Gracie's Plan

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Gracie's Plan Page 10

by Rose Lange

  But she couldn’t help the erotic flashbacks going through her mind at the mere thought of him. She licked her lips, remembering how she’d manhandled him, and how much he’d loved it. She recalled how he’d manhandled her in return, and broke out in goose bumps at the memory. Pressing a hand to her throat, she thought of the emotional connection they’d shared, and her heart ached and broke into a million pieces all over again.

  Annabelle realized that’s what hurt the most. Not only had she been physically intimate with him, but emotionally, and that’s what made the sex so powerful and earth shattering. She’d bared her heart and soul to Kade and he trampled on it. She’d gotten completely naked with him, and he’d disregarded her.

  She shook her head, shrugging off her jacket and tossing it over a kitchen chair. She opened the fridge and noticed a hearty looking casserole. Her stomach grumbled in response, even though she didn’t have much of an appetite. Tossing two good-sized scoops in a bowl, she threw it in the microwave; leaning against the counter for a moment she closed her eyes. She desperately needed to relieve this stress.

  Opening the cabinets, she got out the chocolate chips and flour, deciding some cookies were in order. She took out all the other necessary ingredients and started her batter. Baking always had a calming effect on her. Her aunt had taught her how to make everything from baked bread to cookies, to everything else in between. She may have been a lousy cook but she was one hell of a baker.

  Finishing her task, she quickly started heating the oven while she placed the cookie dough on a sheet. She loved chocolate chip cookies, and a nice hearty glass of milk to wash them down with sounded good right about now. Her stomach let out another fierce growl just thinking about it.

  As she turned around, she bumped into Kade. Literally.


  She stared up into his eyes, and for a moment couldn’t speak. Last night had changed everything, and she was unable to fully cope with the changes. Her heart broke all over again in her chest at the mere sight of him. She must have been kidding herself when she thought they’d make love, and things would be perfect after that. That he might still have some feelings for her as she did for him.

  Anger swiftly welled up in her belly, replacing the pain and hurt, when she realized he hadn’t. Not with the way he’d treated her.

  She averted her eyes, but his earthy scent permeated her senses. Trying to ignore how sexy he looked wearing jeans and a white T-shirt. The man wasn’t even wearing socks. She melted into butter right next to him, end of story. Why did she always find herself naturally drawn to him even when he’d been an ass? She was still hurt from last night, but pushed those thoughts down, not wanting to further humiliate herself.

  Clearing her throat, she tried to show indifference. Placing the cookies in the oven, she took the timer out of the utensil drawer, set it, and tried her best to shut him out. But his scent was everywhere, and it dominated the small space.

  “I don’t have anything to say to you.”

  He sniffed the air. “What are you baking?”

  “Chocolate chip cookies.”

  “Yeah, you were always quite the baker.”

  She blew out a frustrated breath. “Kade, what is it you want?”

  “I want to apologize for last night.”

  She sneered, even though the mere mention of last night sent her heart racing and aching at the same time.

  “What makes you think I’m ever going to accept an apology?”

  Annabelle smirked when she noticed him clenching his jaw, knowing she was getting to him. Good.

  “Because I’m only human and I make mistakes.”

  She wanted to cover her ears, not wanting to hear anymore. “As far as I’m concerned, you didn’t act like one last night, and I think this conversation is over. I have nothing more to say to you.”

  Annabelle started to walk away but he was quicker and stronger, and he took both her arms and brought her chest-to-chest with him. The heat of desire instantly rose in her body, and her belly did multiple flips at his nearness. How warm and strong his hands felt against her. The seductive and angry way he looked at her made her ready to jump out of her body. She figured it would be easiest to put up a brave front, as though he disgusted her, that he had absolutely no effect on her. Which after these last few weeks, and especially after last night, it was no easy feat. The truth was her body and mind were at war. Her mind was angry, and wanted to stay that way.

  Yet her body begged for the sweet release only he could give. And her cheeks must have flamed bright as cherry red lipstick, as she pictured the perfection underneath the clothing. Memories of last night scattered into her brain before she was able to control it.

  Narrowing her eyes, she said, “Take your grimy paws off of me.”

  “Not until you hear what I have to say,” he said between gritted teeth.

  “What makes you think I want to hear what you have to say?”

  She looked him straight in the eyes, and kept her tone even. Trying to keep the moisture in her eyes from turning into tears. She would not cry in front of him, didn’t want to appear weak and frail even though that’s exactly how she felt on the inside.

  “Stop being so damned stubborn and just hear me out.”

  She looked down at her hands, then back up into his eyes. “Fine, but let me go, first.”

  Thankfully he did as she asked. She turned and walked to her room as fast as her legs could carry her. Annabelle heard him fast approaching, and quickly slammed the bedroom door and locked it behind her. Knowing it would only delay the inevitable, but she didn’t care. She wanted to put as much as space between them as quickly as she could. The truth was she wanted him to hold her, put his arms around her and comfort her, but was still too damned angry and hurt over his bitter rejection.

  She watched with wide eyes as the door vibrated with every pound of his fist, and could see the doorknob jiggle as he tried to get in.

  “Annabelle, come out so we can talk about this!”

  She took a seat at the edge of her bed.

  “Leave me alone!”

  She didn’t hear anything for several beats. Then out of curiosity, she crept toward the door, thinking this argument had blown over at least for now. She backed up again as his body slammed against the door, and the wood slowly started to creek and splinter. Her jaw dropped because on the second attempt, he barreled through like an animal, the wood made an awful cracking sound as it splintered, broken down enough that he could get through. As he managed to slide through, her eyes widened as she watched him.

  For an instant, memories of Brad’s abuse popped into her head and she tensed, then she scolded herself. This was Kade, and he’d never hurt her that way.

  Kade looked at her with eyes full of desire and rage, and something else she couldn’t place entirely, but, dammit, she was turned on.

  Annabelle’s breath left her body when he grabbed her by the arms, and brought her close. She stared into his eyes, but had no words. He’d acted like a total ape, breaking down doors, coming in here like he owned the place. But oh God, how much she wanted him.

  “How much longer are you going to put up these fucking walls, Annabelle? It’s getting old.” His voice like velvet yet edged with steel, and that tempting mouth was very close to hers. It made her lose her ability to breathe.

  She gazed into his eyes, and it was hard not to get lost in this moment. Suddenly at a loss for words, she didn’t have the will power to stop him when he brought her closer, and pressed his warm lips on hers.

  Annabelle’s self-control was gone as her tongue traced slow, erotic circles around his tasty lips. She wrapped her hands in his thick hair, and twirled and twirled. Like her fingers could happily get lost in it. Her body ached for his touch, and she responded to him as his hands traveled down
the curves of her body. His hands skimmed down her neck, shoulders, and back. He grabbed a handful of hair and crushed it between his fingers, as his mouth continued its torturous and seductive tease on her lips. Then he made himself at home and cupped one of her breasts. She hitched a breath as he gently stroked it with his palm, her nipples puckered from beneath his touch. She wanted to rip away the offending material, remembering how exquisite his hands had felt on her.

  Annabelle groaned, her entire body achingly aware of him, of his proximity, and of his hands as they burned into her skin. Her belly did flips as he continued his seductive exploration. He grasped her backside, and pushed her into his erection. She realized he was kissing her back with equal parts passion, if not more so, and it was a heady feeling indeed. He was making her high and she was dizzy.

  She lowered her hands and began grasping at his shirt, trying to remove it, but her fingers were all thumbs. She couldn’t help herself, and even though she knew she’d regret it, damn it all, she didn’t care. He was entirely too intoxicating for her own damned good. Her desire for him pooled between her thighs at the mere thoughts running through her mind. Could picture their naked bodies rolling around between the soft sheets in his bedroom again.

  His lips were so perfect that she could go on kissing him forever, but then he backed away. She could hear his ragged breathing and knew he’d been just as affected by the kiss as she was.

  “I’m sorry I hurt you, it’s just that,” he paused, “I felt a little more than I bargained for.”

  Annabelle raised her eyebrows, unable to do anything except stand there, speechless. It was as though he could read her mind. She tried to retain her tough exterior, but didn’t have the words to describe how she felt. Wasn’t ready to pour her heart out to him. Strangely enough, she was ready to be intimate with him except when it came to her feelings.

  Clearing her throat, she attempted to find her voice, and tried to get her mouth to move. But it still reeled from his kiss. She shoved those feelings deep down, and was angry with herself for allowing the kiss to affect her judgment.

  “I see,” she said quietly. “But, what do you want me to do? Fall at your feet, weep like a woman in love?” As soon as the words flew out of her mouth, she knew it was a terrible lie. Because in reality, she was a woman in love. Desperately in love with him, and the fact was she’d never stopped loving Kade. And would never until the day she died.

  He studied her for a moment, as though he could see right through her. It made her shift uncomfortably. “That’s fine, Annabelle. I just thought I’d explain why I behaved badly last night. You didn’t deserve it.”

  “Fine, now are we finished having this conversation?” She hoped her voice sounded strong, as she tried to keep her emotions in check. Hadn’t expected such tender words to come out of his mouth, especially after his behavior last night.

  “Yeah, I suppose we are.”

  Annabelle frowned. “What about my bedroom door?”

  “I’ll have my co-worker come help me fix it tomorrow. You’ll just have to do without it for a night.”

  Her jaw dropped as he walked away, but figured she’d had no choice in the matter. If he hadn’t lost his temper this never would have happened. Thinking quickly, she gathered an old blanket from the closet and used it as a makeshift door. Then she quietly made her way to the kitchen to check on her cookies, praying they hadn’t burned in the midst of this fiasco.

  Then she remembered her now cold food in the microwave. No bother, she didn’t have much of an appetite anymore. She smiled, except for the cookies. They smelled too yummy not to have at least one. The timer went off, signaling they were done. Turning off the oven she placed them on the stove.

  Pouring herself a glass of milk, she sat at the kitchen table. Finishing up, she put the rest of them in the lighthouse shaped cookie jar.

  Walking to her bedroom, she knew it would not be easy to sleep.

  As she got ready for bed that night, his words came flashing back into her mind. She realized they’d penetrated into her soul, and whether or not she liked to admit it, she’d fallen for him again. Wanted his strong, warm body pressed up against hers again. It sent shivers up her spine remembering last night, and how good he’d felt pressed against her naked body. Like they’d picked up where they’d left off years ago. Blowing out a deep breath, she crawled between the coolness of her sheets.

  At times like this she wished she had a comforting mother to turn to, her aunt, or her brother. He’d always been good at solving her problems, a shoulder to lean on when the going got rough. Then when her brother turned eighteen he’d left home, never once looking back. They’d been close, and for him to never call, to sever all ties with her, as if she did something wrong, hurt deeply.

  She’d at least had her aunt, up until a few weeks ago. When Aunt Gracie died, it seemed like life was unfair for taking away all the people she cared about.

  But now Kade was here, and he was telling her his honest feelings, even if she constantly pushed him away. Even though she left him broken-hearted and without a reasonable explanation, and a letter to boot. He still desired her, and poured his heart out to her.

  She smiled as she lay awake, looking up at the big, beautiful white moon as it shone brightly through her window. She loved studying the night sky and the stars, contemplating why she was here. Wondering why Kade was back in her life, and perplexed at how it got so complicated when it should have been easy.

  She was just supposed to live with him for two months, collect her inheritance, and get the hell out of Dodge.

  Life, she realized, had thrown her some curves, but none as strong as this one.

  Chapter 9

  Kade lay awake that night for what seemed like hours. Looking at the bedside alarm clock he realized he’d only been lying there for half an hour. He couldn’t get Annabelle out of his mind. And tonight being so close to her in the small kitchen, and then the hot kiss they’d shared in her bedroom. Her intoxicating perfume filling his nostrils, perfect breasts filling his palms. He couldn’t help it as he drifted off to sleep and dreamt about her.

  Kade always loved these role-plays Annabelle would cook up. Tonight it was the executive visiting the strip bar, and he’d dressed the part in a charcoal gray suit and black tie. He watched, as the bathroom door slowly opened and she stood framed in the doorway, her long strawberry blonde locks flowing down her back. Sparkly stiletto heels showcasing those long voluptuous legs and her see through black lace teddy giving him an eyeful of her breasts. He took a deep breath as her sweet, intoxicating scent permeated the room. She walked toward him slowly, purposefully, her eyes glittering dangerously, and his body reacted instantly.

  “Oh my, Annabelle, you look sexy as hell.”

  He watched as his wife walked toward him, giggling like a schoolgirl. Her eyes locked with his as she gyrated her hips to the music. God help him, as much as he wanted to jump up and take her right here in the middle of the living room, he waited.

  “Are you ready for me?” she purred.

  He slapped his legs. “You know it sweet cheeks. Now bring those sweet buns over here.”

  She straddled him, removing his tie and whipping it aside, coming so close it took his breath away. Every time she was close it took his breath away. She was heartbreakingly, mind-numbingly beautiful.

  “Well, it’s nice seeing you again, Mr. Hoffman.”

  His gaze slid downward in a deliberate and seductive gaze. “It’s very nice seeing you again.”

  “What do you want?”

  “What do you do?” He wrapped his hands around her waist.

  “Just about anything, as long as you pay.”

  Kade didn’t let her explain further, as he grabbed her backside and thrust her against him. His hands slid up and down her body, the thin material bunching up beneath his fingertip
s. His mouth devoured hers in a punishing sexy kiss. She eagerly helped him by pulling it over her head and removing it altogether. His eyes roved up and down her body, as he pulled her toward him, his expert fingers grasped her waist. His senses on overload as honey and lemons permeated the air. She was soft, smooth like silk, and her hair was heaven against his fingertips as he brushed it aside to bare her breasts, her nipples hard and pebbled against his mouth.

  “Take me now, Kade,” she whispered in his ear.

  He shot up in bed, his heart pounded and his sheets were damp with sweat. He took a quick glance around the room and in his bed, making sure she wasn’t there. Because he swore it sounded like she was right here, so much that he could practically still smell her and feel her. His body ached for her. He raked his hands through his hair in frustration, and blew out a quick breath, feeling his erection before he even looked down, and knew he’d have to take an extra-long and extra cold shower before even thinking about getting any sleep.

  “Shit.” Shaking his head, he jumped out of bed, stripped down and jumped in the shower.

  It would be a long next few weeks indeed.

  The next day while Annabelle was at work, he decided to take a couple hours and fix the mess he’d made in her bedroom. As much as he didn’t want to, he’d called upon his best friend, Eric, to help him out. He’d need more than just his own two hands, but wasn’t looking forward to the teasing that would surely ensue.


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