Daddy Daddy: MFM Menage Romance

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Daddy Daddy: MFM Menage Romance Page 11

by Demi Donovan

  I mean, what am I doing with men like these?

  “Keep going, Cassie,” Parker tells me, his voice strained. “Suck my cock like you mean it.”

  I gag a little as he pushes further into my throat, still not the full way in. He grabs my hair and with one rough thrust, he fills me completely, making me spasm for air for a moment. My eyes water and my body tenses as he gives me the first taste of what it feels like to be impaled on a man, and I know that this will happen again today.

  I know he’s going to fill my pussy just the same. I can’t wait, even if it’s hard to get used to the pressure… the size… the everything.

  I was never ready to give my virginity to anyone. Now, I’m practically desperate to give it to Sawyer and Parker.

  “Good girl,” Parker says, pulling out of me and giving me a moment to heave in gulps of air.

  His cock is right in front of my face, glistening with my saliva, and it’s so fucking beautiful. I love it, I fucking worship it, with my grip tightening on Sawyer’s cock.

  “Suck your other Daddy now,” Parker tells me gruffly.

  I’m not sure which one of us is more surprised that he said that, Sawyer or me, but we don’t question it. Parker’s hand is still in my hair as he moves my head toward Sawyer’s cock. Our gazes meet with Sawyer and he grins a wicked smile as I open my mouth wide for him, welcoming him in. Welcoming him to continue where we left off last time.

  “Her mouth is so fucking sweet,” Parker says, receiving a nod from Sawyer as he outlines my lips with the head of his cock, rubbing it gently along the curve of my lips and leaving the salty taste of precum on it.

  “Her cunt is going to be even fucking sweeter,” Sayer comments, before pushing into my mouth.

  I think my eyes roll back in my head a little as Parker moves my head in the rhythm that he wants me to have as I blow Sawyer. I’m a doll in his hands and I love it. I steady myself, one hand on each man’s thigh, trying to keep from gagging and sputtering too much as Parker uses me to pleasure Sawyer’s cock.

  He pulls me back sharply for a moment and then fills my mouth himself, starting to alternate who I’m sucking with each thrust. When he’s sure I get the rhythm he wants, he lets go of my hair and I keep doing it, glancing from one man to another to make sure I’m doing it right.

  They taste similar, but not the same. They’re looking down at me like I’m some sort of a treasure, a miracle they want to break and destroy and then put back together again as I suck on both of them one after another, impaling myself time and time again on those huge cocks with reckless abandon.

  I lose myself happily and completely. I keep up the pace Parker set for me, pausing only every now and then when I want to lave attention on one cock or the other, and soon it’s the most natural thing to me to be gagging on Sawyer’s or Parker’s cock. I don’t know how long it lasts but when Sawyer stops me suddenly from tasting him again, I let out a whine of complaint, looking up at him and then Parker through watery eyes.

  “That’s enough, kitten,” Sawyer tells me gruffly. “You keep going like that and we’ll never know what that cunt of yours feels like.”

  That’s enough to stave my disappointment and I clamber up on my wobbly feet. I almost topple over, the high heels and weak legs a dangerous combination. I get to watch in silent awe, forgetting all about my problem with keeping my balance for a moment, as Parker and Sawyer both shuck off the last of their clothes.

  I know I whimper when they stand before me, the gods among men that they are. My gods. My belly flutters with excitement and I stare at them, my mouth probably slightly open, taking them in. So muscled, so strong, so fucking powerful… whatever daydream has brought me into this particular moment, I want it to never stop. Because that’s exactly how it feels, like it’s a dream. Even with their taste in my mouth and my body practically begging for release, it still feels unreal.

  “Get out of those clothes,” Parker commands.

  I wiggle out of my dress quickly and step out of the pumps, saying a silent prayer of thanks for that. My knees are really not playing along with me and I don’t want to kill the night by keeling over on those things. The dress pools around my ankles and I’m standing only in my pink panties, feeling tiny before them.

  “All of it,” Parker adds with a growl.

  I realize my mistake and slowly peel my panties off. They’re wet with my juices and I think Sawyer definitely notices as they peel off my pussy slower than they should. Parker eyes me with a sense of familiar ownership, having gotten personally acquainted with my pussy the night before, but Sawyer sees me like this for the first time. Yes, he’s had his fingers in me before, but that was for a couple of minutes, in a dark room…

  I feel beautiful as they stare at me much the same as I stared at them, appreciating every line and curve and contour. I’ve never felt this pretty, or this wanted… or this safe, as crazy as it might sound. I am at the right place, at the right time, with the right men. I know it.

  “You’re beautiful,” Sawyer murmurs, making Parker and I smile.

  Something about the way he says it resonates right through me.

  “Come here,” he beckons then, and I go to him quickly.

  I missed their hands on me, their arms around me, so when I’m locked in a cocoon of hard, masculine flesh, I feel myself relaxing. Sawyer’s lips find mine as his hand travels down my body, over my stomach. His fingertips tease through the short curls of hair on my pussy and when they sink between the lips, we both moan.

  I’m so wet it’s ridiculous. I couldn’t feel it so much before but now with his fingers on me, spreading me, it’s so obvious. It’s a little embarrassing and I think I’m blushing, but it’s sort of late to be getting all coy about this. If I was okay with sucking two cocks at almost the same time in an office with glass walls, I think I can do just about anything else they throw at me.

  I gasp as Parker’s hand trails down the curve of my ass and then follows the crack until his fingers are on my pussy as well. It feels so dirty in a way, having both of them touch me like this, but I wouldn’t want it to stop for anything.

  “So wet,” Parker growls in my ear. “Is that what you want, Cassie? You want us both to fill you up, make you ours?”

  His words are filthy and they make goosebumps stand up on my skin, but the only response I can give is a nod of my head, feeling Parker’s cock push against one of my asscheeks. I’m breathing fast and heavy as Sawyer pushes a finger in me and when Parker does the same, both of them in me at the same time, I whimper, practically collapsing against Sawyer.

  Together, they start fingerfucking my hole, Sawyer rubbing my clit at the same time while Parker’s cock is pressing against my ass, promising me something so much better than just fingers. But even their big hands, those thick fingers, are enough to make my body convulse and twist and scream for release.

  Parker’s other hand slips to my front, kneading my breasts again and it feels so heavenly. I lean into it, though I prop my forehead on Sawyer’s chest.

  “Please,” I whimper as their pace slows. “Please don’t stop. Daddy, please,” I beg, and I don’t know which one I’m asking not to stop until I realize that it’s meant for both of them.

  So different and yet in this moment, they’re both equally maddening and delicious to me that I don’t want to separate them. With their fingers in my pussy, nudging me toward orgasm, I just want this to never change. I want to have them both, forever.

  “What will you do if we don’t stop?” Sawyer asks me, making me bite my lip. “What will you do if your Daddies let you cum?”

  It sounds so natural out of his mouth now. I love it.

  “Anything,” I breathe out, knowing that what I’m saying is the truth.

  Whatever they want from me, I would do. At least right now, when they have me like this, I could promise them the sun and the moon and mean it.

  “Such a good girl,” Parker hisses in my ear, making me moan. “Come on, ride these fingers, sh
ow us how much you want this so we know you mean it when you beg for our cocks.”

  For two men who weren’t exactly thrilled to be sharing me, my Daddies are seeming to forget all about it in the moment and give in just like I do. I whimper, grinding down on those fingers until Parker pushes in a third, stretching me wider. The sensation is maddening, those thick digits making me get used to something big in my pussy and I know it won’t be anything compared to when I get their dicks in me like that for the first time.

  “Cum for us,” Sawyer commands. “Cum for your Daddies.”

  His thumb flicks over my clit a couple times in rapid succession and I don’t know if that is the last push I needed or if it’s just the combination of everything hitting me at once, but I can’t feel my legs and I can hear screaming but I don’t recognize the voice.

  It takes me a moment to realize that it’s me, clinging desperately to Sawyer as he and Parker fingerfuck me into a massive orgasm, sweeping me literally off my feet. They’re keeping me up and the only help I’m giving is by my nails digging into Sawyer’s biceps as my pussy milks their fingers, spasming around them.

  “Oh my god,” I gasp, still reeling in the aftermath as I’m gently picked up by Parker and carried to his desk.

  I barely notice as the desk is cleared around me, so dazed by the orgasm. I’ve never felt pleasure like I have over the last two days and I’m not sure if I can take any more of it without simply disintegrating.

  As Parker sets me down on the desk though, I know I’m going to have to, because his cock as well as Sawyer’s is hard as steel and begging to be buried into my soft virgin pussy.

  I know I’m going to love it.



  Through the daze of the aftermath of my orgasm, I feel their hands and mouths on me. I’m kissing someone and it’s only after a while that I know it’s Parker. Someone’s teasing my tits with his mouth so it has to be Sawyer.

  I’m a cloud of contentment, feeling like I’m just existing in my body for a moment, but that feeling slowly dissipates as the men I obsessed over bring me back into the now. My body comes to life and I feel that yearning in me again as they torment and coax and pry the hunger out of me.

  Sawyer’s cock rubs against my wet pussy as he leans over me to suck on my tits. I glance back and see Parker’s cock, rigid and waiting, my head lolling slightly over the edge of the desk. I’m completely exposed but it doesn’t feel like it, not when I’m surrounded by Parker and Sawyer.

  “Please,” I mumble into Parker’s kiss. “I need… I need a cock in me.”

  “You’ll need to ask nicer,” Parker tells me, with Sawyer chuckling at that.

  “You’ll need to beg,” Sawyer adds.

  I don’t know what more I can say to let them know how much I want them, how much I want their cum in me, but I’m going to have to try. If we stopped it here, my virginity still intact, I think I’d lose my mind.

  “Daddy, Daddy, please,” I whimper, Parker denying me a kiss. “I want your cocks in me so bad! I need you to take my virginity… I don’t want anyone else to have it. I want your cum in my belly and in my mouth and all over me and I want to be yours forever,” I babble, the words all ringing so true to me it’s sort of scary.

  Sawyer grunts something unintelligible and I feel his cock throb against my cunt. I buck my hips upward a little, pleading with him to sink into me. The men pause and when I look up, I can see them looking at each other, some unspoken conversation going on between them.

  When they switch places, I realize what it was. They decided who would get to have my pussy for the first time. I don’t know if Sawyer gave it to Parker because he had my mouth first or something else, but I’m not stopping to ask right now.

  Watching in quiet awe, I get to see how Parker jerks his delicious cock a couple of times, my legs spread for him. I’m gnawing on my bottom lip, desperate to watch him sink into me.

  Sawyer steps up behind me and his cock is so close that I could suck it in my mouth. He doesn’t let me though, nudging my face to look at Parker, who looks as dark and feral as I’ve ever seen him. No longer the kind, quiet, calm protector, he’s every bit the predator I knew Sawyer to be, about to fuck me in earnest for the first time.

  “Watch, kitten,” Sawyer commands, his hands moving to play with my nipples again.

  I keep my head up, squirming slightly as Parker grabs my hips and yanks me down on the desk a little.

  “I’m going to fill your virgin cunt, baby,” Parker growls, each word a promise. “And I’m going to pump you full until you can’t take anymore. And then Sawyer will do the same. You’ll get all the fucking cum you want, baby, because you’ve been a good girl today, you hear?”

  I nod mutely, overwhelmed by the language he’s using. I’m so ready for him it hurts not to have him inside of me.

  Glancing up at Sawyer, I wet my lips. “I’ll have both of you,” I say, and it sounds a little bit like a question, like I still don’t believe it.

  “Yes, you’ll have both of us,” he promises with a grin.

  “Okay,” I say, barely a whisper.

  Sawyer props my head up with one hand, essentially making sure that I watch as Parker moves the head of his cock to my opening. He pauses there only for a moment, looking into my eyes, before he slowly rocks his hips forward. I hiss in a breath as he starts sinking into me and my mouth opens in a soundless scream as I’m filled inch by inch.

  “Oh my god,” I murmur, my body tensing as I’m being stretched around that huge cock even after they worked me open for them with their fingers. “It’s so big!”

  I watch, mesmerized, whimpering as Parker begins thrusting into me, sending jolts of pleasure and pain coursing through me. It’s too much and yet he’s only halfway in. I’m coiled so tight I think I’m about to explode and when my moans get louder and louder as he gets deeper into me, suddenly my head is yanked back.

  Mid-scream, my mouth is filled with cock and my whole body convulses, drawing a deep grunt out of Parker.

  “So fucking tight and soft,” he says as Sawyer holds me in place, starting to facefuck me as I get used to him in my mouth.

  My head is blank and all I can do is feel and survive this onslaught of pleasure. I reach back with my hands, grabbing onto Sawyer for dear life, my nails digging into his sides. His big palms are on my tits as he thrusts into my mouth time and time again, filling my throat with his big cock and making me have to time my breaths.

  It’s so much and it’s so filthy as he fucks me in time with Parker and I can’t get enough of it. Parker slowly seats himself in me completely and when he does, Sawyer and he both stop for a moment and let me feel what it is to truly be filled at both ends, plugged tight by the enormous cocks of my two Daddies.

  It’s mind-blowingly good.

  My core pulses, teasing another orgasm, though I thought I was completely spent. I sputter and gasp for breath as Sawyer pulls back in time with Parker, inhaling in time for another thrust. They settle into a ruthless rhythm, fucking me at the same time. When one pulls out, the other does as well, so I am either completely filled or completely empty.

  The stark contrast of it makes me yearn for each thrust that much harder, tears streaming down my face from the overwhelming pleasure. My muscles tense as I feel Parker’s cock pulsing inside of me. Excitement wells in me, the knowing that he’ll spill his cum in me soon.

  I don’t know what it is about that which makes it feel so important. I don’t want them wearing a condom, I want them raw and real and all of them even though I’m not on the pill. I shouldn’t be ovulating and I know this is reckless and insane, but right now, I need that connection.

  “Oh my fucking god, Cassie,” Parker hisses. “You’re so fucking perfect.”

  I can’t answer that, my mouth full of Sawyer.

  Parker’s thrusts get shorter and faster, pounding me against the desk, the only force keeping me in place being the other big, strong, hard man feeding his coc
k into my throat. I must look like a mess but I don’t care.

  “Shit, I can’t,” Parker grunts and just then, Sawyer pulls out of my mouth and jerks my head up so I see the exact moment when Parker fills my pussy with his cum.

  My mouth gapes open and I moan along with Parker’s grunts as his seed fills my pussy. The look on his face is pure rapture and when he pulls out of my pussy, I watch in awe as it glistens with my juices and his seed.

  I’m so turned on I can barely function so when Parker and Sawyer wordlessly switch places, both slick with sweat, I smoothly switch over to lapping at Parker’s cock with my tongue. I start cleaning myself and his delicious cum off of him before Sawyer’s even penetrated me and when he does, I do it all the more eagerly.

  I moan into Parker’s cock, his hand stroking my hair, as Sawyer’s thick cock stretches me further. Sawyer lifts my hips slightly and when he starts thrusting into me, my world begins to shatter. He angles himself upward, touching something in me that Parker hinted at before.

  Maybe it’s because of the added lubrication of Parker’s cum as it slowly leaks out of me with every one of Sawyer’s thrusts, or maybe it’s because I’m just so on edge, but I don’t think Sawyer’s even fit into me completely before I’m writhing in the first throes of an orgasm.

  “So greedy,” Sawyer hisses, watching me suckle on Parker’s cock while he pounds my cunt. “You just want more and more, don’t you, kitten?”

  I don’t have time to answer as Parker allows me to suck him off and I don’t have the answer anyway. Yes, I want this. Yes, I want them. Yes, I want to cum again. I want it all.

  And somehow, they’re allowing it all to me as well.

  Sawyer quickens his pace and I get used to his size. My body is mush but I still know I want his cum. As he keeps hitting that spot within me, I unravel and when I finally feel him filling my pussy with his cum as well, I’m too far gone in my orgasm to thank him for it.


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