Book Read Free

Writing Our Love

Page 19

by Sammi Cee

  “Hello to you too, precious.”

  She laughs before her head pops up over the top of Eli’s shoulder and her arm comes around him to rest her hand on my chest. This is what I live for these days. The connection I have with these two. “Hi, sweets. But I’m being serious right now. Why don’t you pursue something you enjoy doing all the time? It’s not like you need the money.”

  Eli says, “Considering the house is paid off, I make more than enough money to pay the bills, Coop.”

  “I know, but I’ll get bored if I don’t have somewhere to go every day. You both know I have way too much energy to just sit around. Besides, I think I’d be distracting to you, Shay, if I was home all the time.”

  “Well, not for long. It’s time to get back to work for me. I’m going to start looking at the first of the year.”

  At the same time, Eli and I ask, “What are you talking about?”

  Giggling at us, she says, “Guys, I took this break to write, but I don’t want to blow through all of my savings. Besides, I have a nice start to the next book, so I’ll be able to finish it if I work on a little bit each night.”

  Eli and I exchange a glance before he says, “Okay, get up and get dressed and go to the living room. We need to talk.” Now Shay and I exchange confused looks. Eli’s tone is brisk and demanding which is unusual for him. But hot, really really hot. I wonder if this is how he talks to his guys at work, if I was there I’d be distracted all the time. “Coop, why are you grinning like that?”

  Shay snickers from the other side of the bed as she slides off. “I know why. You sound sexy when you’re being all demanding. Maybe you should talk to us like this more often.”


  Shaking my head at my two ridiculous, beautiful loves, I grab a pair of sweats out of the drawer and put them on quickly so I can go into the kitchen and make a fresh pot of coffee. By the time it’s done brewing, Shay is sitting on the couch in the crook of Coop’s arm waiting for me.

  After handing them each their coffee, I begin to pace back and forth in front of them. It hadn’t been lost on me in the last months that Cooper didn’t always love, or even necessarily like, his job. He hadn’t said anything, yet, so I’d kept my observations to myself. And Shay, what was she even thinking? “Here is the deal. Neither one of you is going back to work for anyone else.”

  “What? I have to work. I’d be bored to tears.”

  “Lovey, I just told you that I don’t want to blow through my savings.”

  Stopping, I direct a pointed glare at them, one at a time, before I continue. “No one said you weren’t going to work. I said for anyone else. Now listen to me, this is what’s going to happen, and I’m not taking any no’s from either of you. I’ve given it a lot of thought, if you don’t believe me you can check my last two notepads.” They both beam up at me, making me smile back in return. It’s been surreal understanding where all of my idiosyncrasies have come from in the last sixteen years.

  “Shay, do you enjoy writing? Is it everything you thought it would be?”

  “Are you kidding? It’s more than I thought it would be. But Eli—”

  “Nope. You two always take care of me. Right from the beginning I’ve been the needy one, but that’s not the case anymore.”

  “You’ve never been needy,” Coops says, obviously irritated.

  “Yes, babe. I’ve been needy in the past, and I’ve needed help. I’m okay with that. I’m not putting myself down; I’m just stating facts. But with that said, I’m not any longer. I have a good job—speaking of, Cecile said thank you for the lovely fruit basket for Christmas, Shay. Her and her family enjoyed it, and she can’t wait to spend some time with you New Year’s Eve.” She bounces in her seat happily, and I continue, “So Shay, if you didn’t need the money. Say this book sold like crazy, and you could stay home and keep writing, would you?”

  “Absolutely, but Eli, we won’t know how the book is going to do, and it may take a bit to find a job. I think I should at least start looking.”

  “Well, I don’t.”

  “I agree with him, precious. I think you should stay home and write. Between me and Eli, we can definitely afford to keep the house up and going without touching your savings.”

  “Oh, I don’t—”

  “Hold that thought, Shay,” I interrupt. “Now Cooper, what do you enjoy more than anything in the world?”

  “Cooper?” he asks with an arched brow. When I shrug unrepentantly, he says, “Hmmm… except for loving on you two, I’d say my wood work makes me the happiest. Refurnishing and building both give me satisfaction.” I roll my eyes at the sappy look on Shay’s face as she tilts her head up to gaze at Coop. I agree, but gah, we’re really gross with all this lovey-dovey stuff lately.

  “Exactly. You’re both creative, and really, so am I. We all have our own thing, and we’re all good at what we do.”

  “Wow!” Coop’s eyes light up.

  “What?” I tilt my head waiting for his answer.

  “You finally realize you’re good at what you do. I’ve been waiting years for you to see how remarkable you are.”

  Feeling slightly embarrassed at his praise, I mumble, “No one said I was remarkable, don’t be dramatic.” Clearing my throat, I rush forward so that the focus goes off of me and back on them. “I think you should both stay home and do your thing. Shay can spend her days in the writing cave and Coop, you can spend your days out in your shop.”

  “How is that going to make me any money?” Coop asks.

  “First of all, again, we don’t need the money. Second of all, we’ll advertise. Isn’t that one of those things you do for your clients? Help beef up their marketing? Why can’t you do it for yourself?”

  I sit back in the recliner across from them and pick up my own coffee. Sipping on it, I watch the emotions flitting across both of their faces. Surprise, concern, doubt, hope, and finally, I see excitement beginning to shine from them. “Well, what do you think?”

  Shay asks, “Are you sure?”

  “Of course, I’m sure. I’ve run the numbers for all of our expenses. We can at least try it for a year and see how it goes. I think you guys should take this shot. And I want to give this to you. Please, let me.”

  “Yes. Yes, I will,” Shay exclaims before running over to the chair. I stand up, wrapping my arms around her to swing her around for a moment. When we’re done and both laughing like crazy, I turn to Coop. He’s still sitting at the edge of the couch, but he’s smiling in a whole new way than I’ve ever seen.

  “Well?” Shay asks.

  Holding his arms out to me, Coop says, “Come here.” When I’m right in front of him, he jerks my arm pulling me into his lap. Burying his face into the crook of my neck, I hear a soft, “Thank you.” And with that, the last little piece of self-hatred falls away and I feel whole.

  Diary Excerpt

  It’s New Year’s Eve!!! I can’t wait to be surrounded by family and friends tonight. We’ve only seen Shel and Dot once since Christmas day, too. They came over to hug me and tell me how much they loved the book. But other than that, they’d been spending time the two of them together at the house. Shel had sent me a text telling me how overwhelmed Dot had been from Christmas. She said she’d never received as nice of presents as she got from all of us or had a nicer holiday. Considering we didn’t know her that well, yet, and had been winging it, that made me sad. But happy that we could give her this.

  * * *

  Plans are under way for how we’re going forward. I’d always thought Coop was the happiest guy I knew, but that was nothing compared to how he’s been the last few days anticipating finishing his current job and being home to do his own thing. I can tell that Eli giving him this has meant everything to both of them. It’s not always easy for the three of us, meshing our lives together, but it’s worth every bit of irritation, even Eli and Coop’s tendency to just throw the pillows wherever on the couch. LOL. If they really knew how crazy that drives me, I’m sure they’d
stop, but… it’s such an insignificant thing compared to all the joy they give me.

  * * *

  It’s unbelievable how many changes can happen in a person’s life in such a short amount of time. Instead of making plans to go back to work, I’ve been outlining a writing schedule with Carl and Irene. It’s exciting to go into a new year with so much hope.




  * * *

  “Shelly, can you go check and make sure there are still enough plates and cups out on the buffet for me?”

  “I just did, Mom,” Dottie says. Gah! Every time she calls me mom it tugs on my heart strings. I was always disappointed to never have had a son and figured that someday, when Shel got married, I’d get one. But there isn’t one ounce of disappointment in the thought of her maybe ending up with Dottie. I realize now that I really just wanted another child to love. It doesn’t matter if it’s a girl or boy, as long as they let me love them.

  “Thanks, honey. You know, you girls don’t have to help me in the kitchen. Go and mingle. I’m fine in here.”

  “No, you’re not,” says Cooper as he walks into the kitchen. “Come on, precious. You’ve put out a delicious spread and people are eating and enjoying themselves. You, Eli, and Dot worked hard enough today. Relax. If anything needs to be refilled, Shel and I have it. Right, girlie?”

  Shel wrinkles her nose at Coop and Eli’s new habit of calling her girlie, but I know she doesn’t really mind. If she did, she’d tell them to knock it off and she hasn’t. “Yep. Go on, Mom. I’ll keep one eye on the buffet tonight. Don’t worry about it.”

  “Well, okay.” I allow Coop to lead me out of the kitchen over to where Irene and Carl are with their significant others, only glancing back toward the kitchen one time to see Shel making a shooing motion at me. With a giggle, I turn to sit and enjoy time with my friends.

  “This is really some house you have here, Cooper,” Carl says as we sit down with them.

  “Thank you. In all honesty, as nice as it is, the real beauty came in with all of Shay’s finishing touches. Her sense of style has really made it a home.”

  Carl’s eyes shift to me before his smile broadens. “That doesn’t surprise me at all. I knew that I was going to love real life Shayna even more than online Shayna.”

  “The feeling is more than mutual, Carl.”

  “Hey, Coop. Come tell Sean I’m right,” Bobby yells from the other side of the room. Coop kisses me on the cheek and excuses himself to walk over to Sean and Bobby.

  After watching him walk away, I turn my attention back to my guests. “I’m so glad you guys could join us tonight. It’s so nice to meet you in person.”

  “Are you kidding?” Irene asks. “There is no way I was passing up the opportunity to meet an actual triad in person. This is like a writer’s dream for me tonight. You three are research gold.”

  Geoff, Carl’s partner blanches, but before I can say anything, Eli is by my side and replying, “Irene, Irene correct?” She looks at Eli and nods tentatively, maybe realizing she was being rude. “You’re right. We’re an excellent case study for a happy relationship. The three of us are a perfect complement to each other, and if watching us can help you with your writing, make sure you tell us so that we can be sure to buy the book. We have fancy new Kindles, you know?” He smiles tenderly down at me.

  Irene’s smile fades before she looks at her husband, Joe. “I was rude again, wasn’t I?”

  Chuckling, he leans forward to give her a small peck before leaning back. “Yes, dear. But I’m proud of you, you recognized it all by yourself this time.”

  Irene turns back to me and Eli with a small frown. “Guys, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean that like it sounded. Of course, I’m happy to be bringing in the new year with your family, too. We’ve gotten so close in our writing group, especially the three of us.” She gives me and Carl both small smiles. “I know I don’t always come across right.”

  Joe interjects, “She doesn’t people often.”

  Geoff says, “Oh, I know something about that. I swear there are days when Carl would forget to bathe if I didn’t make him get up from in front of his computer.”

  “Oh, so is this what Coop and I have to look forward to when the newness of our relationship wears off with Shay? She’s going to get so lost in her stories that she’ll forget about us?”

  “Never.” I reach up to kiss him while watching the other four all nod their heads vigorously out of the corner of my eye. Ignoring them, I say, “I won’t. I promise.”

  Leaning forward toward the others, Eli mock-whispers, “Don’t tell her, but she’s already done it a few times. We just pretended that she didn’t so she wouldn’t feel bad.”

  “Really?” Hmm.. I wonder if he’s teasing me, but when I notice him and Geoff exchange subtle nods, I realize he must mean it. I’ll have to be careful of that.

  “Really. But don’t worry, Shay. We’ll keep you in line. You have two men, so there’s no way you’re going to get away with neglecting yourself or us.”

  Conversation flows from there, and it’s incredible. I’m so glad the four of them came. Carl is as nice in person, Irene is horribly tacky which ends up being hysterical, Geoff is witty and charming, and Joe is Irene’s perfect balance. Ruth joins us eventually, and before the end of the night, Carl has her talked into at least trying her hand at a short story. This night is shaping up to be everything I was hoping for.


  I’m so glad Eli ended up issuing the invitation to his family to come tonight since Ronnie ended up coming. It’s understandable that no one else could make it. Eli’s mom explained that they keep all the kids so that their children can go out and have a good time. We have plans for next weekend when his parents come to stay with us for the weekend. It’ll be great, and I know that Eli is over the moon with becoming a functioning member of his family again. After that, his other siblings plan on rotating to come and see us, too. They all want the opportunity to check out our house and the surrounding area.

  Ronnie on the other hand has no family of his own, yet. As the baby, he told me he just kinda does his own thing most of the time. It’s been great having him here today, and it’s nice that he’s staying the night so that we can spend even more time with him tomorrow. “Right, Coop?”

  “I’m sorry. I was a little lost in my thoughts there for a second. What were you saying, Sean?”

  “I was pointing out to Ronnie all the different things you’ve made in the room and telling him about your upcoming career change,” Sean says.

  “Oh, yeah,” I mumble. I’ve always been proud of my ability to create beautiful pieces of furniture; but now that I’m going to try my hand at making money out of it, I feel even more self-conscious than I used to when I’m complimented

  . I’m not totally positive that what I make is good enough to try to sell.

  “Cooper, I can’t believe you made this stuff. Wow. You’re talented. I carve and then paint or finish wall hangings myself, but I’ve been scared to branch off into the bigger pieces,” says Ronnie.

  “Really?” Bobby rises off the counter he’s been leaning on to start bopping on his feet. “You have pictures? Show me, show me. I’ve been looking for something for a certain spot in my living room.”

  Ronnie’s face turns bright red as he pulls his phone out of his pocket and opens his camera roll. Handing it to Bobby, he says, “That’s my latest album; you can swipe right and see everything I’ve sold lately.”

  Sean and I hunker over Bobby’s shoulder to look as he goes through. When I glance at Ronnie, he looks uncomfortable with our silence, but I think we’re all stunned, at least, I know I am. “Ronnie, these are incredible. And you called me talented?” I go back to viewing the images as Bobby slowly flips through them.

  It’s one picture after another of the most beautiful wood hangings I’ve ever seen. He has animals with distinct features painted on, varying sizes of bottles with the labels pai
nted on, wooden planks with sayings painted on, and my favorite are the American flags with the red and blue, or white and red, or the white and blue painted on. But what makes them all incredible is how he works with the different grains of wood to make it shine, leaving the wood the focal point of the piece.

  “What are you guys looking at?” Shay asks as her and Eli join us.

  “OMGeeeee, Eli! Your brother is super talented! I want to buy one of everything and plaster them everywhere.” Bobbie excitedly thrusts the phone into Eli’s hands so they can start flipping through each picture. The same look of awe is on their faces that I felt.

  Finally, Eli hands the phone back to his brother, who is doing his best to not make eye contact with any of us. “Ronnie, these are unbelievable. I had no idea.” The pride in Eli’s voice is unmistakable.

  “You think?” Ronnie glances up at Elijah.

  “I know,” Eli says before stepping into his brother’s space and enfolding him in a back breaking hug.

  As they release and step back into their own space, Shay asks, “So are you set up to sell these online?”

  “No, I basically do it for fun. It relaxes me, so I sell them at local trade shows and vendor fairs. I went the first time with a friend who sells paintings. He begged me to bring a couple to see how they’d do, and they did well, so I started signing up and splitting a booth with him. Now we rent out two side-by-side and each have our own.”

  Sean asks, “So you don’t sell these full time?”

  “No,” Ronnie says on a laugh. “I have a sales job that I hate. That’s why I go home and work on this. Knowing that I have carvings to make and paint gives me something to look forward to at the end of the night.”

  Shay tilts her head inquisitively. “Ronnie, surely you date?”


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