Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815

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Empire of Liberty: A History of the Early Republic, 1789-1815 Page 100

by Gordon S. Wood

  Mease, James, 726–27

  media, 475–76, 603. See also newspapers


  specific publications

  medicine, 723, 725–27

  The Medium (play), 501

  Megalonyx, 393

  Melish, John, 712

  melodramas, 571

  mercantilism, 15, 101, 625–26, 707

  merchant marine, 642, 682, 688–89

  Merrick, Pliny, 721–22

  Merry, Anthony, 288

  Methodist Episcopal Church, 605–6

  Methodists: and class divisions, 613

  and democratization of religion, 608

  and Dow, 610

  and freed blacks, 521

  and growth of congregations, 337, 581–82, 604

  and millennial beliefs, 618

  and the Republican Party, 244

  and revivalism, 595–601, 605

  and slavery, 535, 536, 538, 599–600

  Mexico, 113, 367, 384

  Miami Indians, 129

  Michaux, André, 186, 376

  Michigan Territory, 359, 363, 674, 679, 686, 701

  Mid-Atlantic States, 170

  middle class, 27–31, 355–56

  Middle Tennessee, 361

  Middlesex Canal, 484

  “midnight judges,” 419, 440

  Mifflin, Thomas, 245

  Milan Decree, 646

  military dictatorships, 8

  Military Peace Establishment Act, 292

  military power: and the Barbary Wars, 636

  and the Federalist Party, 262–67

  and the French Revolution, 620–21

  and Fulton, 631–32

  and international commerce, 195

  and military spending, 292

  National Anthem, 692

  and Shays’s Rebellion, 111

  and the War of 1812, 671–72, 674. See also naval power and conflicts; standing armies

  militias, 293, 644, 672, 680, 693

  Millar, John, 42

  millennial beliefs, 582, 616–19

  Miller, Samuel, 258, 562, 608

  Mingo Indians, 123

  minority groups, 31, 167, 468. See also immigration

  racial issues

  Minot, George, 60

  mint, 99. See also monetary policy

  Miranda, Francisco de, 265

  miscegenation, 395n88, 514

  missionaries, 490–91, 617

  Mississippi River: and the Louisiana Purchase, 369

  and territorial disputes, 113

  and trade and commerce, 15

  and the Treaty of San Lorenzo, 201, 366, 367

  and the War of 1812, 695, 696

  Mississippi Territory: and Claiborne, 372–73

  and the Embargo Act, 655–56

  and embargoes, 655–56

  and Native Americans, 128, 686

  and slavery, 522, 528–30

  and territory status, 701

  and the Treaty of Paris, 112

  and the War of 1812, 686

  and western settlement, 359

  Missouri crisis, 526, 737

  Missouri River, 376, 379

  Missouri Territory, 701

  Mitchill, Samuel L.: and commerce, 322, 325

  on distilling, 339

  and expansionism, 375

  and medicine, 725

  and national identity, 41

  and race issues, 540

  on suicide rates, 335

  and urban renewal, 390

  Mobile, Alabama, 376, 656, 696

  Mobile Act, 374

  mobilization, political, 282, 306

  model treaty, 191, 272

  Modern Chivalry (Brackenridge), 220

  monarchical power: and Adams, 215–16

  and American cultural independence, 737

  and class divisions, 31

  and elective monarchy, 74–75

  and the Federalist Party, 54–55, 72–73, 276

  and the First Congress, 55–58

  and freemasonry, 53

  and the French Wars, 187

  and Hamilton, 92–93

  and honor codes, 159

  and international commerce, 630

  and Jefferson, 154–55

  and Marshall, 438

  and mercantilism, 633

  and North-South tensions, 146

  and partisan conflict, 269, 271

  and patriarchy, 345

  and presidential protocols, 81–82

  and Shippen, 6

  and taxation, 172

  and war, 189

  and Washington, 74–85

  monetary policy, 18–19, 93, 95–103, 141–42, 294, 297–98, 692

  monopolies, 460, 461, 461n78

  Monroe, James: and the Baltimore riots, 338

  and black resettlement plans, 540

  and Democratic-Republican Societies, 204

  and diplomacy, 204–5, 205–6

  and the 1800 election, 285

  and the 1804 election, 313

  and expansionism, 358

  and the Floridas, 374–75

  and the French Revolution, 177

  and honor codes, 236–37

  and international commerce, 640

  and the Louisiana Purchase, 369, 371

  and Marshall, 435

  and the Mazzei letter, 236

  and military policy, 196

  and national capital negotiations, 143

  and newspapers, 258

  and the Non-Importation Act, 644–45

  and patronage, 300

  and political campaigning, 62

  and slavery, 231, 536, 734

  and social changes, 702

  and state legislature, 269

  and Taylor, 267

  and territorial disputes, 113

  and trade disputes, 666, 670

  and the War of 1812, 676, 691–92

  Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de, 8, 159, 401, 407, 708

  Montgomery, Richard, 230

  Monthly Anthology, 603, 643

  Monticello, 514–15, 736

  Moore, Thomas, 291

  Moral Society of the County of Columbia, 488

  Mormonism, 317, 600, 611–12

  Morocco, 192, 634, 635, 638

  Morris, Gouverneur: and class divisions, 316

  and corporate charters, 465

  and the federal judiciary, 419–20

  and Hamilton, 92

  and Marshall, 425

  and mass political engagement, 21

  and perceptions of democracy, 718

  and political parties, 307

  and the three-fifths clause, 532

  Morris, Robert: and Brackenridge, 221

  and Findley, 218–19

  and the First Congress, 57

  and land speculation, 118, 201

  and monetary policy, 152

  and personal finances, 233

  and Washington’s reelection, 157

  Morrow, Jeremiah, 364

  Morse, Jedidiah: on American climate, 387–88

  and the arts, 560

  and conspiracy theories, 244

  and Enlightenment ideals, 722

  and fighting tradition, 328

  and millennial beliefs, 617

  and religion, 602–3

  and the Republican Party, 168

  and social hierarchy, 105

  Morse, Samuel F. B., 564, 572

  Mount Vernon, 511

  muckraking, 258. See also newspapers


  mulattos, 514

  municipal governments, 466–67

  murder, 334–35, 335–36

  Murray, John R., 568

  Murray, Judith Sargent, 128, 500–501, 506, 563

  Murray, William Vans, 272

  museums, 556–57

  music, 548, 601

  Muslims, 584, 635

  Napoleon Bonaparte:

  abdication, 689, 701

  and the arts, 571

  and Battle of Austerlitz, 621–22
br />   and Battle of Trafalgar, 645–46

  and British naval power, 642

  and conflict with France, 240

  and control of Louisiana, 367

  and the Embargo Act, 650, 654

  and the Floridas, 375

  and the Louisiana Purchase, 368–69, 371

  and the Non-Intercourse Act, 664, 665

  and slave revolts, 537

  and trade disputes, 667

  and Treaty of Mortefontaine, 181

  and war with Britain, 648

  Narragansett Indians, 516

  Narragansett Planters, 516

  Nassau (steam ferry), 483

  National Anthem, 691

  national banks, 98, 281, 692. See also Bank of the United States (BUS)

  national capital, 143–45. See also Federal City

  Washington, D. C.

  National Convention, 659

  National Day of Prayer and Thanksgiving, 584–85

  national debt, 95–97, 140–41, 193, 298–301

  National Gazette, 151, 161, 177

  National Intelligencer, 651, 690–91, 720

  National Road, 482

  nationalism: and aristocracy, 78–79

  and Declaration of Independence, 641

  and diplomacy, 622

  and education, 469

  and Hamilton, 103–10

  and international commerce, 630

  and Jefferson-Madison relationship, 148

  and the Jeffersonian revolution, 301–2

  and the Louisiana Purchase, 371

  and Madison, 62, 148

  and national identity, 37, 40–42, 103–10

  and Randolph, 423

  and trade disputes, 668, 670

  and the War of 1812, 4, 696–700, 732

  and Washington’s retirement, 207

  and the Whiskey Rebellion, 136–37

  Native Americans: and the British, 648–49

  Buffon on, 387

  and cultural development, 42

  and the Declaration of Independence, 9

  and Enlightenment principles, 4

  and immigration, 39

  and international commerce, 194

  and Jefferson, 394

  and the Lewis and Clark expedition, 377, 378–79

  and Ohio Territory, 2

  and the War of 1812, 661, 675–76, 677–79, 686–87

  and western settlement, 112, 114, 120–23, 123–33, 132, 200, 316, 359, 385–94. See also specific tribes

  Natural History (Buffon), 386–87

  naturalization laws, 247–50, 291

  Nautilus (prototype submarine), 631

  naval power and conflicts: and the Barbary States, 633–39, 696–700

  and the Battle of the Nile, 271

  and the Battle of the Thames, 686

  and the Battle of Trafalgar, 645–46

  and blockades, 622, 637, 646, 661, 688

  and constitutional issues, 636–37

  Cornwallis on, 241

  and the Embargo Act, 652–53

  and impressment conflict, 641–44

  and Jefferson, 285, 292, 293, 299

  and the Leopard-Chesapeake affair, 647–48

  and neutral rights, 239

  and the Quasi-War, 245

  and the War of 1812, 672, 680–82, 683, 684–86, 688–89

  and western settlement, 358

  Navy Department, 245–46, 264

  “necessary and proper” clause, 271, 371–72

  Nelson, Horatio, 271, 621, 637

  neoclassicism, 548, 551, 553–54

  Nesbit, Charles, 727

  Netherlands, 8, 239, 246, 622–23

  neutral shipping rights: and conflicts with Britain, 640, 643–47

  and France, 189–92

  and Jay’s Treaty, 197

  and Jefferson, 622–26

  and Madison, 662, 664, 673

  and Napoleon, 667

  and ship seizures, 239

  and the Treaty of Ghent, 695, 697

  and the War of 1812, 658

  neutrality, 182–85, 187–88, 242, 414, 654, 658

  “New Army,” 263, 267, 268

  New Divinity Calvinists, 603, 614

  New England: and carrying trade, 624–25

  and civil society, 486

  and education, 471

  and European customs, 48

  and federal patronage, 110

  and judicial review, 455

  and the Louisiana Purchase, 370

  and Madison’s reelection, 683

  and market economics, 322–23, 324n23, 326

  and political parties, 169

  and religion, 579

  and slavery, 537

  and territorial disputes, 113

  and trade disputes, 668–69

  and the War of 1812, 660, 661, 693, 694

  New England Palladium, 602

  New Hampshire: and alcohol, 340

  and bar standards, 454

  colonial assembly, 16

  and corporate charters, 464, 465

  and family structure, 500

  and religion, 583, 591

  and roads, 482

  and slavery, 520

  and the War of 1812, 661

  New Hampshire Bill of Rights, 493

  New Israelites, 600

  New Jersey: and judicial review, 443

  and Madison’s reelection, 683

  and penal reform, 494

  and religion, 583

  and slavery, 516, 520

  and suffrage expansions, 302

  and the three-fifths clause, 532

  and women’s rights, 507

  New Light Presbyterians, 581–82

  New Light Separate Baptists, 588

  New Orleans, Louisiana: and the Embargo Act, 656

  Jefferson on, 277, 389–90

  and the Louisiana Purchase, 368–69

  and multiculturalism, 374

  and population growth, 706

  and religion, 593

  and slavery, 201, 529

  Spanish control, 113

  and the Treaty of San Lorenzo, 366

  and the War of 1812, 689

  and western settlement, 359

  New Orleans (steamboat), 483

  New Testament, 611

  New York: and Burr, 282

  as capital, 77

  and education, 471, 716

  and the federal judiciary, 412

  and federal patronage, 110

  and the First Congress, 57

  and freed slaves, 541–42

  and Hamilton, 90

  and judicial review, 443

  and judiciary, 402

  and penal reform, 494

  and population growth, 56, 316

  and public authority, 467

  and public education, 472, 474

  and roads, 481

  and slavery, 520

  and the War of 1812, 690

  New York City, 40, 104, 335–36, 520, 593, 706

  New York City Hotel, 347

  New-York Historical Society, 477

  New York Missionary Society, 490

  New York Supreme Court, 454

  Newport, Rhode Island, 517

  newspapers: and banking, 295

  and cultural advancement, 550

  and the 1800 election, 284–85

  and the Federalists’ decline, 305

  and Hamilton-Adams feud, 274–75

  and honor codes, 238

  and Jefferson-Hamilton conflict, 154, 155–56

  and judicial review, 447

  and military power, 264

  and North-South tensions, 146

  and partisanship, 150–51, 256, 268, 307–8

  and Peck, 225–26

  and popular culture, 732

  and population growth, 317

  and the postal service, 479

  and public opinion, 250–56

  and the Quasi-War, 245

  and social reforms, 475

  and western settlement, 364

p; Nez Percé Indians, 380

  Niagara Falls, 722–23

  Nicholas, John, 242, 440, 522

  Nicholas, Wilson Cary, 669

  Niles, Hezekiah, 670, 708

  Niles’ Weekly Register, 2, 716

  Ninth Amendment, 70–71

  Nisbet, Charles, 343

  Non-Importation Act, 644, 649–50, 667, 689

  Non-Intercourse Act, 664–70, 684

  Nootka Sound controversy, 366, 414

  Norfolk, Virginia, 104, 277

  North Africa, 634

  North American Review, 394, 569, 721, 729

  North Carolina: and the Bill of Rights, 69

  and corporate charters, 464–65

  and electoral representation, 530

  and the First Congress, 57

  and inheritance laws, 498

  and judicial review, 443

  and the judiciary, 402

  and population growth, 164

  and ratification of the Constitution, 36

  and religion, 583, 599–600

  and separatist movements, 115

  and slavery, 165, 526

  North-South tensions, 3, 145, 155

  Northern Federalists, 327

  Northern Republicans: and class divisions, 171, 216–17, 351

  and Democratic-Republican Societies, 718

  and the French Revolution, 179

  and Madison, 683

  and market economics, 353

  and Morse, 168

  and newspapers, 254

  and state governments, 268

  Northwest Territory: and Astor, 382

  and Britain, 15, 112–13, 129–30, 131–33, 194, 197, 200, 367, 648–49, 661

  governor, 86

  and the Lewis and Clark expedition, 378

  and Native Americans, 123, 125–26, 129–30, 131–33, 194, 397, 661, 675–76, 727

  and the Northwest Ordinance, 121–22, 362, 363–64, 472, 583

  and settlers, 359, 361–65

  and slavery, 508

  and the War of 1812, 679, 688

  Norton, Andrews, 569, 572–73

  Notes on the State of Virginia (Jefferson), 19, 248, 391, 539–40, 585–86, 627, 705

  Nova Scotia, 375

  nullification, 269–70, 446

  oath of office, 64n35, 436

  The Oath of the Horatii (David), 12

  Ohio: and common law, 426, 431

  and the Northwest Territory, 362

  and population growth, 2, 316–17

  and religion, 597, 605

  and slavery, 541

  and statehood, 701

  and the War of 1812, 661

  and western settlement, 363–64, 364–66

  Ohio Company, 117, 119

  Old House of Representatives (Morse), 564

  Old Northwest, 131, 359, 361, 364, 695

  Old South, 364–65, 605–7

  Old Southwest, 361, 364–65

  oligarchy, 530

  “On the Equality of the Sexes” (Murray), 500

  On the Imitation of the Painting and Sculpture of the Greeks (Winckelmann), 551

  Oneida Indians, 124

  opinion seriatim, 437, 437n10

  oratory, 475–76

  Ordinance of 1784, 116, 121

  Oregon Country, 367

  Original Journals of the Lewis and Clark Expedition (Thwaites), 381n56


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