Just Like A Bear: A Steamy Shifter Romance (A Ravenswood Romance Book 3)

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Just Like A Bear: A Steamy Shifter Romance (A Ravenswood Romance Book 3) Page 12

by Jada Turner

  Shayne knew the Bed and Breakfast where Ren was staying quite well. It was a cozy colonial made of red brick, with oaken doors and hardwood floors. Mrs. Bedivere, who ran the establishment, was kind and considerate to her guests. She valued their privacy. Shayne was grateful for that.

  They mounted the maple-wood stairs and crossed the hall to Ren's room. He allowed her to open the door and enter first. The smell of cinnamon greeted her.

  A cheery fire burned in the fireplace and Shayne admired it somewhat wistfully. She turned to look about, noticing the lace window curtains and the soft carpet. The bed stood to her right. It was a large four-poster, with soft pillows and a white quilt. She shivered a little when her eyes fell upon it.

  “Are you cold?” he asked.

  She shook her head.

  “Come. Sit.”

  She took a chair by the fire. Ren stood behind the chair opposite her. He stared into the fire for several minutes before shifting his gaze over to the four-poster. His eyes lingered there for quite some time. Shayne did not interrupt his reverie. She sat listening to the fire crackling on the hearth.

  “It is only fair that I tell you this from the outset, my lady Shayne. I have decided that I will never love again. The reason for this decision began with a woman who could not love me and ended with a woman too frightened to try. If you expect love, you will be sorely disappointed.”

  I stone sank into the pit of Shayne's stomach as she tasted the bitterness of his statement. “Then, why am I here?” she asked. “Why join a computer dating service if you’re not seeking love?”

  “I need...companionship. I tire of loneliness. You appeal to me, as no other has. I have always been a forthright man, my lady Shayne, and this is the reason I asked to meet you. This is the reason I have asked you to my room. I want, nay, I need your companionship.”

  Shayne stared at him, the irony of the situation winding about in her mind. She needed him just as much, if not more.

  “You would like me to live with you?”

  Ren nodded. She stared into his eyes, watching the reflected fire glint. She sighed.

  “I can’t give you an answer until you tell me the details behind your decision.”


  “Tell me about the women so that I can understand why you feel the way you do.”

  Ren paused. “Very well. The first was forced into a marriage with me. I had hoped her love would blossom and grow and, for a time, it did. She was the first to offer me the secrets of the flesh. I made love to her but, alas; it was not to her liking.”

  “How do you know?”

  “She left my bed for that of another.”

  “Did you know him?”

  “He was my bosom companion.”

  “No!” Shayne cried.

  “I assure you, it is true. I walked in upon them. She was nude, her skin the color of a cherry blossom. She was in his arms. I--” he faltered.

  “What did you do?”

  He ignored her question. “I felt that I had died.”

  Shayne's heart swelled. It pained her to hear these words from his lips. She rose out of her chair, and slipped into the one opposite. Keeping it between them, she rested her arms on the leather back.

  “That woman was a fool,” she said softly.

  The fire in his eyes leaped at her proximity. He licked his lips.

  She looked into his eyes, and licked her own.

  He backed away from her, his eyes lowered. “She found the man she loved. Should I begrudge her that happiness?”

  “Perhaps you only thought you loved her. You didn't fight to get her back.”

  He shrugged. Shayne watched his body flicker in and out of transparency. She said nothing, though joy flowed through her veins. He paced the floor until he had attained solidity once more.

  “I did fight him. He bested me. Then, he took her and left. I never saw either of them again.”

  Shayne bit her lip. This would be more difficult than she had first thought.

  “Have you ever tried to mend the break?” she asked. She looked at him from under heavy-lidded eyes.

  “Years later, there was another woman. She encouraged me to love her, but when she learned...” he trailed off. “It was not to be. She was frightened of me.”


  “She learned of my past. It was more than she could bear.”

  He was holding it back, keeping his secret from her. Shayne read it in every feature of his handsome face, every gesture of his hands. On an impulse, she reached out to him. Before he could move she caught hold of his sleeve and held fast. His eyes widened, as she moved her grip down to his hand. She squeezed it gently.

  Then, he vanished.

  Shayne stood alone in the room. She was trembling. A log shifted in the fireplace and she jumped at the sound. A nervous laugh escaped her lips. She hadn't experienced fear for some time and it refreshed her. Fear was replaced by the other feeling, the one that had brought her to these rooms. It was so powerful, so strong, that she felt her knees weaken. She fell to the floor before the fire as it swept over her.

  She saw his eyes in those flames and sighed.


  Shayne stood under the pines which surrounded the estate, watching the large and silent house. It appeared to be an English castle, strangely out of place in the Idaho countryside. The owner, Charles Lyle, used the place on rare occasions and was not present at this time. It was just as well, for she was not there to see him. The current tenant was much more interesting.

  The moon was absent from the sky. Starlight was the only illumination, but it was enough. Shayne picked her way across the lawn toward the house, stopping at the foot of a large apple tree. Leafless branches reached toward the sky, grasping at the stars. The giant tree slept now, but Shayne could imagine the green and pink buds that would awaken with the coming of spring.

  She caught a glimpse of Ren through the study window. The ghostly light of a lap top screen fell over his face as he studied it. She watched him as he typed on the keyboard. He did not see her.

  Shayne crept away from the window and up to the front porch. She didn't believe that Ren would enjoy another surprise, so she pressed the doorbell. The sound reverberated throughout the house. When Ren did not appear, she rang it again.

  Minutes passed and at last, she was rewarded. Ren peered through the glass. He was bold for he believed himself to be invisible. When he saw her, his eyes grew wide. She held up a hand to him, hoping that he would not vanish as he had before. If he did, she would be forced to enter and shock him further. Luckily, he did not disappear. He opened the door.

  “Hello,” she said.

  He nodded.

  “May I come in?”

  He opened the door wide so that she could enter. She stepped in.

  “What are you doing here?” he asked. His face was so impassive; it could have been carved from marble.

  “I wanted to finish our conversation. You left rather abruptly the last time we spoke. And, since you won't answer my e-mails, I thought I would come to you.”

  He frowned. “I am not interested in a relationship based upon deception, Miss Jacobs.”

  “Really? And when were you going to reveal your secrets, Mr. Knight? Would I be safely in your bed before you told me you were a ghost?”

  Ren shifted uncomfortably before her. “It was never my intention to get you into bed. I have already told you what I wish from you and I was going to reveal my condition in due time, to avoid frightening you.”

  “I am not frightened,” she replied.

  “So it would seem.”

  “And I have decided to accept your offer.”

  “I am afraid I must retract it.”

  “Because I touched you?”

  He rubbed the hand she had squeezed. “How did you do that?”

  “That's for me to know and for you to find out. Why don't you try?”


  “Don't you want to touch me?”

  For a moment, a feverish glint filled his eyes. He did not answer.

  “How long has it been since you slept with a woman, Ren? Two or Three hundred years?”

  “Seven hundred,” he said softly.

  Shayne blinked. “Really?”

  He shrugged. “I died in the year of our lord, 1315.”

  “Then, you are most certainly due.” She reached out to him.

  He took a step backward. “I think not, Madam. This is...unseemly. I would be taking advantage.”

  “You are incredibly sweet,” Shayne marveled. “He never said you were chivalrous. In fact, he hinted that you were quite the opposite.”

  “Who never said this?”

  “Never mind. It's not important. What is important is that you have piqued my interest. I am going to stay.”

  “You cannot.”

  “Are you going to throw me out?”


  “Good.” She began to remove her shoes.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Shayne didn't answer. She began to remove her stockings.

  “Why are you undressing?”

  She removed her jacket and then her blouse. Her skirt followed. Soon, she stood before him in her underwear. He turned when she began to slip the catch on her bra.

  “Have you ever seen a naked woman?” she asked.

  He nodded.

  “Then, there's nothing here you haven't seen before. You can look if you like.”

  She saw him begin to tremble, and for a second, she believed he would turn around. Instead, his body began to shift into transparency. He disappeared.

  Shayne dropped her bra to the floor and then stepped out of her panties. She stretched.

  “I can wait,” she said to the empty air. Then, she set off to explore the house.

  Shayne walked down the long hall way which led to the study. When she entered, she saw the dim light of the laptop extinguish itself. The room was dark, but her eyes quickly adjusted to the gloom. She saw no one.

  She crossed to the laptop and pressed a key. The screen responded immediately, lighting up the dark room. Ren had returned to the home screen before answering the door. She was unable to see what he was up to.

  Shayne typed a name into her browser and seconds later, had recovered her own e-mail. There was no message from Ren. She was a little disappointed by that.

  She scrolled through several messages and ads from other more reputable computer matching services, before lighting upon the e-mail she had expected. It was from him. She opened it.

  The tone of the letter was cool and professional. Money had been transferred into one of her Swiss bank accounts. The rest would be transferred upon completion of her task. The more she read, the more her distaste for her employer grew. If he had known who she really was, he wouldn't have been so insulting. She didn't bother to finish the missive.

  Shayne exited the e-mail and accessed a site that would allow her to check her bank account. The amount there brought a satisfied smile to her face. She had enough for a very comfortable retirement.

  The room returned to darkness when she switched the laptop off. The house was silent. A delicious shiver thrilled her. She decided to go look for Ren.

  The master bedroom door was open when she reached the landing. It slammed itself when she stepped off. Shayne smiled to herself. Within seconds, her hand was turning the glass knob.

  The soft ambiance of a lit candle filled the room. Its glow was comforting and somewhat romantic. Shayne entered and closed the door behind her. Ren was sitting on the bed. He did not look up as she entered.

  The bed was inviting. A blue, eider down comforter was draped across it, and pillows encased in silk lay at the head. She sat on the bed, and then lay back against the pillows.

  “Do you like what you see?” she asked “I can see you sitting on the edge of the bed.”

  Ren remained, back toward her, on the other side of the bed.

  “How did you know?”

  “I told you. That is for you to find out.”

  “You are a bold woman.”

  “I know. But, you have not answered my question. I will ask you again. Do you like what you see?”

  His head moved in an almost imperceptible nod. “You are beautiful.”

  “More beautiful than a woman with the skin of a cherry blossom?” She was dismayed by the hopeful tone in her voice.

  “I have seen none lovelier.”

  She felt her skin burn. It was strange to feel a blush on her cheek.

  “Why don't you turn around then?”

  “I will...if you could...”

  “Cover myself?”

  He nodded.

  “Oh, alright. I'm covered. You can turn around.”

  Ren did not turn completely around. He faced her in profile, eyes averted.

  “You are so sweet,” she mused.

  “So you've said.”

  “Were you a knight?”

  “I was.”

  “You don't dress like one.”

  “I have adapted through the centuries.”

  “I've noticed that. You are quite adept at technical matters. Not many 14th century ghosts use e-mail.”

  He shrugged. She admired his modesty.

  “You have never told me of your profession. You are a 21st century woman, so I assume you do not stay at home practicing needlepoint.”

  A pang of guilt stabbed her heart. “I'm a consultant.”


  “Yes,” she said, regretting the lie.

  “Everything you said...in the e-mails we wrote...was it true?”

  “It was. Were you telling me the truth?”

  “Every word.”

  She fell into silence, her heart swelling painfully.

  “Why are you here at this house? Why not in stay in England?”

  “My home is here,” he replied. His tone hardened. “I'll never leave this place.”

  “What about the people who live here?”

  “What about them?”

  “Are they irritated by your presence? Are they afraid?”

  “The man who considers himself master of my home is a surgeon. He spends his time augmenting the breasts of women and spends little time here. His wife never comes. However, he has several women who do.”

  Shayne snickered.

  “What do you find so amusing?”

  “You said his wife never comes, but the other women do. Maybe, that's his problem.”

  “I do not understand the jest.”

  “His wife never experiences an orgasm, so--” she noticed his blank expression. “Do you know what an orgasm is?”

  “Yes, most can be found in churches.”


  “You pump them and play music upon them.”

  Shayne giggled. “That's an organ!”

  “Then, what is the other?”

  “It's-um-difficult to explain.”

  “Could you try?”

  “It would be easier to show you.”

  “Then, by all means, please do.”

  “I have to touch you, to show you.”

  Ren grew silent.

  Shayne waited. The candle flickered, and shadows danced.

  “I cannot.” Ren said at last.

  “You won't be taking advantage of me.”

  “You have shown that.”

  “Then, why? I know you like me. And I like you...”

  Ren rose to his feet. He bowed to her.

  “I must take my leave, my lady Shayne,” he said. Before she could say another word, he was gone.

  Shayne flopped back on the bed and crossed her arms.

  “Shoot!” she said.


  Shayne lay in the bed all night, but did not sleep. When the first rays of sunshine burst through the frosted window of her room, she rose to look through the glass. The promise of yesterday's clouds had been fulfilled. A soft blanket of snow covered the back lawn and sparkled in the dawn light.r />
  A knock sounded on the door. “Are you decent, my lady?” Ren asked.

  Shayne hurried back to the bed. She covered herself with the comforter. “You can come in,” she answered.

  Ren opened the door slowly. He was carrying a tray upon which several dishes rested.

  “You made me breakfast?” Shayne said, as he set it before her.

  “I was unsure of when you had last eaten.”

  “This is beyond sweet,” she said. “But, I'm not very hungry. I want to talk some more.”

  Ren sighed and Shayne ignored him.

  “You said you joined Elovers.com because you wanted companionship. What were you going to do with this woman when the surgeon came back?”

  “I would frighten him into selling it to her.”

  “That was your plan?”

  “This house means little to him and everything to me. Were I to find a suitable woman, I would always have a home.”

  “Until she discovered you were a ghost. Is that what happened with the last woman?”

  “Unfortunately, yes.”

  “How did she find out?”

  “I told her. She bolted immediately. That is why I waited so long to tell you. I wanted to find out whether you would be accepting of the situation.”

  “I am accepting.”

  “I am afraid I will still have to withdraw the offer.”

  “We could live at my house. You wouldn't even have to scare the guy.”

  “I will not leave my home.”

  “Then, let me buy it. I have money. I'd make him an offer he couldn't refuse.”

  “That is not the problem.”

  “Then, what is the problem, Ren.”

  “When my wife departed, I made a vow. It is an unbreakable one—for me.”

  “Oh, my!” Shayne breathed. “You made a vow of chastity!”

  Ren nodded. “It would have been fine to have you as a companion, though you are quite forward in your ways. You are kind, funny and beautiful. However, you can touch me. The temptation would be too great. I can barely stop myself from taking you here and now.”

  Shayne smiled as she watched him regret the words he had just spoken. She put the tray aside and grasped hold of his hand. To her surprise, he did not withdraw nor did he disappear.

  “You have adjusted to the world over the centuries. In all that time, why haven't you changed your vow?”


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