Unspoken Endings

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Unspoken Endings Page 24

by Gabbie S. Duran

  When I finish wiping down the counter, I turn to see a scowl on Matt’s face as he returns from the garage.

  “I had to put the container in the spare fridge.”

  “Thank you. I’m almost done. Why don’t you go start getting ready,” I suggest, already turning and looking for the next task I need to complete.

  “You are done,” he states from behind me as I feel my body being lifted off the ground and thrown over his shoulder.

  “Matt! Put me down, you’re going to hurt your shoulder!”

  “You’re on my good shoulder,” he conveys before he smacks my ass. The smack of his hand is sharp and fast, leaving a lingering sting on the cheek.

  “Ouch! That hurt!” I bellow before going back to my earlier protesting. Julio’s laughter can be heard as we disappear down the darkened hallway to our room. The entire time the only view I have is of Matt’s ass. I stop complaining as I take in the view.

  After entering our room, he spins around so he can shut the door then turns again before he tosses me onto the bed. “You have to stop throwing me on the bed like a caveman,” I giggle as I lift myself up on my elbows to look at him. He has an amused smile on his lips as he starts taking off his shirt.

  “What are you waiting for?” Matt asks, stopping with his hands on the waist of his shorts.

  “I’m waiting for you to take off your shorts,” I reply.

  “Tit for tat. I’ve taken off my shirt, now take off yours.”

  Doing as he asks, I take off my shirt and toss it to him while I lay back on my elbows, wiggling my eyebrows for him to continue. He slowly starts pushing his shorts down and my eyes never leave the center of his body where his erection is now upright and pointing back at me. Matt slowly starts climbing onto the bed, his dark eyes now commanding I stay locked onto them. He hasn’t even touched my body yet and it’s already igniting from head to toe. A spark of shivers explodes inside me when his hand briefly touches my skin to pull my yoga pants down. Lifting my hips so he can drag them down, I have to bite down on my lips to hide my whimpers. The entire time his smile never left his lips and his eyes look hungry… the meal being me.

  Swallowing, I say, “Matt, we’re going to be late.”

  “And…” he huskily replies before he lowers his head to bite down on my earlobe.

  Oh… Dear… God… I’ve completely lost all control with that one single word as I pull Matt down and demand he kiss me. His mouth slams down onto mine and I let out the whimper I’ve been containing. His hand is now reaching in between my legs and suddenly I feel Matt’s fingers probing at my entrance, deliberately teasing me as he glides his fingers up and down my inner lips. I’m about to scream for him to quit teasing me when he slides his fingers inside of me and I let out a moan into his mouth.

  “Someone’s warm and ready,” he says just above a whisper. The rumble of his deep voice mixed with the shivers shooting down my body to where he’s currently inside me makes my blood rise to find my peak. I can feel his erection pushing up against my thigh and from the force of its throbbing, I know it’s demanding it replace his fingers. Lifting my leg to wrap around his back, I urge him closer, his hand trapped in between our bodies.

  “Someone’s also desperate,” he murmurs against my lips. I pull him down again to answer, but I’m quickly denied my request when he demands, “I want to hear you beg,” he says. My form of begging is adding pressure to my already tightened leg wrapped around his hip. “Say it,” he huskily demands.

  Throwing my head back in frustration, I say, “God, Matt. Please!”

  Within a split second, his fingers are gone and he’s plunging into my body, the hilt of his cock hitting me perfectly on my clit. I’m expecting him to begin rapidly pounding into me, but he surprises me by slowly rocking back and forth as if needing to take his time. One hand is at my head, extending his body up so he can keep looking into my eyes, and the other tightly grips my ass as he lifts me to meet each and every thrust. His mouth starts trailing kisses along my shoulder and my sleep filled daze I had been walking around with all morning is quickly replaced with a course of fireworks exploding through my body. It’s then that Matt’s thrusting increases and I’m thrown over the edge once more as he’s grunting my name.

  His rocking slows, eventually coming to a stop. Throwing his body to land beside me, we lay side-by-side, breathless as our hearts race out of control. Grabbing my body so he’s now spooning me from behind me, his lips are once again laying kisses along my shoulder.

  “Beautiful, there’s something we need to talk about,” he voices.

  My once racing heart has stopped in fear as my body goes rigid in his arms. I don’t know what to expect with those words.

  “Have you decided on our future yet?” The dreaded question causes my heart to sink to the pit of my stomach. I haven’t even had time to fully process my answer before he adds, “Because we haven’t been using protection and I don’t think you’ve gone back for your shot,” before placing a gentle kiss on my shoulder. This time his lips linger longer than expected. My heart has starting beating again, but just as rapidly as before as I take in the realization of his words and I’m shocked into silence. I told myself I’d go back and get the shot again, but I knew I had time since Matt wasn’t supposed to be having sex yet. Then I’d gotten distracted with having to deal with the designer and I’d completely forgotten. Matt has a way of making me lose all coherent thoughts of responsibility; leaving me on the verge of begging him to take me.

  “I’m sorry,” I guiltily reply, feeling like the most irresponsible person in the world. I feel him tense up against my back and a dreadful feeling of him being angry crosses my mind, but just as quickly I feel his body relax and I’m soon being turned to face him.

  “What do you have to be sorry about?” he confusedly asks. The pang of guilt is still lingering with his question, causing me to look away. He turns my head to face him. “I wouldn’t be sorry,” he whispers down to me.

  I’m left confused by his words, until he clarifies. “Would you be mad at me if I told you that I knew each time I should have used a condom, but I didn’t want to?” he asks. My breath catches for a moment at his admission before I raise my hand up to brush against his cheek.

  “No, Matt, I’m not mad at you,” I truthfully reply. As if relieved by my answer, he drops his head down onto my chest. I place my hand along his arm where his tattoo is at as I contemplate my next words, but I’m unable to say them as Trey begins banging on the door to remind us it’s almost time to leave. Reaching for my phone on our nightstand to check the time, my eyes go wide. “Shit. Matt, we’re going to be late,” I say, already scrambling from the bed.

  Instead of reacting as I expected him to, he instead lays back down on the bed with his arms crossed behind his head. Looking over at him, he is relaxed and without a care in the world. “Matt, get up! We have to take a shower,” I scold, rushing over to my dresser to grab some underwear.

  “I’m thinking of skipping the shower. I want to graduate with your smell all over me.” I stop dead in my tracks on the way to the shower and turn to face him with a disgusted look.

  “No. It’s not happening,” I tell him.

  “Why not?” I hear him ask as I begin walking again.

  Turning on the water and checking to make sure it’s the right temperature, I take a peek out of the door to find Matt still where I’d left, but now looking smugly back at me. Knowing Matt, he most likely isn’t getting up from the bed to try to prove his point. So I do the one and only thing that will get him up. I bribe him.

  “If you come take a shower, I’ll give you a blowjob in here!” I yell before stepping under the water.

  YOU OWE ME some really good sex for this – Matt

  I already gave you sex this morning. – Abigail. Immediately shooting off another text. Twice – Abigail. I add for clarification.

  Blowjobs don’t count because you’re not screaming my name. - Matt

  I start laughing
uncontrollably from the words on the screen. Kelly looks at me as if I’ve lost my mind and Mrs. Johnson snaps her head in my direction and narrows her eyes at me to behave, forcing me to suppress another giggle. My phone vibrates again and when I look down, I see a picture of Matt pretending to be sleeping, his tongue hanging out. I clamp my lips as tight as I can and hold my breath to contain the bout of laughter tightening in my chest.

  I am so going to strangle you when we get home. Mrs. Johnson is ready to punish me for laughing this much! – Abigail.

  I push send as Mrs. Johnson glances at me once more, her narrowed eyes still watching me. She’s already had to tell me twice to behave. When I tried to explain it was Matt who was making me laugh, she told me to put my phone away. I really couldn’t because there was no room left in the clutch I’d brought, the space in it was being taken up by the graduation picture of Matt and Emily; the first picture I’d ever seen of them together. At the last minute, I’d run back inside the house and grabbed it. Inside my heart, I felt some part of Emily needed to be here, even if it was only a picture.

  My phone vibrates again, breaking my thoughts.

  You tell Mrs. Johnson the only one allowed to punish you is me. I’ll let you strangle my dick anytime. You don’t even have to ask. ;) –Matt

  My eyes go wide from his response. My phone vibrates as I’m trying to reply, but instead of it being Matt messaging me, it’s someone else. Clearing out of Matt’s message screen, I see it’s Julio who has texted me. I look to my side where he’s sitting and with a forward tilt of his chin, he commands for me to read the message.

  If you keep it up I may have to use bodily force to protect you from Mrs. Johnson. I really don’t want hurting such a sweet woman on my conscious. – Julio

  Looking back at him, I snicker. His eyebrow raises and he points his chin in Mrs. Johnson’s direction, and when I look she’s eyeing me. I give her an innocent smile and she seems satisfied as she looks back towards the podium.

  Matt wasn’t kidding when he said this would be boring. If it wasn’t for his text messages I probably would have fallen asleep. My eyes are staring down from the seats high up in the stadium to find Matt. As if he’s sensing I’m staring at him, he looks and flashes me with his smile. My body melts from head to toe, and my insides turn upside down. Our eyes stay locked onto each other’s for another minute and our connection is broken when they announce they will soon be calling the names. Although Matt’s name is towards the middle, he’s graduating with honors, which puts him at the front of the calling order for the commencement.

  Ten minutes later, Matt is standing at the head of the stage waiting for his turn, the entire time my heart is swelling with every heartbeat. He looks up at me as he waits to step up and flashes me with a smile that he’s soon clenching with wide eyes as if he’s nervous. The sight makes me giggle from how he’s not taking this seriously, but he takes a deep breath as if preparing himself as the person in front of him is now leaving the stage.

  I’m holding my breath the moment his name is called and my body is overjoyed with happiness as he takes the steps up onto the stage. Clutching my purse, I imagine Emily at my side watching him walk across that stage. The built up tears are obstructing my vision as I think of how close I came to missing this moment. Emily may not be here to witness him graduating, but I know deep down in my heart and soul she’s here spiritually. She wouldn’t miss this for the world. My heart feels as if it’s going to burst from my chest from how proud I feel watching him take his diploma and look down at it with pride. A second later, he’s looking back up at me and holds it high in the air. Our little group hollers to him and he walks off the stage with an excited smile on his face.

  I stand there watching him make his way back to his seat, telling myself this is only the beginning of his journey in life. Although Emily won’t be here at his side throughout it, I know without a doubt there is a reason why she sent me to Matt. I was going to make sure to not disappoint her. I love them both too much to do so.

  Two boring hours later and several text messages of convincing Matt to stay put and ride out the rest of the ceremony, we’re finally exiting the stadium. Trey’s acceptance had to have been the most entertaining of them all. He acted more like an elementary student accepting his diploma than a college student. His, “Fuck Yeah!” holler, while saluting two rock star fingers high in the air, could probably have been heard outside. My little group of friends might have been laughing, Trey’s father included, but Mrs. Johnson’s eyes looked as if they were going to pop out of their sockets as her body turned three shades of crimson from embarrassment.

  Once outside, I spot Matt already walking over to me and I rush to meet him halfway, practically catapulting myself into his arms. My eyes are swelling up with tears again as I hold him tight, refusing to let him go just yet.

  “I’m so proud of you, Matt,” I say into his ear. His arms tighten around my waist, acknowledging my words. “I love you,” I add.

  “I love you, too, beautiful.”

  When we pull apart, Julio is patiently standing at Matt’s side and he holds out his hand for Matt to shake. Willingly he obliges, but adds a half man hug with it. Julio slaps him on the back, also congratulating him. After several rounds of hugs and kisses to everyone else, we are now leaving the school grounds and are on our way back home to celebrate.

  Slowly, our home begins to fill with friends and guest, the sound of conversations and laughter overtaking the entire house. Seeing how hard I had worked to prepare everything for everyone’s arrival, Mrs. Johnson insisted I enjoy my time with Matt while she and the other moms take care of everything else. After the glares she gave me in the stadium, I knew there was no arguing with that woman, so I obeyed and kept myself tucked at Matt’s side.

  Matt excuses himself to go to the bathroom, leaving me to mingle throughout the room. When I’ve noticed Matt has taken longer than usual, I go off in search of him and find him sitting on the edge of our bed somberly staring down at the frame that was once in my purse. His body is slumped forward and a slight pang of fear takes over inside of me from not knowing how Matt will react to me having taken the picture.

  He looks up as if he’s heard me enter and quickly wipes at his eyes. My steps quicken to get to him as he stands from the bed.

  “I’m sorry. My lips were dry and I thought maybe you’d have some chap stick in your purse,” he says, as if he feels he needs to explain how he found the frame. My earlier fear when I walked in is now replaced with sorrow.

  He cocks his head to the side as he asks, “Why was it in your purse?”

  Now I’m the one trying to explain myself. “I thought it was appropriate for her to be there when you graduated. Besides the photo album I put together, this is the only other picture we have of Emily.” I catch myself referring to the pictures as if they belong to both of us. The thought makes me catch my breath as Matt’s eyebrows curiously lift.

  “I guess that makes sense. That photo album would not fit in this purse. Your bigger one, maybe, but definitely not this one,” he says with an added chuckle. “Thank you for bringing it, it really means a lot to me that some part of her was there.”

  My earlier fear and guilt has now been replaced with joy as I let out the breath I was holding in one giant gush as I laugh at his words. “You’re welcome,” I reply, wrapping my arms around his neck. He pulls me up against his body and lays a kiss upon my lips.

  “You make me feel like the happiest girl in the world sometimes,” I tell him against his mouth.

  He jerks his head back in astonishment. “Only sometimes?” he asks, looking as if I’ve offended him.

  Playfully swatting at his chest, I say, “You know what I mean.”

  A faint knock at the door tells us that we’re not alone, and when I turn I see David and Kelly standing at the door. “Sorry to interrupt, but Mr. Johnson wants to give a speech and asked us to come find you.”

  “No problem,” Matt tells him. Instead of wa
lking out as I had expected Matt to do, he looks over to the both of them, but his eyes wander down to Kelly’s hand where she is currently wearing her engagement ring. “So your finally going to make an honest man out of him?” he asks her.

  Kelly bursts out a light laugh. “He’s always been an honest man,” she says, her eyes locked onto David’s as she declares the words.

  “True. Out of all of us, he was always the good boy,” Matt expresses.

  “I knew what I had from the beginning,” David adds while smiling and lifting Kelly’s hand to kiss the back of it. Kelly returns his smile.

  “Yeah, well, I’m not the only one who needs to be made an honest woman,” Kelly dryly expresses out loud.

  “Yeah, well, it’s really up to her when. Hopefully soon,” Matt replies. The words make my heart skip and I’m afraid to look at Matt for fear of his expression. I’m afraid I’d be looking at the face of a man who feels as if his heart is slowly breaking from having to wait.

  “Come on,” Matt instructs, wrapping his arm around my waist and looking at both Kelly and David. “If we don’t get out of here, Mrs. Johnson will come looking for us.”

  “You do not want to face the wrath of that lady. I’ve learned my lesson after today,” I voice, making everyone laugh.

  “We know,” David comments, leading us out of the door.

  Walking past our dresser on the way out, Kelly’s statement reminds me of the little box still sitting in there and the future that Matt has mentioned on several occasions. I’ve purposely avoided trying to answer him, but I know eventually he’ll be demanding I be honest with him. Fortunately, that day isn’t today as we join everyone in the living room. I may have been saved this time, but I know next time I won’t easily be able to avoid the subject and it may just ruin the plans I already have.


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