Dire Wolves of London Box Set

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Dire Wolves of London Box Set Page 10

by Carina Wilder

  “Yes, of course we can,” Roth replied. He looked at Laird, who nodded assent, and the two followed Emma inside.

  When she’d shut the door, she locked the deadbolt and walked by the two men through a doorway into a large living space on the first floor. A comfortable, modern-looking couch sat against one wall, which was painted a deep red. A couple of dark brown leather arm chairs faced it, the backdrop decorated with two large abstract oil paintings.

  Each man took a seat in one of the chairs, and Emma perched herself awkwardly on the edge of the couch, clasping her hands together. She realized all of a sudden that she had no idea how to express to the men what she wanted without outright saying the words, “Lads, I’d love to have that threesome now. Tell me, how does it work? Do I drop my knickers to the floor, bend over and wait?”

  Part of her wanted to ask why they weren’t coming at her as they had the previous night, or even as they had earlier in the pub. Had they suddenly lost interest? She’d thought she still sensed the hunger in their eyes, the desire in their voices. But of course, self-doubt always had a way of sneaking in to ruin a good dose of confidence.

  “Can I get you anything? Tea? Beer?” she asked.

  My naked body?

  The men both shook their heads, their eyes locked intensely on her own. Roth’s narrowed enigmatically as he stared at her, while Laird sat back, that torment of a smile on his sexy lips. Had someone held a gun to Emma’s head she couldn’t have guessed what either man was thinking. All she could say was that they were all but perfect, and that she wanted them to stay forever.

  The only thing that could have improved them was if they’d explained to her what they wanted.

  Taking charge of a situation like this wasn’t really her thing.

  Restless and frustrated, she stood up, walked to the large window at the front of the flat that looked out onto the street, and pulled the curtains shut. She turned back to face her guests, her fingers intertwining nervously in front of her.

  The only light hitting her came from the floor lamp on the far side of the room, but suddenly she felt oddly self-conscious, as though she were standing under a harsh interrogation lamp.

  “Tell us what you’re thinking, Emma,” said Roth, shattering the wall of ice that stood between them with one swift blow. “Tell us how you’re feeling.”

  Embarrassed, she wanted to say. Weird. Confused. Horny.

  “Yes, go on, please,” Laird added. “There’s no need to be shy, not with us.” His words came smoothly, calmly, stroking their way over her skin like fingertips.

  Emma took a deep breath and reminded herself: No regrets. Just go for it.

  Just like that, as though a veil had lifted from her mind, her inhibitions disappeared. She looked Roth straight in the eye, then Laird, crossing her arms over her chest assertively. “I’m thinking that I want you both, more than I’ve ever wanted anything in my life. I’m trying to figure out how to get you both to kiss me again. How to ask you for it without actually asking. The truth is, I don’t quite know what to do here.”

  “Do you understand what will happen if we bond with you?” asked Roth. He still had that serious expression on his face, all business, like they were about to sign a legal contract. Okay, so Mr. Professional was working with her to strike up a business deal that involved the exchange of bodily fluids and quite possibly a whole slew of orgasms. “You understand what will happen to your body, your mind? Do you understand the connection between us, how deep it runs?”

  She nodded. “I think so,” she said. She walked over to the couch and sat down on its edge once again. “I mean, I don’t really understand, not on any scientific level. But something very deep inside me seems to get it. I don’t know why, but like you’ve said, I feel as though I’ve known you both for years already. This desire inside me—it’s like it’s been building for decades. It’s almost too much for me to take. It’s a little frightening, to be honest. But it’s also the best thing I’ve ever felt in my life.” She let out a laugh, pressing a hand to her chest to calm her heart. “You must both think me utterly mad. I’ve never said anything like this to any man, let alone two at once. I feel as though I might explode for real.”

  “Not mad in the least,” said Roth. “If it makes you feel any better, I can tell you with certainty that if you ask us to leave right now, I would do it, but I’d be traumatized. I’m invested too, and so is Laird. Our Wolves are, as well. No doubt that sounds mad to you.”

  “Well, we can’t have this, can we?” asked Laird, a smile on his lips. “Roth and me traumatized, the lovely Emma confused and frightened?” His eyes were all but glowing now, his Dire Wolf lurking somewhere near his human surface. The beast had come up to take a look at his potential mate, apparently. “Besides, if you’re to explode, it should be under the touch of my tongue on your pussy, not out of some sort of fear.”

  Emma gasped. By now, Laird’s forwardness shouldn’t have surprised her. Yet here she was, aroused and terrified at once by his ability to slip an invisible, erotic streak of fantasy over her every inch with nothing more than a few words. She wondered how quickly she could get naked and part her legs to welcome his mouth.

  In partial answer to her question, Laird rose to his feet, strode over to her, pushed her knees apart and knelt before her, taking her cheeks in his hands. His face was so close now, his breath heaven on her flesh. “Roth is right, you know, about all of it, and you must take it seriously. Being with us will change you, Emma. It will alter your perception of the world.”

  “It would also make me stronger, and I know it,” she said. “More powerful. More at one with a world that’s never entirely made sense to me. I would feel more like…like myself. I know it.”

  “True.” Laird pulled his eyes to Roth’s before looking into hers again. “But we want you to be certain that this is really what you want. You need to understand that for us, there is no waiting period. We have known from the start that you were meant for us. In spite of that, we would not push ourselves on you. You may need more time to process all of this. Tell us if you do. We can wait.”

  “I should need more time, I suppose,” she said, lifting her right hand and pressing it to Laird’s chest. She could feel his heart beating so hard, so strong. “But I don’t. I know it’s not normal; it’s not the way things are supposed to be. Maybe it’s because of the Grizzly last night in the park. Everything accelerated for me then. I thought I was going to die. I thought my life would end before it had begun. But I understand now what I need to do. I know, somehow, deep down, that this is right. This, between the three of us.”

  At first, Laird didn’t kiss her. Instead, he nodded to his companion, who stood up and walked over, twining his fingers in Emma’s dark hair, stroking them down her neck as he had the previous night. She closed her eyes, her lips parting as a sigh pushed its way out from between them. She could feel Laird’s fingers unbuttoning her blouse slowly, pulling it off her shoulders and pushing it down, dragging the straps of her bra along with it until her breasts were exposed to both men. She kept her eyes shut to enjoy the sensation of the two sets of male eyes on her flesh, surrendering to their gaze.

  She could feel Laird’s breath on her nipples, teasing them into fierce peaks. Beautiful, sexy man. That breath of his was almost enough to make her come.

  Teasing one nipple with a quick lick, he reached down and pulled off her boots one at a time, before seeking out the button on her trousers. Quickly he undid them, tucking a hand down the front. Emma opened her eyes and pushed her pelvis forward so that she was all but falling off the edge of the couch as she offered herself to him. He dipped a finger inside her and pulled it away, drawing it to his nose and inhaling deep.

  “Such a sweet, wet pussy you have, sexy Emma,” he growled, giving his finger a lick as she watched. When he tasted her, his eyes flashed light blue, the Wolf inside him alert, approving. Aware that his human was on the verge of a momentous experience.

  She knew it too. Th
is was happening; it was really happening. In a few moments, her life would change forever. Without ever having understood it, she’d waited for this moment all her life. Everything she’d done until now had been in preparation for the rite that would soon occur with these two incredible beings.

  She lifted herself off the couch and Laird took the hint, pulling her trousers down and off along with her panties. She sat back down and pushed her hips forward, opening her legs.

  Laird knelt in front of her and pressed a trail of soft kisses to her jawline, her neck, her cheekbone, before he found her lips. His tongue sought out hers, tasting her, savouring her as she did him, bliss dancing along her nerve endings. She kissed him hungrily, a hand wrapped around the back of his neck. Urgency, that was what she felt. A sense of desire that defied anything she’d ever encountered in her life. She needed these men. They’d become crucial to her existence, and she’d become crucial to theirs. It was a strength and a weakness at once to admit it.

  When Laird pulled away, Roth moved in, taking her hips in hand and pulling her forward, his touch assertive, dominant, tender. As she kissed him back, Emma felt a hand slip down between her legs. She wanted to laugh to realize that it didn’t matter to her whose it was. She had in her possession the two sexiest men in the world, and every touch of theirs was magic. She had no favourite; she wanted both in equal measure.

  The realization was stunning and beautiful.

  Roth pulled away, smiling at her before sliding down to kneel between her knees. Emma eased back into the couch while Laird stood over her, watching intently as Roth kissed the inside of her left thigh.

  Emma’s body shook from that sensation alone. If a kiss felt so incredible, she couldn’t begin to imagine how she’d feel in a few minutes.

  Fantasy had intertwined with reality.

  By some miracle she’d found heaven, and heaven was in her living room.

  Chapter 13

  Laird’s eyes fixed on Emma’s face as Roth lapped greedily at her slick sex. Her own eyes were closed now, her fingers wrapped around the edge of the couch cushion, squeezing as if she were about to lose herself and fall, tumbling into some exquisite abyss of her own making.

  Watching was almost as satisfying as involving himself in their pleasure. But after a time he stepped forward, combing his fingers gently through her thick mane of hair. Taking the hint, she pried her eyes open and turned to look up at him. For a second she looked so shy, so reticent, her hands moving quickly to her breasts as though to cover them. From her dream she’d awoken to reality and realized she was being watched, apparently. But Laird gently pushed her hands away and she let them drop back to the couch, submitting to his will. He slipped one hand under her chin to keep her eyes locked on his, his other hand slipping downwards again until his fingers found her nipple. He rolled it delicately, pinching just hard enough to feel the rush of blood to its tip.

  “I want to watch you come,” he murmured, looking down at again to see Roth work her sex with an expert touch. “I want to see it in your beautiful face. I want to see your pleasure.”

  A sound emerged from between Emma’s lips then, like a quiet purr. “Keep doing this and I will,” she said, a coy smile slipping over her lips as she pushed her hips forward, encouraging Roth even as Laird slipped down to his knees and took one nipple in his mouth again, slipping a fingertip over the other.

  “This is as new to us,” he said, pulling away for a moment, “as it is to you, you know.”

  “I know,” she said.

  He locked his lips around her right nipple, teasing its tip with his tongue as his eyes took in her hips gyrating gently under Roth’s touch.

  Good girl, he thought. Good girl. Come for us.

  Come for your mates.

  The joy of the moment was almost too much for Emma to bear. It was too much delight, too much sensation. She told herself that one person couldn’t possibly withstand so much, yet here she was. She hadn’t shattered yet, hadn’t passed out from bliss.

  She’d come close to a mind-bending orgasm at least four times, but Roth could read her intimately, and each time she came near, he pulled away just enough to let her body settle before starting up again. He was doing it on purpose, prolonging the sweet agony of it all. She didn’t know whether to reprimand him or thank him for it. Clever man, learning exactly how her body worked, he was incredible. He’d learned quickly to play her like an instrument, to pleasure her, to stir her excitement right to the cliff’s edge before pulling her back again.

  Another tsunami-like surge was about to sweep through her. This time, Roth was stroking her clit in tight, upward licks with his tongue. Laird, meanwhile, had his gorgeous mouth on one nipple while his fingers worked some sort of magic on the other. The combination of the two men devoting their entire existence to her pleasure was enough to make her mind reel, her body tremble with seismic blasts, mini-orgasms that only intensified her pleasure.

  She’d sunk so far into the couch that it now seemed unlikely that she’d ever manage to rise again. Perfection, that was what this moment was. This was the pinnacle of perfection on earth.

  Then she felt herself begin to tumble at last, to careen over a precipice from which there would be no return.

  “I’m going to come,” she moaned, her hips thrusting forward, almost against her will. Roth wrapped both hands hard around her thighs even as Laird backed away, his eyes locked on her face. Emma looked up at him for a moment before slamming her eyes shut to let the wave wash over her, her body convulsing with pleasure under the Alpha’s magical tongue.

  “Oh, God…” she gasped, “I can’t even…”

  Laird’s fingers raked their way through her hair, easing down to kiss her shoulders, her breasts. “Sweet thing,” he said softly. “That’s our girl. That’s our lover.”

  It was true.

  She was theirs now. Body, mind and soul.

  But even with the utter astonishment that the moment brought her, she wanted more. Greedy woman that she was, she still wanted them both, every inch of them.

  “When I was so scared last night,” she murmured, slipping a hand through Roth’s hair as he pulled away to look into her eyes. “You two came to my rescue. But I’m beginning think that now you’re rescuing me again, this time from something entirely different. You’re rescuing me from the life I would have lived if I’d never met you.”

  Roth let out a deep chuckle of pleasure. He kissed her clit a final time, slipping two fingers deep inside her as he drew his face up to look at her.

  “You’re rescuing us, too,” he said. “You’re completing us, Emma. I think you know it, too.”

  “Yes, I think you’re right. I do know it.” She smiled at him and stroked her fingers over his stubbled jawline. “So let me rescue you, too.”

  “What are you saying?”

  “I want you inside me,” she replied, turning to Laird. “Now. Both of you. But I’ve never…I don’t even know how…”

  “Oh, I think you know exactly how.” Roth rose up and took her hand, pulling her up and guiding her to the soft shag carpet in front of the couch. She watched as he slowly undid his trousers, slipping them down to the floor. As he stepped out of them, Emma marvelled at his chiseled legs, at the sheer, muscular perfection of him. Her eyes moved upward shyly, stopping at the rather impressive erection that greeted her from between his legs. Her mouth watered for a taste of him. The big man, it seemed, was big all over.

  He slipped his shirt over his head, revealing an equally impressive torso. A chest and abdominal muscles that begged to be explored for hours with eager fingertips and tongue, he was beautiful beyond words.

  With his eyes locked on hers, he eased himself down onto his back, his fingers wrapping around his shaft.

  “Come to me,” he said. “You know what to do.”

  Emma swallowed hard, willing away the self-consciousness that was making her hesitate.

  No regrets. No shyness. No hesitation, she told herself.

p; At least not where her two lovers were concerned.

  She eased her body over Roth’s, slipping a knee onto either side of his hips, until she could feel the head of his cock teasing her opening. She leaned forward and brushed her lips against his in a gentle kiss.

  “You’re sure?” he asked, his eyebrows raised in an inquisitive way that made the usually intense man look something close to adorable.

  She nodded. “I’ve never been so sure of anything in my life.”

  After a quick inhale, she pressed her body downwards, taking him inside her, inch by glorious inch, as her eyes teared up. He was so, so big that he was splitting her in two. So thick, so swollen with need. But it wasn’t the sweet pain that drew her emotions out.

  “What is it, sweetheart?” asked Roth, brushing a hand against her cheek.

  “I’ve just never felt quite like this,” she said. “Never felt so close to anyone as I do to you two.” She turned to look at Laird, who’d pulled his shirt off. He was glorious, too, his chest broad and powerful, his arms roped with muscle.

  Her eyes locked on Laird’s, she let herself slip down lower, lower, until she’d taken all of Roth in. She cried out with the joy and the pain of the sensation before drawing herself back up, only to sink down again, her channel clenching around him, taking possession of his body.

  Her confidence had returned to her, and she pulled her gaze to the Alpha’s gorgeous face as he writhed in bliss below her.

  “Does that feel good?” she asked, a sly smile on her lips.

  “You know it does,” he said, wrapping his fingers around her hips and drawing himself up deep inside her. “You fucking know it does.”

  Emma turned to peer over her left shoulder again. “Take off your jeans,” she commanded to Laird, who obliged before slipping in behind her, his erection pressing into her lower back.

  By some miracle, perfection had just become more perfect.


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