naughty when I get back.’

  Chapter Forty-Six: House Guest


  The world swirled, as I gingerly made my way down the stairs. My mouth was feeling very dry. My head was feeling light. I felt like laughing. This was one weird night. Brendan goes and shoots himself in the face and then I end up having a sex-a-thon with a married woman. Fairly sure I am going to burn in hell for this.

  ‘Okay, Lucy,’ I grumbled.

  She was yapping so loud that she could shatter glass. It was constant.


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