La Famiglia (Battaglia Mafia Series)

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La Famiglia (Battaglia Mafia Series) Page 20

by Mynx, Sienna

  Carlo did neither. He took a long drag of his marijuana and listened.

  To his left the satellite phone rang. Carlo exhaled the potent smoke in his lungs and dropped the joint in his ashtray.

  “Pronto?” he answered the line.

  “It’s me.”

  Carlo sat up. The cabin walls were made of paper. Lorenzo and Marietta’s sex play grew louder and louder. She laughed. He growled. Carlo heard what sounded like her running in the room and Lorenzo’s hard foot falls chasing her down before he dragged her back to the bed to punish her. Carlo grimaced and tried to focus. He never coveted another man’s woman and if he did that woman would be his.

  The entire matter had him questioning his sanity.

  He had called Melanzana and left the number to the boat for Dominic to call him back. He waited all night. He left another message at Villa Mare Blu. Finally the phone rang.

  “I called you hours ago,” Carlo said.

  “So?” Dominic answered.

  Carlo’s jaw went tight but he kept the anger and impatience from his voice. “I’m with Lo. Your orders.”

  “Gio’s orders,” Dominic corrected him. “How is he?”

  “The same. He—” Carlo paused. He could betray his friend and tell Dominic of Lorenzo’s plan to marry Marietta or he could trust Lorenzo and play the dangerous game of disappointing his Don. Either choice left him fucked and hosed with the stench of betrayal. He was no fucking snitch, he was no fucking coward, but after spending a day with Lorenzo and the brown temptress named Marietta he wanted to be both.

  “Carlo? What is it?” Dominic asked.

  “Nothing. Nothing. Like I said I’m out here on this fucking boat with him. Wondering when we can come back?”

  “We?” Dominic asked.

  “Yes we. He’s our brother. Why can’t you remind Gio of that fact?”

  “Gio needs no lessons on brotherhood,” Dominic replied.

  “Agreed. I’m not questioning Gio. The problem is, Lorenzo thought I came here to bring him in,” Carlo said. “He wants to come home.”

  Dominic went silent.

  Another burst of laughter from the couple echoed out of the wall. He heard Lorenzo curse loudly and Marietta squeal with girlish delight. He shook his head and clenched his fist. “So when can we come back?” he nearly shouted into the phone.

  “That’s why I’m calling. Gio wants you back. We have some opportunities to settle disputes in the Campania. Namely we can resolve problems with the Mottola clan. Need you on it,” Dominic said. “I’m considering pairing you with Nico for the job.”

  No one was better at enforcing the might of the Battaglia clan than Carlo and Lorenzo. Nico was fearless, but a robot. He only followed orders. Not a thinker. And with his menacing height and build he didn’t need to. As soon as Nico entered a room every other motherfucker bowed his head in respect. Carlo liked running with Nico. He liked being primitive in his hunt. But the administrators of Battaglia justice should be he and Lorenzo.

  Either way he’d go with the flow. No more of the political shit that Santo and Dominic preached. Fuck a motherfucker up, gut him for retribution; step in his blood and tears on your way out. He had a bloodlust now to work off his frustration.

  “How bad is it?” Carlo asked now on edge with excitement.

  “Best explained in person. How long before you can travel back? We’re in Sicily, Villa Mare Blu.”

  Carlo mulled the question over. The giggling, fucking, chasing ruckus had ceased in the other room. He could think clearly, breathe easily. He smirked at the idea of crushing a Mottola with his bare hands. “Tomorrow. I can be there tomorrow night or Monday morning at the latest.”

  “Good. See you then.”

  The phone line disconnected. Carlo dropped his head in his hand. He closed his eyes and thought it over. “Fuck this shit.” He tossed the covers aside and found his pants. He put them on and left the cabin. He pounded on Lorenzo’s door. “Need to talk to you!”

  A few seconds passed and Lorenzo was at the door in his boxers, he looked sweaty, disheveled. The bastard still had an erection. Carlo rolled his eyes as Lorenzo pulled on his dick. “What is it?” Lorenzo emerged with a lopsided grin to his face.

  “Home. We got trouble. I need to head back. We’re done.”

  “Wait!” Lorenzo stepped fully out of the room he closed the door. “What kind of trouble?”

  “Mottola. I think Santo has fucked up. Who knows? Gio wants me home to discuss it.”

  “When?” Lorenzo asked.


  “When does he expect you?” Lorenzo panted.

  “Tomorrow night.” Carlo started back to his door.

  “Good. Slow down.” Lorenzo walked up behind him. “We’re coming.”

  “We?” Carlo asked.

  “Me and Marietta. Today we get married and tonight we leave for Sicily.”

  “No. Fuck no, man. Gio wouldn’t—”

  Lorenzo pushed him back into his room and he had to shuffle his feet to keep from tripping over them. Lorenzo closed the door so Marietta couldn’t hear them. Carlo guessed he wasn’t aware of how thin the walls were on the boat.

  “It’s a perfect idea, Carlo. She’s my wife as soon as the sun rises and we get the priest on the boat. Think on it. Gio needs me too. When I show up with her he’ll have to settle things, accept Marietta. Tell the women the truth so I can leave this fucking exile.”

  “Or he’ll cut your throat and mine for disobeying him!” Carlo said.

  Lorenzo chuckled. “Trust me. I know what I’m doing. Gio’s weakness is Mirabella. This plan will work. If he wanted Marietta dead he would have ordered it. He’s trying to buy himself time. Well time has run out. We’re coming home.”

  Carlo slapped his head. “Fuck, Lo, you’re playing with our lives and hers!”

  Lorenzo glared. “I know what I’m doing! Are you in with me or not?”

  * B *

  Giovanni walked outside in bare feet across the ebonized hardwoods of the belvedere that extended from their bedroom. Here the beach could be seen and felt. A sweet ocean breeze cooled him as the sun boiled in the sky at such an early hour. Mira was always most beautiful in the morning with their daughter. And it was a tradition that they dined on the terraces or on the balconies of their vacation spots. Her hair puffed about her head like a lion’s mane. When she wore little makeup and didn’t work tirelessly to straighten her hair, her beauty was personified.

  While he slept she had their daughter’s highchair brought inside the room. Mira sat at a white linen clothed table with Eve on her left. She fed their daughter what looked to be warm cereal.

  “Morning,” Mira said. “You okay? You were tossing and turning last night. You said Chiaiano in your sleep. What is that?” She squinted at him and used her hand to protect her eyes from the bright rays of the sun illuminating her face. Bathed in sunlight her brown skin glistened with a golden tan.

  “Chiaiano? I said that?” he plucked a strawberry and tossed it in his mouth.

  “Yes. You did. What does it mean?”

  “It’s a village in the Campania. Nothing to worry over.” He kissed her forehead. He took a seat next to her at the table. A fruit tray and a fresh pot of coffee waited for him. “You know I dream of you when I sleep, Bella.”

  “Papa’s lying, Eve.” Mira fed her daughter another scoop and Eve hit her hand on the tray with an approving grin over the taste.

  Giovanni eased his feet out from under the table and felt a sharp sting. “Fuck!” he yelled. Mira and Eve both glanced over. He lifted his foot and brought it to his lap. “Damn splinter.”

  “You need to wear shoes. You are constantly walking around here barefoot,” Mira said.

  “I don’t need shoes,” he scoffed. He concentrated on lifting the tiny sliver of wood from his toe.

  “Well do it for me. You rub those calloused feet of yours over mine and I swear I have scratches in the morning.”

  “What are you talking
about, woman?” he glanced up.

  “Your feet. Put on some shoes, rub some lotion on them when you get out of the shower,” she said.

  “Or my wife could take care of my feet. Make me feel like her man.”

  “Me? Take care of your feet?” Mira frowned. “You mean wash your feet?”

  Giovanni chuckled. “Jesus did so for his apostles.”

  “So I’m Jesus?”

  He winked. “As close to God as I’ve been in a long time.”

  Mira shook her head smiling.

  The moment passed between them with shared laughter. And then she saw a scowl deepen the crease between his brows. Mira’s head turned and she looked in the direction he stared. Dominic and Catalina walked along the beach, hand in hand. They were headed back from some place. They laughed and talked together looking more in love.

  “Did they spend the night in our beach house?” Mira asked.

  “No.” Giovanni answered in a tight voice. “One of the other beach villas I’m sure. After I specifically forbade it—”

  “You talking about the rule at Melanzana? Oh stop,” Mira said. “Look at them. They’re happy. Let them be happy.”

  The request fell upon deaf ears. The look in her husband’s eye said he would not be tolerant or forgiving of this infraction. Giovanni then dismissed the lovebirds. “I have business today. So I’ll be tied up. What will you do?” Giovanni asked as he took a sip of his coffee.

  “Spend time with the girls. Speaking of, what about my proposal yesterday? You said you would think about it. I know you’re busy but I need an answer.”

  “You disappoint me, Bella,” Giovanni answered.

  “What? Why?”

  “You think I’m an idiot?” he asked. His crystal gaze leveled on her for an honest answer.

  “What does that mean? Of course not.” She gave a nervous laugh. That critical stare of his always made things tense when she just wanted to talk to him. He lowered his gaze and continued to eat. She exhaled a breath and spoke to him in her reasonable voice. “We made a proposal that works for the family. We came to you first, out of respect.”

  “Catalina did not come up with a bunch of dresses and fancy skirts to sell at Fabiana’s. You and Rosetta have worked day and night on your special project, I’ve seen the drawings.” His gaze flipped up to her and she was frozen in the reflective blues watching her reaction. “Catalina can barely sew on a button unless you hold the needle.”

  “That’s not true—”

  “And now you want her to represent your fashion business? Give me more credit than this, Bella. The plan of yours, it’s your way to get back in the business. No? Am I wrong?”

  “More… gim-me!” Eve hit her tray to emphasize her request. Mira fed her some more cereal.

  “Okay. You’re right. It’s ours. She has designs of her own, but I’ve sketched out a line and a project plan for Fabiana’s. I’m not asking to do the work—”

  “So you thought you needed to manipulate me?” Giovanni frowned. “After we discussed this? After everything?”

  “It’s just you’ve been really intense about this pregnancy. And I’ve put up with your need to control everything since we had the miscarriage scare. For Christ’s sake I’m watched like a hawk. If you thought I was stressing over this project we’d argue and I didn’t want to fight about this. It’s hard for me to not do what’s in my nature.”

  Giovanni dropped back in his chair. He stared at her until he stopped chewing and swallowed. “So you thought you should manipulate me to keep from fighting?” he asked.

  Mira looked over to her daughter who drank from her baby cup. “Yes. I am trying to manipulate you. I’m sorry. I should have been honest. Honesty is our vow. And I respect you, Giovanni. I do. Forgive me.”

  He smiled.

  His smile did not mean he approved. It only validated his point in the argument. Mira waited for his decision. After several long torturous minutes he gave it. “I have no problem with you, Catalina, and Rosetta doing what you dream up for Fabiana’s. What I do have a problem with is you keeping secrets, scheming or manipulating me. I won’t put up with it. I accept your apology but the answer is no.” He pushed from the table and walked out. Mira shook her head. She pushed up from the table and walked to the edge of the door to their room. He was at the dresser snatching out clothes.

  “You expect honesty from me when you live a life of secrets?” she shouted at him.

  He paused.

  She had his attention. Mira stepped inside and lowered her voice. “Don’t you stand there and pretend you’ve never tried to manipulate me. Remember I was a woman that ran a multi-million dollar company before I became some shut in, knocked up wife. I’m not stupid, Giovanni. I’m a lot of things but I’m never stupid! And you’re not in as much of control of me as you think you are.”

  Once the accusation was made plain between them she refused to retract it. Giovanni often told her half-truths. She accepted it because she loved him—desperately. He had to stop treating her like a possession or she’d suffocate in their marriage. Hell she was suffocating a little every day.

  Instead of his typical reaction of anger or bitter accusations he stared at her with genuine hurt. Mira wavered in her anger. Those blue eyes of his could convince her of anything. She could never bear hurting his feelings. But what about hers?

  “Don’t be upset with me,” Mira tried to approach him. He blinked out of his stunned tableau. Her husband grabbed his things and went into the bathroom to shower. The conversation was over.

  “Mama!” Eve yelled.

  She turned away also. “Okay, Eve. Okay. Mama’s coming.”

  * B *

  “Aww, ti desidero. Come inside, Domi. No one will know.” Catalina pulled on his hand to bring him across the threshold of her bedroom door.

  Dominic kissed her nose. “Don’t tempt me.”

  “I intend to,” she said.

  “No, baby,” Dominic said and drew away from her. “I need to shower and meet with Giovanni. We’ve already crossed the line. Let’s not push it. Eh?”

  “Mmm, do you know what the best part of fighting with you is, Domi?” she ran her hand down his chest. His beautiful, brown, heavy lidded eyes made her want to kiss him. Go to her knees and take him in her mouth. Dominic could seduce submission from a nun if he set his mind to it.

  “Tell me?” he asked, and his voice had a thick texture to it. She knew he was tempted to be bad. And lord help her but she loved it when Dominic was bad.

  “Making up, silly. Last night our fight felt like a release.” She kissed his lips and squeezed his groin. “I released.” She ran her tongue over the seam of his tightly pressed lips. “And then you released.” She bit his chin. “And then I released again. Remember? It was… so good. I love you so much.”

  Dominic removed her hand from his dick. Catalina pouted. She brushed the tip of her finger over the tiny silver St. William medallion hanging from the chain around his neck. Dominic never took it off. She enticed his tongue into her mouth and her nipples brushed his chest. Soon he’d break and she’d have him in her shower, between her thighs.

  He grabbed her chin. Her mouth torn from the promise of paradise she looked up at him with pleading eyes. “I can’t wait for us to marry. Tonight, meet me back at the beach house,” he said with a smile. He kissed her and then turned left. She had to force herself to close the door. Catalina grinned. It was possible that she could truly have it all. Her career, Domi, and lots of babies! She was determined to see it happen.

  “You two look happy.”

  Catalina turned and found Rosetta in her room. Her cousin walked out of the bathroom. Again how much Rosetta transformed her look and style to look like her struck Catalina. Same hair color and style, same body shape, even the same tan.

  “What the hell are you doing in here? Is that my dress?” Catalina asked.

  “I was looking for you. The Donna wants to meet with us this morning. She told me to come find you. I guess
she has Giovanni’s answer.”

  “Are you fucking kidding me? Is that my dress?” Catalina shouted.

  “You don’t mind do you? Versace? It’s beautiful. I saw it in your closet and tried it on. I waited for you last night to ask if I could borrow it but you were gone.” Rosetta smiled sweetly. “All night. Where were you?”

  “Take it off! And get the fuck out you psycho!” Catalina marched to her suitcase and opened it for the things she hadn’t had time to unpack. She’d hung up her favorite designer summer dresses so they wouldn’t wrinkle.

  “I said I want to talk to you,” Rosetta stepped closer. “A lot has changed since you’ve been gone.”

  Catalina looked over at her cousin. “Really? Doesn’t look like much has changed. You’re still imitating me. Wanting to be me. It’s getting to be a bit creepy. Pathetic.”

  “I’m not trying to be you, I’m better than you,” Rosetta tossed back.

  “Oh brother.” Catalina sighed.

  “I’ve grown,” Rosetta said with an air of confidence. She walked around the room and sat on the chaise near the window. “While you were off being a business woman I was learning from the Donna. I can sew now. I can make things, and I also have had a lot of ideas for this new clothing line that the Donna is creating under your name.”

  “Ha!” Catalina smiled. “So you’re a designer now? After what, four months?”

  “You’re a business woman after four months. What’s the difference?” Rosetta tossed back.

  “The difference is I’m out there. I’ve been to America,” Catalina said with pride. “I work in the industry and I know how to make things happen. You’ve been sitting at a sewing machine stitching together the Donna’s design ideas not your own. So don’t come in here trying to pretend you’re special. While wearing my dress! You are pathetic!”

  Rosetta shot to her feet. “That’s your fucking problem, Catalina. You think you’re the only special girl in the family. You always have!” Rosetta sneered. “La piccoletta, the little one in the family of the big bad men. Well things have changed. The Donna loves me too. And she is going to give me a place in her company. Don’t you dare try to get in my way!”


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