Perfect Stranger (Novella)

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Perfect Stranger (Novella) Page 1

by Carly Phillips

  Titles by Carly Phillips




  Perfect Fit

  Perfect Fling

  Perfect Together


  Hot Summer Nights

  (with Jaci Burton, Jessica Clare, and Erin McCarthy)



  Perfect Stranger

  Perfect Stranger

  Carly Phillips



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  A Berkley Book / published by arrangement with the author

  “Perfect Stranger” previously appeared in Hot Summer Nights, published by Berkley Sensation Books.

  Copyright © 2013 by Karen Drogin.

  Excerpt from Perfect Together by Carly Phillips copyright © 2014 by Karen Drogin.

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  eBook ISBN: 978-1-101-63377-9


  Berkley Special edition / January 2014

  Cover photo © Jacob Wackerhausen / Getty Images.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.



  Titles by Carly Phillips

  Title Page



  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Special Excerpt from Perfect Together

  To all my readers who love the town of

  Serendipity and the people who live there. This

  story is for you! Thank you for buying my books,

  reading my stories, and writing to tell me how much

  you enjoy them. Alexa’s story is for you.


  Joe’s Bar. Familiar stomping grounds for Alexa Collins, yet everything about the night felt off to her. First, the bar’s owner and his new bride were on their honeymoon, so Joe wasn’t serving. Alexa’s normally happy friend Cara Hartley sat morosely stirring her drink, staring into the glass for answers, but the man who’d caused the problems was nowhere to be found. Alexa couldn’t relate to guy issues considering she lived an extremely busy life, spent hours in the hospital ER, and had no time for a relationship, let alone hot, stress-relieving sex—something she could definitely use. For the last couple of weeks she’d been suffering from a definite case of the blues, and the strain of her life was beginning to wear on her.

  No wonder she was in a funk.

  The music now blasting through the speakers gave her a jolt akin to a caffeine kick, and Alexa perked up at the sound. Rising from her barstool, she glanced at her friend.

  “I feel like dancing,” Alexa announced.

  With a disinterested sigh, Cara shook her head, but Alexa wasn’t taking no for an answer. Cara needed to have fun and forget about Mike Marsden, the man who’d broken her heart.

  She jerked her head toward the dance floor. “Dance. Now.”

  Cara groaned but complied, standing up on command.

  Alexa looked to the third woman in their trio. “Liza?” Liza and her husband, Dare Barron, had joined them for a night out along with some other friends who mingled around the bar.

  Liza swayed her hips in time to the beat of the music. “Why not? I could use some letting go.”

  Katy Perry’s upbeat tune reverberated around them as they headed to the dance floor near the jukebox. “Teenage Dream” began the set, which segued into “Firework,” one of Alexa’s favorite songs. She closed her eyes and allowed herself to get lost in the moment, her body moving to the beat, her entire being consumed by the tempo and the sounds pulsing around her.

  When she opened her eyes, she noticed she wasn’t the only one attracted to the upbeat music. The crowd had grown in size, everyone on the floor pumping their fists, swiveling their hips, and dancing as if they were shooting across the sky as the lyrics suggested.

  Dare had joined Liza, wrapping himself around his wife in a heart-melting embrace. Alexa looked away to avoid the obvious intimacy between the couple and her gaze met that of a man who sat alone at a table near the dance floor. A sinfully sexy man with shaggy, sandy blond hair and an unwavering stare.

  He watched as she danced, his heavy-lidded scrutiny focused on her as he sipped at his beer. His demeanor seemed casual but his stare was anything but. Thinking of how down she’d been lately and how great this music made her feel now, she was unable to resist the impulse to crook her finger his way.

  A glance told her that her best friend wasn’t watching, which was a good thing considering Cara wouldn’t know what had gotten into Alexa. And she would be hard-pressed to explain. All she knew, all she felt, was a bone-deep loneliness that reached into her soul, and this man’s intense and interested stare provided her heart with a jump she hadn’t felt in too long.

  A slow smile lifted his lips and her pulse skyrocketed as he stood and made his way toward her, his swagger indicating a self-confidence that was rare. Alexa experienced that same kind of self-assuredness in medical settings, but she normally fell short in other areas of her life. Still, she’d called on that confidence when beckoning him over, and she was glad she hadn’t stopped to think it through.

  He joined her on the dance floor, immediately picking up the rhythm. He danced close enough for her to smell his woodsy cologne that both surrounded and aroused her. As they moved, their bodies spoke for them, their synchronicity startling for two people who’d never met, let alone danced together before. And when the music turned sultry, he was all too willing to join her for some dirty dancing. He ground his hips against hers, the swell of his erection pressing deliciously against her stomach, too intimately for strangers. But too good to deny.

  So she didn’t.

  Instead she let the heat of desire crackle and spark between them, and fire licked at her veins as a result.

  Cara eased closer and looked from Alexa to her partner, her eyebrows raised, a concerned expression on her face. Alexa ignored her. She needed this sense of freedom, the release this man provided. She hadn’t realized how badly until now.

  Pure enjoyment and fun.

  When was the last time she’d allowed herself the luxury?

  Her dance partner’s hands slid to her w
aist. She’d worn black leggings and a cream cardigan, which she’d unbuttoned to show both cleavage and the barest hint of her lace cami underneath. She reaped the benefit of her clothing choice now, as he slid his hand beneath the layers, and she trembled at the rasp of his calloused palms caressing her sensitive skin.

  A sexy grin lifted his lips and he continued the dance along with the erotic assault on her senses. She could have lingered in their intimate embrace all night, but from the corner of her eye, Alexa caught sight of Cara’s ex-boyfriend, Mike Marsden, the man who’d broken her best friend’s heart.

  He strode up behind Cara and wrapped his arms around her. She jumped in surprise but soon settled into the embrace. Alexa figured Cara thought it was one of her guy friends joining her for a dance, because no way would she allow Mike that kind of privilege. Not without him doing some serious groveling first. Worried about her friend, Alexa kept an eye on the couple, prepared to step in if needed.

  “You okay?” her dance partner asked in a Southern drawl. It was the first time she’d heard him speak, and the sexy voice fit him perfectly.

  She nodded and smiled at him, her gaze roaming over his handsome face, which had dimples on either side of his perfect mouth and full lips and a faded scar above his left eyebrow. But even as she admired the view, she never lost sight of Cara, knowing her friend would do the same for her.

  Mike pressed his front against Cara’s back in a more intimate touch. Before Alexa could even wince, Cara whirled on her ex with a surprised then furious spark in her eyes.

  The music was too loud for Alexa to hear much so she inched closer, remaining vigilant and on call.

  “What are you doing here?” Cara asked, her voice tinged with the pain Alexa knew she’d suffered ever since Mike’s abrupt departure.

  “I’m back.” His gaze never left Cara’s.

  “Good for you,” she said with deliberate sarcasm.

  He appeared as worn and ragged as Cara had earlier, before Alexa had forced a dance session on her friend.

  Cara perched her hands on her hips. “And you thought you could wrap your arms around me and pick up where we left off?” she asked, her voice rising.

  Oh, go girl! Alexa thought, stopping short of clapping, because Cara wasn’t greeting Mike with open arms. As a cop, Cara could handle herself in any situation, but as a woman, she was more fragile. Yet she wouldn’t let any man, including this one, walk all over her. Alexa was proud of her friend.

  Serendipity, New York, was a small town, and Mike was the former police chief whose sudden departure had sparked many wagging tongues. Add the now loud discussion between exes and, sure enough, Cara and Mike were attracting stares from the crowd. Alexa knew they needed closure, but they didn’t have to do it in front of an audience. Time to put an end to the show, Alexa thought.

  Figuring she’d buy her friend some time to handle this on her own terms, she tapped Cara on the shoulder. “Are you okay?” Alexa asked.

  “Yeah.” But the hurt in Cara’s blue eyes told another story.

  “Can we go somewhere and talk?” Mike asked her.

  “Seriously?” Cara blinked in obvious shock. “Let’s get something straight. I don’t know why you’re here or for how long and I don’t care. But I will not be your booty call every time you come back to town.”

  Alexa stifled a grin.

  Behind her, she sensed her former dance partner was still there, watching the scene unfold, and Alexa spared a moment’s regret for having to ditch him this way. But he was a momentary diversion, while Cara’s friendship was forever. And no self-respecting woman abandoned a friend in need for a man.

  “Cara—” Mike reached for her but she pushed him away, shoving at his shoulder.

  “No.” Cara jerked out of his reach.

  Alexa moved closer. “I’m going to the ladies’ room,” she said, tipping her head toward the back of the bar. The silent Do you want to join me? was implied. She wanted to give Cara options before dragging her away.

  Mike whispered in Cara’s ear, something Alexa couldn’t hear, but Cara shook her head.

  Alexa turned, shooting a regretful glance at the man she’d never actually meet. “Sorry. Friendship calls.” She smiled at him, wishing they’d had more time.

  He nodded in surprising understanding and gestured with a sweep of his hand. “It was a pleasure,” he said, the words dancing along her nerve endings, similar to the way his touch had branded her skin.

  She held his stare for a few more precious seconds before breaking eye contact and focusing on Cara, who, though torn, would thank Alexa later for stepping in.

  “Let’s go,” she said to her friend, and steered them through the crowd toward the restroom, leaving her sexy dance partner behind.

  * * *

  Lucas Thompson watched his dance partner walk off, her hips swaying, her delectable derriere displayed to perfection in her tight black leggings. He liked what he saw. Hell, he’d liked what he’d felt even more. She wasn’t too skinny, like the NFL groupies who usually followed him around back home; her waist felt soft and generous in his hands.

  He groaned and headed to the bar. A cold drink would cool him off before he went to his buddy’s house somewhere in this small upstate New York town. Luke was here for a visit but his ex-teammate Sawyer Rhodes wouldn’t show up till late tonight. He was busy getting his father settled into an assisted living facility today. Sawyer’s plan was to stick around, fix up his father’s house, and put it on the market. Since Luke was in Manhattan for meetings with his agent, he’d taken Sawyer up on his offer to stay with him instead of in some sterile hotel room in the city. As pro football players, they both had enough of that when they were on the road. He’d help Sawyer out for as long as he was in town.

  Luke had pulled into the parking lot, planning to grab a beer and maybe some wings at Joe’s Bar. Dancing hadn’t been on his agenda. Then again neither was the russet-haired woman who’d captured his attention. She’d been a surprise in many ways, the most pleasant being that she hadn’t recognized him as the tight-end of the Texas Titans. Either she wasn’t a sports fan or she was more into her hometown team, the one to which Sawyer had recently been traded. Which meant her invitation to dance had been based purely on mutual attraction. Even before he’d seen her up close, and taken in those sea green eyes and the smattering of freckles on her nose, his gut told him the woman was more wholesome than any who’d crossed his path in way too long.

  He’d been watching her shake those hips with undisguised interest, and when she’d crooked her finger his way, his cock had jumped in delight.

  “Want to keep a running tab?” the bartender asked as he set Luke’s soda on the counter.

  He shook his head. “I’ll settle now.” He’d already had a long day of meetings. Between his agent and the potential sponsors he’d lined up for Luke to meet with, then the hours’ drive up here, Luke was beat.

  Before taking off, he looked around for his woman—he chuckled at the term; he hadn’t learned her name so it seemed to fit. He found her standing on the other side of the room, deep in conversation with the same guy who’d been hassling her friend earlier. Her friend, a pretty brunette, was nowhere in sight. Apparently Luke’s dance partner was mediating a dispute between the two.

  Luke shrugged, tamping down the disappointment. At a glance, she didn’t strike him as a one-night-stand kind of woman, although considering the way she let him grind against her on the dance floor, who knew where the night would have ended if they hadn’t been interrupted.

  Unfortunately, he’d never know.

  He set a twenty on the counter and waited for the bartender to make his way back to his end of the bar, which took a while since the place did a steady business.

  Finally, Luke got his change, left a tip, and started for the door at the same time someone ran inside shouting. “Alexa! Get out back now. Cara needs a doctor!”

  To Luke’s surprise, his onetime dance partner turned and bolted toward the rea
r exit.

  A doctor. Something about the information made him grin.

  Luke couldn’t stop the impulse to follow the crowd out back. Alexa—he knew her name now—knelt by her friend, the woman she’d been so protective of.

  “What happened?” he asked the man next to him.

  “Cara was attacked.” The guy, who appeared about the same age as Luke’s almost thirty, suddenly eyed him warily. “You’re not from around here, are you?”

  He hailed from a small town himself, where everyone knew everyone else, so this man’s distrust didn’t surprise him.

  Luke shook his head. “No, sir. Here to stay with a friend.” He wasn’t about to mention Sawyer’s name, not wanting to draw any attention to himself as a pro athlete while he was here. “But I was dancing with Alexa earlier,” Luke said, more to reassure the man that he wasn’t a part of whatever had gone down here.

  “I see.” The man nodded slowly, seeming to take Luke at his word. “Well, she’s the best doctor we have. She’ll be running University Hospital one day when her father steps down.” Before the man could continue, a siren sounded in the distance, the noise growing closer and making it impossible to continue the conversation.

  The paramedics arrived and things got even more hectic. They loaded Cara onto a stretcher and Alexa went in the ambulance, after insisting the ex-boyfriend meet her there with his car. Alexa had been too preoccupied to even realize Luke was in the group of people surrounding them, and soon the ambulance doors slammed shut and the vehicle sped away. The crowd slowly dispersed, the fun gone from the night.

  Luke climbed into his car and turned on the engine. The directions to Sawyer’s place were in his GPS, yet instead of turning it on, he picked up the southern route on the highway he’d taken here, and exited at signs for the hospital. The same exit he’d passed on his way to Serendipity.

  He parked near the emergency entrance and scratched his head, asking himself what the hell he thought he was doing. The woman was a stranger to him but she intrigued him on a level no woman ever had. And that was saying something, considering the smorgasbord of choices laid out for him over the years. He’d enjoyed it when he was younger, but he’d be thirty next month and he was over the lifestyle that came with the fame. The booze, the women, the occasional bar fight. So. Over. It. His teammates called him an old man. So be it. Luke knew he could take each one in a fight and still have energy left over. He just knew there was more to life than partying and he was ready to find it. Whatever it was.


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