Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 11

by Robert Iannone


  She composed herself and went downstairs and into the kitchen.

  And there was Grammy, Egg and Sylvia sitting around the table drinking hot chocolate. She should have been surprised . . . but she wasn’t.

  “Would you like a cup, dear?”

  The Princess stared from face to face . . . then said, “Please.”


  “How did you do it?” Megg asked Egg.

  “It was Sylvia’s idea. By the way, did you know that she and I are best friends?”

  “Yes. I am sorry I tried to . . . you know . . .”

  “It worked. Stupid me blamed Syl when it was never her fault. Or Zeke’s.”

  “I am so ashamed about all of that.”

  “Why, dear?” asked Grammy.

  The old woman . . . umm, she meant the older Eloise . . . never failed to amaze her. It was the perfect question and she repeated it, “Why?”

  “Yes, why? What is it that you’ve learned that has changed your attitude?”

  Megg took a deep breath and said, “It was the humility of my failures at school, the knowledge I gained from Egg’s diary, the lessons you tried so hard to teach me and some advice I received in a dream.”

  “Did you dream about Storm?” asked Egg.

  “Yes. How did you know?”

  “Lucky guess.”

  “So . . . will you tell me how you did it?”

  “Syl . . .,” said Egg deferring to her friend.

  “I went to see your mom. I told her that things weren’t going very well and I needed help. So she made me a new ring for you . . . one with crystals that didn’t work exactly the way they were supposed to.”

  “I knew it was the crystals . . . but how did you . . .,” she stopped and remembered the science project. “When we made the volcano you had me remove my ring. Then when you picked them up, you pretended to drop mine and that is when you made the switch.”

  Sylvia beamed, “You’re pretty smart . . . for a princess.”

  Megg almost got mad . . . but caught herself. “And so are you. What of my speech . . . which apparently is back to normal.”

  “This pin . . .,” and she pointed to a piece of jewelry on her blouse. “When I touch it, it caused the translation crystal to change your voice.”

  “Was that your idea or my mother’s?”


  Megg just nodded appreciatively. Then she asked, “So I now understand why my answers were wrong in history . . . but Egg, how did you get them all correct?”

  Egg held up her hand to show a ring just like Megg’s.

  “Of course. And Eloise, when you called Egg and then she hung up on you . . . that was all staged for my benefit?”

  “Yes, dear. Did I do well?”

  “I was convinced.”

  “Oh, I’m so glad.”

  “That leaves just one question . . . Sylvia, how did you and Egg make up?”

  “Egg . . .” Sylvia looked to her friend.

  “She appeared in my room one night, grabbed my hand and the next thing I knew we were sitting on George Washington’s head. Then before I could say a word, we were in the Tower of London, then the Eiffel Tower and then at Se’rene on Aerianna. It was all the places she and I had been to together.”

  “Too many good memories for her to ignore. We hugged and that was that.”

  Megg sighed and said, “Someday I can only wish to have a best friend like each of you have.”

  “You will,” said Sylvia.

  “And we may not be best friends yet . . . but we’re still friends,” added Egg.

  And M’egg-Alynnia, the former brat from Aerianna, started to cry again.

  Egg and Sylvia got up, walked over to the Princess, and hugged her.

  “Thank you . . . for everything,” she managed to say between sobs.

  “Just part of the service of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  “And now, sweetheart . . . I think it’s time for you to go home.”

  Megg looked at Grammy in surprise, “Why?”

  “You have nothing more to learn. Going back to school after all that has happened will only subject you to further embarrassment. Your mother misses you and your people need you. Go home and be what you were always meant to be . . . a Princess.”

  “Grammy . . .,” said Meggy without realizing she was using that term of affection, “. . . you are a truly remarkable person.”


  Egg took M’egg-Alynnia home to Aerianna.

  When they entered the throne room, the Princess ran to her mother, threw her arms around the Queen, and hugged her tightly. “Mother, how I have missed you.”

  “And I, you, my daughter.” The Queen looked into her eyes and smiled. “Was your visit to earth successful?’

  “If you mean did I outgrow being a royal brat . . . I believe the answer is yes. Do you agree, Egg?”

  “I absolutely agree.”

  “You are so much like I was at your age, my dearest child. It took my friend Storm and his family to open my eyes to my responsibilities. And, Egg and her family have done the same for you.”

  “He came to me in a dream.”

  That made Dazzle smile brightly. “He would only do that if he felt that you are worthy to be Queen. I am pleased.” Then she turned to Egg and said, “There is no way for me to express my gratitude, my sister. You and Sylvia and your Grandmother have again performed a great service to my family and my people.”

  “Heck, we hardly did anything. You have a terrific daughter . . . she figured it all out for herself.”

  “Perhaps. But, I do have a small gift for you . . .” and the Queen looked up and signaled the Imperial Sentinels. They opened the big doors and in slithered none other than Soo’nami.

  “Hey, Egg . . . back so soon?”

  “Hey, yourself, you giant green goofball,” and she hugged her serpent sister.

  “Come on, you’re supposed to leave silly sayings to me.”

  “Egg, on behalf of the people of Aerianna, I would present you with a small token of our appreciation. Soo’nami, if you please.”

  “Egg-o, I believe this is yours . . .,” and she handed her friend a package.

  Egg opened it and almost fell on the floor. It was her flying suit.

  “Oh my gosh . . . does it work?”

  “Of course it works. Me and Tink’rrr (K’ssss’ dad) have been working on for years.”

  “Egg . . .,” said the Queen, “. . . you are once again Flying Girl.”

  Egg stared at the suit and tried to say something . . . but her mouth wouldn’t work. She wiped at her eyes, which were beginning to tear.

  “Mother, I do believe you have rendered our friend speechless.”

  And still Egg couldn’t speak . . . she just held the suit very close to her chest. She had given up being Flying Girl in order to bring back Dazzle. It was a sacrifice she made willingly. But to have it restored to her gave her joy beyond imagining.

  “Egg, my sister . . . there is no one in the universe that deserves the suit more than you. You are the most extraordinary person I have ever met.”

  “And that goes for me also. I wish I, too, could give you and Sylvia and Grammy a gift.”

  Egg finally found her voice, “. . . friendship is the only gift we need.”

  “And you will always have that,” and Dazzle squeezed her daughter’s hand in approval.

  Soo’ listened to this exchange between Egg and the Mega-brat and almost fell over backwards. She couldn’t wait till to tell the others.

  “Dazzle . . . thank you,” and she hugged her friend who returned the embrace just as fiercely.

  But before they could say another word, a minister ran into the room unannounced. “I am sorry to intrude, my Queen.”

  “What troubles you, minister?”

  “Lord Z’kkk and his party . . . they have encountered a . . . umm . . . a problem.”

  “What kind of problem?”

  “We just re
ceived a message from them. It reads, “We are under attack and our survival is at risk. Do not send help . . . the danger is far too great.”

  “Where are they?” asked M’egg-Alynnia who had gone white.

  “On the planet Zynn-Zaz’zia. Lord Z’kkk led a delegation of cultural and scientific representatives . . . including Princess Ss’ong, Prince Soar’elle and Eloise’s sister, Sassi. We thought we had been invited. Apparently it was a trick.”

  “Summon volunteers . . .,” commanded the Queen. “I will dispatch an army to affect their release.”

  “Your Majesty . . .,” interrupted the Minister. “I strongly advise against that.”


  “Invading a sovereign world is tantamount to declaring war. We do not know who is responsible for this outrage. Until we have more information, we might be making an enemy of a potential ally.”

  Rose’Alynnia weighed that advice and reluctantly agreed.

  Into the ensuing silence, Egg asked the Queen “What can I do?”

  The Queen looked at Egg. The Sisterhood would be the ideal solution to this diplomatic problem but could she ask them to once again risk their lives. She mentally struggled with her decision and reluctantly decided, “I cannot ask you for help. You have done too much for my family already.”

  “Dazzle . . . there’s no way I’m not going to help Sassi.”

  Again, the Queen went silent as she considered her answer. “You cannot go alone.”

  “Speaking for the rest of the Sisterhood, your Majesty . . .,” said Soo, “she won’t be.”

  Egg smiled at her serpent sister. Then she turned to the Queen, “And Sylvia will go. That makes six of us.”

  “Mother . . . unless Egg and her sisters refuse, I too will go.”

  Everyone turned to stare at the Princess.

  “I will not allow it.”

  Without thinking, Egg said “Dazzle . . . I think she should go.”


  “I just have a feeling.” Egg was famous for her intuition. It inevitably turned out to be correct. “Besides, the Hameggattic Sisterhood needs seven sisters . . . it’s a tradition.”

  Without hesitation, Dazzle said, “Then she may go.”

  “Great. Soo’ . . . can you get the others while I go back and get Sylvia.”


  Just then, a page ran in and handed the minister a note. “Your Majesty . . . I have received a message from Lord Z’kkk.”

  “Read it.”

  The minister cleared his throat and read, “. . . we have surrendered.” He looked up and said, “I am sorry. We lost the transmission at that point.”

  Dazzle fought to calm her emotions and to hold back her tears . . . to cry at a time like this was something a Queen could not do. She looked at her daughter then turned to Egg. “I cannot bear to lose him again (she was referring to her husband Z’kkk whom she had lost for a thousand years because of the evil Mobius). Save them, my sister. Please.”

  Book 2


  Book 2 of Zynn-Zaz’zia

  An Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood novel

  © Copyright, 2014, by Robert Iannone,

  All Rights Reserved.

  Table of Contents

  Chapter 1 – Make a Mother Proud

  Chapter 2 – Trees and Dreams

  Chapter 3 – Getting to Know You

  Chapter 4 – Zynnia

  Chapter 5 – Gone with the Wind

  Chapter 6 – Now and Then

  Chapter 7 – The Nauti Get Naughty

  Chapter 8 – Zazzi, the Caretaker

  Chapter 9 – OH NO MO

  Chapter 1 – Make a Mother Proud


  “Yes, minister?”

  “You must not send the Sisterhood . . . it is far too dangerous.”

  “Would you have me do nothing?” Rose’Alynnia asked with forced calm.

  “It can’t be any more dangerous than facing Mobius or crossing the seven lands,” interjected Egg angrily.

  The minister glanced at the young girl then turned his attention back to the Queen. “I am sorry, your Highness. Forgive me. What I meant to say is that they should be properly briefed and adequately prepared before they venture into an unknown and obviously dangerous situation.”

  “Thank you. That is sage advice.”

  “And, perhaps our scientist can give them a measure of protection if not an outright advantage over the enemy. The Flying Suit was just one of the many projects they have been working on.” (Egg’s flying suit had been powered by Dazzle’s spirit. When she had the Myst Tree at Sighing Whorl restore that spirit to the Queen’s body, the suit had ceased to function. Aerianna scientists had worked for years to find an alternate power source. They succeeded and the suit was just recently returned to Egg).

  “Another excellent suggestion, Minister.” The Queen turned to her earthly sister, “Egg, we do not know what you will face. But taking the time to prepare you for your rescue mission will minimize the danger and increase your chances of success.”

  “But, Mother . . . the longer we wait, the more danger my father will face.” The fact that M’egg-Alynnia made her argument without her usual theatrics was a testimony to how well Egg and Sylvia (and of course Grammy) had influenced the young Princess during her short stay on Earth.

  “No, my daughter. He has already been captured. If he is still alive . . .,” she hesitated for just a heartbeat, “. . . then a brief delay should pose no additional risk.”

  “So what do you want us to do now?” asked Egg.

  Dazzle didn’t respond immediately. Instead, she stood up and walked over to an impressively large portrait of her husband that had been painted just the year before.

  ‘How handsome, he is,’ she thought to herself as she gazed at his face. Everyone respected her need for quiet except for the gigantic clock mounted high overhead. It rudely insisted on ticking away each precious second . . .

  . . . with overly loud mechanical clicks that echoed throughout the otherwise silent great hall.

  The Queen finally made her decision. She turned to Egg and said, “Sister, I know that you cannot simply leave earth for a week or two without the assistance of Eloise (she was referring to Egg’s grandmother who was the only one that knew of Egg’s exploits on Aerianna). So first and foremost you and she must make those arrangements.”

  “Next week is spring break. It’ll be perfect.”

  “I am unfamiliar with that expression.”

  “It is an interval halfway through a school term in which no classes are held,” answered the Princess.

  Dazzle smiled as she remembered where her daughter had been for the last few months. After suffering with M’egg-Alynnia’s uncontrollable selfish and self-centered behavior for years, she had enlisted the help of Egg, Sylvia and Grammy and sent the girl kicking and screaming to earth to learn a little humility.

  In fact, the Princess had just returned only to be greeted by the news of her father’s troubles.

  “We have yet to discuss your brief stay on earth. Will you join me for dinner tonight so I may hear of your visit?”

  The old M’egg-Alynnia would have responded with some rude comment to this invitation. But, the new and improved Princess was able to look beyond herself and see how much her mother was suffering with this crisis. As importantly, she was embarrassingly aware of how everyone on Aerianna thought of her – conceited, ill mannered, and woefully undeserving to be the next Queen.

  “Mother, I would love to have dinner with you. But, with your permission, I would also like to invite the Sisterhood. It is not enough for Egg to accept my help. I believe all of the sisters should be allowed to judge for themselves whether I am worthy to join them.”

  Dazzle stared at her daughter in wide-eyed astonishment.

  Soo’ stared at the Princess with open-mouth disbelief.

  The minister tried very hard not to stare in shock.

  Egg just smiled.


  Egg used her ring and popped back to earth to tell Grammy what was going on and to fetch Sylvia. By the time they got back to Aerianna, Soo’ was just arriving with the rest of the Sisterhood.

  After the usual happy hugs and heartfelt hellos, Aeri’elle asked, “Egg, what’s going on? All Soo’ would tell us was that there’s some kind of trouble and the Queen asked for our help.”

  Neither Aeri’elle nor K’ssss knew what fate had befallen their fathers . . . or Sassi for that matter. Dazzle wanted to be the one to tell them and had instructed Soo’ not to say anything other than what she did.

  But before Egg had to make up an answer, M’egg-Alynnia opened the door and walked into the room. The two serpents and two dragons bowed low. “Wonderful . . . you are all here. Please come in.”

  Surprised by the unexpected sight of the Princess, Bl’azzz stole a look at Aeri’elle who looked at Soo’, who refused to meet her glance.

  “Please . . .,” said M’egg-Alynnia, and she stepped back so the others could enter the room in front of her. K’ssss looked panic stricken at the thought . . . and simply froze. Only Soo’ who knew of the apparent changes in the Princess had the courage to do as she was asked. The other three Aeriannians had no choice but to follow her lead.

  “Welcome, Sisters.”

  At the sight of the Queen, the girls bowed again than stood and smiled. Rose was loved by all of Aerianna . . . but she had a truly special bond with the Hameggattic Sisters.

  “I believe you all know my daughter . . .,” and she pointed to the Princess. The two dragons mumbled something unintelligible while K’ssss sort of whimpered.

  Without thinking, M’egg-Alynnia’s first impulse was to explode in anger. But as the words reached her lips . . . she realized what she was about to do and blushed in embarrassment. Only her mother noticed . . . and her eyes beamed with pride.

  “Please, everyone, make yourselves comfortable and I will explain why we are all here.”

  The room they were in was designed to accommodate all three races. There were little wading pools for serpents to sit in, branch-like perches for dragons and large cushy chairs for humans. In fact, these were so large that Egg and Sylvia sat together in one.


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