Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 22

by Robert Iannone

  Chapter 4 – Plan B from Outer Space

  About Two Weeks Ago

  Mobius, Bl’udd and Howl had accompanied the explorer back to the entrance of the space portal. Howl stared at the unnatural phenomenon, but said nothing.

  Mobius looked at his captive and demanded, “Tell me the message you will deliver.”

  Still under the mind control of the evil one, the poor fellow had no choice in the matter. “I will tell them that I was injured and restored to health by the good people of Zynn-Zaz’zia. Then their leader, Sui’Bom, asked me to invite the Queen to send a delegation to explore the possibility of future cooperation between our two worlds.”

  “Very good. What else?”

  “Sui’Bom is a most impressive individual.”


  “Um . . . I can’t remember anything else.”

  “Excellent. Now go.”

  The explorer nodded, turned and entered the portal. In an instant, both he and the swirling tunnel of light disappeared.

  Turning to Howl, Mobius commanded, “Post two guards. Be sure they stay out of sight. As soon as someone steps through the portal, have one of them return to the village and report. The second should remain here to keep an eye on our guests.”

  “As you command.”

  “Hey, Mobius. Who is Sui’Bom?” asked a confused Bl’udd.

  “Idiot. That’s Mobius spelled backwards.”

  The dragon rolled his eyes.


  Present Day

  “First, I told BreeZee she could help. She should be here any minute.”

  “Is that really wise?” asked the Princess. “After all, she is not a Sister nor does she possess unique abilities and knowledge, such as Zazzi.”

  “Neither were the Shades of Night. But they turned out to be amazing friends and without their help we probably wouldn’t have won.”

  “Of course. I had forgotten. My apologies.”

  “M’egg, you don’t need to apologize every time. We’re all Hameggattic Sisters.”

  “Of course. I am sorry.”

  “M’EGG” said Egg in exasperation.

  “I was teasing.”

  “Yeah, right,” whispered Soo to Bl’azzz.

  “I heard that.”

  “Heard what?” asked the serpent pretending innocence.

  “Remember, when this rescue is over, I will be a Princess and you will be my humble servant.”

  Soo’s eyes got very big as she stared at the other girl.

  “Just teasing . . . again.” All the girls smiled . . . except the serpent.

  “Alright you guys, stop already.”

  “Sorry, Egg”.

  “I am not sorry,” said the Princess. Then she grinned, “I am not allowed to apologize. Our leader was abundantly clear on the subject.”

  Bl’azzz got the courage to say, “You’re actually a little weird, your Highness. I mean that in the nicest way.”

  “And I accept it in the spirit it was given.”

  “Come on guys,” pleaded Egg.

  “Egg . . . there’s BreeZee,” and Sylvia pointed skyward.

  A moment later, the Wind’dancer landed gracefully in front of her new friends. “Am I late?”

  “Right on time. Take a seat. We just started discussing our plans.”

  The winged girl looked around and Sylvia moved over to make room for her.

  “Okay, where were we?”

  “Don’t ask,” said Aeri’elle.

  “Oh, yeah. Never mind. So, what I’m thinking is Zazzi and K’ssss should swim around and see if they can spot anything that might help us in locating the hostages. Are you good with that, K’ssss”?

  “Oh my goshes, yes”.

  “Next, I need Bl’azzz and Soo to volunteer for the most dangerous assignment . . . “

  “You got it.”

  “I’m in.”

  Egg smiled. “Do you think I should at least tell you what I have in mind before you agree?”

  Soo looked at Bl’azzz and they both looked at Egg. “Why?” said the serpent. She (and Bl’azzz) really didn’t understand what the girl was getting at.

  “You might not like it.”

  “What’s that got to do with anything?”

  Egg opened her mouth to say something snide but changed it to, “Never mind. Any who, thank you.”

  “Not to be slow witted, but what is their assignment? And why did you choose them?” The Princess wanted to understand Egg’s reasoning so that she might learn how to be a better leader.

  Before Egg could answer, Soo jumped in with, “because me and she are the bravest, smartest and . . . well, dare I say, the cutest sisters. No offense.”

  M’egg was about to reply but Egg cut her off with an emphatic, “Don’t.”

  “At the rate we’re going,” complained Aeri’elle, “we’ll be here all day.”

  BreeZee was taking this all in with great interest. ‘How wonderfully weird the universe is,’ she thought. ‘Dragons, serpents and wingless girls all friends . . . all brave . . . and all willing to sacrifice themselves for a greater good.’ She had yet to make a contribution but deep in her heart, she knew she belonged with them.

  Lost in thought she realized she had missed some of what Egg was saying.

  “. . . back to Aerianna.”



  “Would you two let me finish? I want you to go home then have the scientists aim the portal back to the original spot. Then you guys will fly through. You’re going to be what the Queen is sending to rescue the hostages.”

  “Just the two of us? That’s not much,” said Bl’azzz

  “Do not be silly. My mother is sending the two bravest, smartest and, need I say, cutest Hameggattic Sisters. Mobius will be daunted at such adversaries.”

  Bl’azzz turned to Soo, “What did she say?”

  “She’s making fun of us.”


  “After they come through, then what?” asked Aeri’elle trying not to be sucked into the tomfoolery.

  “Um . . . they make a big show of flying around looking for the hostages. Then they make their escape. Or they get captured. Or maybe both.”

  That was met with dead silence until Soo said, “Your mother needs to get her money back from that test.”

  “What? What test?”

  “You are insane.”


  About a Week Ago

  Lord Z’kkk turned to the dragon and asked, “Are you ready, Prince Soar’elle?”

  “Yes, your Highness”.

  “And the others?”

  “Sassi is very excited about this opportunity. And Tink’rrr is beside himself with anticipation over the possibility of studying new technology.”

  His Lordship smiled. “Scientists are a unique breed.”

  “As you say, your Highness.”

  “Well, if you will excuse me, I believe the Queen is expecting a goodbye kiss. I think it unwise to make her wait.”

  “I will see you at the portal, Sire.”

  So Z’kkk made his way to the Arboretum where his wife was waiting. It was her favorite retreat on the floating city of Q’umulus. He found her in the section dedicated to roses.

  “A rose by any other name . . .,” he said softly so as not to startle her. She was pruning a plant and apparently did not hear him approach.

  “Such poetry . . .,” she said as she turned to face the love of her life. “But I do believe there is more to it than that.” Both she and her husband enjoyed Earth literature and read vociferously.

  “Hmmm . . . let me think,” he teased. “A rose by any other name . . . still has thorns and a man best be careful.”

  “That was awful. I command you to try again. And, if you do not wish to lose your head, I expect you to do Mr. Shakespeare and his writings the justice they deserve.”

  “Too late, I am afraid.”

  “Too late?”

  “I have already lost my he
ad . . . and my heart.”

  “Ah, I believe Egg once told me that would be considered ‘a nice save’.”

  “Then if it pleases her Majesty, this humble servant would kiss your royal lips.”

  “It most definitely pleases,” and they kissed. “Now, I order you to be careful and to return to me quickly and unharmed.”

  “As you command,” and he kissed her once more.


  The attack came swiftly and without warning. They had just stepped through the portal, and before they could even get their bearings, they were trying to protect themselves from armed Nauti.

  Lord Z’kkk tried to hold up a white flag of truce so he might talk to these people but it was shot out of his hand with some sort of crossbow. He then commanded everyone to get back into the portal but again the attackers put an end to that plan by barring the way. He contacted Aerianna, but before he could finish the second message, his communications device was destroyed. Having no way to escape and no means to protect his people, the man with the blue skin, the husband of Queen Rose’Alynnia, stood up and surrendered.

  He was hoping that once the fighting stopped, he might be able to sort out the confusion and misunderstanding that led to this unfortunate encounter. But that thought died when he heard . . .

  “Welcome to Zynn-Zaz’zia.”

  Z’kkk turned towards the voice and nearly fell over in shock. It was literally the last person in the universe he had expected to see.

  It was Mobius.

  Behind him, he heard the dragon and the serpent gasp. Sassi moaned loudly and would have fallen down if Soar’elle hadn’t given her a wing to steady herself.

  “To whom do I have the pleasure of addressing?” the evil one said. Try as he might he couldn’t keep a smile from his face.

  Realizing the archenemy of Aerianna (not to mention of his wife) didn’t recognize him, and knowing his mind was protected from intrusion, he lied, “My name is E’zekiel, the Earl of Graystone.” An Earl was of lesser nobility than a Prince or Lord. But he knew that Mobius would rightly expect that the Queen would have sent a Royal to lead such a mission.

  Hoping that his companions would see what he was doing, he hurriedly introduced them with false names. “This is Hysss’terra, a renowned scientist,” and he pointed at Tink’rrr. “The young lady is Serendipity and she is our cultural attaché’. The third member (pointing at Soar’elle) is Men’dacious - one of our foremost educators and an expert on Aerianna history.

  “An honor,” said Mobius with false sincerity. “I would introduce myself but, with all due modesty, I believe you know who I am.”

  Z’kkk stared without giving his adversary the pleasure of a response.

  “Such courage. Perhaps we will get an opportunity to put it to a real test.” Turning to the Nauti, he commanded, “Bring them.”


  Present Day

  “Egg, you may not be crazy, but that part of the plan definitely is,” commented Aeri’elle.

  “It does seem fraught with danger,” added M’egg.

  “You never really liked me, did you?” kidded Bl’azzz.

  “Come on you guys, give her a chance to explain,” said Sylvia coming to her friend’s aid. When they quieted down, she turned to Egg and said, “So tell them why you haven’t completely lost your mind.” Under her breath, she whispered, “If you can.”

  “We have to send somebody. It can’t be any humans because Mobius would mess with our minds. Besides, even though I’m older, I think he might remember me. So that leaves two dragons and one serpent, since I promised Zazzi that I would have K’ssss work with him.”


  “So why not me?” asked Aeri’elle.

  “I’m going need you to team up with Meggy.”

  “Why not have my mother send armed Sentinels? A military response is obviously warranted.”

  “Then there would be no need for the Hameggattic Sisters, would there? Just send in the army.”

  “It is Mobius we are facing. Is that not sufficient reason?”

  “What about all the innocent Nauti and Wind’dancers that might get hurt? Remember, Mobius is here because of us. If we hadn’t put him in that spaceship, none of this would have happened.”

  That thought was like a slap in the face. Everyone went silent because they could think of no argument to counter Egg’s line of reasoning.

  After a minute, BreeZee broke the silence. “Thank you.”

  Everyone turned to the beautiful, winged girl. “Why are you thanking us?” asked Egg.

  “Because you are putting the safety of my people first. That’s a very noble thing to do.”

  “And that’s why she’s the leader of the Sisterhood,” said Aeri’elle. “The rest of us would have made a bad situation worse.” Then she quickly added, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t talk for the rest of you. But if I were put in charge, I would never have reasoned this out like Egg. For the umpteenth time, my dear Sister, Dazzle made the right choice.”

  Egg blushed . . . she really hated being the center of attention. And she still didn’t know how to take a compliment well. In her mind she was just one of the girls . . . she never knew how she seemed to come to the right decisions most of the time. She wasn’t half as smart as Sylvia or Aeri’elle, and she wasn’t trained in leadership like M’egg. It really was the biggest mystery of Flying Girl.

  “Aeri’elle, thank you but you’re giving me way too much credit. If you were in charge . . . any of you . . . you’d figure it out just like me. Probably quicker.”

  “I disagree,” said M’egg. “You . . . “

  “No. Stop. This isn’t about me. So, thank you BreeZee but it’s just the right thing to do. Anyway, back to the plan. Soo, Bl’azzz . . . can you do it?”

  “Easy-peezy, Egg-o. What about you, big bird?”

  “I’ll eat an extra helping of asparagus. That really gives me gas. You and me, sister, are going out in a Bl’azzz of Glory.”

  “Yippee. Just watch where you aim that mouth of yours.”

  “Great,” said Egg. “What I want you to do is head for the Nauti village, fly over, make a lot of noise, and then Bl’azzz get the heck out of there.”

  “I will. Then me and Soo will head back here . . . right?”


  “No? Where, then?”

  Egg turned to look at Soo. “I want you to be captured.”

  After the last discussion, no one was willing to tell Egg she really was nuttier than a fruitcake . . . but the silence was deafening.

  Soo’s response was, “Excuse me for a second. Bl’azzz, can I have a word . . . in private.”

  The two went off to talk. A moment later the Princess, Aeri’elle and Sylvia stood up, excused themselves and went to join the F’yre dragon and serpent. The five started talking with an occasional glance back at Egg.

  “What are they doing?” asked BreeZee.

  “They’re not sure if I’ve gone loony tunes. So they’re trying to figure out what I’m thinking.”

  “What is a loony tune?”

  “Oh, sorry. It’s an earth expression. It means crazy.”

  “And are you?” she asked in all seriousness.

  “Hard to say. I actually failed that test.” Egg was teasing, of course, but BreeZee responded with very wide eyes. “I’m just kidding.”

  “Oh, good.”

  A few minutes later, the girls walked back. It was M’egg who spoke for the group. “You are brilliant.”

  “I’d rather be cute as a button.”

  “Settle for brilliant,” said Sylvia with a smile. Egg stuck out her tongue in way of answering.

  “I’m sorry. I’m not following.”

  “I’ll let Soo tell you,” Egg said to the Wind’dancer.

  “Egg wants me to be captured so they’ll put me in with the prisoners. Then I can find out where they are. If I can hide my communications device, I’ll be able to send you guys a message. Even if that doesn’t work, I
can let our friends know what’s going on. Maybe we can stage an escape.” She turned to Egg and asked “Right?”

  “Wow, I never . . .”

  “Egg,” said Sylvia with a shake of the head, “don’t pretend that this wasn’t your plan.”

  Flying Girl had been about to do just that. Instead, she said, “I was going to say I never . . . thought you’d figure it out.”

  As if on cue, two serpents, two humans and two dragons attacked her with total determination to tickle her till she wet herself.

  Chapter 5 – Loony Tunes

  If Mobius had known that Flying Girl was as ticklish as she was, he might have sent a giant evil feather to attack her instead of K’aos or the Green Faerie.

  “I think we should let her up,” said Sylvia.


  “She’s turning purple.”

  “Oh, yeah. Kind of pretty.”

  They all got off and returned to their seats as if nothing had happened.

  “That was mean,” Egg said as she wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes.

  “Perhaps,” said the Royal Princess. “But well deserved.”

  BreeZee had watched the whole episode with a big smile on her face. The more she talked or listened to these girls, the more she wanted to be a Hameggattic Sister.

  When things had settled down, she said, “If you show me where this portal will be, I can show you how to get to the Nauti village.”

  “That would be great,” and Egg pulled out the map the Minister had provided. The girls all leaned over as the Wind’dancer showed them where to locate the village.

  They were so involved with what they were doing that they didn’t hear Zazzi approach. “May I join you?”

  Everyone jumped at his voice.


  “Hello, K’ssss. Are you well?”

  “She didn’t sleep a wink,” said Soo mischievously. Bl’azzz whacked her on the head so she wouldn’t say anything else.

  “I’m sorry to hear that.” Then he noticed BreeZee and things became uncomfortable. The only Wind’dancer or Nauti he ever met were ones with grey wings who had failed the Rite of Ascension. Even their parents never met him . . . by custom they had to leave before he arrived.


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