The Seat Beside Me

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The Seat Beside Me Page 33

by Nancy Moser


  This was going to sound contrived. “I’m trying to change my life—for the better. I’m trying to make good use of my second chance.”

  “My mother didn’t get a second chance.”

  Touché. “I don’t know what you want me to say, Mr. Miller. I can’t go back. I can’t change the past, you know.”

  The man’s voice faltered. “I know.”

  Anthony felt his own throat tighten. He cleared it. “But I can change your son’s future.”

  The man sniffed, then sighed. “I suppose you can.”

  “So you’ll let me help Ronnie?”

  “I’d be a fool not to. And if anyone deserves a second chance on life, it’s my boy.”

  “And I’ll do my best to give it to him. I’ll arrange for three tickets from Murfreesboro to here. And also a room—a nice room in an upscale hotel. Is that acceptable?”

  The man laughed. “Yes, I’d say so.”

  “Good. How does a week from tomorrow sound?”

  “A … only a week?” He laughed again. “That’s mighty fine.”

  “Good, good. Then consider it done.”



  “Maybe you’re not such a bad man after all.”

  “I’m working on it.”

  Anthony hung up, grinning from ear to ear. How did that “Hallelujah Chorus” go?

  “The crutches are a nice touch,” David said. “You think they can cover them with white satin or something?”

  Tina gave him a look. “My cast will be off long before the wedding. Now pay attention. Picking out a wedding dress is serious business.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Tina turned toward the full-length mirror, pulling at the lace around the neck. She wished her mother could be here, but with her father’s health and tight finances, this wedding was going to be on Tina and David’s tab. And though Tina was willing to cut back on the ceremony and reception, she had her heart set on a lacy white gown, a Cinderella gown changing the cinder girl into a princess. She looked at the price tag. It was last year’s style, on sale. On a bookstore clerk’s wages, it would be a stretch, but it was doable.

  She turned toward David. “Do you like this one best?”

  He sighed extravagantly. “You’re gorgeous.”

  “I am?”

  She truly hadn’t said those two words to elicit another compliment, but the fact that David got out of his chair and came to her side … the fact that he ran the back of his hand across her cheek … the fact that his eyes locked onto hers.

  “To me you are the most beautiful woman in the world. God’s brought us together forever and always. I love you, you know.”

  She could only nod. She knew … she knew.

  Sonja finished unpacking her clothes. There was a tap on the bedroom door.

  “Come in.”

  Eden Moore came in and looked around. “Quite homey.” She picked up a carved wooden box. “Very nice.” She looked up. “You all settled then? Ready to get to work?”

  “You don’t mess around, do you? I’ve only been in town three hours.”

  “In which time you’ve gotten settled into my guest room. What more do you want? Tea and finger sandwiches?”

  “Actually, some iced tea would be great.”

  Eden exited the room and stood in the hallway. “Got some in the fridge. Ice too when the freezer decides to make it. But grab it to go. We need to get to the office. Maria’s waiting to see you.”

  Sonja remembered the girl she’d met during her first visit—the first victim of her advice. “How’s she doing?”

  Eden put on her last earring. “Fabulous. She’s decided to apply to college. She wants to say thanks.”

  Sonja stopped, clicking her empty suitcase shut. “Really?”

  “Really. I told you this is what you’re supposed to do.”

  “But I didn’t really—”

  “Believe me?” Eden flipped a hand. “Fiddle-dee. There will be no more of that. Come on. We have work to do.”

  It was music to her ears.

  Floyd Calbert and Hugh Johnson made a pass over the river. All was quiet. All was well. But the memories …

  As they left the crash site behind, Floyd noticed that Hugh looked back. He knew they shared the same thoughts. “I think of it every time we fly over.”

  Hugh nodded. “Me too.”

  “I’m glad we got to go that day—even though it was scary and even though everything didn’t work out as we’d hoped.”

  “Me too.”

  Floyd thought of the letter in his pocket. “This helps.”

  “What is it?”

  “A note from Merry Cavanaugh thanking me.” He suddenly realized that Hugh might feel bad if he hadn’t gotten—

  Hugh pulled an identical envelope from his chest pocket. “I got one too.”

  Floyd was relieved. “It helps, doesn’t it?”

  Hugh patted his pocket. “You bet it does.”

  Dora sat at her computer. Although she still had tons of research to do on the crash and rescue and still had a myriad of people to interview, she felt the need to get started on her book.

  She had no real plan on the direction the book would go. Would it be about the facts of the crash? About the hero? Would it be about the survivors? Or about the people who sat in the seats beside them?

  That’s it! The perfect title. The Seat Beside Me.

  But the beginning … how to begin.

  And then, with a flick of a thought, Dora knew.

  She placed her hands above the keyboard and typed the first line.

  I don’t want to go …

  “God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. ‘For in him we live and move and have our being.’ ”

  ACTS 17:27–28A

  Dear Reader,

  We live in a time when catastrophes are played out on the news. We are there, seeing it happen, moment by moment. We witness the tragedies and ache with the horror they elicit, but we also grab on to the acts of heroism that stun us with their sacrifice. Watching these events always bring about a time of introspection. How would I react in such a situation? Is there a hero in the person sitting beside me? Is there a hero in me?

  While traveling I have met many fascinating people who’ve sat in the seats beside me on airplanes. It’s interesting how sometimes we click, and sometimes we barely speak. Why is that? Is it part of God’s plan to have us seated next to each other? Wouldn’t it be fascinating to find out this answer? To understand that it isn’t a coincidence?

  The combination of a catastrophe and heroism was the impetus for The Seat Beside Me. Place people next to seatmates who affect their lives. Have them crash soon after meeting. And make one of them a hero—though he doesn’t even know it.

  Little did I know how emotionally draining writing this book would be. The day I wrote the crash and rescue chapters, the day I wrote the death of the hero, and the day I wrote the hero’s essay, I ended up a blubbering mess. Putting myself into the heads of each of the characters as they experienced the horrendous tragedy of a crash wiped me out and generated questions I was forced to ask about my own life. I hope these are some of the questions the book has sparked in you:

  Am I ready for eternity? If I die today do I know that I’ll go to heaven?

  Am I on the right road for my life, or am I forcing God to do something drastic to get my attention?

  Is there a hero in me? Would I give up my own life for the life of a stranger?

  No one knows they’re a hero until God gives them the opportunity and they say yes. Heroes are not forced to act; they choose. What an exciting yet intimidating fact … to know it’s up to us.

  A big theme in my life and in my writing is discovering our God-given purpose and then coming to the point of total surrender to Him—in all things. To truly choose to live our lives God’s way. I have come to such a po
int in stages and find it exhilarating to develop characters who also struggle with this issue in various ways and with varying results. I’ve discovered that the journey is just as impter all, God has a common goal for all of us—to know Him and to serve Him. But the details of how He brings this about and how we react can be fascinating.

  I hope you agree.

  Many blessings on your journey,



  Hopelessness Ecclesiastes 1:14

  Direction Isaiah 30:19–21


  Hope Psalm 62:5–6

  Murder Exodus 20:13


  Listening Proverbs 19:20–21

  Riches Proverbs 22:1

  Rich man Luke 18:25

  Thoughts Philippians 4:8

  Surrender Isaiah 30:21


  Death Psalm 23:4


  Courage Ezra 10:4

  Sacrifice John 15:13

  Congratulations Matthew 25:21


  Death Psalm 55:4–6


  Vanity Philippians 2:3–4


  Godliness Psalm 12:1


  Deliverance Psalm 56:13

  Fools Proverbs 17:28


  Suffering Psalm 119:50


  Redemption Psalm 34:22


  Strength 1 Corinthians 1:25

  Possibilities Luke 18:27


  Purpose Psalm 138:8

  Sorrow Psalm 55:17

  Weakness 2 Corinthians 12:10

  Salvation John 14:6


  Discipline Hebrews 12:11

  Sorrow Revelation 21:4

  Rich man parable Mark 10:17–23

  Wisdom James 1:5–6


  Shame 1 Corinthians 1:27, 29


  Hope Psalm 31:24

  Direction Isaiah 30:21

  Love John 15:13


  Care Hebrews 13:5

  Purpose Acts 17:27–28A



  1. Have you ever had the opportunity to tell someone about Christ and chickened out? Were there any consequences? Did you get another chance?

  2. Have you ever felt like running away from your life? Did you do it? What were the results? Or if you didn’t run away, how did you find the courage to stay?

  3. Have you ever had an instance where God had to do something drastic to get your attention? How did He go about it? How did you respond?

  4. Have you ever developed a bond with someone traveling in the seat beside you? How did it affect your life?

  5. What is your unique purpose in life? How did you discover it? If you don’t know what it is, what are some ways you can discover it?

  6. Have you ever been saved from going on a trip or into a situation where a disaster occurred? How did it make you feel? How did it change you?

  7. Do you think you would be willing to give your life for a stranger? Do you think anyone truly knows this potential?




  Steadfast, Kansas. Population: 3,386. Annie McFay is a waitress with a calling far beyond burgers and fries. Jered Manson is a runaway whose dad doesn’t support his musical ambition. New ways clash with the old. Annie’s newfound faith should make her happy, but her husband sees it as a threat to their marriage. Jered is trying out a new friendship—a dangerous one—and his actions may jeopardize lives besides his own.

  When Annie and Jered come face-to-face in one desperate moment, their spiritual choices become harsh reality. Threatened with disaster, the entire town of Steadfast must band together to save them. Will the power of prayer be enough?


  Claire Adams is a rich mosaic artist, on the edge of famous. But is she willing to follow Jesus no matter what the cost? As she searches for her purpose, Claire finds that God has surprising plans for her in Steadfast, Kansas, where she meets a runaway teenager with an attitude and a nose-ring. Why would God bring Claire and Sim from the big city to small-town Steadfast? They’re outsiders. They don’t fit. They do nothing but stir things up. What was He thinking?


  The Invitation ~ BOOK ONE

  Julia, Walter, Kathy, and Natalie have little in common, until each receives an invitation from an anonymous sender: If you have faith as small as a mustard seed … nothing will be impossible for you. Please come to Haven, Nebraska. At first, they all resist. But soon all four find themselves embarking on a journey that takes them beyond their wildest imaginings and tests their faith to the breaking point. Before it’s over, each discovers that faith can move mountains—if you open your heart to the One who has called you.

  The Quest ~ BOOK TWO

  Julia, Walter, Kathy, Del, and Natalie are once again joined in a quest for faith and a battle against the forces determined to stop them, as they implement the decisions and direction they received in The Invitation. When the heat is turned up and the enemy unleashes his greatest opposition, the Havenites learn that it’s not enough to know what’s right; with God’s help, one must do what’s right. No matter what the cost.

  The Temptation ~ BOOK THREE

  The saga continues as the Havenites live out the commitments made in The Quest. Julia, Walter, Kathy, Del, and Natalie, each successful in their individual pursuits, think all is going well—and therein lies great danger. As complacency attacks the characters’ focus on God, they start believing their achievements have risen from their own savvy and power. As they come together for a reunion, the characters face Satan’s chaotic interference and learn the true nature of temptation. They must recover their courage to live out their plea to the Lord: “Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.…”

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