The Steele Collection Books 1-3: Sarah Steele Legal Thrillers

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The Steele Collection Books 1-3: Sarah Steele Legal Thrillers Page 1

by Aaron Patterson



  “Move over Twilight! Here comes Aaron Patterson!”

  —Joshua Graham, bestselling author of Beyond Justice and Darkroom

  “I was surprised by how much I really, really liked this book. I have not jumped on the whole "fallen angel" bandwagon, just as I didn't jump on all of the vampire stories that came out after Twilight. This is not your typical fallen angel story. It is one that has left me breathlessly waiting for the next one in the series. Hurry up please!!!”

  —Sandra Stiles

  “It takes rare talent for a man to write a novel from a male POV and have it published to great critical and commercial acclaim. But it takes a miracle for that same male, or in this case males, to write a novel from the POV of a teenage girl and have it turn out as incredibly as did the new StoneHouse YA by Aaron Patterson and Chris White, Airel. From the first sentence, I felt compelled to dive into this young woman’s story and just as importantly, I felt like I personally knew her, which means I laughed, stressed and cried right along with her. A beautifully written and crafted fiction about teenage innocence, faith, loss and love. A must read for teens and adults alike.”

  —Vincent Zandri, International Bestselling Author of The Remains, The Innocent, and Concrete Pearl.

  “I am happy to say that this novel is one of my favorites of its kind. I never thought I could read a novel like this and be so swept away! I am always willing to try new books, but I usually steer clear of this kind of novel. Not anymore! Not when I can be so engrossed into the character's story, like I was with the beautiful Airel, that before I know, it's over. I kept turning the pages, wanting to, no-NEEDING, to know what was going to happen next.”

  —Molly Edwards, Willow Spring, NC

  “I just finished reading Airel. One of the best book I've ever read, if not the best. Of all the books I read, I related to Airel the most. I mean she's just so REAL. I'm blown away that two guys could write a girl's character so perfectly, so right. Better than a lot of female writers. I loved this book. It's so versatile, I was never bored. The story is told from various points of view. Normal girl, check. Epic warrior angel, check. Psycho killer, check. The manifestation of all evil 'the seer,' check. Even Kim and Michael had their share. And it's so great to see how everyone thinks and what really goes on in their mind and how it goes on there. Also, it had different times and places and that was very cool. I mean when I first started reading the part in Stuttgart, Germany, 1897 I was intrigued. I was a little disappointed that it was too short until I got into Airel's mind. Then out of nowhere visions of 1250 B.C. Arabia, I was blown away. The characters were beautifully written, I related to each of them in a way but Airel is just out of this world! She's me! Minus the half human, half angel thing lol. And the end was something else.”

  —E.M. Book Review


  “Sweet Dreams was a book I read in 2 days. I truly enjoyed the read. It kept me wanting to know more. I'm looking forward to Part 2 of the WJA Trilogy!”

  —Sharon Adams, Novi, MI

  “Suspense, thriller with a perfect ending, leaving me wanting more. An on the edge of your seat, all night read. I most certainly will be reading “Dream On.”

  —Sheri Wilkinson, Sandwich, IL

  “New authors come and go every day. Very few come on the scene with the ability to weave a tale that will make you sad to reach the end, longing for more. At a time when the world needs a real hero, Patterson delivers big with the WJA's Mark Appleton—an unlikely hero for the 21st century.”

  —The Joe Show

  “Aaron Patterson spins a good tale and does it well.”


  “SWEET DREAMS is packed with action, suspense, romance, betrayal, death, and mystery.”

  —Drew Maples, author of “28 Yards from Safety”


  “Once again, Aaron Patterson has made a home run! ‘Dream On’ is a wonderful read from cover to cover! I am now anxiously awaiting his next book ‘In Your Dreams.’ I originally purchased his first book by mistake, and was pleasantly surprised at how much I enjoyed it... so now I’m hooked! Aaron has got to start writing faster!!! Although his books are definitely worth the wait! Bet’cha can’t read just one! This guy has real talent for writing and keeping the suspense growing... the worst part about the book is the last page... I hated it to stop!”

  —Ruth P. Charlotte, NC

  “After reading Patterson’s first novel, ‘Sweet Dreams,’ I was really looking forward to reading ‘Dream On.’ This book was amazing. I couldn’t put it down. If you’re looking for an exciting read, read this book.”

  —Paul Carson, Boise, ID

  “I read the first book by Aaron Patterson (Sweet Dreams) and was very anxious for this sequel. I was not disappointed. This book kept me guessing with every page turn. It’s very well written and I really enjoyed the technology employed, which makes it just a bit futuristic without being overdone. This was a fantastic suspenseful thriller that kept me guessing throughout the entire book. Mr. Patterson has become my favorite fiction writer.”

  —Donna H. Boise, ID

  “This is the second book of Aaron’s I have read and I have to say he is a very talented writer!!! I read this book in under 12 hrs; it was so good I couldn’t put it down. He managed to surprise me with a twist that I did not expect! It is filled with suspense and keeps you guessing throughout. I will be suggesting this book to everyone I know…”

  —Amanda Garner, Oklahoma

  Also by Aaron Patterson

  Sweet Dreams (Book 1)

  Dream On (Book 2)

  In Your Dreams (Book 3)

  Cross Over Box Set

  Breaking Steele

  Twisting Steele

  Melting Steele

  Airel: The Awakening (Book 1)

  Airel: The Discovering (Book 2)

  Michael: The Curse (Book 3)

  Michael: The Mark (Book 4)

  Uriel: The Inheritance (Book 5)

  Uriel: The Price (Book 6)

  The Airel Saga Box Set

  N19eteen (Digital Short)

  The Craigslist Killer (Digital Short)

  Zombie High (Digital Short)

  Elena’s Secret: A Vampire Diaries story

  For Soleil, you are so strong and beautiful.

  And yes, you’re still my favorite daughter.

  The mind can break and be lost forever, but if the will breaks it comes back stronger.

  LIGHT FILTERED THROUGH THE slats in the wood. Car headlights shone through the barn walls, moving like fingers tracing words on the sawdust-covered floor. Tracy Mulligan cried silently as she lay bound and gagged, hanging on to the last thread of life. She clung to a hope that someone would find her, but with each passing car and each passing day, her hope was replaced with dread. This was the end.

  “God, help me.” Her strangled voice sounded strange in her own ears, as if from someone else, someone from beyond.

  Her prison was so small that she couldn’t even sit up. She was locked in a grain box that smelled of rotten corn, rat droppings, and urine. Her own urine. It felt like the top was closing in on her. With each of her movements, the sides touched her, pushed and scraped, making the small space feel like the jaws of a monster. Tiny holes in the planks let in comforting rays of light.

  Her legs and hands were duct-taped, and an old T-shirt was stuffed into her mouth with more tape wrapped around her head. Every time she moved, the tape tugged on her scalp. She’d once had long, blonde hair, but now it was short and ragged. He had
cut it all off. It had almost been the worst part, feeling those scissors on her head, making her look as ugly outside as she felt inside. After that, she knew there was no going back to how things were before. He’d taken everything away. Even her hair.

  She just wanted to sleep, to forget for a moment this waking nightmare.

  Why me? Please, God, I don’t want to die.

  But then the agonizing thought returned. God wouldn’t help her. This was her fault. Tracy never thought the guy she chatted with, and yes, even flirted with online would ever do this.

  The tall man called himself Hank. She met him on Facebook and added him to her friends list. He was so nice and always remembered little things—things she had forgotten she had even mentioned. He had this way of making her feel like the only girl in the world. He told her he was seventeen, but it turned out he was in his forties.

  Tracy’s heart froze when she heard the all-too-familiar sound of footsteps, and then the beads of light disappeared as a figure stood above her, covering her with shadow.

  No, not again. Please, not again.

  The lid burst open. Light blinded her and all she could see was a handing reach out and pulling her out of the cramped space. She struggled and squirmed, but knew it wouldn’t do any good. He had her. And when he was done, she would be thrown back into the dark hole until he felt the need to pay her another visit.

  “Washday, my love.” His voice was so smooth, yet had a tinge of hate laced through it like a snake wrapped around a tree. “You know what today is?” He looked into her eyes as if searching for something.

  She shut her eyes and swallowed a whimper. She wouldn’t give him any sign she was there. He’d have her body, but not her soul.

  “It’s your birthday.” He laughed. “And I have a special treat for you.”

  It wasn’t her birthday. What was he talking about?

  He cut away the tape from her hands and legs and Tracy slumped to the ground. Her legs were numb. They started tingling, coming back to life. She thought hard about running again, but the last time she ran, he broke her nose.

  How long had she been here? She couldn’t remember. It felt like years, but that couldn’t be right. It had been enough misery to fill a lifetime.

  She watched Hank fill the horse trough with cold water from a garden hose. He whistled as he waited for the tub to fill up. She hated washday. The water was cold and he would stand there and watch her with that evil grin on his face.

  He half looked at her, mumbling and picking at his fingernails. She didn’t know she could despise anyone as wholeheartedly as she did him.

  “You know, my pet, you’ve been a good girl—most of the time. But one thing still bothers me. You don’t look at me with the love and respect I know I deserve. Do you realize who I am?” His tone turned darker as he walked over to where Tracy sat in the dirt.

  “I’ve given you everything. My heart, my soul … and in return, you whine and cry like a spoiled little brat!” Grabbing the tufts of hair left on her head, Hank pulled her to her feet. Dragging her to the metal tub, he stripped her down and tossed her in like a rag doll. The water took her breath away. She choked and gagged on the T-shirt that tried to work its way down her throat.

  “You want your birthday present?” His voice softened as he pulled out a small black stun gun. Holding it in his hands, he looked at her with a creased brow. “You make me sad, so sad, my sweet Tracy. I love you and you act like I’m the bad guy. And frankly, I’ve grown tired of you.”

  Tracy struggled to get out of the water, but it was too late. With a hit of the trigger, the gun emitted a charge of blue electricity and he jammed it in the side of her neck.

  Electricity surged through her body. The shock of the charge made her brain freeze and her muscles spasm. She tried to move, she needed to move, she had to move, but when she tried as hard as she could to run, her foot barely moved an inch.

  It took a moment for her to realize what was going on. Her body convulsed and twitched. The pain took over her mind. She tried to think, but everything was going dark.

  He moved. He was pushing her under, forcing her down.

  Her back arched and the gag jammed itself deep into her throat. This was it, the end—she was going to die and the last thing she heard through the water was his voice, muffled as if it came through another world. “Tracy, sweet, sweet Tracy …”

  I JOLTED AWAKE TO the sound of my phone ringing. Disturbing the stillness of night, the ringtone sounded twice as loud as it usually did. I fumbled for the lit phone screen on my side table to see who had disturbed my much-needed rest.

  UNKNOWN flashed on the caller ID. I swore softly. Usually I’d ignore such calls, but now that I was mentoring some inner-city girls in self-defense, I always had to be ready if they needed me.

  “Hello,” I answered, my voice deep and groggy. I cleared my throat. “Hello?”

  A soft laugh came through the receiver.

  “Angela? That you?” I asked. She was the girl I mentored who was most likely to end up drunk and stranded at a party.


  I waited another moment. When nothing else came through the line, I sighed and hung up.

  Mysterious phone calls no longer perturbed me. They were all in the line of duty. Every attorney I knew received them. It was the oldest trick in the book. I swear lawyers back in the Wild West had received telegrams with heavy breathing stop heavy breathing stop heavy breathing stop written on them. I flipped on my lamp and took out my field notes. I wrote the date and time of the phone call to use for reference. I’d been getting more calls than usual since I’d been on the State vs. Williams case.

  I put away the notebook and flopped back on my pillow. Closing my eyes, I relaxed under the blanket. The smell of my new air freshener wafted to me. I could hear the soft tick-tock of the grandfather clock in my living room. I shifted to my other side. Dangit. The caller had woken me up and I couldn’t fall back to sleep.

  There was no use fighting it. I’d always been nocturnal. On nights before big events, like the court date tomorrow, I’d pop an Ambien so I’d be rested.

  I got up, wriggled my feet into some slippers, and made my bed. It was an old habit. The foster care system had taught me there were few things in life you could control, but a made bed was one of them.

  Then I went after my case notes. I’d seen the pictures of Tracy Mulligan, but they still shocked me with their brutality every time. I rehearsed how I could explain them to the jury. With just enough details, they would feel a visceral reaction at the torture she went through, but add too many and they’d feel like it was superfluous.

  I never had nightmares while I slept. No, they came when I was awake. Reality haunted me more than any fiction could. All I could think about was Tracy. The police discovered her hanging from the rafters in an old barn. He had electrocuted her and hung her body afterwards as if she were his trophy. The murderer, Hank Williams, was caught at the scene of the crime, and ever since then, he’d all but mocked the case, as if he knew something nobody else did. He was rich, the only son of a real-estate tycoon, owner of Williams, Inc., he was powerful, and he lawyered up with four of the best defense attorneys money could buy. But still, I had enough proof to lock him away, or get him much worse. Then why did I feel like I hadn’t prepared enough?

  I took a drink and splashed some cold water on my face. Come on, Sarah, you have a good case. Let it go and trust your instincts. You’ll nail this guy to the wall. I would not lose, no matter how many lawyers he hired. Williams was going down for murder one way or another.

  And if he doesn’t go down, I’ll do him in myself. It was the dead of night, but I still covered my face with my hands, embarrassed. I shook the thought away. This was what happened to me at night. I became something different. Wild thoughts that I held back during the day came rushing to me like kids to an ice cream truck. They surrounded me—memories of what had been done to me as a kid, plans of what I could do to get revenge on people who
escaped justice, and even detailed images of what I would do to them. It was the feral side of me, the side I kept locked up.

  Who was I really—the successful, happy attorney or the wild, angry vigilante? Even I didn’t know.

  I DUG INTO MY oatmeal as I also dug into the morning paper. It was my ritual.

  The paper regularly ran a front-page article on the case. It often mentioned my name, Sarah Steele, the up-and-coming assistant district attorney. I smiled at the photo splashed on the front page. It was of me pushing my way through reporters, looking down to keep from tripping over a cameraman.

  First, I noticed how long my blonde hair was getting. I was due for a cut. Second, I noticed how it seemed like the camera was pointed more at my legs than my face. At first I felt offended, but then I had to concede that it was a nice shot. I worked out almost every day, either with the girls at the dojo or running around the lake. Exercising got my mind off things—work, friend drama, my mom, my latest screwup with a boyfriend—but most of all, the constant storm of memories trying to drown me.

  I did not look much like the average ADA, with my blonde hair and light blue eyes. My looks had led to many deadbeat ex-boyfriends. I had thought that by the time I was twenty-eight, I would be married, with three bratty kids running around and a rodent dog. So much for plans.

  I scanned the rest of the article. It went into the nature of the crime and told a little about me and how I was a foster-care-system-brat-turned-successful-attorney. It had only been two years since I graduated, and being young and a woman didn’t exactly make me target number one for a high-profile job. But I was tough, and even when I wasn’t, I faked it. This business did not allow me to be off—ever.

  This case had me worried, though. Hank Williams and his group of sharks always sat with smug looks on their faces, making me think they had something up their sleeves. I mentally scanned what we had on him and shook my head. We had an overwhelming amount of evidence, but that’s what worried me.


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