Wrapped in Silk

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Wrapped in Silk Page 11

by Mj Fields

  “Sure. Goodnight Brody,” she said and hung up.


  Emma dropped London off at school and went home to get ready, she didn’t tell her that they had court today. She did not want it to affect her.

  Emma walked into court and saw her lawyer talking to a very sharply dressed man. Emma’s lawyer Joan waved her over. “Emma this is Eli, he is your friend’s lawyer. Is it alright that he discuss this with us?”

  “Sure,” Emma said feeling insecure.

  They sat in a conference room and Joan started the conversation. “Emma and I have discussed what she would like to happen today. She will be going for sole physical custody, supervised visits and the divorce to be finalized. We are pushing for Mr. Fields to agree to rehab. Emma is not asking for alimony and would prefer that child support be suspended while he is in rehab, if he is not going to be paid from his employer. The other thing is that Emma is considering moving back to her hometown in order to pursue a career that will enable her to provide for her child. We will wait until we get a feel of how this is going before we spring that on them. Do you have anything to offer Emma?” Emma shook her head no, “Eli?”

  “I am just here to offer advice if things start turning in a direction undesirable by your client,” Eli said looking at Emma, “Not to change your mind about anything.”

  “Thank you,” Emma said.


  Emma walked down the courthouse stairs and past her car. She walked until she reached the park next to the lake. She walked to the end of the dock and hugged herself and crouched down and closed her eyes hugging her knees. She cried quietly until she couldn’t cry anymore.

  “Em,” she heard softly behind her and she stood up and turned around.

  She wiped her eyes and smiled softly.

  “Hi,” she said.

  Brody walked slowly up to her and bent down and wiped her face and smiled.

  She closed her eyes and whispered, “I am so sorry.”

  Emma wrapped her arms around him and he wrapped his around her, holding her tightly against him kissing her gently on the head while he gently swayed back and forth soothing her.

  “You need a few more moments or are you ready to get out of here?” Brody asked taking her hands.

  “I don’t know,” Emma said and smiled and shook her head.

  “Well my little white rabbit, I don’t know what time London gets out of school but it’s one thirty,” he smiled.

  “Oh,” she said shocked. “Oh wow, I need to go.” Emma said and looked at him.

  “Can I go with you?” Brody asked.

  Emma looked at him confused, “Do you want to?”

  “Yes, or I wouldn’t have asked. What is with you?” he laughed and she scowled. “Emma men are not that complicated, we don’t ask if we don’t want. I want to take two beautiful females to dinner.”

  “What if people see you Brody?” Emma asked.

  “Your divorced Emma, so am I,” Brody smiled.

  “I am divorced,” Emma smiled, “I have sole custody of my most precious gift, and the man I thought I loved for fifteen years is going to rehab,” Emma started crying again and Brody looked at her with deep concern, “These tears are not because I am sad, it’s a release,” Emma said and smiled. “I want to scream!”

  “Then do it!” Brody laughed. And she raised her hands in the air and screamed. Brody picked her up and spun her around and kissed her.

  “I love you Princess.”

  Emma wrapped her arms around his neck, “You too Brody.”


  Brody pulled on a hat and sunglasses as he pulled in the pickup driveway. “Right here?” he asked. Emma shook her head yes, “How is she to know where to meet you, there are a lot of little people running around out here. Don’t they have a system?”

  Emma laughed, “She knows our car. You are very paranoid.”

  “Oh ya?” he laughed. “I am going to get out and wait for her, how do you feel about that Emma?”

  “You wouldn’t dare,” Emma laughed.

  Brody opened the door and Emma laughed.

  He looked at her as if to say I am going to do it, and she laughed, “Chicken.”

  “Wrong thing to say Em,” he laughed and took his hat off and stood outside the door and leaned against the car with his arms crossed in front of him.

  Emma watched for the aide that walked London’s class out to the pickup lane. She saw London and her whole body seemed to smile. She started towards the car and the aide made her wait.

  Brody bent down and looked in the window, “Is that normal Em?”

  “Yes, they don’t know you’re here to pick her up, you don’t have permission,” Emma opened the door and walked around the car and waved.

  The aide walked over with London, “Sorry I didn’t see you, wow,” she said as she looked at Brody, “You’re,” she stopped and couldn’t finish her sentence.

  “I am London’s ride today,” he said and smiled at London.

  London ran up and jumped in his arms and hugged him.

  He opened the door for London, “Off you go, buckle up. Thank you for seeing to it that she is safe. Ready Em?”

  They sat and waited in line to pull out and everyone was looking at them.

  “London I would like to take you to dinner, where would you like to go?” Brody asked.

  “The cafeteria, so they can all see that I didn’t Photoshop that picture online.” London said annoyed.

  “Is there a bathroom in the school that I could use?” Brody said in the same tone London used.

  “Yes,” London smiled.

  “Could you show me were it is?” Brody asked, “Em could you park across the street and we will meet you there?”

  “Do you think that’s a good idea Brody?” Emma asked cautioning him.

  “If London does, do you London?” Brody said glancing in the mirror.

  “Yep,” she said and opened the door, he got out and followed.

  “Hop on my back London,” Brody said bending down, “Tell me where to go.”

  “Okay, left. Hey could you lose the shades?” London asked pulling them off him and putting them on herself, “I look way cooler in them.”

  Fifteen minutes later London and Brody walked across the road towards Emma smiling. This is not good, she adores him, when it ends it’s going to break her again. Emma thought.

  “Did you find the bathroom?” she smiled.

  “We sure did,” London said smiling.

  “Everything alright Em?” Brody whispered when he got in the car.

  Emma smiled, “Sure. Hey London, you have dance in an hour, so we need to eat fast, where to?”

  “Let’s go home, I need to get my stuff. Then maybe we can go out,” London said smiling.

  “Alright,” Emma said and pulled out. “Please excuse any mess Brody, we haven’t been home a lot.”

  He is going to hate it, Emma thought. It’s nothing like what he must be used to. Nothing like Lila’s place.

  They walked past the landscaped yard into the back screened in porch, it was small but charming. London and Emma took off their shoes and Brody followed suit. They walked into the kitchen and he looked around and smiled.

  “This is enchanting Em,” Brody said.

  “It’s quaint,” Emma smiled.

  Emma opened the fridge and grabbed some fruit and cut it up as London ran into the other room and Brody heard her little feet pitter pattering up the stairs.

  “Are you hungry?” Emma asked.

  Brody smiled when he noticed the bag of M&M’s sitting on the counter, Emma looked in the direction he was smiling at and blushed.

  “Your face is red,” Brody said and hugged her from behind and placed his hand low on her stomach.

  “I wonder why,” she said softly.

  “Well actually I am ravenous,” Brody whispered and grabbed a strawberry. “What can I do to help?”

  Emma smiled, “Nothing, not right here or right now anyway,” and
shook her head as she pulled away and looked up at him.

  London came out and Emma put a small plate of strawberries and kiwi in front of her and London grabbed her book bag and took out her homework folder.

  “Do you have a lot of homework?”

  “Just spelling and a book to read you,” London said.

  “Okay,” Emma said and grabbed a brush and brushed her hair as she wrote her spelling words and pulled her hair into a tight bun forgetting for a brief moment that they were not alone.

  “So this is our life, a little different from yours hu?”

  “It’s wonderful,” he smiled.

  “I forgot I have a roast in, so is it alright if we eat dinner here after dance?” Emma asked hoping they would agree.

  She did not feel like going out after the day she had.

  “Sure,” London said. “Is that okay with you?”

  “Sounds great,” Brody answered.

  “Alright then time for us to get going,” Emma said filling up London’s water bottle. “Grab your bag.”

  Brody sat in the car while Emma walked London in.

  “So what shall we do for two hours? What do you normally do?” he grabbed her hand.

  “Well, I read or walk or get groceries. I think that would be a bad idea with you,” she smiled.

  “Alright then, we have two hours. Do you have any books?” Brody said laughing.

  “No, I forgot them,” Emma smirked.

  “Well I think I may have a couple, I believe they’re in my hotel room, that just happens to be about two miles back, shall we go get them Emma?” Brody asked looking serious.

  “Brody do you really have books in your room?” Emma whispered breathlessly.

  He smiled, “Well depends, I do have a book reading app on my iPad,” he whispered back.

  “Oh,” Emma said and took a deep breath.

  He took her hand and kissed it. “Em I understand if you don’t want to be alone in a room with me.”

  “You do?” Emma asked.

  “No,” he laughed.

  “Ok, you drive,” Emma said and got out.

  They walked into his room and Emma was more nervous now than she was the first night she had spent with him.

  “Em are you alright?” Brody asked.

  “No,” she said and her eyes widened.

  “Well come sit,” Brody said as he patted the seat next to him. Emma sat next to him wringing her hands, and he smiled. “Alright, let’s see what we can do to relax you.” He pulled her into him and she trembled. He kissed her cheek, “Been a rough day hu?” Emma shook her head yes and felt her face flush. He wrapped his long arms around her and held her. She finally started to relax and she let out a deep breath.

  Emma’s phone rang and she jumped up and grabbed it out of her bag.

  “Hello,” Emma said.

  “Emma we need to talk about what happened today,” Troy said.

  “Okay Troy what is it?” Emma said as Brody rubbed her back.

  “I want to see London,” Troy said softly.

  “Well I think we kind of talked about that at court,” Emma said.

  “Yes we discussed supervised visits, I also agreed to give you custody thinking you might do the right thing, by the way how is Lila’s friend?” Troy said, “He picked my daughter up at school today?”

  “We picked her up, I was there,” Emma said defending herself.

  “So you’re not fucking him Emma?” Troy asked.

  “Troy, you called asking about London please don’t do this,” Emma asked kindly.

  “Are you fucking him?” Troy demanded.

  “At this moment no, I am not fucking him,” Emma snapped.

  “And what about London, you said no one meets her until, holy shit Emma are you going to marry him?” Troy asked.

  “Wow Troy, no, I just got divorced no plans on doing that again anytime soon, listen when you want to talk about our daughter call me,” Emma said and hung up.

  Her phone rang immediately.

  “Yes Troy?” Emma asked.

  “I want to see her before I go to rehab, I am going Saturday. I want a day possibly a night. We can get adjoining rooms at a hotel, I will pay for it. This weekend Emma,” he paused, “Good, I didn’t hear a no, I will text you the details, goodbye,” Troy said and hung up.

  Emma turned and looked at Brody, “What just happened?”

  “I think you just agreed to spend an evening at a hotel with your ex,” Brody said calmly.

  “No Brody it wasn’t like that,” Emma said and hugged him.

  He smiled, “So if I act pissed off you hug me?” he laughed.

  She grabbed his face and looked at him like she was mad and then closed her eyes and took a deep breath and leaned her forehead into his chest.

  “Brody I am struggling, I can’t make everyone happy,” Emma started.

  “I know Em, I was joking. I think you should call your lawyer and get her advice,” Brody said. “Just a suggestion but, please.”

  She looked up at him and smiled, if this is nothing more than a distraction I will take it right now. Emma kissed Brody and turned and sat on his lap. She kissed his neck and pulled his shirt over his head.

  “You sure about this?” Brody whispered.

  “Yes,” Emma said lifting her arms as he pulled her shirt over her head. He kissed down her neck and she stood and took off her skirt.

  “Emma get over here,” Brody said in a seductive heavy voice.


  Emma and Brody picked up London and they dropped Brody off. Emma had asked that she have a couple hours to talk with London alone about everything that went on today. It was a rough night, although London was well prepared for the divorce it still upset her. She was more upset about the fact that Troy was demanding time when he had not even called her since the night everything happened at the beach. She wanted to see him before he went to rehab but not overnight, unless she was allowed to stay in the same room as Emma. Emma’s parents were planning to come up and stay with London during the visit and Emma would stay the night with the adjoining door shut and locked. Emma had never been afraid of him, but lately she had no idea who the man she had been with for fifteen years was.

  When London went to school Emma decided to surprise Brody and drove to the hotel and knocked on the door, he smiled when he opened the door and she jumped in his arms.

  “Good morning,” Brody said squeezing her ass.

  “Good morning is it alright that I am here?” Emma asked nervously.

  “Of course, how did things go last night?” Brody inquired as he gently kissed her and she slid down his body as he ushered her in the suite.

  “Alright, what did you do?” Emma asked putting her bag down and looked around.

  “Wrote,” he said smiling softly.

  “Do you write all you own music?” Emma asked finally stepping back from his embrace.

  “Most of it, where are you going?” Brody asked laughing as he followed her into the bedroom.

  “In here,” Emma smiled tossing her shirt off.

  “Well then,” Brody said and grabbed her and kissed her.

  They stayed in his room all day making love and talking. She told him the plans for Friday night and he was relieved that her parents were coming to stay.


  Emma picked up London, “Where is Brody?”

  “I am pretty sure he is at his hotel writing, he leaves tomorrow for England,” Emma said.

  “When am I going to see him again Mom?” London asked as the phone rang.

  “Hello, you are on speaker,” Emma said answering.

  “Is London available?” Brody asked.

  “Hi Brody!” London said excitedly.

  “How was school?” Brody asked.

  “It was alright, lots of drama. Everyone was talking about you,” London said.

  “Is that alright with you London?” Brody asked concerned.

  “It was alright except the stuck up girls said you’re only
being nice to me because you want my mom,” London said.

  “Really? They must not know you very well. You are very likable,” Brody said with a smile in his voice.

  “They also said that you wouldn’t stick around, that you would leave my Mom just like my Dad did,” London said in an angry tone.

  “Well that pisses me…” Brody began.

  “Okay Brody I think London and I need to talk, can we call you later,” Emma asked.

  “London, I am leaving to finish something I have already started. After that we will see what happens, I have to tell you that I would never leave if I didn’t have to, or if your mother got incredibly sick of me. I am very boring once you get to know me,” Brody laughed. “Em could you two come to my hotel and have dinner after dance?”

  Emma was annoyed by what the girls had said to London, but what did she expect, “We can.”

  “I will text you the address,” he laughed, “oh and the room number, I would not want you to get lost.”

  Emma looked in the rear view mirror at London who was smiling, “Is that alright with you London?”

  “Yes,” London laughed.

  London read her mother her book on the way to the hotel. When she finished she wrote her spelling words. She finished the last of her homework as they pulled into the parking lot of the hotel.

  “Good evening ladies,” Brody said meeting them outside in the hall.

  London ran up and hugged him, “Hi Brody!”

  “Come in, dinner will be here soon, I ordered for you. I hope that’s alright,” Brody smiled, “Good evening Emma.”

  They returned home from dinner with Brody at eight thirty, half an hour after London’s normal bedtime, Emma tucked her in and waited for her to fall asleep. She got up and folded laundry and thought about her day with Brody and quickly realized how much she was going to miss him.

  Her phone chimed

  -I want to see you, may I come over…MM


  Emma finished laundry and she heard him pull in the driveway.

  “Hey,” she smiled opening the door to the back porch, “Come in.”

  He smiled and walked in, “This doesn’t freak you out does it Em?” Repeating what she had said to him about the DVR’d Today show episode.


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