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Stratagem Page 4

by Robin Caroll

  “Who actually called 911?”

  Pam pressed her lips together. “Hmm.” A second passed. Then another. And a third. “I think it was Colton.”

  Grayson nodded. “What was everybody else doing? We need to account for everyone.”

  “Vic was standing right behind me. When he saw her on the ground, he held my shoulder.” Pam closed her eyes. “Colton did call 911—he stepped into the hall to make the call.” Pam turned on the stool. “Mrs. Dubois was comforting Georgia, who was sniffling and sobbing.”

  One of her rivals crying? Interesting.

  “Um,” Pam continued, “Wynnona and Keely were behind me and Vic, more in the hall than in the room. I just couldn’t look away, but I couldn’t move either.” She opened her eyes and met Grayson’s gaze. “I’m sorry I couldn’t do anything.”

  “Sounds like there was nothing that could be done.” He forced a smile that he didn’t feel. “What about Stratton? Where was he?”

  Pam opened her mouth, paused, then shut it for a moment before she spoke. “I don’t know. He wasn’t there. Well, at least I don’t remember seeing him. He might’ve snuck outside to have a cigarette and not realized what happened.” She shook her head. “I don’t really know.”

  “What about anybody else from Deets PR? You said Hugh Istre went to the hospital. Where was he in the house?”

  “He and Franklin were in the hallway. I looked out when Colton made the 911 call, and they were standing in front of Colton, listening, right across from Wynnona and Keely.”

  That was all the people scheduled to be there. “No one but Tim touched Anna Belle?” Grayson tried to ignore the irony. Tim had been touching Anna Belle for quite some time.

  Pam shook her head. “No one but Tim until the paramedics got there less than ten minutes or so after Colton called them.”

  Average response time for the area. “After the ambulance left…”

  “Tim told everybody he was going to the hospital. He gave a vague mention of us being with the house and that was okay, then marched off. His wife let go of Georgia and followed him out. Colton told our team that he should probably go to the hospital too, so he told us to pack it up, and then he went downstairs, got his stuff, and left. Hugh waited just a minute or two longer and announced he was going as well and headed down the stairs.”

  “Did Tim grab anything?”

  “I don’t think so. They walked down the stairs straight from Anna Belle’s room and went out the front door. Their room had been on the second floor like Anna Belle’s, right of the staircase, and they didn’t go that way to get a bag or anything.”

  “So their stuff was probably left. What about Hugh? Did he stop for a bag or anything?”

  Pam nodded. “He went to his room, then came out again with a duffel bag. All the Deets people’s rooms were on the second floor, remember? The only ones downstairs were ours: mine, Colton’s, Wynonna and Keely’s, and the one Vic and Stratton shared.”

  Grayson nodded. “The fourth downstairs was the control room. The layout really worked well that way.”

  “It did.”

  Logical. “So, after they left to go to the hospital, where did the rest of you go?”

  “Wynonna and Keely got their stuff and left. Vic and I packed up our stuff, and Stratton helped us load up.”

  Since it was Grayson’s team running the game, Colton’s team wouldn’t have the responsibility to pack and load the equipment and get it back to the office. They took limited on-site jobs, but when they did, one team was primarily responsible for the equipment.

  Pam continued. “Georgia kept sniffling, but Franklin told her they needed to go. He helped her get her stuff, and they left. Maybe twenty or so minutes after the ambulance had left.”

  “How long after that did it take you, Vic, and Stratton to get finished?”

  “We were about two hours after the rest.”

  “So, about two hours and twenty minutes after the ambulance had gone?”

  Pam nodded.

  “Y’all were the last ones out?”

  “We were. We didn’t have a key to lock up, so we just pulled the door closed and left.”

  “And y’all went straight to the office?”

  Again Pam nodded. “We unloaded and put everything up.”

  “Did you three leave the office together?”

  “No. Stratton helped us unload, then said he needed to leave. Vic and I put everything up and left about fifteen minutes or so after he did.”

  Grayson’s mind raced with processing details. “Colton called you yesterday and told you the police would be contacting you. Do you remember about what time Colton called?”

  She pulled out her cell and checked her recent call log. “Four oh four, to be exact.” She set her phone on the bar. “How’s that work for your timeline?”

  “Well, let’s see, if we estimate the ambulance arrived at the hospital fifteen minutes after it left the house, which we estimate was about five-ish, if she was declared DOA”—Grayson nearly choked as he said it aloud—“then what happened to make the police be called in?”

  Pam nodded. “I know when my aunt died in the hospital unexpectedly, we were told that it was standard procedure to have an autopsy performed.”

  “People die from food allergies every day. There had to be something that made them think this was more than just an accidental ingestion.”

  “I don’t know.”

  Neither did Grayson, but he was determined to find out.

  Anna Belle


  Cook dinner for everyone? Stupid task didn’t even relate to her job at all. Why hadn’t that been given to Georgia? She posted on social media all the time about meals she made that were so good.

  Anna Belle slammed the door of the armoire closed. It was ridiculous she was here to begin with. Tim should’ve given her the promotion without this asinine event. The only reason he didn’t give it to her to begin with was to punish her for breaking up with him.

  She glanced out the window of her second-story room into the backyard. The side security lights shone over the space that was quite overrun with weeds. Why did they have to pick such a creepy house? Couldn’t Deets have done their testing in someplace like the Hyatt Regency downtown? Or at least someplace that had housekeeping and room service?

  She grabbed her makeup bag and took it into the bathroom. It wasn’t like she’d been in love with Tim. Truth be told, she didn’t really like him all that much. Weak man, but his power in the company was sexy. Not to mention the good clients he kicked her way. Well worth it.

  For a while.

  If she’d only known that the executive accounts representative position would be coming available, she would have stuck with Tim, despite his vows of undying love and wanting to leave his wife for her.

  Please. As if Emmi would ever let him go. Tim might think he could get away from his wife, but Anna Belle knew better. Not that she really cared. Anna Belle had just gotten out of a marriage and had no plans to get back into one again. Ever. The freedom was intoxicating. Going where she wanted when she wanted. Forming habits without having to consider anyone else. Hey, she might even get one of those Maine coon cats now that Grayson wasn’t around to complain about cat hair. She wouldn’t even have to vacuum up the hair if she didn’t want to. Yeah, single life was pretty good.

  She hung her robe on the back of the bathroom door. She enjoyed the freedom of single life, but being married had had its advantages too. Like Grayson’s back rubs. Man, she missed those. The man missed his calling as a masseuse. He had strong but gentle hands. And he made her coffee. Took care of her when she didn’t feel well. He was always willing to go the extra mile to make her happy, putting her happiness over his own 99 percent of the time.

  Even though she missed Grayson, she knew letting him go had been the right thing to do, and not just for herself. For him too, even if he didn’t understand it. Maybe one day…

  Anna Belle smiled to herself as she walke
d back into the bedroom and moved to close the drape in front of the windows. Movement in the yard below caught her attention.

  She squinted, then gasped. A man in all black, wearing a shiny purple, green, and gold Mardi Gras mask stood there looking up at her.

  Her stomach twisted into a tight knot. Her pulse skyrocketed, pounding, pounding, pounding inside her head. He was back!

  She blinked several times and demanded her breathing regulate.

  He lifted a white gloved hand and made a slicing gesture in front of his throat.

  Anna Belle backed away, falling against the bed. She clamped her lips together tightly, the scream turning into a whimper in her mouth, unable to escape. Tears burned her eyes.

  She inhaled, held it, and then slowly released the breath.

  On trembling legs, she inched to the window and peered around the curtain.

  Nothing. No one.

  She ripped the curtains closed and stumbled back to sit on the edge of the bed. She hadn’t imagined him. He’d been there. She wasn’t crazy. She wasn’t seeing things. He had been there, looking at her. Threatening her. Just like before.

  Her stalker was back.


  “Good morning.” Danielle seemed more than chipper for eight thirty on a Monday morning.

  “Morning.” Brandon pulled out his chair as he simultaneously brought his computer online. “You’re in early.” He usually beat her into the station by at least half an hour.

  “You know what they say: the early bird gets the worm. I wanted to look over the case files with fresh eyes. Get a jump on what I want to do today.”

  Ahh. There it was. The illusion of power from being named lead detective. Brandon dropped into his chair and checked his email, not rising to take the bait.

  Long moments passed.

  “I’ve started making the calls for the more in-depth interviews. Georgia Vescot is up first. She’ll be here at nine.”

  Brandon nodded as he closed his email window.

  “Anna Belle’s attorney called back. He said that Anna Belle had brought him information regarding something that was omitted from the asset list approximately a month ago. He said his paralegal had researched it, and at this point they weren’t going to follow up on any court filings.”

  Brandon glanced at Danielle, raising his eyebrows.

  “Which means there most likely wasn’t enough concrete evidence that Anna Belle had any right to additional property.”

  He nodded and opened the folder, reviewing the original statements given by the people who were at the Esplanade Avenue rental house.

  Danielle stood, hovering.

  He could feel his partner’s stare burning into him as he flipped through the many pages of handwritten notes.

  Danielle waited a beat, then two. She sighed, loud and long. “Look, I know you’re upset about me being named lead detective, but that’s not my fault. It’s not like I asked for it. You were there. You know Commander Ellender just made the decision.”

  He rested his elbows on his desk and slowly raised his gaze to her face. “You should know that wouldn’t upset me. We’ve been partners for three years now, and you know I’ve never been one to be hung up on stuff like who is lead detective or who has seniority.”

  She rested a single hand on her hip. “Then what’s stuck in your craw? You seem to have an attitude.”

  Could she really be so clueless? Could she not read him at all? “Danielle, since we were called in to the scene, you had your scope focusing on Grayson, and only Grayson.”

  “He’s the ex, Brandon. You know how this usually goes.”

  “Usually being the operative word. There are plenty of other suspects, and you know it.” He dropped the folder on his desk. “That is filled with statements from people, most of whom had a motive to kill Anna Belle.” He leaned back in his chair, gripping his hands together over his desk. “I’m just curious why you’re so set on proving Grayson guilty. Are you still bitter because he didn’t call your little sister after their blind date?”

  Her expression turned to one of stone. “Of course not.” But her eyes told a different story. “I’m following the evidence where it leads. If he wasn’t your friend, you’d be all over him as the main suspect too. I’m not going to let him or anybody pull the wool over my eyes. You wouldn’t willingly either.”

  “I would never accuse anyone without a trail of evidence that led to them. You’ve worked with me long enough to know that.” What was wrong with her? It was like a switch had been flipped and she’d turned into someone he didn’t even know. Clearly, the lines were drawn as to which side of the investigation they both fell on, and for the first time in their partnership, they were on opposite sides of the case.

  “I guess you’ll have to trust that I’ll do the same.” Danielle stood. “I’ll just assume you don’t want me to grab you a cup of coffee while I’m up.” She turned and marched off before he could respond.

  Brandon shook his head before he opened the case file on his desk again. Everything Danielle had told Commander Ellender last night had been accurate. There were holes in Grayson’s alibi. He’d have to plug them himself because he certainly couldn’t trust Danielle to follow through. So far everything was just circumstantial. But Brandon knew that many times circumstantial evidence was enough to convince a jury.

  First things first though—the interviews. Georgia Vescot. Thirty-three. Senior account with Deets PR. She and Anna Belle had been up for the same promotion, which is why they were both involved in the game. She was the one who found Anna Belle. Brandon flipped the page and continued reading. According to her initial statement, she had knocked on Anna Belle’s door and it had swung open. She’d seen Anna Belle lying on the floor and screamed. Everyone came running. Tim Dubois started CPR. Colton York, Grayson’s business partner, called 911. Emergency dispatch recorded that the call came in at 4:18 p.m. EMTs were dispatched and recorded as arriving on-site at 4:32 p.m. Paramedics took over CPR, but Anna Belle never regained consciousness. She was delivered to University Medical Center New Orleans at 4:49 p.m. The emergency room doctor attempted to revive her, but at 5:21 p.m. Anna Belle Thibodeaux was declared dead.

  “Ms. Vescot is in room two.” Danielle appeared across from him. “Do you want to take lead in the interview?”

  “Sure.” Brandon stood and grabbed the file, then followed his partner down the hall of the precinct. He opened the door and let Danielle enter the room before him. She took a seat opposite Georgia, smiling. “Thank you for coming in, Ms. Vescot.” His smile was even wider as he sat beside Danielle, directly in front of the woman.

  “Of course. Happy to help. And it’s Georgia.”

  He nodded. Already establishing a connection. “May I get you anything? Water? Coffee?”

  “No, thank you.”

  Brandon pulled out the notes with her initial statement and pretended to read when in actuality he was observing the woman.

  Georgia Vescot was attractive. Her mocha skin was flawless, as his female friends would say. She didn’t need makeup. If she wore any, Brandon couldn’t see it. Her naturally curly hair was pulled off her face with a brightly colored band, but little wisps feathered against her cheeks. She was a year older than Brandon’s own thirty-two, but she didn’t look it. She could easily pass for someone in her midtwenties and was certainly pretty enough to turn many men’s heads.

  He flipped the page, then closed the folder. Smiling, he addressed her. “Again, we really thank you for coming in.”

  “Of course. It’s just awful what happened.” Maybe so, but Georgia Vescot didn’t look too broken up over the incident. Not like someone who’d found a body.

  “I can only imagine. It must have been awful for you.” Brandon avoided looking at his partner. He and Danielle often joked about how sad it was that he could sound so cheesy without much effort.

  “It was. I’ve never seen someone laid out like that.”

  He nodded. “Maybe you could tell me again w
hat happened.” He caught Danielle’s glance. She would be taking detailed notes while he kept the connection.

  “Sure.” Georgia nodded. “I went to her room and knocked, and the door just opened when I touched it. It just pushed open.”

  “About what time was this?” He knew, but it was important to walk her through it and see where her story changed and where it stayed the same.

  “I’d say about four fifteen or so. I don’t know the exact time. I’m sorry.”

  “That’s okay.” Brandon nodded and gave her a shared smile, building the camaraderie. He asked the next question quickly. “The door just opened when you knocked?”

  Georgia nodded. “Yeah. I didn’t knock really hard or anything either.”

  The next question came faster. “What were you going there to see her about?”

  “I—I—” She paused.

  Ah, the first slip in her exterior. She didn’t want to admit why she was there.

  “So you went to her room to see her because…”

  She licked her lips. “I had found a doll in my room, and I thought she’d put it there, so I wanted to ask her about it.”

  This was new. Brandon glanced at his partner, and she arched a single brow. News to her too. He focused back on Georgia. “A doll?”

  Georgia pushed her hands into her lap. “A voodoo doll.”

  “You found a voodoo doll in your room?”

  “Yeah, and it freaked me out.” She moved her hands to under her thighs.

  No kidding. “I don’t blame you. It just showed up?”

  Again she nodded. “It wasn’t there when I left after breakfast that morning, but it was there that afternoon.”

  “About what time did you leave when you say it wasn’t there?”

  “A little before ten.”

  “And where did you find it when you went back?”

  Georgia clasped her hands together in her lap. “Right on my bed. With two pins poking out of it. One out of the torso and one in the head.” She started slightly rocking in the seat. “I don’t mess around with that stuff. It’s real. I know, because my grandmere was into hoodoo, and you don’t play around with that.”


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