Wrapped in Silk

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Wrapped in Silk Page 9

by Mj Fields

  “You’re going to England. I am going to try to fix this mess that I have made of my life so that my daughter can have a good life,” Emma said and turned to him, “Brody wanting you and doing the right thing… I don’t know they don’t seem to fit.”

  “Maybe not when your head is spinning Emma, when your feet are planted solidly where they are meant to be. It will fit perfectly. It will feel like they were supposed to be there forever. You may not want to hear this Emma but I know I fit perfectly with you. It was not planned, I did not search for this, I did not even know I wanted this or even that I would immediately feel this ever with anyone. It just showed up and I literally ran into it and I feel like I have been chasing you ever since. Emma I want more than one night, I want you to know that. I am not going on a European sex campaign. I am going to finish my album. After that I am going to take a break, a long break. When I return I would love to see where this leads. I know you’re used to making all the plans and decisions but I also know you don’t like it. I want you now and when I get back and no one in between. I don’t need you to promise you’ll be here waiting when I return, I know you would be. I do not need you to put it into words. It is visible in your face, your kiss, the way you look at me. You feel the same way I do. If things were not messy you would have given us a chance. Emma, turn the hurt off and feel it. Feel what we have both been trying to avoid that has only grown deeper.”

  She stood on her toes and kissed him and he sat her on the counter and kissed her back, he pulled back and smiled. “What did that mean?”

  “I want you to dress up all stupid tonight and go with us,” Emma said and kissed him again. “I need to figure my life out and I do believe you think you want this.”

  “I don’t think Emma, I know. Emma what do you want?” Brody asked.

  “A happy life,” Emma said and he hugged her.

  “Alright then, me too,” Brody said and kissed her gently.

  They heard the door open and London ran in with the chocolate chips and real butter.

  “Mom you look happier. What did you do Brody?” London smirked.

  “Well London, I agreed to go tonight, for you,” Brody said and picked her up and spun her around.

  London smiled and let out a belly laugh that Emma had not heard in months, one that she missed terribly.

  “What do you say, shall you let me see what magnificent outfit you have picked for me?” Brody laughed.


  London stood in the hallway waiting for Brody to come out of the bathroom. Brody walked out and smiled at her. He wore baggy army green pants and a light pink shirt and matching green blazer.

  “I kind of like this,” Brody said and smiled.

  “How about the hat, wig, and glasses?” London asked smiling.

  “I thought I should save those for later,” he said. “Are the cookies done?”

  “Looking good Mr. Hines” Emma laughed. “Put on the glasses.”

  He put them on and Emma smiled. He looks good in glasses, kind of like Clark Kent. Emma thought. He looked at her and wondered what she was thinking.

  “Thank you Emma,” he smiled. “Where are those cookies?”

  “Lose the glasses and I will give you some,” Emma said seriously and turned around.

  “I think Mom likes the nerd look,” London whispered, “Maybe you should leave them on, I mean if you want too?”

  “What do you think I should do London?” Brody whispered back.

  “Whatever you want to,” she said and belly laughed again.

  Emma turned and smiled, “What’s so funny?” she asked as she put cookies and milk in front of them.

  London looked at Brody and smiled, he raised his eyebrow and peered over the glasses at her. “Thank you for the cookies Emma,” he said seductively.

  She looked shocked and turned around, “You’re welcome. I am going to get ready.”

  Brody and London laughed as she walked out the door.

  “You like my Mom don’t you?” London asked.

  “She is very likable,” Brody answered and took a bite of his cookie.

  “But you really like her right?” London asked with her eyes wide.

  “I really like this cookie,” he smiled giving her the same wide eyed look.

  London rolled her eyes and groaned.

  “Can you keep a secret?” Brody asked whispering.

  “Yes,” London whispered back.

  “Yes, I do. But don’t tell her please,” Brody said quickly and smiled at her.

  “Brody, I think she knows,” London smiled.

  “Okay so what should I do?” Brody whispered.

  “Well I am only seven so I am not sure but don’t treat her like my Dad did,” London whispered softly. “He was, well is not nice to her.”

  “He loves you though, the best he knows how, right?” Brody asked and put his arm around her.

  “I guess,” London said and tears began to form in her eyes. “Mom doesn’t think I know but that night when you let them take your car to get me, he was doing drugs and when we left the Police were there and well I haven’t talked to him since.”

  Brody picked her up and hugged her, “London, I think you should tell your mother these kinds of things. She loves you and only wants what is best for you.”

  “I can’t,” London said and hugged him back, “It will hurt her.”

  “Well, it hurts you not to talk about it right?” Brody asked.

  “I guess,” London said and sat up and wiped her face. “If you tell her you love her I will tell her about that, I go first. That way she get’s bad news then happy news, is it a deal?”

  “Oh I don’t know,” Brody said nervously. “Don’t you think I should tell her I want to be more than friends before I lay that on her?”

  “Maybe,” London laughed and hugged him, “I would not want her to faint.”

  They were laughing and hugging when Emma walked out in the kitchen.

  “What’s going on here?” Emma asked and saw London’s red eyes.

  “London needs to tell you something,” Brody said and smiled gently at her. “Go on,” he smiled at her.

  London told her everything she had told Brody, and more. London had tried to go back into her room to grab her favorite stuffed animal, the one she had that smelled like her mom and there were several people occupying her room. London cried and so did Emma. Brody hugged them both and tried to control the emotions he was feeling.

  After awhile London looked up at Brody, “A deal is a deal, now it’s your turn.”

  Brody smiled and shook his head, “Hey Emma, I like you a lot.”

  He smiled. London scowled at him and he took a deep breath, “I want to be more than just Lila’s friend,” London laughed and he looked at her. “I want to be more than just your friend.”

  “Brody I don’t think now is a good time to discuss this,” Emma said nervously.

  “Mom seriously? You like him too!” London laughed. “You two should grow up,” she said jumping down and laughing, “I am going to get ready, deal with this like adults please.”

  Brody smiled softly at Emma, “Are you alright?”

  “No, what am I going to do for her?” Emma said and started crying.

  “She is incredibly smart and has you Emma, do what is best for her,” Brody said and hugged her.

  “Thank you,” Emma said and pulled away.

  “Don’t think Emma, tonight we are going to a show. We are going to have fun. Tomorrow I would like to help you figure this out. And you are going to let me,” Brody said and kissed her, “No arguments.”


  On the ride to the show Emma tried not to think about how much pain Troy had caused London. She looked at Brody in that goofy wig and suit and glasses and listened to him talk to London who obviously adored him. Emma felt very comfortable and at ease with him. She still didn’t like that there was such a big age difference, especially since she was the older one. But he actually seemed more mature i
n different ways than she was. Brody was decisive and didn’t seem to go back and forth or be led by feelings, except for anger when it came to Emma, which was a quality she loved about her own father. He even did something he loved. Not because of fame but because it was what he was passionate about. He was soft and caring but very much took control when he felt he needed too. Emma smiled as she looked at him and London nudged him and they glanced at Emma. He smiled at London as he pulled her attention away from Emma’s now red face to the different landmarks they passed. He looked over at Emma who was still looking at him. She raised her eyebrow and smiled shaking her head when she was able to look away.

  After the show Brody carried London to bed and Emma tucked her in. Lila had already gone to bed when they walked out.

  “Did you have fun Emma?” Brody asked.

  “I did, it was a great show. Did you?” Emma asked tearing her eyes away from him as he took off the hat and wig.

  “I did. Emma are you allergic to lambskin?” Brody asked matter of factly as he walked towards her.

  “No I don’t think so,” Emma said confused. “Are you allergic to anything?”

  “Cats, they are hideous creatures. Okay so I am not really allergic I just don’t like them and it’s easier to say I am.” Brody was in mid sentence when she kissed him.

  “Emma” he gasped and pulled gently away. “If that continues, I may turn a color that matches my eyes.”

  “I’m sorry” Emma said and turned away.

  He took her hand and led her to the room he was occupying.

  “Lay down, I want to tell you a story,” he said and smiled.

  Brody laid next to her, “Once upon a time there was a beautiful princess who had a beautiful daughter who just happened to be named after a beautiful city,” he began and she giggled.

  “Well that beautiful princess had been locked up in a tower by a dreadful ogre who we shall call...hmm Roy,” he said and kissed the back of her head.

  “He did not know what he had, and he lost sight of what was perfect and precious right before him. The princess finally escaped his evil clutches and vowed to keep the little princess safe. She suited up, full armor and carried with her a sword. She fought the Ogre and won but she could not believe it so after she had fought off the Ogre… Roy, she fought off her feelings for any other that came to her. Well one day a tall handsome Prince came to her and wanted badly to be part of her life. Did I mention he was handsome?” Brody said with a smile in his voice, “Oh and smart, the Prince was handsome, and smart, very smart.”

  “Hot,” Emma said and giggled.

  “Well if you say so, but this is my story Princess, I mean Emma, so please quiet down,” Emma laughed and Brody cleared his throat. “Where was I?”

  “The Prince was hot,” she said grinning.

  “Thank you, now do be quiet. Okay so this Princess she let no one in. She fiercely protected what she loved. With everyday that passed the armor she wore became heavier and began to rust. After many months it began to weigh her down to the point that she did not realize she was breaking underneath it,” Brody said with sadness in his voice.

  “Well the Prince desperately wanted to save her. He vowed that regardless of how much time, and how blue he may turn,” Brody smiled, “he would strip her of that armor so that she could shine, so her radiant light could help those she loved shine even brighter in her glow. The end.” Brody said and kissed her head.

  “That was a very nice story,” Emma said smiling, and yawned.

  Brody laughed.

  “Sorry,” Emma laughed. “What time…” Emma began to say.

  “It’s almost midnight, I think I may start telling you a story about a white rabbit with a giant pocket watch,” he laughed and rubbed her back.

  Emma rolled to her side and smiled as she ran her fingers through his hair.

  “You are very sweet you know?” She smiled and sat up, “I am going to bed,” Emma smiled and kissed him.

  “You’re in bed, stay for a bit. Please?” Brody asked.

  “I can’t, allergies,” Emma smiled.

  “I asked you to lay down for awhile Emma, not if I could have sex with you until the sun peaked over the horizon. Making you scream my name as you had orgasm after orgasm and finally caved and begged me to never leave your side,” Brody said and smiled seductively at her.

  “Oh and you are not allergic to lambskin, so allergies are not going to work,” he said as he grabbed a condom out of his pocket and handed it to her.

  Emma blushed and looked down at the floor with her eyes wide. She took a deep breath.

  “Oh,” was all she could manage to say.

  Brody laughed, “Still not going to happen is it?”

  “I want to I really do, just not while my daughter is in the next room,” Emma said quietly. Brody smiled at her. “I am leaving in the morning, and I don’t know when I will see you again, and I don’t know….”

  “When do you want to see me again?” Brody asked propping himself up on his elbow.

  Every morning, everyday she thought and it hurts.

  Emma smiled, “When will you be back? When are you leaving?”

  “Well I was going to leave on Wednesday and be gone for a month,” Brody said watching her.

  “That’s a long time,” Emma said looking sadly. He smiled at her, “Why does that amuse you?”

  “I am not amused Emma, I am glad you think that’s a long time. I do as well. You can come with me,” Brody said wishfully thinking, “So can London.”

  “Well London is in school and I have court next week and we have known each other a week,” Emma said quietly.

  “A week and three days,” Brody smiled as he looked at Emma and gently kissed her nose, “I will just keep chiseling away at that armor,” Brody smiled and sat up, “One day at a time,” he kissed her and pulled away from her lips.

  Emma grabbed his face and kissed him again and moved so that she was sitting astride him, “I am scared, and I keep thinking I am going to wake up from a dream. You can’t be real Brody, this is too much,” Emma said and kissed him harder.

  “Emma, I think you’re awake, I know I am,” he said and she pulled his shirt over his head and kissed his neck, he moaned and sat back pulling her with him. Emma sat up and pulled her shirt off and he watched as she un-hooked her bra.

  “Emma you are beautiful,” he said as he watched her.

  “Please don’t talk right now,” Emma said and kissed his chest and stomach. She moved lower and unbuttoned him.

  “Emma,” he moaned as he took her breast in his hand and tugged lightly at her nipple.

  “I don’t know how this works, your going to have to do it,” she said breathlessly handing him the silver foil package.

  “Are you sure?” he asked sitting up opening the package as she pulled his pants down.

  She swallowed hard and shook her head yes. Brody flipped Emma on her back and kissed her neck and up to her lips. He moved back down to her breast and she whimpered. His hand pushed her cotton pajama pants down and his hand moved between her legs. He looked up at her and watched as her back arched in response to his touch. He lightly kissed down her stomach and moved to her thighs. Oh wow, she thought as he skillfully kissed and licked and sucked between her legs. He eased his finger into her and her body moved towards his touch. She tried to stay still and she couldn’t. She pulled his hair and finally breathed out, she felt her toes curl and quickly started closing her legs. He reached his long sculpted arm up and caressed her breasts again but his grasp was much firmer now and she felt her body start to release months of frustration. Brody was well aware of what was happening and continued as her body tensed.

  “Brody, please” she whimpered as she tried to close her knees,” he looked up at her and his eyes were full of desire as he continued. “Brody I already…”

  “And you will again, you taste delightful Emma, I want more of you,” his voice as deep as his lust filled eyes watched her as he slid a second fing
er into her, his thumb circled and pressed on her sweet spot. She felt her body pulse. How is this happening she thought, it never had before. He kissed up her belly and tugged at her nipple with his teeth as he slowly eased into her. She grabbed him and held him tightly. He moved slowly into her.

  “Emma,” he whispered into her ear as he tugged at it with his teeth and gently pushed into her further. “You are so tight, we will take this slow, awe you are so hot and wet,” he moaned as he eased into her slowly and gently.

  He watched her face and saw her tense up. He sat up on his knees and pulled her legs over his strong thick thighs. He held himself with one hand as he slowly fed his large thick penis into her as he watched. His other hand continued to stimulate her rubbing his fingers gently across her still pulsing sex. His jaws clenched as he watched and he licked his lips.

  “Emma you are beautiful,” he whispered easing himself into her.

  “Brody,” she moaned as her body pressed into him, “Please.”

  Brody pulled her hips to him.

  “Almost, FUCK Emma,” he moaned.

  Emma couldn’t take it she wanted all of him. Her body pulsing and throbbing with desire. She sat up on him and winced in pain and felt so full she wanted to scream, she bit down on his shoulder and he pushed harder into her. He kissed her cheek and made his way slowly down her neck and she gasped. Brody looked at her his eyes full of heat and her face flush. He moved faster and harder until he felt her quake. He continued as he watched her face relax and she gasped. He thrust into her as his mouth opened and he growled out her name when he released.

  He lay on top of her and tried to calm his breathing. Emma closed her eyes, and the only thing she could think was the end.

  “Emma, are you alright?” Brody asked as he lay next to her. She shook her head yes and he pulled her head to his chest. “The sun has yet to peak over the horizon,” he said with a smile in his voice.

  Emma smiled, “What…” she began.

  “Two in the morning,” Brody smiled as he rubbed her back and kissed her head. “Not going to let me have you again?” Emma laughed softly as she fell asleep.


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