Gracie's Plan

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Gracie's Plan Page 7

by Rose Lange

  She shook her head, attempting to shut the painful memories out. Her eyes fixated on Kade. As if to tease, he slowly made his descent downstairs. And damn it if she couldn’t help but wish for that towel to fall off.

  Annabelle cleared her suddenly parched throat.

  “Hi, Kade, how are you?”

  “Just fine.” He smirked.

  “Why’d you use the upstairs bathroom?” And the instant the words flew out she bit her tongue. He didn’t need to know she was curious about his grooming habits. Or that she fantasized about joining him.

  “Thought I’d take it for a test drive.” Then he leaned in closer, eyeing her seductively, “And I must say it’s a nice tub that’s big enough for two.”

  Annabelle squared her shoulders. “Well, I’ll just be getting ready.” But she couldn’t move, as though her feet had suddenly been stapled to the floor.

  He inclined his head, chuckling as he sidestepped her, and of course giving her a glorious view of his perfect backside from the corner of her eye. Skin that looked smooth like molasses, and muscles that still held tiny rivulets of water, as they cascaded down into the towel. His ass was another matter altogether. Even though he was completely covered she could see the outline, ripe and juicy like a piece of fruit. Sweet, like two scoops of butter pecan ice cream.

  Her face heated like an oven. Clearing her throat she turned to walk to her room because her sexy thoughts were getting the best of her.

  She quickly undressed and hopped in the shower. Turning the water on as hot as she could stand it, and instantly felt all her stresses and worries melt away. Closing her eyes, she dipped her head underneath the showerhead and let out a sigh of relief. After a long day at work the warm water felt as good as it always had, soothing and warm. She wished she could indulge in a long hot shower, and throw her pajamas on, just relax, but she was also excited about tonight.

  Finishing up, she stepped out, drying off, but not bothering to cover up as she began to ready herself. She put on a pair of jeans and a black, form-fitting T-shirt, with just enough of a V-neck to show delicate cleavage. Staring back at her reflection in the mirror, she smiled as she combed her hair, before a quick blow dry and some mousse. Swiping on a little mascara and some lip-gloss, she was ready to go.

  Kade was seated on the sofa, patiently waiting, and looked absolutely incredible in dark denim jeans that molded to his body, a white T-shirt, and his black leather jacket. He smelled good too, damn the man; his body wash clean and masculine. With each passing day, she was finding it harder and harder to resist him, as her resistance and immunity to him slowly started to erode.

  He rose from the couch. “Ready?”

  “I’m ready if you are.”

  They drove for what seemed like forever, before they stopped at a little restaurant that was quaint and very familiar. She leaned forward, unbuckling her seatbelt. The excitement welled up in her belly at the realization of where they were.

  “Kade, is this what I think it is?”

  “It sure is. Our first date.”

  She looked down at her casual appearance, suddenly self-conscious. “But if we’re here, why didn’t you ask me to dress up?”

  Parking the car, he turned to look at her. “Because I wanted you to be comfortable.”

  “How on earth did you remember?”

  He looked at her closely. “How could I forget?”

  Annabelle gazed up at him. Her heart leapt out of her chest and wanted to do a tap dance right on the dashboard. She felt giddy and swept off her feet, and only one man could ever make her feel that way. And here he was, right in front of her.

  It had been years since she’d been in this place, but the moment she walked in, the memories flooded her mind. From the soft lighting and the romantic music to the good-sized dance floor that dominated the center, the memories came back to her instantly. How much she’d been attracted to him, not only to his appearance but also to him as a human being. He was the most beautiful man both inside and out.

  Taking her seat at a table in a romantic nook of the restaurant, she drank in the atmosphere like it was the first time. Noting it hadn’t changed much in the last few years. “This is so lovely.”

  Before she could get comfortable and look at her menu, Kade stood in front of her, holding out his hand.

  “Would you care to dance?”


  She couldn’t help the huge grin that spread across her face, as he led her to the dance floor. Overhead lights were dimly lit as couples started slowly swaying to the music. Her heart pounded hard in her chest. Just being in this atmosphere and being here again where they’d shared their first date so long ago, transported her back to that time.

  A romantic Garth Brooks medley filled her ears as she swept into Kade’s arms and she was home.

  Annabelle closed her eyes as her body pressed up against his. He was holding her tight, as though she would evaporate if he let her go even for a moment. She wrapped her arms around his neck, craving his warmth, nearly hot to the touch. She nuzzled her neck against his cheek and relished the feel of day old stubble. He smelled heavenly, of earth and woods, and fire. Everyone around them faded into the background. Her mouth fell open as he put his hand on the small of her back, and gently rubbed.

  She was absolute putty in his arms.

  Annabelle gasped as he took it one step further, and wrapped his leg over hers, gently sliding her into his groin. Her breathing became erratic, every nerve ending acutely aware of him. He intoxicated her senses, her very center off balance. She re-opened her eyes, and tried desperately to gain her bearings, but it was impossible.

  Her gaze met his, and without saying a word, he swiftly kissed her. His mouth covering hers hungrily. She kissed him back with everything she had, all the love, the lust, and the bitter memories of the past. All she wanted to do was take him in her arms and keep him there. Annabelle grasped on to him tighter, feeling reckless, she slid her arms down his back, hovering over his butt, wanting to grab him and squeeze.

  As hard as it was, she stopped, suddenly remembering they were in a very public place.

  “What’s wrong?” Kade asked, sounding out of breath. It made her smile despite herself.

  She looked around, surprised that nobody paid them any mind. “We’re in public.”

  He chuckled, and without saying a word led her back to the dinner table.

  Kade was unable to focus at work. Memories of last night still played over and over again in his mind like a movie that wouldn’t end. He wanted to take her home and do more than kiss her and yet part of him held back. He still loved her, had never stopped. Was still angry with her, but couldn’t quench his thirst for her. Annabelle was the most infuriatingly stubborn woman he’d ever known. But she was driving him absolutely crazy with unfulfilled longing.

  The need for her had taken over his body so many nights, he’d woken up having to take a cold shower, but it never helped. He still woke up the next morning, horny as hell and wanting to crawl into her bed in the middle of the night. Like some love sick, sex-crazed teenager.

  How pathetic am I?

  Then his mind drifted to the last few dates they’d been on and how she’d let her guard down, and allowed him to see the sweet and vulnerable side of her. The side he knew was there that she tried to keep hidden.

  Their marriage had been the best two years of his life. The moment he’d first laid eyes on her he couldn’t forget her. He remembered it so clearly. He was at the beach hanging out with some friends when she walked into his life. Her smile was warm and glowing and her figure soft and curvy. Long legs that went on forever in those denim shorts, and her red halter-top bared perfectly creamy white shoulders.

  Annabelle had been absolutely stunning, and she’d stolen his heart from that moment on. He realized it
had not only been her obvious physical beauty, but who she was as a person, despite her heinous childhood. His heart ached for Annabelle as a little girl, having to suffer in a home with so much unspeakable violence and alcoholism.

  He couldn’t put his finger on it, but something was different about her now. Even from when they’d been married. He hit a roadblock in his mind a hundred times trying to figure out what it was, and the clues quickly added up. Most especially when she’d been skittish, and self-conscious of her body. That had been the biggest tip—off so far.


  He shook his head, his thoughts broken by his co-worker and friend, Eric.

  “Are you all right?” Eric asked.

  “I’m fine.” He lied, hoping he would be able to sound convincing.

  His friend chuckled. “You’re not fooling anybody. Since you moved in with your ex-wife you haven’t been the same.”

  Kade rolled up his blue prints, gave his friend a mind-your-own-business-glance, and walked back to his work truck. He really didn’t feel like talking to anyone about Annabelle, even his best friend. That surprised him. He wasn’t yet ready to vocalize his feelings for her because they were just too complicated to put into words. And because he just didn’t have the energy.

  Annabelle didn’t know why she was doing it.

  She must have been crazy as she drove to see her mom that evening after work. Her parents had mercifully divorced when she graduated high school, and the entire family led a somewhat happy existence ever since. She and her mom never really saw eye to eye, but she hoped it would change. She wanted her approval and sought it constantly, but never fully understood why.

  As soon as she pulled up in the driveway, she instantly regretted it. Her mom was home, but so was her dad, apparently paying a not so pleasant visit as they argued in the front yard. Her mom looked disheveled like always in her tattered bathrobe and pink threadbare slippers, her hair in a shower cap with curlers underneath no doubt.

  Annabelle’s stomach twisted up in knots as she exited the car and approached the angry pair she didn’t like to call her parents.

  Her mom was the first to turn toward her, an icy gleam in her eyes. “Annabelle, what are you doing here?”

  She braced herself, biting back the bitter words on her tongue. “Mother, how nice to see you, too.”

  “Hi, Annabelle,” her dad mumbled.

  Annabelle took a deep steady breath. “I just came by to see how you were doing,”

  “Well, as always you have lousy timing.” Her mom flung the words like weapons.

  “I guess I’ll be leaving, there is no talking to this woman.” With that her dad stalked back to his car, slammed the door, and pulled away. He was still spewing obscenities. She could tell by the way he wildly waved his hands around.

  “So, what’s up?” her mom asked.

  “I just thought I’d come over for a visit, that’s all,” Annabelle said, feeling like an errant child who was in the way.

  “Come on in.” But it sounded forced and harsh to Annabelle’s ears.

  She followed her mom into her childhood home and it sent chills up her spine. The house felt so empty, and it did funny things to her insides when she stepped in. Barely any family pictures were hanging, save for a couple of her and Mike when they were very little. The furniture looked new, but as though nobody had ever used it. The house itself smelled of kitty litter and urine and it made her nose crinkle. Obviously her mom still wasn’t very clean, and everything desperately needed to be sanitized. She tried to keep a neutral face but it was difficult. She began to second-guess coming here, and already wanted to turn around and leave.

  “How is the living situation going?” Her mom pulled out a pot to boil water for some tea.

  “Fine. I guess.”

  Her mom frowned at her, nearly slamming down the teapot on the stove. “You’re the one that left him, missy, so don’t go throwing yourself a pity party.”

  Annabelle looked up at her mom, knowing nothing had changed, and never would.

  Why did I come here?


  “Well, come on now, you left him years ago, and now you expect everyone to feel sorry for you because you have to live with him? Get serious,” she scoffed, rolling her green eyes. Eyes that, unfortunately, looked so much like her own.

  “That’s it.” Annabelle abruptly got up, and shoved her chair in, the scraping sound of the chair against the linoleum floor made her cringe. “I don’t know why I bother trying, because things just won’t ever change will they? You were the one who put it into my head that Kade would turn out just like dad. I was young and naïve and I believed you, when that couldn’t be farther from the truth. You made me believe Kade was too good for me, that I didn’t deserve him. That only an ass-hole like Brad was all I deserved. Someone who beat me into the ground,” she paused, and gathered her bearings before she continued, “someone just like my father.”

  Her mom speared her with a heated glare that could melt ice caps in Alaska. Annabelle flinched as her mother’s hand came across her face. “Don’t you dare blame me for how your life turned out!”

  Annabelle held her stinging cheek, and she knew it would leave a mark. Taking big gulps of air, she couldn’t find the words to speak. The tears pooled in her eyes, and she couldn’t help it as they slid down the hills of her cheeks. And oh Lord how she hated to cry in front of this woman. Even though everything she’d told her mother was true, it didn’t surprise her that she’d taken her anger and frustration out on her.

  Her mother narrowed her eyes, a condescending look on her face. “Kade’s still too good for you, and you will never be enough for him.”

  Annabelle’s stomach plummeted into the ground at her mother’s harsh, hurtful words. Just when she was starting to slowly build her self-esteem up again, her mom managed to cut her down to size. Some things just never change, and she should’ve realized that by now. The words hung heavy in the air, and for a moment she couldn’t speak.

  She took a deep, fortifying breath, and swiped the tears from her face. Finally she managed to find her voice.

  “That’s it, I’m done with you. You made life for Mike and me miserable. He’s estranged from the family, and I can’t say as I blame him. I haven’t seen him in over ten years. All you did was fight with dad while he drank and beat on you. What kind of a childhood do you call that? I don’t blame Mike for leaving!” She was no longer able to hold her temper in check.

  “Oh seriously, Annabelle you’re being way too dramatic. As always,” she scoffed, brushing her off.

  Annabelle couldn’t take this anymore.

  Not saying another word, she turned and stalked out of the house, slamming the door as hard as she could behind her. Ignoring her mom yelling nonsensical things to her back, as the tears blinded her eyes. She didn’t bother to look back.

  Annabelle blindly drove home, her head filled with more than when she set out on this crazy trip. Again, she questioned her sanity in wasting her time in more ways than one. She knew better but deep down hoped things would change. She wished she’d never gone, because it had obviously been a waste of precious time.

  Annabelle pulled up to the driveway and parked the car, allowing her head to roll back against the seat. Fresh tears sprang to her eyes and this time they fell at a rapid rate. She was thankful not to have an audience. She struggled as she took big gulps of air, and her entire body shook with hurt and anger. Leaning forward she rested her head on the steering wheel, closing her eyes against the flood of emotions of that washed through her.

  The cabin was eerily quiet when she walked in. Feeling frail and emotional, she wished Kade were home. Annabelle flipped on the stereo, and it made her feel better and not so alone. Tossing her keys on the kitchen table, she looked at her reflection in the hallway mirror
. Her cheek held a flaming red handprint and it still stung. She shook her head as she walked to her bedroom, and began undressing, ready for a hot relaxing bath.

  Maybe that would clear her mind a bit as well. She wanted to kick herself in the butt for the stress she’d put on herself, going to visit her parents when she knew it wasn’t a great idea. It was like saying she was going to visit the Devil.

  She took a deep cleansing breath as she grabbed her things and made her way upstairs.

  When she finished her bath, she planted herself on the sofa with a good book, and didn’t realize when she drifted to sleep, until she heard the door open and click shut. She opened her eyes to see Kade walking through the door. She smiled, happy to see him.

  “Hi.” Her voice sounded soft to her ears.

  “Hi, there.” He smiled. “You look comfortable.”

  “I am.”

  Kade walked toward her and took a seat across from her on the coffee table. The way he studied her unnerved her, and made her body prickly and warm with desire. She was unable to look away. Rolling over on her side, her gaze instantly connected with his. For some reason, she couldn’t help it, and could just stare into them all day. If she drowned in those eyes she’d die a happy woman.

  “What’s wrong?”

  She shook her head. “Nothing, I just had a bad day that’s all.”

  Annabelle held her breath as he leaned forward, observing her still slightly red cheek. Then he softly stroked the side of her face, gently, slowly and methodically.


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