Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood]

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Box Set #2: Zynn-Zaz'Zia: [The 4 book 2nd Adventure of Egg and the Hameggattic Sisterhood] Page 34

by Robert Iannone

  “Is he mean and nasty like the other ME’s?”

  “Most assuredly.”


  Somewhere near the Nauti Village

  After Mobius discovered that Soo had a communications crystal, he tried to confiscate it. But she was too quick and, using her long tongue, grabbed it out of his hands, flipped it in the air and swallowed it.

  “You foolish little girl,” he growled. “You just can’t help being a hero, can you?”

  “Don’t be silly. I was just hungry. Hey, I could use that tea now. One sugar, hold the cream.”

  “I grow tired of your childish antics. If you weren’t such a valuable hostage, I would give you to Bl’udd . . . for dinner. However, you are one of the Queen’s favorites and she might wish to bargain for your release. Too bad. GUARDS,” he yelled and four Nauti came into the room. “Put her with the others.”

  “Great seeing you again,” said the serpent as they dragged her out. “It was such a treat. Really.”

  As the door closed Mobius muttered to himself, “I hate them. I truly hate the Hameggattic Sisters.


  They took Soo to the top of a particularly humongous Sun-Seeker Tree. Opening a door that led to the veranda, they shoved her through. She didn’t know what she expected to see . . . but the object hanging from a branch wasn’t it.

  “Looks like a giant bird cage,” she said to no one in particular. The guards forced her to slither along a wooden bridge that led to the thing. “I’m not getting in there.”

  They pushed her in.

  “Hey. That’s no way to treat a lady,” she yelled as she landed with a thump.


  The serpent had momentarily forgotten why she was here. “Sassi?”

  The green-skinned girl came over and hugged her sister then asked, “Are you okay?”

  “I’ve got a stomach ache.”


  “I ate the communications crystal. It may look like a fried egg, but it tastes like a wooden chicken.”


  “Not important.”

  “Soo.” It was Lord Z’kkk.

  “Your Highness,” and she bowed.

  “If you would be so kind, please tell us what is going on. Did the Queen send the Sisterhood to rescue us?”

  “She had no choice.”

  Z’kkk arched an eyebrow. “Truly?”

  “Sorry, that came out wrong. My sisters and I volunteered. No way we weren’t going to help save Sassi and three of our dads.”

  Soar’elle exchanged a quick glance with Tink’rrr. “Three dads?”

  “Did I mention that Meggy is with us?’

  Four sets of eyes opened wide in horror at the use of that name. Sassi had to cover her mouth so she wouldn’t scream.

  “Meggy?” asked his Lordship. “You are not referring to my daughter are you?”

  “Did I mention that she’s a Hameggattic Sister now?”

  Same reaction.

  “Perhaps you should start from the beginning,” suggested Z’kkk. “I would very much like to hear about . . . (he almost choked on the name) . . . Meggy.”



  “I will say it again . . . truly remarkable.”

  “I wouldn’t say remarkable. More like modestly impressive.”

  “Not this . . . and he pointed at the newly formed crystal.

  “Then what?”

  “You, Kissy . . . you. Dad and I are going to feel as dumb as insects compared to the giant of your intellect.”

  “Oh, hush,” but she swelled with pride at her dear brother’s approval.

  “So, tell me one more time how this crystal differs from the one found on Zynn-Zaz’zia.”

  “To activate the one on the planet, a Wind’dancer had to sail into a ferociously intense Ascension storm. This caused a huge charge of static electricity to build up in their wings (like a sock coming out of a dryer that crackles). When they touched their wing to the WingStone, it discharged that electricity, causing the crystal to trigger and, thereby altering their wings. Our crystal requires a tiny fraction of that charge. Basically, a child sailing down from the top of a Sun Seeker Tree, where they live, to the ground below will have enough static charge to trigger the stone. They no longer have to risk their lives in those deadly storms.”

  “A monumental change to their culture don’t you think?”

  “I am offering them a choice. Perish without a WingStone or accept the one we created.”

  “Not much of a choice.”

  “Perhaps not. But it is the right thing to do.”

  “I can’t argue. Anyway, when are you going to take it back? It’s been a week and Zazzi is probably anxious to see you.”

  “It’s only been a day on Zynn-Zaz’zia. You know brother, it is getting tedious that Aerianna ages seven or eight days to only one for every other world. I think when I get back I should fix that.”

  The serpent laughed. “And how exactly will you do that?”

  “I’ve been thinking that we could use the Crystal Mountain.”


  “Never mind. It’s not important. We can discuss it when I return.”

  “I thought you were marrying Zazzi?”

  “Oh. Oh my. I completely forgot.”

  “Since he’s responsible for the serpents on his world, he’s not going to want to move to Aerianna.”

  “No, of course not. Fiddlesticks.”

  “What are fiddlesticks?”

  “They are the building blocks of disappointment and frustration.”


  Chapter 8 – It’s Time

  The Nauti Village

  “And she allows you to call her that?”


  “I do not wish to be tedious, but I must ask you one more time. The Princess M’egg-Alynnia, my daughter and heir to the Throne of Aerianna, allows the Sisterhood to address her as Meggy?”

  Soo smiled her big goofy smile. “Your Lordship, she’s a different person than when you last saw her. She’s nice, supportive, friendly, caring and a darn good Sister.”

  Z’kkk stared at the serpent. He finally asked, “Did this great change come about because of her visit to Earth. Did Eloise – young and old – really wrought this miracle?”

  “Actually it was Sylvia’s plan that put the mean mega-brat in her place. Oops. No offense.”

  “Has she ever heard you call her that? Mega-brat?”

  “Oh, sure. She uses it all the time to describe the awful person she was.”

  “Remarkable. Rose must be overjoyed. However, though I do not doubt what you have told me, I will need to see this transformation for myself. The enormity of her change is simply too difficult to grasp.”

  “True dat.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Oh, sorry. Just a dumb earth saying. They really have a lot of them.”

  Soar’elle cleared his throat. “Your Lordship, should we not be discussing our rescue? Or at least our escape?”

  “Yes, of course.” He turned to Soo and asked, “What are the plans of the Sisterhood?”

  “That’s kind of complicated,” and she proceeded to tell them about Reven, Zazzi, the Wind’dancers, the WingStone, Spirit and BreeZee. She finished with, “So Egg wanted me to be captured hoping that Mobius would throw me in here with you. Then we could have used my communications crystal to let the others know where we are. Since I ate it, that’s not going to happen.”

  “Is there any contingency plan?”

  “Not really. Not for us. At the very least Egg wanted you to be aware of what was happening. And now you do.”

  “Tell me of your meeting with Mobius.”

  “I told him about Reven and the Time Castle. Egg wants him to go looking for it. I’m guessing he and Bl’udd are already gone.”

  Soar’elle stated the obvious. “Then I must insist that now is the perfect time to try to escape.”

  “So it
would seem,” answered his Lordship. “But we have yet to find a way out of this enclosure.”

  “What is it exactly?” asked Soo.

  Tink’rrr, the scientist, had the answer. “The Nauti built it as part of an experiment to generate energy. Luckily for us it does not function until there is an Ascension Storm — I believe they call it.”

  “Then what happens?”

  “I’m afraid their design has a serious flaw. When this thing powers up, it will explode.”


  “Yes. A very, very big bang will occur. I wouldn’t want to be within ten miles of this village.”

  “So how do we get out?”

  “I’m afraid that . . .,” but he didn’t finish. The whole weird bird cage thing started to bob up and down knocking everyone to the floor.”

  “Tink’rrr,” called Z’kkk.

  “I have no idea what caused it, your Highness. It felt as if something just jumped on the device.”

  Then they all heard the strangest whoosh sound. However, it was very familiar to Sassi and Soo. They smiled at each other and as if on cue, they both said, “Bl’azzz.”

  “Explain,” requested Z’kkk.

  “Our dear sister, the F’yre Dragon, has a habit of burping and burning.

  “Oh, yes. She is a vegetarian.”

  “That was the sound you just heard.”

  Again, as if on cue, the door above opened up and two dragons peered down. “Hi, Dad”.

  “Aeri’elle, I am pleased to see you, my daughter. Keeping out of trouble, I hope? ”

  “Pretty much. Lord Z’kkk, are you alright?”

  “Perfectly fine.”

  “Sassi, Tink’rrr?”

  “We’re all well, sister. Bl’azzz, did I hear you burp and burn?”

  “Sassi, I ate so many darn vegetables . . . “

  “Would you be quiet?” demanded Aeri’elle. “No one wants to hear about your gas problem. Certainly not his Highness.”

  “Oh, sorry.”

  “If you would be so kind as to fly us out of here, I will forgive you.”


  “Excuse me . . . what is cool?”

  “Sorry, your Highness. Just a stupid earth saying. They have a lot of them.”

  “True dat,” said Z’kkk with a big grin on his handsome blue face.


  The Hour Bridge

  Megg sent Sylvia and Spirit back across the Hour Bridge. If any of the others tried to contact her, they would be unable since she was now in the future. If a message came in, Spirit would let her know. They had the foresight to mark the path so in their haste they wouldn’t step where they weren’t supposed to.

  “You mentioned that the other you has given Egg a time out. Could you explain what that means?”

  “She’s been put in the Chamber of Now.”

  Megg waited a second or two to see if Reven would continue but to no avail. “Forgive me. None of us is familiar with the workings of a Time Castle. What exactly is the Chamber of Now?”

  “It’s a room where time stands still. Once you’re put in there, it is always that moment in time . . . meaning it’s always right now.”

  “To what purpose?”

  “If you did something wrong and your mother wanted you to think about it until you figured out why it was wrong, there would be no better time to do it than right now. At the moment you goofed up.”

  Weird . . . but it made a strange kind of sense.

  “What did Egg do wrong?”

  “She babbled.”

  “Interesting. And that required punishment?”

  “Of course. She was using time to no good end. Never waste time . . . that’s unforgiveable.”

  “Ah. I can see your point of view.”

  “I can’t,” said BreeZee who thought this whole conversation was bordering on silly.

  Megg said, “Our perspective of time is not the issue. Reven’s is.”

  “Oh. Right. Sorry.”

  Just then, Spirit reappeared. “Aeri’elle is calling.”

  “Reven, again I ask your forgiveness. But I need to talk to my sisters and I can only do that on the other side of the bridge.”

  “Go. I’ll wait.”

  “I’ll stay,” said BreeZee. “I have a bunch of questions to ask . . . if that’s okay?”

  “I’d be glad for the company,” said Reven.

  “I will return quickly,” and Megg and Spirit ran back across the bridge.

  As she got to the other side, Megg’s communications crystal came alive. “Aeri’elle, are you alright?”

  Z’kkk who was riding on the dragon smiled. His daughter’s first words were of concern for her sister. Unbelievable.

  “We got them. Everyone’s okay.”

  “Is my father nearby?”

  “I am here, daughter.”

  “Oh, Papa. It is wonderful to hear your voice.”

  “And yours. We are tracking the signal from your communications device. We will be there shortly.”

  “Absolutely not. Aeri’elle . . . “

  “Yes, Megg?”

  “Take them to the portal and see them back to Aerianna.”

  “Daughter, I do not wish to argue in front of your friends . . .”

  “They are my sisters and this is a mission of the Hameggattic Sisterhood authorized by the Queen. You will be returned to Aerianna and you, and the others, will leave Mobius to us. Do you understand?” she took a breath and added in a soft voice “Daddy.”

  Z’kkk was shocked and incredibly proud. “Are you sure? If anything were to happen to you, I would never forgive myself.”

  “Too late on that score.”

  “What do you mean? You are injured?”

  “A scratch, nothing more.”

  “May I speak with Egg?” He wanted the other girl’s reassurance.

  “She is temporarily unavailable.”

  Aeri’elle broke in. “What happened?” There would only be one reason for the Princess to be in charge.

  “She is being held prisoner in the Time Castle. We have negotiated a compact with a very old version of Reven. She will help us free Egg and trap Mobius.”

  Z’kkk again smiled. Knowing his daughter, it had to be she who negotiated the pact. Yet, she did not take the credit, instead sharing it with her sisters. The blue man was almost giddy with happiness.

  “Okay, don’t do anything until we get there. Oh, and Sassi will be joining us.”

  This time Sylvia broke into the conversation. “Then all we need is K’ssss and we’ll have every Hameggattic Sister . . . present and future ones.”

  “Aeri’elle. When you get to Aerianna, go find our sister. If she is well enough to travel, we owe it to her to have her here. After all, she is the bravest amongst us, is she not?”

  Aeri’elle smiled. “She’s got six medals to prove it. I’ll see what I can do.”

  “Thank you. And father . . . “

  “Yes . . .,” he just couldn’t help himself, “Meggy?”

  The girl laughed, “You may call me Her Royal Highness. Meggy is reserved for the Hameggattic Sisters.”

  “A thousand apologies.”

  “Would you give my mother a message for me?”

  “Of course.”

  “Tell her she is the greatest role model a girl could have.”

  Z’kkk wiped at his eyes. “I will, sweetheart. I most assuredly will.”


  Somewhere between here and there

  “Which way?” asked Bl’udd.

  “The tallest peak on the tallest mountain”.

  “I don’t understand. Why in the world would you believe her?”

  Mobius laughed. “It is obviously a trap. I believe a Time Castle exists since one of the Nauti legends also mentions it. But, she only told me about it because her little leader wants me there. They think they can outsmart me and trap me in time. Well, we’ll just see who gets the last laugh.”

  “What about the pris

  “Compared to the power I will control with this Time Castle, they have little value. Besides, that device they are in is poorly designed. The next big wind storm and it’s going to blow sky high. They, and the entire village, will be gone.”

  “Hey, that’s cruel even for you. I don’t like it.” Bl’udd was mean, stupid, and even cruel, but there were limits to the evil he would do.

  “After we’re finished, you can go back and keep them company if you’re so concerned about their well-being.”

  Bl’udd didn’t respond. For the first time since joining Mobius, he wanted to put as much distance between himself and this wicked man. But he didn’t know how.



  They arrived on Aerianna in the lab that housed the portal. Since they weren’t expected so soon, no one was there to greet them except Ven’trrr. And he was busy working on some scientific thingamajig. When he heard the familiar pop, he looked up.

  “Your Highness,” and he bowed. “I’m glad you’ve returned. Please don’t take this wrong, but you’re early.”

  “So sorry, I did not realize there was an official schedule for our return. Where is the Queen?”

  “She and K’ssss are in the Throne Room I believe.”

  “Then that is where we are going . . . all of us,” and he walked away.

  Aeri’elle and Soar’elle hurried to keep up, as did Bl’azzz and Sassi.

  Ven’trrr went up to his father and Soo. “How are you, Dad?”

  “Perfectly fine, thanks.”

  “And Soo, you’re looking good.”

  “I ate a communications crystal.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “Not important. Anyway, your good luck hug worked well. I owe you.”

  “Good luck hug?” asked Tink’rrr with a wry smile.

  “None of your business, old man,” teased his son.

  “So why is K’ssss with the Queen?”

  “Oh yeah, I forgot to mention something. She’s . . . um . . . changed.”

  “What does that mean?”

  “Why don’t we go to the throne room so you can see for yourself?”


  A trumpet blew unexpectedly and the Queen looked up.

  “Hope I am not interrupting some important affairs of state, my dear?”


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