Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 30

by Robert Iannone

  “I really don’t like that idea.”

  “Sorry, but it’s the only way. Besides, rescuing the hostages was our mission. If you get them back to Aerianna, then the Hameggattic Sisterhood will have done its job.”

  “Still don’t like it . . . but I see your point.”

  “So how do we get into Reven’s not-yet-built castle? How do we get her to help us? And how do we lure Mobius into the place?” asked Sylvia.

  Before that could be discussed, Zazzi called. “Egg . . .”

  “Yeah, Zazzi?”

  “She’s awake.”

  “Already? I thought you said it would be days?”

  “I don’t think the transference was successful. I’m sorry.”

  “Is she okay otherwise?”

  “A bit confused . . . though it’s hard to tell because . . . well, that may just be her normal self.”

  “Can she travel?”

  “Yes, but a little more rest would be good for her.”

  “Then come back to camp as soon as you can. I have another assignment for you.”

  “Give us till the morning.”

  Egg turned to the other girls, “That’s really disappointing.”

  “I am so very proud of her for trying. She makes Aerianna . . . and the Sisterhood . . . better for the effort.”

  “Spoken like a wise queen,” said Aeri’elle in all seriousness.

  A flicker of light caught Egg’s attention. It was the briefest gleam of red in Spirit’s eyes. “Did you want to say something?”


  Egg maintained eye contact for a few more seconds. “Okay, then. Let’s talk about Reven. On second thought, we should hear what Spirit has to tell us about how to get into her castle.” The other three girls turned to stare at the Thought Weaver.

  “There is a bridge – The Hour Bridge – from the present into Reven’s future. All that we need to do is cross it.”

  “I’m guessing there’s a little more to it than that?”

  “Upon the bridge are stepping stones. Take the wrong one and you . . . we . . . end up back where we started. The right ones will eventually lead us across and into Reven’s present.”

  “And . . .”

  “Though the first wrong step leads back to our present, the second wrong path leads us off the bridge and literally into the River of Time.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that . . . whatever it means.”

  “Nor should you. If we fall into the River . . . it will wash us into the future. How far is not knowable. But once there, we would be stranded forever.”

  “Definitely not liking it.”

  “I got goose bumps,” added Sylvia.

  “The good news is that the problem is only from the now into Reven’s future. When we cross back into our own time, it’s just a bridge . . . no wrong turns to trap you.”


  “So we can find our way into the castle. The two other questions posed by Sylvia still require answers. How do we enlist Reven’s help and lure Mobius into it?”

  “The second question is simple . . . big bad Mo would love to get his hands on me,” said Egg. “I think he won’t be able to resist following me into the castle.” Now that she said it, it seemed obvious to the other girls so there was no argument.

  “Egg,” said Sylvia, “we can’t get Reven to help us since we’re going to destroy the castle and everyone – everything – that’s in it. She probably won’t be too happy about that.”


  Megg said, “Then I suggest we visit the castle before we invite Mobius. We will need to learn how to avoid Reven and by what means ‘release the sands of time’ . . . whatever that might mean.”

  Everyone wanted to argue that it was too dangerous, but they couldn’t think of any other plan. Anyway, it was late and they were tired. Maybe a good night’s sleep would clear their minds and present a different strategy.


  They were making breakfast when Aeri’elle said, “We have company,” and pointed skyward. It was BreeZee . . . and her dad. They landed, gracefully as ever, and approached. “Hi”.

  “Glad to see you . . . both of you,” said Egg.

  Zephyr’s response was a little strange. “Seven silly girls . . . ha.”

  “I’m guessing you told him about the Quest.”

  “She did. If just half of it is true then I am in the presence of a truly heroic band of . . . young women.”

  “I’m sure she exaggerated a teensy bit.”

  “No, more likely I left out way too much.”

  “May we join you?” asked the clan leader.

  “That’d be great. Are you guys hungry?”

  Getting right to business, he said, “No, thank you. So tell me your plans. What would you have us do?”

  The Princess spoke first. “Before we begin, how are your people coping?”

  “Thanks for asking. They are trying to be brave. There are other Sun-Seeker forests we can use to rebuild . . . but none has a WingStone. Unless the Nauti share theirs, we are facing disaster. And to share it, we would have to join forces with Mobius. It is a no-win situation.” BreeZee took her father’s hand and gave it a squeeze.

  “You will not need the Nauti’s WingStone,” said Spirit.

  Zephyr looked at the alien girl. “You said something similar before. I fervently hope you’re right. Can you tell me why?”

  “To know the future jeopardizes what might be. I’m sorry.”

  The man gave that some thought. “So, if I was to learn how this miracle will happen, my very knowing may cause it not to happen. Is that it?”

  “Yes. That outcome is not likely . . . but I’m not willing to risk it. Nor should you.”

  “Can you tell me now what a Thought Weaver is?”

  The girl explained to the newcomers what she had told the sisters earlier.

  “But if you can only see the possibilities in the immediate future, how do you know about the WingStone and what might happen days from now?” That was a great question that the girls had never thought to ask.

  “The WingStone is a living organism . . . like a flower. But Zynnia gave it a rudimentary intelligence. Because of that, I can see the next path the Stone will take.”

  “And somehow it’s going to work out well?”

  “Better than you could have ever expected.”

  “I don’t know what that means . . . but I have no reason to doubt you. Thanks . . . you give me hope where none existed.” Turning to Egg, he asked, “What would you have me and my people do?”


  “Excuse me?”

  “We can’t have Mobius get you . . . any of you. That would just make him and his army stronger. So I need you to hide someplace he can’t find.”

  “Where would that be?”

  And right on cue, Zazzi and K’ssss slithered out of the water. “We are back,” he said needlessly.

  Zephyr literally jumped out of his seat. BreeZee grabbed his hand again and pulled him down. “Daddy, it’s okay. They’re friends.”

  “Sorry. Just surprised to have a sea serpent slither up and greet me.”

  “I apologize . . . I did not mean to frighten you.”

  Now for the awkward part. “Zephyr, this is Zazzi. He’s the serpent from the lava . . . from the Caldera of Zaz’zia.”

  The Wind’dancer again jumped up and pushed his daughter behind him. “I don’t understand? What do you want with us? Our wings haven’t wilted.”

  “I am not here to claim you. I am here as a friend and,” he raised his head to show off his green scarf, “as an honorary member of the Hameggattic Sisterhood.”

  Well, this was all too much for poor Zephyr so he sat back down and the girls shared the story of how they met the serpent and why he had volunteered to help them.

  “Daddy, he really is our friend.”

  Zephyr smiled. “Bree, it wasn’t too long ago you were afraid of everything. You’re now helping these . . .
these . . . beings from other worlds and a serpent that has been the dread of every parent on this planet . . . to fight an evil that is as fearsome as anything we have ever encountered. I couldn’t be more proud of you.”

  “Daddy, what I am now is because of you. You have always had faith in me, encouraged me, taught me, and loved me unconditionally. I’ve become what you and mom helped make me,” and she gave him a warm hug.

  The other girls wiped their eyes.


  “Oh my gosh, sorry K’ssss. I forgot all about you. How are you feeling?”


  “Well, I want you to do me a very big favor. Okay?”

  “What flavor?”

  “No, not flavor . . . favor.”

  “I like chocolate.”

  Egg smiled. “Me too. Anyway, I need you to go back to Aerianna for a while.”

  “Please don’t send her away,” begged Zazzi.

  Megg answered, “She needs medical attention. She may return when this mission is over.” It was spoken as a Princess with no room to argue.

  “Of course. May I go with her?”

  “You may not. You have responsibilities here. The serpents still require your supervision.”

  “And . . . ,” said Egg, “we would like you to hide the Wind’dancers in your cavern so Mobius can’t find them.”

  “You want my people to voluntarily go into the Caldera? Are you crazy?”

  “NO . . . my mother had me tested.”


  Zazzi came to her rescue. “Not the Caldera but the cavern which I call home. It is quite pleasant and can easily accommodate your village. It would be my honor if you would accept the invitation.”

  “Zephyr, we don’t have much time. You need to find a way to get your people here . . . the sooner the better.”

  “I will try.” Turning to the serpent, he said “Thank you.” As an afterthought, he asked, “Have you heard that our WingStone has been destroyed by Mobius?”

  The Serpent was shocked for he understood what that would mean to the young Wind’dancers that had not yet ascended. “I am sorry. Please tell your people they have nothing to fear from me until you can find an alternative. I shall refuse to accept any Wind’dancers until you . . . until we . . . have found a solution.”

  Zephyr stared at the creature he had so feared. “I . . . I have no way to express my feelings at this moment. I will say thank you, however that is woefully inadequate to describe the relief in my heart.”

  “Words are but a waft of air . . . let our deeds show our true measure.”

  “Well said, friend Zazzi.”

  “Bree . . . why don’t you go with your dad to help with the villagers,” suggested Egg.

  “I’d like that, thank you.”

  “And I will go home to prepare for your arrival.”

  “Then my daughter and I will hurry. We’ll meet you back here as quickly as we can.”


  They all took K’ssss to the portal. Sylvia volunteered to accompany her to explain to the doctors what had happened.

  “You take care of yourself, K’ssss.”


  Egg smiled, “Yes, chocolate,” and she hugged the silly serpent. She turned to Sylvia. “Get back as quickly as you can.”

  “I will. Don’t do anything until then. Promise?”


  “Sylvia,” said Spirit. “Please give this to K’ssss when you get to Aerianna.” She handed the girl the fragment of the WingStone.

  “Really? Why?”

  Spirit just stared at her.

  “Oh, right. Sorry I asked.” Turning to K’ssss, she said, “Let’s go. They have a ton of chocolate waiting for you.”


  “Why are you laughing?”

  “I like chocolate.”

  Chapter 4 – Time to Go

  Someplace near the Nauti Village

  “That is all? Three?” It was very disappointing. Obviously, the delegation he had captured didn’t contain anyone of great importance. A pity.

  “One got away.”


  “A Wind’dancer was hiding in a Sun-Seeker Tree. After we exploded the devices, we moved in to take them hostage. Then she flew down and grabbed a wingless girl before we knew what was happening.”

  That was curious . . . and a little worrying. “Did you not pursue?”

  “We tried but she had too great of a head start.”

  Mobius sighed loudly. Why must everyone in his employ be so incompetent? “Never mind. Bring the two . . . I will question them.”

  A few minutes later at the sight of a dragon and a serpent, the evil one frowned. He would be unable to use his mind to control them. Perhaps if he made them uncomfortable . . . very, very uncomfortable . . . it might loosen their tongues.

  That thought caused him to grin.



  Syl and K’ssss entered the portal and an instant later were back on Aerianna. The lab that housed the device was empty except for one scientist on the far side of the room. The serpent looked up when he heard the familiar ‘pop’ sound as the two sisters materialized seemingly out of nowhere.

  “Sis, what are you doing here?”


  Ven’trrr slithered over to the girls. “How are you, Kissy?”

  “I love chocolate.”

  “What? No you don’t. You hate it.” He turned to Sylvia, “What’s wrong with her?”

  “It’s a little complicated. The short version is we met a serpent on Zynn-Zaz’zia whose job is to harvest the memories and knowledge of people who die. Then he can put that information into others. K’ssss asked him to do it to her and . . . well, he did. But it didn’t work. She’s the same as before . . . only dizzy. We thought she should see a doctor.”

  “First, good thinking. Second . . . harvest memories? That’s extraordinary. I would love to examine that technology.” A scientist is a scientist for a reason.

  “Whatever. Listen, I’m really glad you’re here to take care of her, but I’ve got to get back. Stuff is beginning to happen.”

  “Of course. You go; I’ll see that she gets medical attention.”

  Syl turned to leave then remembered the shard of the WingStone. “Do me a favor and give this to her when she’s feeling better.”

  “What is it?”

  “It’s a portion of the crystal that changes a Wind’dancer’s wing from gray to a color. Without the stone, the wings will wilt.”

  “Then why am I holding a piece of it?”

  “It was destroyed by . . . the bad guys.” She didn’t want to say Mobius for fear that the Queen would recall the sisterhood and send in her troops.

  “Well, I hope they have a spare.”

  “Kind of.”

  “What’s K’ssss going to do with this thing?”

  “No idea. I was just told to give it to her. Another long story and I don’t have the time. Sorry.”

  “Doesn’t matter. I’ll see that she gets it. Say your goodbyes and I’ll take her to the Medicus.”

  “Thanks.” Sylvia gave the silly serpent a hug. “Take care of yourself, K’ssss. We’ll see you later.”

  “Sylvia.” That was actually the first intelligent thing the girl had said since the Circle did its damage.

  “Yes, K’ssss.”


  “Bye, K’ssss. But it’s only for a little while. We’ll see you soon.”


  “No? What do you mean?”

  “I’m going away now.”

  “Going where?”

  But K’ssss didn’t answer. Her eyes rolled back into her head and she collapsed on to the floor with a sickening splat.



  Sylvia stepped through the portal and on to Zynn-Zaz’zia . . . and she was crying uncontrollably.

  The other girls were stil
l there — Sylvia had reappeared so quickly they didn’t have time to return to camp.

  Egg walked up to her best friend and hugged her. “Syl, what’s wrong”.

  “K . . . K . . . K . . .,” but she couldn’t finish. Her crying got worse if that was possible.

  It was pretty obvious she was trying to say their sister’s name. “What happened to K’ssss?”

  Sylvia was beginning to hyperventilate and couldn’t answer.

  Egg turned to Spirit. “Can you help her?”

  “Sylvia, K’ssss is alive and well.”

  Everyone, including the sobbing Sylvia, looked at the Thought Weaver.

  “But, she . . . she . . . ,” the girl made a super human effort to control herself. “She said she was going away. When I asked her where, her eyes rolled up and she fell down. It was horrible.”

  The Princess asked, “Who is attending to her?”

  “Her brother.”

  Egg turned to Spirit, “What were you talking about?”

  “I can now tell you that it will be K’ssss who will create a new WingStone to replace the ones that are destroyed.”


  “The transference from the Circle was successful.”

  “So she’s smart?”

  “Genius would be a better description.”

  “K’ssss?” said Sylvia who was now smiling at the wonderful turn of events. “Maybe we should make Egg use that thing”. Yup, definitely back to her old self.

  “Hey, I’m smart . . . sort of.”

  “Always room for improvement,” teased Aeri’elle.

  Megg was curious. “Why can you tell us now and not before?”

  “There was a possibility that the Circle could have injured your Sister. Had you known, you might have forbidden her to try. If that had happened, the new WingStone would never be created and the people on this world would eventually die out. The risk was too great for me to take.”

  “Well-reasoned,” complimented the Princess. “But how do you know K’ssss was not injured?”

  “It would have happened during the transference process. The fact that she was able to travel here means that all went well. That’s not to say that she didn’t suffer some minor ill effects. But they will be temporary.”


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