Unspoken Endings

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Unspoken Endings Page 17

by Gabbie S. Duran

  “Do you remember the first time we were alone in a bathroom together?” I ask into her ear before my lips kiss her neck.

  “The restaurant?” she confusedly answers.

  Lightly chuckling, I wonder who really has sex on their mind. “It was the night I told you I love you for the first time,” I remind her and I immediately feel her lean into my body. Still trailing kisses along her silky skin, I can see slightly above my line of vision into the mirror’s reflection as she smiles back at me.

  “Yes. It was,” she recalls.

  Slowly, I start gliding my free hand against her bare stomach, further torturing us both. Her head is now thrown back, resting on my shoulder and I can’t resist gently nipping at her earlobe with my teeth. She quickly turns her body as she gently pushes me away with wide eyes.

  “Why are you tormenting me?” she asks with a playful smile and quickly escapes my embrace.

  I laugh as I realize I had unintentionally pushed us both to the verge of caving. “I swear I didn’t do it on purpose this time,” I declare, remembering all the times I did purposely tease her in the past week hoping she’d give in to my request.

  “Sure,” she drags out, now reaching for her dress in the closet and pulling it on. Leaning my body against the doorframe of the bathroom to take in the show, she adds, “I promise, when the time comes, I’ll make it worth the wait.”

  She’s now fumbling with her zipper and wanting to help, I make my way over to her already taking over the task. With the zipper in place, she turns to face me, rewarding me with a kiss. “If you’re a good boy for the next two weeks, I’ll make sure I finish what I started this morning,” she whispers in my ear.

  Shit. If my dick wasn’t already hard and threatening to burst, the vision from her promising words are enough to make me hard in seconds. Playfully shoving me to the bed, she says, “Now let me finish getting ready. The sooner I leave, the sooner I can get back to you.”

  Doing as she commands, my legs are now walking me back to the bed to lie down, leaving me to count the days left until I can be inside Abigail again. I don’t care what the doctor has ordered, I know damn well I won’t have the strength to hold out that long, and I’m pretty sure Abigail doesn't, either.

  WATCHING TREY GIVE another tug at the collar of his tux causes me to bite the inside of my cheek to keep from laughing. I’ve lost track of how any times he’s tugged at it. He looks miserable in his suit, but handsome nevertheless.

  Letting out a miserable sigh, his eyes roam the room. “How much longer we got to be here, supermodel?” he miserably asks.

  “I’ve already told you, after I present the award I have to stay at least another hour so it doesn’t look like I’m intentionally ditching the party.”

  “And when is that?” I’m about to tell him to shut it when my attention is requested from my side.

  “Ms. Adams, we’re ready for you,” a young lady politely informs me, making me smile.

  “Quit asking,” I clip out before I stand to follow the attendant now patiently waiting for me to follow her. Julio is following closely behind as we leave Trey sitting amongst the partygoers waiting to hear the upcoming announcement.

  Ten minutes later, I’m nervously making an announcement honoring some governor for his contributions throughout the year. Strangely, it isn’t a man coming up to the stage to receive the plaque, but a girl who looks vaguely familiar. I can’t place exactly where I’ve met her, but she has a smile on her lips as she gladly receives the plaque from my hands.

  “On behalf of my father, I’m honored to accept this award. I’ve spent many wonderful years at Saint Smith Prep, and although my father isn’t here to accept this award, I know he is just as honored to be recognized for his contributions. Thank you,” she finishes saying with what looks like a forced smile on her lips.

  Following her off the makeshift stage, I’m met by a proud looking Julio who greets the girl with a hug.

  “Hey, big guy. It’s nice to see you again,” she says with a giggle.

  “Victoria, are you drunk?” Julio asks, looking shocked.

  She grimaces back at him. “I’ve only had two drinks, Julio. Don’t start lecturing me. You know damn well I dislike these people,” she quietly snaps back. My eyes go wide watching the awkward encounter before she reaches out for a champagne flute from a passing waiter.

  His eyes roam around the room as if searching for someone. “Where is Andrew?” he asks.

  She rolls her eyes at his question. “He was scheduled to come, but he called to tell me he couldn’t make it, which I’m pretty sure is a lie,” she says before lifting the glass to take a sip. After swallowing, her eyes stare off into the distance as she comments, “I’m pretty sure he’s kindly following my father’s footsteps.”

  Julio’s brows shoot straight up, but his eyes just as quickly grow sympathetic. “I’m sorry, Victoria,” he tells her. Waving off his words, she takes another sip of her drink as Trey shows up at my side.

  “You ready?” he asks, looking eager to leave.

  “Would you stop trying to rush me,” I say through clenched teeth.

  “I just don’t understand why we have to stick around now that you’ve done your thing,” he disputes.

  “Trey, quit being a baby. It isn’t much longer. Aren’t you always saying how you’re never one to turn down a good party?” I lecture back to him.

  “This isn’t a party, supermodel. This is a room full of stuck up ass kissers.”

  Victoria lets out a snicker. “And clearly you’re not one of them,” she says to Trey before taking another sip of champagne. He looks at her, his eyes analyzing her from head to toe.

  “Obliviously you’re right at home,” he throws back at her.

  My mouth is threatening to drop, but I quickly compose myself. “Trey, stop it,” I warn, now glaring at him to shut up, but he clearly ignores my threat.

  “What? She started it!” he exclaims, pointing straight at Victoria like a child. Victoria takes the high road by keeping silent and ignoring his words. I, on the other hand, shake my head since it doesn’t surprise me he would blame someone else.

  “Look, if you don’t mind, I’m going to take off,” he says.

  “Fine with me,” I throw back at him. “Just make sure you don’t get into any trouble,” I add before walking away, already irritated with him.

  He snickers as I walk away, leaving him behind with Victoria while I pray he leaves without saying anything that would shock her into a coma. Finding a private spot outside, I make a phone call to check on Matt. Feeling reassured he’s doing fine, I’m soon returning to the party. Looking around the room, I don’t see Trey, which tells me he didn’t take long to disappear.

  Continuing to look through the crowd of people, I hope to spot Victoria so I can apologize for Trey’s behavior, but she too has disappeared, leaving me to find another way to distract myself while I count down the minutes before I can leave.

  “Victoria didn’t seem very happy tonight and she looked a little sad when you mentioned that Andrew guy.” Julio cautiously scans the room before answering.

  “Andrew is her boyfriend, but I think it’s more of an arranged relationship pushed on her by her father,” he quietly voices for only me to hear.

  His comment brings back Victoria’s earlier words. “What did she mean by Andrew following in her father’s footsteps?”

  Julio lets out a sympathetic sigh this time. “Her father is constantly having affairs. It was one of the things I was in charge of covering up, but Victoria always knew,” he explains with a guilt-ridden sadness.

  “That sucks. Where is she anyway?” I ask scanning the room again.

  “She’s never been one to stick around longer than she has to at these things, so it wouldn’t surprise me if she’s already left.”

  Taking one last look around the room, I feel the need to escape as well. “Do you mind if we leave?” I ask, not caring anymore what anyone thinks. Trey was right, I feel co
mpletely out of place in the current crowd and I want nothing more than to get back to Matt.

  “Of course,” he says, already guiding me towards the exit. On the way out, I find the event coordinator and thank her for the opportunity. With a pleasant smile, she wishes me a goodnight.

  Before long, we’re back at the hotel and entering our suite. As I’m about to leave Julio behind, bidding him goodnight, we hear a roaring moan come from Julio’s room. Both shocked and confused, I watch Julio head straight for the door, following closely behind him because I’m nosy. He tries to turn the knob, but it doesn’t turn, causing Julio to bang on the door.

  “Trey!” Julio shouts at it, but it’s soon covered up with the urgent cries from the other side. Knowing he’s been defeated, Julio gives up. “He could have at least left me my pajamas,” he says while still staring at the door.

  From the living room, we both hear Trey’s name being shouted to move faster.

  “That’s it, I don’t need to hear anymore,” I voice, already walking away.

  “Do you think Matt would mind if I used some of his sweat pants?” Julio asks as I walk away.

  “Not at all. Let me get them for you,” I say, already entering our room.

  Matt is completely passed out as I search in his luggage for a pair of workout pants for Julio to wear. Seconds later, I’m returning to the living room to hand them over to Julio with an extra blanket.


  Hearing another round of demands from Trey’s guest, I sympathetically look over to Julio. “Good luck sleeping tonight,” I tell him, hearing another scream come from the room before disappearing back into my own. The last thing I need is sound effects to encourage my images of what Trey is currently doing.

  Quickly closing the door behind me, I strip off my clothes and wash my face. I climb into bed on Matt’s right side. Snuggling as close to his body as I can without stirring him, I lay there in the dark thinking back to tonight and Trey’s appalling comment. How he labeled everyone in the room leaves me wondering where exactly I fit now. I know deep in my heart I’m not the same person I was a year ago—a stuck up, money hungry girl. Would continuing to stay in the same career I was in then make me revert to my old ways? Fearfully, I hope not.

  Soon, my wayward mind is painting images in my head of being a wife with kids, happily living at home. The thought leaves me feeling happy, but deep down inside I know I’m not ready for that step just yet. In the last couple of months I’ve regained the passion for what I love doing most. The last thing I want is to give up after I’ve fought so hard to find it again. Pushing my dream of a family and kids aside, I remind myself that I’m still searching for who I truly am, and until I fulfill my current dreams, a happy family may just have to wait.

  STARING DOWN AT my phone as I read the daily news, I take another sip of orange juice as I hear the door to Julio’s room open. My eyes automatically shoot up expecting to see Trey walking out scratching his chest, or balls as in most cases. Instead, I see a blushful looking girl whose eyes are locked onto the floor and her hair cascading down to conceal her face. Her shoulders are hunched forward and her steps are quick to reach the exit to the suite.

  “Victoria?” Julio’s croaks out from the other end of the room, leaving me to choke on my orange juice I’d been swallowing. The sound of his voice causes her to practically run the last couple of steps before she’s swinging the door open and leaving us behind.

  With my mouth hanging open, I look back at the door, still in shock from the situation. I would have never expected for it to be Victoria leaving the room this morning considering how they were both practically tearing each other’s eyes out last night.

  My eyes snap over to Julio sitting on the couch. My gaping mouth is far from the flattened lips and narrowed eyes now locking onto his opened room door. If looks could kill, he’s doing a good job of strangling Trey to death without him being physically visible.

  “She’s a big girl, Julio. It was her choice,” I remark, knowing the look of wrath is going to be aimed at me next. His nostrils are still flaring as his eyes snap over to me.

  “I know that, but it doesn’t mean I have to like the idea of her now being one of Trey’s victims.” I’m about to risk defending my earlier statement when Trey comes charging out of the room in only a towel wrapped around his waist.

  “Where did she go?”

  I’m speechless as my finger points toward the door, desperation on his face to find the girl that has just left his room. Without hesitation, he rushes out the door as Victoria had done just moments ago. A few minutes later, Trey is banging on the hotel door as Matt is leaving our room.

  “Why are you out in the hallway half-naked?" he confusedly asks him.

  Trey lets out an angered snort, completely ignoring Matt as he stomps back to the room, slamming the door behind him. Julio stands up and follows him into the room, fury still radiating from him. There’s another slam of the door after Julio enters. Matt takes a seat next to me, looking more confused than ever as turns to me for answers.

  “A girl just did the walk of shame out of Trey’s room then he went chasing after her,” I explain, watching Matt’s eyebrows rise in shock.

  Biting my lip to suppress the giggle threatening to escape my lips, he considers my explanation. “Are you sure he went chasing after her?” he asks, sounding doubtful of my explanation. From the room you can now hear the shouts of a heated argument. It’s impossible to make out the words through the closed door, but it’s clear they’re both angry.

  Minutes later, Julio is exiting the room with an agitated look on his face. “I’ll be down at the gym for a little while. Call me if you need me,” he snips out, walking right past us, completely avoiding eye contact.

  Julio doesn’t slam the door as he exits the hotel room, but from the force he used to pull it open, it’s clear he’s frustrated.

  “What the hell is going on?” Matt drags out.

  “The girl who left the room was Victoria,” I tell him. Of course Matt doesn’t know who Victoria is so I continue to explain. “She’s the daughter of the last guy Julio was protecting. When he wasn’t protecting Victoria’s dad, he was in charge of Victoria. I think he saw her more as a daughter like he does me,” I say with a shrug of my shoulders.

  “And Trey fucked her last night?” Matt questions. I simply nod to answer before he asks, “How did Trey even meet her?”

  “She was at the event I was at last night. They were ready to claw each other’s eyes out when Julio and I left them so I could call you. She would have been the last person I’d expect Trey to bring back last night,” I comment, still confused over the situation.

  “If I remember correctly, we were at each other’s throats most of the time before we made love for the first time,” he reminds me with a wag of his brows.

  His words make me laugh as I remember all the times I wanted to both strangle Matt and practically rape him at the same time. Matt chuckles before he reaches over to kiss me. “Make up sex is the best in my opinion. Especially because it’s with you.”

  “Yes, it is,” I say around a chuckle and on his lips. When I pull away, I let out a sigh as my eyes glance at the door. “I don’t know what happened last night, but from the way Trey looked when he came rushing out of the door, she must have made an impression on him.”

  Matt is about to voice his opinion, but his words are cut off when I hear the ping notifying me of an email. Picking up the phone to look at the message, my lips drop into a frown. “Looks like the photo shoot is scheduled for this afternoon,” I grimly say.

  Matt’s reaction is different from mine as he perks up. “That’s good. It means we’ll still make our flight tomorrow.”

  “Is it crazy that I’m not looking forward to this shoot?” I murmur.

  I feel Matt’s hand tug at my wrist, pulling me to sit on his lap. Wrapping my arms around his neck and leaning my head down onto his shoulder, his nose starts nuzzling at the hollow of my throat
. The warmth of his breath and the grazing of his nose against my skin makes me giggle, but also sends a flutter of shivers through my body.

  “I’m not surprised, but I’ll be there this time. You have nothing to fear,” he says into my ear.

  “I’m just not as excited anymore.”

  “Maybe you should look into doing something else,” he says. “When you did the photo shoots for that running company you looked happy, beautiful. The entire time you had a smile on your face. When it comes to anything for Rebecca I rarely see you smile. It’s as if you don’t like it,” he expresses.

  “It’s not that I don’t like it. It’s what they are starting to demand out of me.”

  Squeezing me tighter, he replies, “I like it better when you smile. But like you said, it’s part of your job so I guess it’s what you have to do.”

  Sitting in Matt’s lap, I take in his words, unable to respond. He’s right, though. My job entitles me to give whoever is paying me what they want, but do I really enjoy certain jobs over others? Still sitting on his lap, I think back to last night and remind myself: You’re choosing this for your future.

  THE SHUTTER OF the camera and flashing of the lights do nothing to help send me to my familiar zone. The photographer’s lecture lessens the chance of me getting there. “I want fierce. Angry. Sexy. Do you really want these photos to look like shit?” he shouts.

  Letting out the frustrated sigh I’ve been holding in doesn’t please him at all, but I don’t care. He’s done nothing but bitch and complain about every expression I’ve given him, regardless of how I try to ignore his scolding comments of advice. “Imagine your dude over here just cheated on you!” he voices, making scowl that he would stoop so low as to use that example.


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