A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy)

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A Divine Life (The Divine Trilogy) Page 11

by Hargrave, R. E.

  He stepped back away from the wall to wait and turned to Micah. “Go down the hall to the third door on the right. Knock and wait for Mr. Carpenter to let you in. Introduce yourself and relay our conversation from the car. I’m sure he can take it from there. I’ll be in shortly.”


  Through a Friend’s Eye

  Landon couldn’t remember the last time he’d come so hard. It’d taken everything he had not to come down Catherine’s throat while she’d worked him over with her talented mouth. While he’d never had complaints about Paige’s oral skills, there was no denying that Catherine could suck a dick. Landon was already figuring out how best to approach Jayden about maybe setting up a training session with the two girls. If Catherine could teach Paige her tricks, he would benefit—that was for damn sure.


  Huh? He looked up at the clock on the wall; they were running late getting Catherine to her next session. Jayden and his damn punctuality, Landon thought with a chuckle. He was pretty sure the girls hadn’t heard the knock. Well, Paige might have, but Catherine was still coming down from her orgasmic high—an orgasm that he’d felt splashing onto his thighs. Too bad they were out of time, in addition to Paige’s current punishment for getting snippy and rolling her eyes at him the night before. To watch his beautiful girl’s body flush under Catherine’s tongue while he had his way with her nipples would’ve been heaven. His dick started to harden again in Catherine’s ass at the vision. Focus, Landon!

  Lifting Catherine off his dick and setting her on the edge of the seat, Landon gave his instructions. “Off ya go, darlin’; our time’s up. Paige, get her cleaned up and ready for her next session.”

  “Yes, Master.”

  Catherine was shaky when she slid off the seat and stepped to the side. Her breathing was starting to slow down, and she had a peaceful look on her face.

  Landon was next to get off the chair. Moving to grab his jeans, he pulled them on before donning his t-shirt. “How ya doing, darlin’?” He wanted her to verbalize that she was okay. The scene had been intense to begin with, but Landon felt responsible for being extra-sure of her welfare, given the impromptu adjustment they’d made.

  She offered him a shy smile, which made him laugh. “Wonderful, Sir, thank you.”

  “Oh, trust me, Catherine, the pleasure was all mine!”

  “This slut is happy to have been of service.” Her eyes were cast to the floor.

  For Landon, the noticeable difference in her formality between this moment and when they’d first begun raised a red flag. He was going to have Paige make sure Catherine was really okay while they got ready. A silent nod in Paige’s direction indicated she should meet him in the corner of the room.

  “Paige, I think Jayden’s in the hall, and I need to step out to chat with him. You’ve been a very good girl today. Your Master is pleased,” he praised while brushing his lips across hers. The smile he felt on her lips warmed his heart. In a low whisper, he added: “Do me a favor, sugar, and try to talk to her while you’re preparing her. I’ve got an off feeling. Something’s not right. But don’t take too long; we’re a bit behind schedule. I love you, my yella rose.” Landon swatted her backside before he headed out the door.

  Closing the door behind him when he stepped into the hallway, Landon was not expecting the raging bull he found pacing the hall. He could almost see the steam coming from Jayden’s ears. At the sound of the latch, Jayden turned to face him.

  “What the fuck, Landon?” he growled.

  “Excuse me?” Landon was sure the shock he felt was registering on his face.

  “Care to explain why your dick was in my submissive, you son of a bitch!”

  “Hold up, now,” Landon said, raising his hand to keep Jayden off. “Do you care to explain what your fucking problem is, Jayden?”

  He took a deep breath. “Landon, we planned her scene down to the last detail. What I saw when I opened that door was not in our plan!”

  “Okay, buddy, I get that. I need you to step back and relax and listen to me before you say anything else.” Landon cocked his eyebrow, waiting to see if Jayden was going to go off again or stay quiet.

  Jayden gestured with his hand for Landon to go on, but his lips remained pursed in a tight line.

  “Yes, the scene changed. You know, as well as I do that can happen.” When Jayden opened his mouth to say something, Landon cut him off. “I told you my concerns when you first asked me to help out today. Most subs couldn’t have handled what Catherine has been through. Not only has she endured multiple scenes, but multiple scenes with different Doms—Doms who were complete strangers to her, Jayden. I’m sure her headspace has been like a twister. Not to mention the physical strains on her body; no matter how much release and pleasure she’s received from it, it’s still a lot.”

  Landon took a breath. “Jonathan and I love you like a brother, Jayden. That’s why you asked us to do this. You assured us she would be fine. We all know her past, me more than the others. It wasn’t pretty. She has been handled with the utmost respect today; not just because you asked us to, but because she earned that respect from each of us. Catherine is a beautiful submissive, and I’m not just talkin’ about her looks. Her willpower and her soul are something to behold. She gives herself over so completely.”

  “You don’t have to tell me how wonderful she is, Landon. Trust me, I know.” Jayden’s voice hitched at the end. When he lifted his eyes to look at Landon, there was a mixture of sadness, pride, and love swimming around.

  “You love her.” It wasn’t a question.

  “So much, Landon; so very much.” Jayden’s tone became pleading, “Why? Why did you do it?” he asked with a defeated look.

  “She asked for it—” Landon didn’t get to finish his sentence. In fact, he just managed to get his face out of the way before Jayden’s arm rushed past, connecting with the wall to the side of Landon’s head.

  “Jesus Christ, Jayden! What the hell?” Landon was trying to stay calm, but a man didn’t take a swing at a man without cause. He knew he’d done nothing wrong. Distracted by the sound of doors opening, he wasn’t able to dodge the next punch, which caught him right in the jaw.

  “Master!” Paige shrieked at the same time Shawn asked, “Everything all right out here?”

  Landon shook his head and opened his mouth wide, stretching out his jaw to rub it. “Paige, close the door and see to Catherine,” he snapped. “I got it, Shawn, thanks.” With his temper flaring, Landon turned to Jayden, who was glaring at him, “You. Come with me. Now!”

  Hackles raised and anger evident, Landon stormed past Jayden, letting his shoulder knock into the other man on his way into a vacant room. He seethed, taking harsh, shallow breaths and staring out the window while he waited to hear the click of the latch.

  About two minutes later, Landon heard the door close, and with a slow turn, he faced Jayden. The man had a scowl on his face, and his hands with their angry knuckles were clenched into fists at his sides.

  “She asked for what, exactly? To be taken advantage of by the likes of you?” Jayden sneered.

  “Shut up, Jayden. Just keep your goddamn mouth closed. I should beat your ass for that little stunt, but I’ll give you that one because I know what it means to love your submissive. Also, I did allow the scene to change.”

  The two men stood their ground, staring each other down, and after a few more minutes Jayden’s fingers started to relax.

  “Now, as I already tried to explain. Catherine asked for it.”

  Jayden sucked in a hiss, his hands clenching again.

  “We had completed the scene. She was so far into her head space while Paige brought her to release that I don’t think she was even aware I was piercing her until it was done.” Landon took a couple of wary steps toward Jayden and kept talking. “Her tears alarmed me at first, especially when her body started shakin’ with the force of them. I’m assuming it was the endorphin rush leaving her body and the pai
n of the fresh piercing settling in. It only took her a few minutes to start calming down, though. I watched her until she stopped crying. Then she shocked the hell outta me. She apologized, saying it had been an emotional day, and she requested permission to thank me by pleasuring both Paige and me.”

  Jayden’s brow furrowed like something had just occurred to him, and a light bulb went off in Landon’s head.

  “Jayden, what instructions did you give Catherine with regard to her etiquette for today?”

  A loud, resigned sigh echoed in the small room. “I—” Jayden paused to take a deep breath. “Dammit, I told her she was to properly thank each of you for her sessions.”

  “And what did you have in mind when you told her that?” A grin was curling Landon’s lips. He was going to make Jayden work this through his thick skull.

  “You’re a Dom, Landon, you know what it means,” Jayden snapped in retaliation.

  “God dammit, Jayden. Get your head out of your ass and say it!” Landon snapped right back.

  “Fuck, Landon, I slipped. I forgot that your scene wouldn’t put her in a position to ensure you came. But Catherine, my sweet stubborn Erin, followed my orders to the letter.”

  With a pointed look, Landon softened his voice. “Look, man, when she made the request, I asked if she was sure. I gave her the out, but she insisted, following your orders by the sounds of it.” He couldn’t help the smug grin on his face. The bastard had sucker punched him, after all.

  “Wait a minute. When I opened the door, I saw . . .” Jayden swallowed and started again. “I watched Paige make her come, and then start fucking her, independent of any instruction from you. I wasn’t witnessing a scene—just raw sex!” His voice was beginning to rise again.

  “Jayden, look at me. I swear Paige was following orders with her actions. I’d just given the order before you opened the door.”

  His mouth gaped open, and Landon had to laugh.

  “Dude, seriously, have you heard of knocking?”

  Jayden let out a light laugh, which Landon joined in on, and the tension in the room dissipated. Extending out his hand, Jayden offered his mea culpa. “Landon, I owe you an apology. Will you please accept it?”

  With a firm shake, Landon did. “No problem, man. I know you can’t help being a dick sometimes,” he teased, giving his longtime friend a wink.

  This time, Jayden’s laugh came from the belly.

  “Oh, Landon, speaking of dicks . . .”

  “Don’t worry, Jayden; your pretty peen is the only dick Catherine’s pussy tasted in my room,” Landon cut over him to allay Jayden’s fears. “Come on, you need to get into Shawn’s room. Paige should be walkin’ your girl down there any minute.”

  “So you think my peen is pretty, do you, Landon? Something you want to tell me?” Jayden asked with a smirk.

  The cocky shithead. Adopting a fake, high-pitched tone, Landon answered, “Oh, Jay, it’s so big and so rubbery and,” he sighed and batted his eyelashes, “and so brown!”

  Laughing, they walked into the hall, with the air between them clear once again.

  “Oh, and Jayden, just a suggestion from one friend to another?”

  “What’s that, Landon?”

  “I don’t think you should scene with Catherine after you leave here tonight. Call it a gut feeling, but something is off with her. Keep an eye on her during Shawn’s session, and use tonight as an open time. Let her talk through her day with you. She’s gonna need to unwind.”

  After a final clap on Jayden’s back, Landon walked away, leaving him with that last thought.


  With their scene finished, the submissive felt a bit like a third wheel while Paige and Sir Landon moved to the corner for a private talk. Catherine gave her fuzzy head a shake and glanced around the room. Noticing a bathroom, she made a quiet exit to relieve herself, splash some water on her face, and get a drink.

  Feeling a little refreshed, Catherine came out of the small bathroom to be met with the sight of Sir Landon smacking Paige’s butt and walking out the door. Once it was closed, Paige turned to look at her.

  “Talk to me, Erin. Please. I want some answers,” she implored with a sad smile. “Are you doing okay? We’re a little worried with how much you’ve had to process today.”

  “To be honest, a lot has come up that I need to think on and sort out, but every time I’ve started to analyze it, I’ve had to set it aside so I can focus on my scenes. I’m really sorry I lost it earlier, Paige. Memories from a bad time in my life insisted on popping up,” Catherine offered with an apologetic shrug.

  “Spencer?” Paige hedged.

  “Yeah.” Catherine kept her voice low and tried to plan out her words so they would make sense. “I guess it’s just been the intensity of today causing it to surface, because I haven’t thought of that time in my life in a few months. Maybe this was a good thing; I’d become complacent, so this has helped me remember my place,” she stated, nodding her head and trying to close the matter.

  Before either woman could say more, a loud thud followed by a cracking sound came from the hallway.

  “What was that?” Catherine blanched.

  “I don’t know. Let me check.” Paige rushed to the door and pulled it open. “Master!” she shrieked.

  Catherine could hear Sir Landon’s voice but not his words before Paige closed the door.


  “Uh, it’s nothing.” Paige’s answer was evasive, and then she followed up with, “I hope,” under her breath. “Time’s short, Erin. Quick, undo the corset and put this on.” She handed Catherine a sheer piece of green fabric, which she’d pulled from the bag Catherine had noticed when they came in. “Oh, wait a second. Sorry, I get flustered when rushed.” Paige rolled her eyes at her own faults, before grabbing something from the counter. “Lift those boobs for me, sweetie.”

  Unsure what Paige had in mind, Catherine complied. The antiseptic spray hitting her tips made her flinch, but when the numbing ingredient in the salve soaked in, she exhaled in relief. “Wow, that stuff’s great. Thanks.”

  Paige giggled. “Yeah, it is. You’ll want to clean the area and apply this at least twice a day, but if they get really sore or itchy, feel free to use it more often. Breast play will also need to be limited at first and done with extreme care until you’ve healed.”

  “How long should that take?” Catherine hoped not more than a few weeks or maybe a couple of months at the most. The idea of missing out on one of her favorite pastimes saddened her; of course, she’d done it before, so she knew that she could do it again. Sir Jonathan had seemed more interested in her ass than her breasts, anyway; she doubted leaving them alone would be a problem.

  “It varies from person to person, but the average is about six weeks, although for some women, full recovery can take over a year. Just keep it clean and medicated, and trust your Master to monitor how much he touches them. Now, hurry up and get that corset off!”

  With less than nimble fingers, Catherine trembled while undoing the fasteners. She took a deep breath. The binding garment fell away from her ribs, and she laid the corset on a chair, shivering when the cool air hit her sweat-dampened flesh. Salty moisture slid along her skin, pebbling Catherine with goose bumps when it trickled into a couple of the whip welts and brought them to life with a teasing sting.

  Holding the item Paige had given her out in front of herself, Catherine soon recognized it was a peasant-style blouse. She pulled it over her head and winced at the feather-light touch of the material against her tender skin. The full sleeves hung loose on Catherine’s arms down to her wrists, where they were cinched with green satin ribbons tied into bows. Trimmed with the same green ribbon, the neckline scooped low over her breasts. When the submissive looked down the length of her body, she could see the darkness of her puffy, sore nipples with their dangling emerald jewels through the gauzy fabric.

  Paige retrieved the corset from where it had been discarded and came forward to w
rap tiny arms around Catherine while she bound her back into the garment. With the fasteners closed up, Catherine’s breasts once again stood high and proud, pushing out over the top edge. Paige surprised the submissive by placing a quick open mouthed kiss on each of her nipples, causing them to pull into a tight pucker. The material was left damp, and as the air conditioning blew through the room, the fabric chilled against Catherine’s nipples, ensuring they would stay pebbled, perky, and aching.

  To finish Catherine’s makeover, Paige fluffed her hair, following by adding a touch up of gloss to her lips. A final adornment, and they were done; she attached a leash to Catherine’s collar and nipples, ignoring the submissive’s mewling at the contact. This new leash had hooks instead of clamps now that Catherine had rings in her nipples. The ends of the hooks snapped together, pinching the fabric of her blouse between them with ease.

  “All finished,” Paige announced while stepping back to look over her handiwork. “You look beautiful, Erin.”

  Somehow, the submissive felt more naked and vulnerable in this state of undress. Catherine’s breasts were covered but visible through the flimsy material; meanwhile, her bottom and quivering sex were left unconcealed and available. She became quite aware of the collar around her neck when Paige began to lead her toward the door. Remembering the pretty silver paddle that labeled her as Jayden’s Slut made her brain kick into overdrive.

  You know, Erin, those emeralds hanging from your pretty tits are awfully close to the color of your eyes. The ones that your Master is so fond of.

  Her mind began racing. Catherine recalled in hazy bits the tenderness with which Master’s voice and words had explained that today was for her pleasure. “An anniversary to be celebrated,” had been his exact words.


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