But Enough About You: Essays

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But Enough About You: Essays Page 45

by Christopher Buckley

  Luggala (Ireland): O’Moyne–Buckley trip to, 89, 91–94, 97

  Lunn, Arnold, 50, 51, 52

  Machu Picchu: Melocotón–Buckley trip to, 100–109

  Mackey, Lance, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114

  Mailer, Norman, 212, 218

  Mandela, Nelson, 121, 123

  Mann, Charles, 102, 104, 105

  Mantle of Greatness cartoon, 3, 172

  Mao Zedong, 237, 238, 239, 435, 436

  marijuana, 33–34

  married couple: on Suzy Wong sailboat, 33–34

  Martello tower (Ireland): O’Moyne–Buckley trip to, 89–90

  martinis, 426–27

  Matterhorn: Buckley’s trip to, 43–54

  Melocotón, Peaches; Buckley’s trips with, 100–109, 118–24, 329–39

  Melville, Herman, 8, 15, 260, 268, 310–20, 312n, 438. See also Moby-Dick (book/movie)

  minibars, hotel: history of, 115–17

  Moby-Dick (book/movie), 43, 96, 260, 266, 272, 274, 310–20, 437–38

  money: The New Yorker cartoons about, 249–54; Thompson and, 262

  Morse, Samuel, 395–96

  movies: breaking into the, 39–43. See also specific movie

  Murphy, Daniel J., 29, 30, 167–68

  name-dropping, 404–10

  Nanny State, 226, 393

  Nasaw, David, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304, 305

  NATO countries: U.S. missiles in, 28–29

  Nazis, 284–86, 304, 309. See also Hitler, Adolf

  The New Yorker: Buckley review of Heller novel in, 200; Catch–22 review in, 255–56; elitist cartoons in, 189; Mantle of Greatness cartoon in, 3, 172; money cartoons in, 249–54; political cartoons in, 3, 167–72

  Nimitz, Chester W., 399–400

  Nixon, Richard M., 175–78, 315, 383–84, 411, 419, 424

  Obama, Barack, 188–89, 224, 291, 303, 362

  Olson, Charles, 315–16, 317, 319

  O’Moyne, Maggie: Buckley’s trip to Ireland with, 89–97

  Orwell, George, 10–11, 228, 229, 284

  Our Man in Havana (book/movie), 292–96

  outrage, populist, 188–90

  Pan American World Airways, 148–49

  Paris, France: Buckley’s visits to, 329–39; Père-Lachaise cemetery in, 334–39; Wodehouse in, 285

  Parker Bowles, Camilla, 279–80, 412

  The Passion of Christ (movie), 39, 41

  Patton, George, 438–39

  pep talks: history of, 428–41

  Père-Lachaise cemetery (Paris), 152, 334–39

  Peru: Melocotón–Buckley trip to, 100–109

  Pitch, Anthony, 181, 182, 184, 185

  Political Correctness, 393

  politics: New Yorker cartoons about, 3, 167–72

  populism, 188–90

  Portrait of an Artist, as an Old Man (Heller), 261

  Portsmouth Abbey School: Buckley’s speech at, 26–27

  Powell, Colin, 182–83, 372, 373

  Prescott, William, 101, 102, 104, 105–6

  protocol, state, 383–91

  Proust, Marcel, 40, 311, 334

  Provence, France: Buckley’s trip to, 345–50

  “Quiet Car” (train), 20–23

  Ratcliffe, Sophie, 281, 284, 285, 288

  Reagan, Ronald, 28, 159–60, 163–64, 166, 171–72, 182, 224, 296–99, 384, 411, 417, 428–29, 436

  Regan, Don, 424–25

  Rehnquist, William, 60, 61

  Reitman, Jason, 40–41, 425

  rejection letters, college, 359–62

  Remembrance Day (November 11, 1918), 140–42

  Republicans: and hotel minibar hearings, 117; New Yorker cartoons about, 168, 171–72

  Robben Island (South Africa), 122–23

  Robertson, Pat, 245–48

  Roosevelt, Franklin D., 223, 297, 304–5, 306, 375, 416, 430, 436

  Roosevelt, Theodore, 9, 53, 181

  Rose, Charlie, 176

  royalty: errors about, 81–82; gaffes of/about, 385–87; name-dropping about, 405–6, 407–8, 409. See also specific person

  Rumsfeld, Donald, 28, 190

  Rushdie, Salman, 230, 258

  Russia/Soviet Union: and Afghanistan, 161–62, 237; and Brooks (Herb) pep talk, 438; China and, 238; collapse of, 164, 435; and Lenin’s corpse, 400–403; Sputnik and, 149; trust in, 420–21; Vietnam and, 237

  sacking, art of, 422–25

  SAT (Scholastic Achievement Test): about Japan, 374–77

  satire, 4, 190

  Saturday Night Live (TV program), 145, 161

  Scalia, Antonin, 59, 60

  Schwarzenegger, Arnold, 169, 203

  September 11, 2001, 48, 223, 428

  sex, 233–36, 250

  Shakespeare, William, 227, 310, 311, 312, 313, 315–16, 385, 424, 431–33

  Shaw, George Bernard, 195, 396

  Shelley, Mary, 312–13

  Shields, Charles J., 240, 241, 242, 243

  Simon and Schuster: Catch–22 and, 259–60

  skiing: teaching child about, 357–59

  smoking: warnings about, 391–93

  Socrates, 370–71

  Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr, 219–21

  Souter, David, 60, 61

  South Africa: Melocotón–Buckley trip to, 121–24

  Soviet Union. See Russia/Soviet Union

  speeches: Buckley’s disastrous public, 4–5; graduation, 25–27, 363–65

  Spielberg, Steven, 274, 410

  spin: New Yorker cartoons about, 169

  St. Clerans (Ireland): O’Moyne–Buckley trip to, 89, 96–97

  Stalin, Joseph, 219, 229, 401, 402, 403, 421, 435

  Stein, Gertrude, 331, 332, 334, 336

  Steinbeck, John, 266, 268

  Stephanopoulos, George, 6

  Stevens, John Paul, 59, 60

  suburban crank: Buckley as, 54–56

  Supreme Court: “calendar” of, 59–61; parking spaces for justices of, 61

  Surratt, Mary, 184, 186

  Suzy Wong (sailboat): Buckley’s summers on, 31–34

  Tango Telegram, 396

  Taugwalder, Peter, 45, 50, 51

  telegrams, 394–400

  Tenet, George, 372, 373

  Thank You for Smoking (Buckley): movie of, 39–43

  Thanksgiving: at Buckley’s grandparents house, 38

  Thomas, Clarence, 60

  Thompson, Hunter S., 262–65, 299, 322

  Thurber, James, 249–50, 289

  Tiananmen Square, 164–65, 238, 239

  Toklas, Alice B., 331, 332, 334, 336

  tombstone, Buckley’s, 47

  top-secret information: and Blair-Buckley relationship, 28–31

  Tour Monte Rosa: Buckley’s hike on the, 43–54

  Townend, Bill, 287, 288

  Trudeau, Garry, 27, 264

  Truman, Harry S, 80, 82, 305

  Trump, Donald, 178–80, 280, 376

  trust: Buckley’s comments about, 420–22

  Twain, Mark, 151, 241, 244, 268, 314, 335, 394

  2000: apocalypse and, 245–48

  Uncle Sam (archetype), 392–93

  Updike, John, 270, 289

  Uris, Leon, 242, 255

  van Gogh, Vincent, 346, 347–48, 349, 350

  vice presidents: questionnaire for, 173–75

  Vidal, Gore, 8, 221–24, 282

  Vietnam: Buckley’s trip to, 125–30; China and, 237; elitism and, 190; gaffes about, 384; Heller’s novels and, 242, 257, 258; pep talk about, 429–30; trust and, 421–22; Vonnegut’s novels and, 242

  Vishnu: Bush (George H. W.) as, 159–67

  Voice of the Caliphate (Internet video newscast), 73–75

  Vonnegut, Kurt, 240–44, 260

  Waldorf-Astoria Hotel: alarm clocks at, 148–49

  Washington, D.C.: during Lincoln’s time, 181–87

  Watergate, 383–84, 421, 424

  Waugh, Evelyn, 9–10, 213, 256, 281, 282, 287, 288, 289, 294, 397

  Webb, James, 257, 258

  Weller, Sam, 264, 267, 273, 27

  Wellness, U.S. Department of, 191–92

  White House, 181, 182–83

  Whymper, Edward, 45, 46, 49–52, 53

  Wilde, Oscar, 151, 152, 172, 227, 227n, 228, 284, 329, 334, 335, 336–39

  Wodehouse, P. G., 8, 226–27, 281–90

  Wolfe, Tom, 263, 264, 277

  Wolfowitz, Paul, 372, 374

  Woodward, Bob, 166, 362

  World War I; Remembrance Day for, 140–42

  writers/writing: and “About the Author” paragraphs, 5; book tours of, 5–6, 210, 211, 215; fans of, 9–10; Heller’s views about life of, 261; as humorists, 2–4; and literary immortality, 274; motivation of, 9–12; narcissism of, 6–9, 10; New Yorker cartoons about, 168; Thompson’s views about, 265; as vain and sensitive, 6–7. See also specific person

  Yale University, 38, 190

  Zagat Survey, 350–54

  Zambia: Melocotón–Buckley trip to, 118–21

  Simon & Schuster

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  Copyright © 2014 by Christopher Taylor Buckley

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  First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition May 2014

  SIMON & SCHUSTER and colophon are registered trademarks of Simon & Schuster, Inc.

  Excerpt from “Annus Mirabilis” from THE COMPLETE POEMS OF PHILIP LARKIN by Philip Larkin, edited by Archie Burnett. Copyright © 2012 by The Estate of Philip Larkin. Introduction copyright © 2012 by Archie Burnett. Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC.

  Excerpt from “Oysters” from OPENED GROUND: SELECTED POEMS 1966–1996 by Seamus Heaney. Copyright © 1998 by Seamus Heaney. Reprinted by permission of Farrar, Straus and Giroux, LLC.

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  Jacket design by Jason Heuer

  Jacket photograph by Edel/Shutterstock

  Author photograph by Katy Close

  Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

  Buckley, Christopher, 1952–

  [Essays. Selections]

  But enough about you : essays / Christopher Buckley.—First Simon & Schuster hardcover edition.

  pages cm

  Includes index.

  I. Title.

  PS3552.U3394B88 2014



  ISBN 978-1-4767-4951-8

  ISBN 978-1-4767-4953-2 (ebook)




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