Unspoken Endings

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Unspoken Endings Page 4

by Gabbie S. Duran

  “Emily, how much longer are you going to take?” Matt impatiently whines from my side, making me laugh.

  “You’re the one who insisted we spend time with each other,” I remind him.

  “When I mentioned spending time together, I meant it as a suggestion. Not for you to take it seriously,” he mumbles in return, hoisting the bags he’s holding from one hand to the other.

  I shoot him with a glare. “Stop complaining. Oh, look, they’re having their semi-annual sale,” I enthusiastically say, already walking into the store and forcing him to follow. Behind me, I hear a disappointed groan come from Matt, but I ignore him. Browsing through the boxes for my size, from the corner of my eye I see Matt’s eyes scanning the store. I’ve seen those eyes a lot most recently. They’re what I call his “On the search for his next victim” eyes. The cheeky smile on his lips when a salesgirl approaches him confirms my prediction. Leaving him to his venture, I continue walking around the store. Minutes later, his eyes catch mine while still speaking with the same girl and he nods in my direction. My curious eyes are watching as he dips his head down to whisper into her ear, causing her to giggle. Shaking my head at his flirtatious actions, I go back to searching for what I need.

  Thirty-minutes later we’re both walking out of the store, happier than when we’d entered. I’d gotten a discount from the salesgirl thanks to Matt’s flirtatious ways and he’d apparently gotten her number.

  “Maybe shopping with you isn’t so bad after all,” he sarcastically lets out.

  “Nice to know you’re unashamed to use your sister as bait.”

  “You wound me,” he says as he holds his hand to his chest. “What would ever make you think that?”

  “Oh, please, Matthew. Ever since you’ve taken my advice and parted ways with Laura, you’ve become a typical man whore,” I say, looking through the window of another store. Through the reflection of the glass, I watch his eyes go wide as saucers.

  “Emily!” Turning to face him, I’m now raising my brow to challenge him to prove me wrong. “I wonder if Sam is lucky enough to hear your dirty mouth,” he says with a wag of his brows. Now I’m the ones with wide eyes, making Matt laugh.

  “Dang, Emily. I do love you,” he says through a fit of laughter, causing my heart to swell. “I really do miss spending time with you, though,” he adds.

  “I do, too,” I whole-heartedly reply before sighing deeply.

  “I really wish we didn’t have to be so far apart from each other,” Matt somberly says. “It sucks sometimes.”

  A sudden ache forms in my heart. I abruptly stop to hug him. My reaction dumbfounds him at first, but soon he is returning my embrace. “No matter where I’m at, or how far away I may be, I’ll always be here for you,” I promise.

  “Dammit, Emily,” he protests near my ear. “Don’t make me cry like a pansy,” he croaks out. I let out a burst of laughter from his choice of his words. His arms tighten around my body before he releases me to place a kiss on my cheek. “You know you’ll always be my number one girl.”

  Smiling up at him, I say, “I’ll make sure to remind you of that next time I want to go shopping.”

  Now groaning, he replies. “Anything but shopping.”

  Playfully swatting him on the chest, we both laugh before we start to walk way.

  I sit on my bed as my lips curve up into a smile as I recall the memory. Now I know why Matt will make up any sort of excuse when I mention I need to go shopping. The thought makes me giggle. With the anticipation of reading Matt’s loving words on the inside of the envelope, I glance over to the flowers he sent a couple of days ago. Impatiently ripping open the flap, my heart begins to race when I read the message.

  Do you really think you can simply go back to being the person you were?

  Deep down inside my mind recognizes the scrawl of lettering. My still rapidly beating heart is in denial, but my mind is screaming that it’s him. I want to drop the letter, feeling as if it’s burning my fingertips as I hold it, but I can’t. Instead, I clutch it tighter, reading and rereading the words as if I’m trapped in a nightmare.

  Julio’s distinctive knock startles me back to reality, causing my breath to hitch. “Abigail, I’m going to head down to the gym for an hour. Is that okay with you?” he cautiously asks from the other side of the door.

  Forcing myself to stand, I go to open the door, making sure to keep the note hidden. With a forced smile on my face, I greet him. “Sure. Would you like me to order dinner?”

  “Not yet. Wait until I return,” he answers, reminding me of his one rule while he’s out of the room. Never open the door for anyone, at all.

  “Okay,” I reply, a fabricated smile still on my lips.

  He gives me a quick nod as he says, “I’ll be back soon.”

  Following him into the living room, I watch him leave. As soon as I hear the click of the door, I rush over to the fireplace, pushing the switch to automatically light it. When the flames are high enough, I throw the note into it. Standing in the silence of the room while the note catches the flames and evaporates into ashes, my fear and anxiety quickly take over.

  When the flames no longer show any evidence of the note, I walk back into my room, needing to call Matt; I know his voice will push my worry aside. My eyes catch the package on the bed and I rush to open it with a slight smile on my face, anxious to see his smile instead. I spend the next couple of minutes setting up everything necessary on the iPad mini to FaceTime Matt. I’m soon pushing the call button on the screen, but instead of Matt’s gorgeous smile staring back at me, I’m left with:

  Matt is not available for FaceTime

  My smile turns into a frown from disappointment. My earlier worry is now replaced with a tightening of my chest from missing Matt. Knowing I need to distract myself so I don’t go crazy with worry, I grab my earphones off the dresser and plug them into the iPad to arrange my playlist. I’m not listening to the music for very long before Matt’s picture is staring back at me, stating he’s calling me back. Pushing the answer button on the screen, I’m soon seeing the smile I expected earlier, and it brightens my mood from the inside out.

  “Hey, I’ve missed you.”

  “Thank you for the gift, beautiful,” he beams back to me. “I’m sorry I missed your call. I went out to grab something to eat and saw on my phone that you were calling, so I rushed back here so I can talk to you.”

  His admission has my heart swelling. “I’m sorry I made you do that, but I won’t lie, I’m happy you did,” I happily admit.

  “I wanted to call you sooner, but I checked the schedule you emailed me and saw you were in your interview.”

  “Trust me, I would have much preferred to talk to you,” I grimace. Watching him laugh at my words tugs a wide smile across my lips. “So, what did you do today?” I pry as I usually do at the end of the day, wanting to know every detail.

  “Oh, you know, the usual,” he replies with a shrug of his shoulders. “Went to training camp. Got my ass physically kicked in training. Came back to take a shower, which is when I missed you the most,” he teases with a wag of his brows, making me roll my eyes at the way he emphasized the words when mentioning the shower.

  “Oh, really, and why was that?” I tease back, already knowing how he will answer.

  “Because I would much rather have had you washing my body, instead of myself,” he huskily answers as his eyes grow dark. He may be looking back at me through a screen, but my body instantly reacts to his words as if he were next to me.

  “Is that so?” My breathing is slightly labored as the thoughts of showering with Matt roam my mind.

  “Beautiful, if you keep looking at me like that, I won’t be ashamed to take care of the little problem I currently have while I’m talking to you.”

  My breath hitches from the words, but I manage to ask, “And what problem would that be, Matthew?”

  “The fucking hard-on I can’t seem to get rid of when I talk to you,” he answers in his low hus
ky voice. The earphones emphasize every detail of the words and my body ignites with flames wanting him to do as he has teased.

  “I want to see,” I shamefully say. “Please,” I plead, hoping my words will encourage him to comply with my request. His eyes close as he lets out a groan.

  “Only if you’ll do as I ask,” he’s managed to say, his voice dropping even lower.

  My body is already pent up with desire from not being with Matt for the last week, so I’m weak and willing to give into any one of his requests at the moment.

  “Yes,” I impulsively say, hoping I have the courage to follow through. Because I already know what Matt will ask of me.

  In the next second, Matt’s face disappears from the scene and it’s now shuffling before I’m graced with his erection staring back at me in its glorious salute against his stomach. Only a minute ago I was desperately containing my arousal, but I no longer can as a spark of desire shoots straight in between my legs. My eyes are still fully taking it in before it disappears from the screen and Matt’s face is once more staring back at me. He has a smug smile on his face now.

  “I know that look, beautiful. Did you like what you see?”

  My pulse is racing and I’m forced to swallow so I can answer. “Of, course.”

  The smug smile has now widened. “Is that so? And what do you want me to do with it, Abigail?” His words cause my body to react with more sparks as if Matt were next to me whispering the words into my ear.

  “I want you to touch it,” I whisper back.

  His eyebrows shoot up in surprise. “I’ll touch it, but only if you touch yourself.” My heart briefly stops as I nod my head to answer.

  “Get naked, I want to know that you’re naked while I touch you,” he demands with the same tone as when he’d started encouraging me to do so. Obeying his command, I place the iPad down on the bed and quickly undress. Once done, I place the earphones back in since I love the way they delivered Matt’s words directly into my ears.

  “There, I’m naked. What about you?” Although I’ve asked the question, I’m already seeing the answer as Matt’s bare chest is staring back at me.

  Without hesitating, he begins. “Glide your hand up against your breasts and squeeze them.”

  Deep inside, I’m still hesitant to do as he requests, but my body is demanding I follow his instructions. Slowly, I run my hand up my body and grab onto my breast, giving it a tight squeeze. He must have seen that I complied because he shoots his next order.

  “Now pinch your nipple. Pretend it’s my mouth sucking on it. Close your eyes and envision me rubbing my tongue over it, sucking it hard.”

  His voice is low and full of desire, encouraging me to follow his every command. He’s whispering the words to me and as he’s ordered, I close my eyes and the image of Matt above me has replaced the darkness behind my closed lids.

  “Do you like me doing that?” I hear him ask, causing me to lightly moan in response. “Now run your hand down your body and rub your finger against your clit.”

  My body is shaking with nerves as my hand glides down my stomach. With my eyes still closed, my fingers reach my clit and I gasp in shock from what I’m doing.

  “That’s it, beautiful,” I hear Matt say into my ears. “Pretend it’s my finger rubbing you down there. You’re so wet and ready for me, aren’t you?”

  I can’t answer with words since the sensation has overtaken my body. Instead, I let out a pleasured moan. “My hand is on my dick, pretending it’s your sweet, warm mouth wrapped around it. Do you want me to lick you down there, beautiful?”

  Shit. Pretending he was the one rubbing me was enough to make my body ignite, but from the words he’s just given me, I’m about ready to go over the edge. He doesn’t wait for my answer, but instead keeps talking.

  “Fuck, beautiful, you taste so good.”

  “Oh, God, Matt,” I whimper as I tell myself it’s his mouth against my clit, instead of my finger.

  “How close are you Abigail, because I’m about ready to fucking blow,” he whispers to me. “Are you going to let me come in your sweet mouth like the last time?” His words take me back to the time I gave Matt a blowjob and how much I enjoyed bringing him to completion.

  “Fuck, beautiful, I can’t hold out much longer. Please, tell me you’re with me and going to finish.” His words encourage me to rub myself harder. My fingers are working full force to reach Matt’s level. I can feel my body tensing like a bow and without answering his question, I scream at the top of my lungs from my release. My body explodes with fireworks and I can almost hear the pounding through my ears, but too late I realize the pounding is coming from the bedroom door as Julio suddenly burst through it. I’m now screaming, not from desire, but from mortification at seeing him staring back at me.

  Grabbing for a pillow to cover my nakedness, my chest heaves as I try to catch my breath as I manage to scream, “Oh my God, Julio!”

  I can hear Matt furiously screaming curses into my ears, forcing me to yank the earphones out. Julio is shielding his eyes with his hand, his body language telling me he’s clearly embarrassed for walking in on me, but he stays rooted to the spot.

  “I’m sorry, Abigail,” he apologizes in his thick Hispanic accent he only uses when he’s sympathetic. “I heard you screaming as I entered the hotel room and I was worried,” he explains, “I’m sorry,” he repeats, his head shamefully drops low, his eyes still covered as he exits the room, shutting the door behind him. I’m left shocked, still trying to catch my breath, as my eyes frantically scan the room. From the corner of my eye, I spot the iPad mini with Matt’s furious expression screaming on the screen. Picking it up, he’s no longer speaking, but angrily scowling back at me as I put in the earphones.

  “Matt,” I say, still dazed and confused.

  “What the fuck is he doing just walking into your room?” he shouts back at me.

  “Matt, he didn’t just walk into my room,” I reply, clutching the pillow tighter against my body.

  “He just saw you naked, Abigail! I’m going to fucking kick his ass!”

  Taking a deep breath now that my heart has managed to stop racing all over again, I explain, “I really doubt that is possible, but he didn’t just come into my room. The door was locked, which is why he barged in.”

  “Why the fuck would he just barge in?” Matt’s anger apparent in his expression and words.

  “He says he heard me screaming and was worried,” I quietly reply, now feeling ashamed over the entire situation. Matt rakes his hand down his face as I continue. “I told you this phone sex thing was a bad idea,” I whisper back to him, now feeling mortified over the whole situation.

  He doesn’t reply, instead sighing as if reluctant to agree with my words. “I’m sorry, beautiful. No more phone sex,” he answers, agreeing with me. My jaw drops in shock.

  “Oh, no, Matt. You’ve proven just how much I need this. I’ll just have to notify Julio of when we’ll have our private little sessions so we don’t have a repeat of tonight.”

  “Over my dead body!” he angrily lets out through clenched teeth. “He’s already seen my girlfriend naked. I don’t need him putting two and two together by you telling him you’re having sex and he starts having fantasies of his own. I am going to have a talk with him when I see him again.” I don’t argue, but instead stay silent while Matt adds, “We’ll just have to wait until we see each other again to have sex.”

  “And when is that going to be?” I ask.

  “Soon,” he says with a smile that quickly replaces his scowl, as if staking a promise. “After tonight it can’t come soon enough,” he adds, and I can’t agree more. Exhausted from our little escapade, I stifle a yawn behind my hand. The smile on Matt’s face widens. “Good to know I can still wear you out.”

  I let out a heartfelt laugh knowing exactly what he means. “Yes, you can.”

  Matt’s face whips into another direction as I hear another voice. “I’ve got to go, beautiful. My roommat
e just showed up.”

  My eyes shoot wide open. “Matt, you’re still naked,” I sternly whisper back, hoping his roommate didn’t hear me. Instead of looking ashamed from the realization, his eyebrows are wiggling back at me.

  “I’ve got nothing to hide.”

  “You’re such a whore,” I playfully tease, clutching the pillow tighter to my chest as if his roommate would see me. “But I love you for who you are.”

  “I love you, too, beautiful.”

  Within seconds we’re ending the call and I throw myself back onto the bed, still mortified over the entire situation. Letting out a huff of breath, I can only hope the time goes by quickly, because after tonight, I don’t know if I can last much longer without Matt.

  “SO WHAT IS this thing you’re going to again?” Matt asks, a hint of jealousy in his voice, which makes me smile.

  “It’s a meet and greet,” I answer with a chuckle, grabbing for the dress in the closet while juggling the iPad in my hands. An evident scowl crosses his face and I can’t help but giggle.

  “I still don’t get why you’re required to wear a cocktail dress to a meet and greet,” he practically growls.

  “It must be something the designer is demanding.”

  His lips go flat, but the sigh he returns tells me he’s accepted it. “Alright,” he voices, raking his hand down his face. “I guess I shouldn’t complain much anyway. You’re letting me go out.”

  “You make it sound like you need my permission or something,” I say with a chuckle. From the way his teasing smile fills the screen, I have a feeling it was a test.

  “Of course not,” he quickly answers, trying to sound convincing, but somehow it seems far from it.

  “Where are you going?” I ask, still curious since I don’t know his plans.

  “I’m going out with a group of guys to a local club,” he calmly answers.

  “Oh,” I sorrowfully let out.

  His brow is now high again. “You’re not going to get mad are you?”

  “No, but I remember the last time you were in a club and what you were doing,” I playfully tease. Through the screen I watch his breath hitch and his eyes are now hooded as he looks back at me. He’s about to say something, but is interrupted when we hear, “Let’s go, Garcia!” as someone angrily shouts in the background. By the sounds of it, I know they’re already impatient.


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