Unspoken Endings

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Unspoken Endings Page 26

by Gabbie S. Duran

  “I can’t wait to see you cross the finish line.”

  “You sound so sure I’m going to cross that line,” I tell him. His smile turns into a frown. “I’m just kidding, Aaron. I’ll cross that line. There’s no failing for me.”

  “That’s my girl. Determination in her blood!”

  “You know, sometimes I wonder if he’s been smoking the Mary Jane we used to,” Matt comments into my ear only loud enough for me to hear him. I have to bite my lip to keep from laughing as I see a still excited Aaron bouncing back and forth on his heels. “I mean. Come on, no one's ever that happy all the time,” Matt adds, making the laugh escape my lips.

  Turning to him, I wrap myself into his body to absorb some of his body heat. We stand in each other’s arms up until the last possible minute before they’re announcing for the runners to make their way to the start line.

  “Will you help me with my bib?” I request to Matt, knowing how much he loves the task.

  “Of course. It’s my favorite part about our runs.”

  Reaching into my bag for the bib and safety pins, my motivational item drops out of the bag. Matt reaches down to grab it and my breath catches in my throat when I see it in his hands. His body is now hesitantly standing up before he looks back to me. Taking it from his hand, I tuck it back into my bag, my heart now racing out of control.

  “Why do you have that here?” he quickly asks, looking perplexed.

  Nervously swallowing, I say, “I need to re-qualify for Boston and I figured it would motivate me to the finish line before qualifying time.”

  With a quirk of his eyebrows, he continues to push the subject. “And you thought this would do it for you?”

  Shyly, I nod my head before I drop it down to face the floor. His finger probes my chin up to look at him and I’m already preparing for him to rapidly start firing more questions at me, but he surprises me by saying, “I’ll make sure I’m at the finish line with it waiting for you,” he replies with a sincere smile.

  Taking in the meaning behind his reply, my eyes grow glassy while still locked onto his. Another announcement booms through the speakers outside the tent and Matt is reaching for the bib in my hands and proceeding with my earlier request of helping me attach it to my shirt.

  When done, he places a kiss on my lips.

  “For good luck,” he whispers against them.

  Returning another quick kiss before I leave his arms, I realize the small bag is still wrapped around my wrist. With a chuckle, he happily accepts the sack and I’m rushing through the flaps with an event coordinator and Julio to walk me over. When I’m in the crowd of the runners who will mostly be running next to me for the next 26.2 miles, my nerves are racing faster than my out of control heartbeat. The sound of the gun shot signals the elite runners and I frightfully flinch at the sound, but my lips form into a wide smile knowing I’ve only got sixty seconds before it’s going off once more for me. Popping my ear buds in and pushing play on the shuffle attached to my sports bar, the words of Tiësto’s All of Me are now playing in my ears, readying me for my run. The gun goes off and I’m sprinting off to reach my future.

  THE CROWD IS starting to get excited as the last couple of elite runners cross the finish line. Looking up to the timer on the finishing line, I see it’s coming close to Abigail’s deadline and soon she’ll be running through the same line. I don’t know who’s more nervous. Her for needing to make her qualifying time, or me for what I plan on doing. With Trey and Aaron’s help after telling them what my plan was, we’d managed to get me fairly close to the finish line so I’d be able to catch Abigail when she crosses it. My palms are sweaty, I’m a trembling wreck, and I have to take deep breaths to calm myself. I’m scared out of my mind that she’ll turn me down like the first time, but I keep telling myself she wouldn’t have purposely brought the box unless she intended on giving me an answer today.

  I feel a strong pat on my shoulder and when I turn I’m facing Julio. He’d insisted on being at my side in case the photographers began hounding us, and the last thing he wanted was for them to get out of control from snapping a picture. At first, I’d thought he was crazy, but as I stand staring down at the still elegantly wrapped turquoise box in my hands, I’ve already got a small crowd of photographers surrounding me. From the murmurs I’ve managed to catch, they know. As requested, Aaron went up to the announcer to ask him to announce when Abigail was nearing the finish line. It was more to prepare myself than to notify the crowd. Hearing her name through the speakers lets me know she’s less than a mile away, the roar of the crowd grows loud as if they’re just as excited she’s coming as I am.

  Taking another deep breath, I say out loud, “I hope this works.”

  “You have nothing to worry about,” Julio’s thick accent tells me.

  “I thought the same thing the first time,” I practically snap at him due to my nerves. He simply chuckles at my tone.

  “She didn’t know what she could have lost the first time. I was with her the day you were shot. Nobody would beg that hard for someone to come back to life if they weren’t willing to spend the rest of their life with them,” he conveys.

  With my lips now flat as I consider his words, I can only believe him at this point. It’s the only hope I have. Looking straight ahead at the runners now nearing, I spot her. Her skinny, pale body pumps her arms and legs as fast as they can go with a radiant smile on her lips. For as long as I live, I will always look forward to seeing that smile on her face. It completely lights me up every time I see it. My heart is two times larger and pumping harder, feeling as if it may burst from my chest.

  She crosses the finish line a couple of seconds later, her arms high in the air and her head thrown back in celebration as she crosses. When I glance up at the clock, I see she’s made her qualifying time, with minutes to spare. The photographers have been snapping away at her since before she crossed the line, keeping her from seeing me. She brings herself to a walk immediately after crossing and I didn’t realize I was still standing frozen in my spot until Julio nudges me forward.

  Coming back to reality, I make my way over to her and she immediately spots me as her smile widens and she rushes over to me. Catapulting herself into my arms, I catch her, spinning her in a full circle as she giggles in my ear. The sound of the shuttering cameras surrounds us while I kiss her, keeping our lips lingering longer than usual.

  Pulling my lips from hers, I’m already saying, “Congratulations, beautiful!” I have to shout over the roaring crowds still congratulating the runners entering the line as I slowly walk us over to the side so we won’t be in their way.

  “I did it!” she excitedly shouts back.

  “Yes, you did.”

  I start to gently slide her down my body. When I feel her feet hit the floor, I follow them down. Looking up to her, she uses one hand to steadily hold onto my shoulder as the other goes up to her cover her mouth, tears already forming in her eyes. Unwrapping the bow myself this time, I throw it aside and open up the box, my eyes never once leaving hers. I’m trembling like crazy as I say my next words.

  “Abigail Adams, will you marry me?” I hold the box up so she can see the ring for herself. In that split second, it occurs to me she’s never seen it before. I’m holding my breath for what seems like an eternity, but may only be a second before she nods her head and loudly whimpers out a, “Yes.”

  Taking the ring out of the box and placing it on her finger, I quickly stand and she’s once again throwing herself at me so I can kiss her. The roaring of the crowd booms louder and a massive amount of photographers are surrounding us while I continue feathering kisses on Abigail’s lips. All of it should be a distraction, but it doesn’t faze me because the only thing that matters at this very moment is the girl in my arms kissing me in return. If I had to die again today, I know I’d die a very happy man.

  TIME HAS A way of going by faster than you want it too. It’s been two months since Matt proposed at my finish line. Since that da
y, I’ve felt as if I’ve been floating on clouds. My original plan had been to pull the box out and ask him to marry me later that night, but after I’d thrown myself into his arms and he’d dropped down on his knee, I knew without a doubt I was ready to say yes. Deep down in my heart, I knew I was ready to spend the rest of my life with him.

  Of course, the media ate it all up. We made so many front-page sports headlines it was ridiculous, but eventful at the same time. Trey had taken it upon himself to get a copy of every publication that had us on it and I was now filling another scrapbook with those to give him tomorrow night.

  Nervously looking into the mirror, I can’t help but smile. Tomorrow I will be Mrs. Matthew Garcia, and it will be another happy day to add to my life. One I never thought would be happening the day I first dreamt of Matt. My memories have slowly begun to fade, almost becoming non-existent now, and it was beginning to worry me.

  Knowing that I’m going to worry Matt if I linger much longer, I open the door to exit the ladies room and as expected, he’s standing in the hallway leaning against the wall waiting for me. His dark eyes are bearing back at me with a slight smile tugging at his lips. I will never tire of that expression. My body lights up as I take the few steps and close the distance between us, my arms automatically wrapping my body into his.

  “You nervous about tomorrow?” I ask into his shoulder as he kisses below my ear.

  “Nope, I can’t wait.” His response makes me chuckle.

  “It wouldn’t be any different than it is now. Only you’d be legally mine and I’d have a paper to prove I can do whatever I want to this body,” he says as his hand squeezes my ass. “And you can’t say anything about it.”

  Now I’m letting out a full-blown laugh. “You already do whatever you want with me,” I proclaim after laughing.

  “Very true. I’m a very lucky man,” he responds, kissing his way across my chin. Lately, I have learned to take advantage of the moments alone I get with Matt.

  Both our lives have been running non-stop as we prepare for our future to come. Matt had insisted we marry before his season started, pointing out that if we didn’t do it soon, it may be years before we could marry. Thanks to Trey, our lives were getting busier by the day and I’d quickly come to agree with Matt. We needed to marry soon. It left me to plan a wedding with only a little bit over a month to spare.

  Trey had kept his promise of getting Matt those endorsement offers and he’d somehow succeeded in getting me the dream job I’d never imagine getting.


  It started with me making suggestions in regards to some of the clothing I’d worn for my races. Next thing I knew, I was in the design room giving them ideas and modeling the outfits in their upcoming sales brochures. The best part of the job was putting the products to the test, though. That was my favorite part.

  Another bonus was they were now sponsoring me to run full-time, putting me in full training mode for the various races they sponsored. They hired a trainer and I was now training to be able to run with the elite during Boston. Running and sports modeling was now my full-time career and I couldn’t be happier about the choice. All the times in the past I fought so hard to prove that my choices were what was right for me at the time, but I should have known I was just lying to myself. Now I was finally doing something for myself and was happy about it.

  Matt holds out his hand in request. “Can I change the ringtone on your phone?” Willingly, I surrender my phone over to Matt and he goes straight to doing as he’d mentioned. Minutes later, he’s handing it back to me and I’m already curious to hear what it will sing. As if reading my thoughts, he sternly orders, “No checking until I call.”

  “Fine,” I agree before asking, “Do you want me to change yours?”

  “I put the same one for myself. You’ll understand when you listen to the words,” he explains.

  With a sigh, I lean back into his chest, already dreading leaving him for the night. Matt insisted he wanted a traditional wedding, which meant we were supposed to spend the night apart. The only non-traditional part of the wedding was forgoing the church. I’d wanted to get married near the water and Matt had willingly given in to my request since we’d already be in San Diego for training camp. We’d chosen to marry at a Catalina resort that would allow us to get married on the beach.

  Tonight was going to be a very restless night for me. I can already feel it. Even when he was in the hospital, I’d snuck into his bed to sleep at his side. My mind immediately thinks back to the nights we’d spent apart. First was when Matt went to Vegas for his bachelor party and then again for my bachelorette party, which was a trip to Cabo San Lucas with Kelly.

  “I’m going to miss you,” I somberly say to him.

  “I’ll miss you, too,” he whispers back into my ear.

  The clacking of heels coming towards us breaks us apart and when we both turn we see Kelly smiling back at us. “You two sure have a thing for hallways,” she teases. “I hate to have to break you two apart, but they’re wrapping everything up.”

  “What time is it?” I ask her, having no clue at all. The night has been so wonderful I lost track of time

  “It’s almost two A.M.,” she answers.

  “Whoa. I didn’t know it was that late.”

  “Yeah, everyone else started leaving over an hour ago. It’s only our little group left and I think the restaurant staff wants to go home now,” she explains.

  Now I feel guilty for keeping them so late. “You ready to go, chica? You’ve got to get your beauty sleep for tomorrow,” she voices. “Well, technically today now,” she adds with a light chuckle.

  Deeply sighing because I know I have to leave Matt, I squeeze him a little tighter before I briefly kiss him. “I’ll see you this afternoon?”

  “I wouldn’t miss it for the world,” he expresses before kissing me on my temple.

  Sadly pulling myself away from his arms, I follow Kelly down the hallway with Matt at my side. The walk back to the cabanas is made with small conversation between everyone. Trey complains about how boring Matt was for not wanting a real bachelor party and that they still have time to remedy that problem.

  Matt had flat-out refused his offer of strippers, but for as much partying that they did in those three days, I’m surprised Trey remembers anything at all. He spent the entire trip to Vegas in a drunken stupor. You would have thought it was his bachelor party. Matt, on the other hand, had behaved according to Julio who was invited along. Since Julio doesn’t drink, he was pretty much a full-time babysitter, but according to his daily reports Matt’s eyes never once wandered and he looked like he was ready to return the moment he arrived.

  With every phone call I could hear it in his voice, even if he was buzzed most of the time. I couldn’t complain since it’s how I spent my bachelorette party, another getaway Julio had to endure for my security.

  Nearing the rooms, the lack of sleep is already starting to catch up to me. Matt walks me to our door and after Kelly lets herself in, he takes me in his arms to hold me for a moment.

  “You sure you don’t want to come in with me?” I plead, hoping he’ll change his mind.

  Matt chuckles at my request. “You know if I go in there you wouldn’t be getting any sleep tonight, and the last thing I want is for you to be falling asleep on me at the alter tomorrow,” he says.

  “But I sleep better when I’m in your arms,” I whine back.

  He steps back and starts unbuttoning his shirt. “Matt, what are you doing?” I whisper, looking around to see if anyone is watching, already thinking we’re going to have sex on the small porch outside. Thankfully we’re alone, but it doesn’t mean there aren’t prying eyes.

  With his shirt completely off, he hands it to me. “Here, I know it’s my scent that puts you to sleep. It’s why your nose is always plastered to my neck,” he explains with a chuckle.

  Taking the shirt from him, I bring it up to my nose, and of course it smells exactly like Matt. My eyes are
practically rolling back in my closed lids. “Thank you,” I say as I open my eyes and gently kiss him on his lips in reward.

  “I’ll miss you tonight, beautiful,” he says before kissing me one more time and walking away, leaving me to watch his half-naked body disappear into the darkness. The door opens behind me and I’m yanked back.

  “Get your ass in here before you’re mobbed or kidnapped,” Kelly playfully snaps.

  Our little villa only had one large room since it’s considered the honeymoon suite, where Matt and I would be returning to tomorrow night. Julio was given a room in the bigger villa where all the guys were staying. He’d offered to sleep on the couch, but I felt bad so I turned down his offer. His only stipulation was that he’d check all the locks on the windows and doors before he fell asleep, which he was just finishing up.

  “Everything is good. You sure you’ll be fine?”

  “We’re fine. Go do your guy thing with them, and Abigail and I will do our girly thing. I’m not as big as you, but I know how to kick someone’s ass if need be,” Kelly reprimands, already urging him out of the door.

  Julio shakes his head with a smile before saying, “See you in the morning, ladies.”

  “Not too early, or it will be your ass I’m kicking!” Kelly shouts after him.

  The front door is soon clicking shut and I’m walking off to the bedroom to take my shoes off. “Do you mind if I take a quick bath?” I ask Kelly, earning me a wave of her hand to shoo me away.

  “But don’t fall asleep and drown in there because Matt will strangle me.”

  Giggling, I place Matt’s shirt with my phone on the bedside table and head straight into the bathroom. Allowing the tub to fill, I start disrobing and when done, I lean against the counter and stare into the mirror at my reflection. I may look like the old Abigail Adams when she’s all dolled up with makeup, but it’s not who I am anymore and I couldn’t be happier. I’m now the Abigail Adams who is happier than I was when I’d woken up in the hospital not having one clue as to who I was. Since then, I’ve found myself—my true self—and I’m not letting her go.


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