Seeking Scandal (Ranford Series Book 2)

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Seeking Scandal (Ranford Series Book 2) Page 17

by Nadine Millard

  "The journey tired my aunt out more than she realised, coupled with the long journey from Bath. She has chosen to keep to her room tonight and join us again in the morning. Her maid was sent to inform us."

  "Oh," was all she said, again.

  "But, er, Edward and Rebecca should be down momentarily." He felt like a nervous schoolboy being alone with her in the firelight. Was it hot in here? He longed to pull at his suddenly too tight cravat.

  He watched in fascination as her cheeks flamed even brighter than before.

  "I do not think they will be joining us for some time. They—uh, sounded distracted when I went by their door." This she told to the floor, refusing to meet his gaze.

  Dear God, they were animals!

  He wasn't jealous. It was just inappropriate, he thought piously.

  "So, we are alone then," he commented for he truly did not know what else to say.

  Her eyes snapped up from their perusal of the floorboards and he was surprised to see steely determination in them. Which was intriguing in itself, even without the healthy dose of nervousness so clearly evident.

  "Yes, we are, aren't we?" she said, almost to herself.

  "Er, yes?" he said it like a question, unsure as to whether she actually wanted an answer or not.

  She walked towards him then. Well, marched more like. That glint of steel still flashing in her eyes.

  He felt the mad urge to back up.

  He didn't know if he felt excited or scared. He did know that he didn't want to step back into the fire and burn his a—

  "Tom." She spoke then, but sternly as if he were in trouble.

  "What?" he demanded, defensively. He hadn't bloody well done anything wrong.

  "I'm not entirely sure how to do this."

  "Right." What?

  "So I'm just going to do it."

  "Right," he repeated. Like an imbecile. "Er—do what?"

  Caroline took a deep breath as if she were steeling herself for something momentous. Which she obviously had been for she suddenly lunged at him eliciting a squeak of fright that he wasn't exactly proud of, grabbing his neck in a vicelike grip, and bringing his lips into full contact with her own.

  I cannot believe I did that, Caroline thought before all ability to think coherently left her.

  Tom's arms wrapped around her in seconds, pulling her into full contact with the exquisite firmness of his body.

  This, she thought hazily, must be as close to Heaven as one could get, only to realize in the very next instant that she was wrong. There was closer. Much closer.

  Tom's mouth left hers and her feeling of momentary dissatisfaction was obliterated by the feel of his lips grazing her neck. She felt the tip of his tongue dart out to taste her and her legs finally buckled, making her grateful for his unyielding grip.

  The sensations he was creating were completely overwhelming her. She was completely lost to him, totally under his spell.

  She whispered his name reverently and was rewarded with a masculine growl that vibrated against her neck.

  The sound of approaching footsteps invaded the bubble surrounding them and Tom leapt away from her so quickly that she staggered a little.

  They looked at each other, both breathing rapidly, neither one able to put a name to what had just occurred. It was beyond a kiss. Beyond lust. For her, it was even beyond the love she had felt for him up until now.

  It was as if her very soul had left her own body and planted itself firmly next to his. She didn't care. Didn't want it. All she wanted was him.

  The footsteps turned out to belong to Edward and Rebecca and they arrived in the room looking decidedly dishevelled. Caroline wished they'd turn and leave again, which was very unkind.

  But they had interrupted her first foray into seduction and it had been going so well. Very, very well.

  "That was quick." Tom smirked at Edward.

  "What?" shouted Edward, sounding immediately defensive.

  Rebecca burst into a fit of giggles and Caroline had to bite her lip to stop from doing the same.

  She looked up and caught Tom's gaze as he watched the action, his eyes darkening further still.

  "So then, are we to have a tour of the house?" asked Rebecca cheerfully.

  Tom shook his head a little as if to clear his mind and turned to Rebecca.

  "Yes of course. I had thought that we wouldn't have time with you and Edward being busy. But as it turns out, we have ample time. We might even take time to stroll around the gardens."

  "Not if I shoot you," threatened Edward.

  Tom merely laughed and turned to Caroline.

  "Shall we?" He held out a hand.

  Her nerves were strung as tightly as a bow. Her heart had not yet stopped galloping and she knew that contact with any part of his body would only set it to racing faster still.

  "Yes," she said quietly, stepping forward to take his hand.

  She felt like she was answering more than just his simple question. And hoped that he was asking more too.


  THE HOUSE WAS beautiful throughout. But Caroline could barely concentrate. Her mind was replaying the scene in the drawing room over and over and her body was remembering it even better than her mind.

  Tom was giving them a very thorough guided tour, explaining the house's history and telling them all about his tenants and staff.

  Under normal circumstances Caroline would have been riveted, desperate to learn every piece of his life that she could.

  But her entire being was consumed with the memory of their kiss.

  She felt as though she'd been possessed by temporary madness to have approached him that way. Not that she was in the least bit sorry for it.

  As soon as he'd mentioned their being alone, it was like a sign. She had been wondering all day how she was supposed to go about seducing him. Had gone through a range of ideas from pretending to faint and fall into his arms to slipping laudanum into his drink, although she feared the second option would be something rather more sinister than seductive.

  So she'd just taken the opportunity. Her nerves had made her a little abrupt, she could admit. But as soon as their lips had met, he hadn't seemed to mind.

  Her lips curved at the memory. He was an excellent kisser. True, she had no basis of comparison since he was the only person she'd ever kissed. But she could not imagine anyone else being better at it.

  "Keep smiling like that my dear, and we won't make it to dinner."

  Caroline shivered at the whispered words and the feel of Tom's mouth so achingly close to her ear.

  Her eyes darted to Rebecca and Edward who had wandered ahead of them in the long gallery they were currently walking. With some relief, she noticed they were too far away to hear his words.

  "What can you have been thinking, hmm?" he asked, drawing them both to a stop.

  Caroline turned slightly so that she was facing him. There was no sense in losing courage now.

  "I was thinking about our kiss," she answered boldly.

  His face registered shock before slipping into a wolfish smile that was altogether too much for her poor heart.

  "Were you now?" His voice had dropped to a deep growl, sending shivers along her nerve endings. "And what, may I ask, were you thinking about it?"

  He had been prowling towards her during his question and Caroline was surprised to find that she'd been backed into a small alcove, her back pressed against the cool wall.

  They surely had only seconds before Rebecca and Edward noticed.

  Caroline wasn't sure she had the nerve to answer him as boldly as she would like. After all, her impeccable behaviour had been present her whole life and it was hard to break the habit of a lifetime. On the other hand, now that she'd made the decision to seek all of her pleasure, her scandal, her excitement with him, shouldn't she at least make him privy to the information?

  Grabbing her courage with both hands, Caroline looked him straight in the eye and said, "I was thinking about ho
w wonderful it was, how I did not want it to stop. And how I want it to happen again."

  Once again he looked utterly shocked and once again the shock gave way to a smile that weakened her knees.

  "Funny, I was thinking the same thing."

  And then he leaned forward, lowering his head towards her own.

  Caroline's breath hitched in anticipation and she went up on her toes, eager to meet his mouth all the sooner.

  She closed her eyes and felt…


  In confusion, she opened her eyes again to find his own glittering with amusement and something else that was dangerous and delicious.

  "But not here," he whispered making her almost whimper, "and not now."

  "You swine!" Caroline snapped in frustration.

  Tom's laughter echoed around the cavernous hall as he pulled her away from the wall and started to walk along the corridor again.

  "Why Caroline, I think that's the first time I've ever heard to swear."

  "And it probably shan't be the last," she retorted saucily.

  He looked at her again, his brow creased.

  "What has brought about this sudden change, I wonder? Do not mistake me. I like it. A lot," he said with a devilish grin, "It is just unexpected."

  "Perhaps I've decided it is time to do what I want for a change, instead of what's expected of me."

  He was silent for a moment and Caroline wondered desperately what he was thinking.

  "I rather like the sound of that," he said eventually though his voice sounded carefully controlled.

  "I'm glad to hear it, since you feature quite prominently in my plan."

  He stopped again.

  "That sounds like a plan I would be very interested in."

  At that moment, the butler arrived to inform them that dinner was ready.

  "I want to hear more about this," Tom warned her as they turned back to dine.

  "You will," she said with a self-satisfied smirk.

  Finally, she was getting being scandalous just right. And with the only person she wanted to be scandalous with.

  Tom tried to remain relaxed and nonchalant as they walked back to dinner, when it truth it was all he could do to stay on his feet.

  He had no idea where this seductive, flirtatious Caroline had come from but he wanted to offer sincerest thanks to whomever had brought the change about.

  Dear God, she had been driving him slowly mad before. Now, he felt as though he could not even breathe without her.

  When she had kissed him in the drawing room he had thought, a little stupidly he could admit now, that he had actually died and was experiencing heaven.

  Which granted, seemed like an overreaction but if he'd found her irresistible before, what was he supposed to do now that she was kissing him?

  The entire time they'd been walking this damned corridor and he'd been prattling on about God only knew what, all he could think about was her kiss. He could not stop watching her, could not stop imagining her and what he would do if they were alone—

  And then he'd almost come undone altogether at the sight of her secret, feline smile.

  He hadn't been able to resist asking what was going on in her beautiful head. And her answer had been enough to make him want to pick her up and carry her straight to his bedchamber.

  Which would probably cause a slight problem with Edward.

  And now he had to sit through an excruciating dinner all the while trying to find some way to get her alone.

  His mind raced as he took his seat at the table.

  Should he fake an illness? But then he would have to leave her with Edward and Rebecca and hide in his room.

  Perhaps he should lock Edward and Rebecca in their room and hide the key.

  Or poison them, he thought desperately as Caroline smiled at Rebecca and leaned forward to speak softly to her.

  No. Poison was definitely excessive.

  "Tom." Edward's voice interrupted his rather alarming thoughts.

  Tom cleared his throat nervously.


  "The ladies were retiring to the drawing room." Edward looked far too amused for Tom's liking.

  "Yes, yes of course. Of course. Just—um—we will, we shall, if you—"

  "So eloquent, Tom. We shall find our own way." Rebecca stood and offered a raised brow before turning to leave the room.

  Tom paid scant attention. He was riveted by the sight of Caroline standing and moving away from the table. She moved like he imagined angels did, fluid and graceful.

  Her skin glowed in the candlelight; her eyes sparkled like the diamonds she wore.

  She smiled at him now as though she knew that she was the cause of his distraction, the minx.

  "Gentlemen," she said, nodding her head a little as she turned and left to follow her sister.

  And still he stared.

  The sound of Edward's deep, rueful chuckle brought him back to his senses.

  "What's funny?" he demanded defensively.

  "Oh, just that look."

  "What look?"

  "The look that only a Carrington woman can put on your face."

  He considered arguing. But really, what would be the point?

  Edward was right.

  So instead, Tom sighed and slumped back into his seat again.

  "I need a drink."

  "Yes," answered Edward sounding far too much like he was enjoying this. "I thought you might."

  As soon as they were safely ensconced on the drawing room couch, Rebecca turned to Caroline with steely determination in her eyes.

  "Right. Out with it."


  "Whatever is going on between you and Tom, I want to know all about it." Rebecca's excitement was as palpable as it was infectious and Caroline could not help grinning in response.

  It would be quite beneficial to have Rebecca as her confidante and aide in this matter. For one thing, she had used up all her limited knowledge of seduction. And for another, Rebecca would be the perfect person to help Caroline have some much needed alone time with Tom.

  Caroline knew that there would be little or no chance of being alone with Tom once the rest of the guests arrived next week so it was now or never.

  With a deep breath, Caroline looked Rebecca in the eye, and then lost her nerve.

  How to explain to your younger sister that you were trying to seduce the man you had refused? Rebecca would think she had run mad.

  But Caroline did need help. Quite desperately.

  "I wanted to—well to, I mean I had thought to try to maybe, well at least attempt to—"

  "Oh for heaven's sake, Caroline! Try to what?"

  "Seduce him," Caroline burst out, her cheeks feeling as though they were on fire.

  Rebecca's mouth dropped open in shock.

  "Seduce him? Do you mean to, well to—you know?"

  Caroline didn't know, being an innocent still. But she could guess.

  "Rebecca!" she admonished, her cheeks redder still. "Of course not."

  "You almost gave me a heart attack," Rebecca said now in relief, "Even I could not have approved of such a thing."

  Caroline rolled her eyes at Rebecca's tendency to assume the most dramatic, before getting eagerly back to the subject at hand.

  "I mean only to have some adventure. Perhaps a stolen kiss or two. You remember we spoke of my wanting to be scandalous? Well, I'm just not that type of girl. And I find I do not want to be, unless it's with him. It is not very bad to want to be with the man you love, is it? If even for a short while?"

  Caroline did not know it but Rebecca's heart clenched painfully at Caroline's admittance, and at her tender and vulnerable expression.

  "No, it is not very bad Caro. It is not bad at all," Rebecca said, "it is the most wonderful thing in the world. But it does not only have to be for a short while."

  Caroline smiled sadly.

  "I'm afraid it does, dearest. And I have come to terms with that, truly. Well, almost."

"But why—"

  "Becca," Caroline interrupted her sister gently, "you must trust me when I say that there is little hope of Tom and I ever becoming attached to each other. You must accept that."


  Well, she had always been the most stubborn of them.

  Caroline sighed in frustration.

  "You must," she repeated.

  "No," Rebecca repeated mutinously. Well this was just ridiculous.

  "Rebecca—" Caroline started firmly but Rebecca interrupted.

  "Tell me why. The real reason, I mean. You were going to tell me, if you remember, before that—that—"

  "Miss Noble," interjected Caroline softly before Rebecca could utter the word that was building.

  "Yes. Her," she said now, making 'her' sound like quite the insult. "Before she attacked poor Tom, you were going to tell me what had happened."

  It would be such a relief to unburden herself, Caroline thought. It would be so nice to be able to discuss with someone the deep, almost savage regret she felt whenever she thought about the past. And honestly, it would help in her future discussions with Rebecca. It was far too painful to have to keep convincing Rebecca that Tom could never love her.

  "Tom will never love me because he loved me once. And I—I broke his heart."


  TOM HAD NEVER known a man to take so bloody long to finish a cheroot. Honestly, he could swear that Edward was doing it on purpose.

  Tom had long since finished his own cigar and was now concentrating all his efforts on not dragging Edward out of the room by his feet.

  Finally, finally, Edward took his last puff and put the damned thing out.

  Tom made to stand from his chair when Edward sat back, propped his feet on the table and asked, "Shall we have another glass of port?"


  Perhaps roaring the word was a slight overreaction, Tom thought, as he watched Edward jump in fright and proceed to fall backwards off his chair.

  "Hell and damnation, what is the matter with you?" bellowed Edward standing up and rubbing his—

  "Remove your eyes from my sore spot," he said through clenched teeth, glowering at Tom.


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