Wrapped in Silk

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Wrapped in Silk Page 19

by Mj Fields

  Brody woke up as Emma was getting out of bed, “Do you need something Emma?” he said as he jumped up.

  “I need a shower,” Emma said softly.

  “Okay how about a bath? I will draw you one, sit please I will be back in a minute,” Brody said and kissed her.

  He ran a bath and added bubbles and lit the candles.

  “Alright where are your night clothes?” he asked.

  “In the top drawer but I can get them Brody,” Emma pouted.

  He smiled at her, “No I want to. Emma is this right?” he asked holding up a t-shirt and cotton pajama bottoms.

  Emma blushed, “Yes.”

  Brody giggled, “Alright then.”

  “What’s so funny?” Emma scowled.

  “You should be wrapped in bows Emma not cotton,” he smiled and tried not to laugh.

  She rolled her eyes at him and he walked into the bathroom and went to help her out of her shirt and she slapped his hand. Brody gasped and looked at her with a shocked expression.

  “Did you just strike me?” he asked.

  “Yes!” she snapped.

  “You won’t let me help you?” he asked confused.

  “No I won’t,” Emma responded, “You should leave.”

  “You keep saying that Emma and you know I am not going anywhere,” Brody said and hugged her.

  “I don’t want you to see Brody,” Emma said shyly.

  “Okay for now, but just your breasts right?” Brody asked.

  “Brody I am not feeling all that hot lately, I don’t think it’s a good idea,” Emma said looking at the ground.

  “Princess I didn’t bring the bows with me,” he smiled, “I just want to help you get in the bath, I don’t want you to fall or get hurt,” he said pulling her pants down and she closed her eyes. He looked up at her, “Is this alright Emma?” she shook her head yes and let out a deep breath. “Emma.”

  “Brody, I can’t,” Emma said with a shallow breath.

  “I know, but the fact that you want to is so hot Emma,” Brody said and hugged her. “I am going to turn around and you can slip into the tub, carefully,” he whispered in her ear.

  “Brody,” she stopped and shook her head hoping to snap out of this mood, “Thank you.”

  “Emma I love you, it’s a privilege to be here,” Brody said and turned around.

  “Brody damn you,” she moaned.

  “Get in that bath Emma,” he said through clenched teeth.

  He heard the water move, “Okay I am in, could you please grab me a wash cloth, please.”

  Brody grabbed two wash clothes and handed her one as he put the other in the water, “What are you doing?”

  “I am going to help you,” Brody said.

  “No you are not,” she laughed. He looked at her and smiled, “What?”

  “You laughed Emma, I haven’t heard you laugh in weeks,” he smiled and looked away. “First I am going to wash your feet and make my way up to your hair, if it makes you uncomfortable just tell me to stop, I will let you wash your breasts. Just lean back and relax Em.”

  Brody sat on the edge of the tub with his back to her and washed her feet. He started at the tips of her toes and carefully washed between her toes. He moved to the pad of her feet and she giggled, he turned around and smiled at her, “Stay still please.”

  He moved to her ankles and moved up her calves, gently rubbing them up and down. Emma leaned further back and he saw her toes curl and he took a deep breath and stopped. He took the other calf and did the same thing and her toes curled again, he looked over his shoulder and her eyes were closed and she was biting her bottom lip. He stopped and stretched. He took her left leg and slowly moved up behind her knee to her upper thigh and he felt her body tighten and she whimpered softly. He could feel himself hardening. He washed the other leg and she whimpered again. He finished her right leg.

  “You need a break Em,” he asked in a husky tone.

  “No,” she said in a whisper.

  He cleared his throat and stood up, which startled her. “I do,” he said and looked at her.

  Emma laughed, “I guess so.”

  “It’s not funny Emma,” he growled.

  “Are you embarrassed Brody,” she smiled.

  “No, you got me hard and worked up, are you embarrassed Em?” he smiled.

  “Oh so it’s my fault?” Emma laughed.

  “Let’s see, your beautiful naked body is laying in a tub full of water and bubbles with candle light flickering over you,” Brody started.

  “All of which you did, so I would hardly call that my fault,” Emma smiled brightly.

  “No you got me there Em, but as I worked my way up your legs and your whimpering and moaning and your toes are curling, that’s all you,” he said in an accusatory tone.

  “Then don’t help me,” she snapped as her face turned red.

  Brody smiled at her, “We aren’t finished yet, if you could be so kind as to not moan and whimper or…”

  “Breathe Brody, shall I stop breathing too?” she interrupted.

  “No not ever,” Brody said seriously.

  “Now shut up and wash me,” Emma said and laid back smiling.

  Brody took a deep breath and began washing her legs, “Brody you already did that spot, time to move up,” Emma smiled.

  “Emma keep quiet please,” Brody said shooting her a dirty look.

  Emma laughed, “You can stop Brody. I can do this, I feel better now.”

  “You feel better because I am here Emma, because you know I love you and because you know you love me too.” Brody said and continued to wash her moving up. He washed between her legs gently, applying the right amount of pressure in the right spots. Emma moaned and he rubbed a little harder, “Emma I am going to make you come,” he said as he slowly slipped a finger inside her and she moaned loudly, “Is this alright?” he asked, his voice gruff.

  “Oh God yes,” she whimpered.

  “This is not why I am here Emma, I am here because I love you, but you seemed to be happy and I want you to be happy Emma forever, but if you don’t want this just say stop.”

  “I love you Brody, don’t stop, please don’t stop,” Emma moaned.

  “I am going to give you more than you could have ever hoped for in every way,” he said and slipped a second finger into her and moved his hand faster until he felt her body tense up, “Emma I want you to come for me, this is mine all mine so you need to listen to me and believe me when I tell you I will love you forever, don’t push me away ever again, if I upset you tell me, if you feel me pulling away,” he said slowly pulling his fingers out of her, “Tell me I am, we can be perfect together. We will be perfect together.” He moved back into her with more force, “Now come from me Emma, for us, come now,” he said and pressed his thumb down on her sweet spot and her body did as it was told to do. “I love you Princess.”

  Emma was completely relaxed for the first time in weeks. She was happy and smiled as her orgasm finally finished. “I love you Brody, I love you more.”

  “We love each other more Em,” he said and kissed her head. She lay in the bath and he continued to wash her, washing her stomach and when he got to her right breast he stopped, “May I?” he asked.

  “No, please not yet,” Emma said sadly.

  “Okay, can you sit up and let me wash your hair,” Brody said and kissed her head gently.

  “I’m sorry,” Emma said.

  “Emma we will get there okay, when you’re ready, don’t be sorry,” Brody said as he rubbed shampoo into her scalp, “Does this feel good or is it too hard?”

  “It feels good. Brody I owe you one, I would like to…” Emma started.

  “Emma love, please don’t finish that sentence, you’ll have a lifetime to do that. Besides I need you to eat food and I would probably fill you up, it’s been a long almost three weeks,” he chuckled.

  “Exactly, I want to Brody, it’s not fair to you,” Emma said sadly.

  Brody rinsed her hair and
put conditioner in her hair, she moaned as he rubbed it in, “Em, right now I need you to be quiet, or I am going to take you into that room and have my dinner.”

  “Hmm,” she laughed.

  “You just wait, when you are feeling better you are in so much trouble,” he said and rinsed her hair. “Alright you’re finished.”

  He grabbed a towel and helped her up, he looked down and grabbed her bottom, “Lots and lots of trouble,” he said and she leaned into him, “Em are you tired?”

  “No Brody I am wet with want for all things you,” Emma said and smiled as she turned around.

  He gave her a shocked look, cocked his head to the side, and then frowned. He grabbed her clothes and opened the door.

  “Off to your room wench, you need your rest, I need you well and wet understand?” Brody said and kissed her quickly.

  She sat on the end of the bed and he put her shirt over her head. He grabbed her panties and she slowly lifted her leg to put her foot through, spreading them enough to give him a peak, he looked up at her and she raised her eyebrow.

  “You are playing with me Emma and in your condition I won’t wear you out,” he spread her legs and licked her, she moaned, he used his tongue and circled her sweet spot, and she began to pant and pull his hair. He nibbled lightly on her inner thigh and plunged his tongue deep into her and she came again.

  “So easy to please wench,” he winked.

  “Emma?” they heard Lila coming down the hall.

  He quickly grabbed her panties and wiped them between her legs and bit his lip. He grabbed her pajama bottoms and pulled them up and swiftly placed her on the bed and covered her as the door opened. Lila opened the door and Brody turned away from her.

  Emma looked and saw his erection and gave him pouty lips, he smiled and bent down and kissed her.

  “I am going to shower,” he said and raised his eyebrow, he pulled her panties out of his pocket and dragged them across his nose and Emma burst out laughing.

  “I won’t be long, I love you Em.”

  Lila turned back to face Emma, “You look better. Did you two figure it out?”

  “He did,” Emma said, “And I am going to blindly follow.”

  “Emma did you two have sex in your condition?” Lila snapped, “You’re exhausted!”

  “No Lila we didn’t have sex,” she said and grinned.

  “Good, you better wait,” Lila ordered.

  “I don’t have a choice,” Emma pouted.

  “Emma, did he turn you down?” Lila laughed.

  “Well kind of,” Emma smiled.

  “What’s that mean?” Lila asked.

  Mark walked in the room and scowled.

  “Yes what does that mean? You need rest especially if you think you’re going back to work on Wednesday.”

  Brody returned with a towel wrapped around his waist drying his hair.

  “She isn’t going back to work Wednesday,” Brody said giving her a dirty look.

  “Yes I am. I am feeling much better now,” Emma smiled, “Only one more day of treatment and I will be able to put this all behind me.”

  “Emma you’re going to need to take it easy for awhile. Not exerting any unnecessary effort,” Mark said shooting a nasty look at Brody.

  Brody laughed, “Doc she doesn’t even have to move, I got it all covered.”

  “Brody,” Emma scolded him.

  “Emma I won’t put you in any danger this asshole needs to understand that,” Brody glared at him, “Even though I am confused as to how it’s any of his fucking business!”

  “Brody put some pants on, and a shirt and then you can come back in here, now!” Emma yelled.

  When Brody returned Mark was finishing up with her vitals.

  “You seem to be doing better Emma, which surprises me,” Brody brushed past him and sat behind Emma on the bed pulling her back so that she rested between his legs against his chest while he glared at Mark. “You look more rested.”

  Mark started to get the IV ready.

  “She needs to eat something, that’s probably not helping her appetite at all Doc,” Brody snapped.

  “Fluids are more important and she is not drinking enough,” Mark responded in the same tone.

  “She has drank six twelve ounce cups of water today, she needs food. Em what sounds good?” Brody asked sweetly.

  “I don’t know soup something with chicken broth but something with substance sounds good,” Emma smiled up at him.

  “Well I am happy your appetite is returning, Lila could you order something. I can go pick it up,” Mark smiled.

  Brody was texting, “I got this, already ordered and they are going to deliver.”

  Lila smiled at Emma and shook her head.

  “Well there are other things I would like to discuss in private with my patient, if you could see yourself out for a few minutes,” Mark said trying to dismiss Brody.

  “Em love is it alright if I stay?” Brody asked nuzzling his nose into her neck.

  “It’s okay Mark, I have kept enough from him already,” Emma said softly.

  “Alright so let’s talk about sex,” Mark said sitting on the bed, “Emma it may take your body awhile to desire being touched. Especially your breast. Sexual intercourse could be problematic, physiologically you may hinder the production of lubricant making intercourse uncomfortable.” Emma felt Brody shift and he held her tighter. “In some cases the patient would not resume sexual contact for up to a year. But some as soon as a month have reported their desire return.”

  “Emma you are not only mysteriously intoxicating in bed, you’re a medical mystery as well,” Brody whispered in her ear.

  “Is there something you need to say Brody? Is he pressuring you Emma?” Mark snapped.

  “No he wouldn’t do that, please go on,” Emma said trying to hide the humor in her voice.

  “I would suggest you wait at least a week before you try anything that may make you uncomfortable,” Mark suggested.

  “I have a couple questions Doc, let’s start with what if she wants to have sexual intercourse. Will it slow her recovery?” Brody asked.

  “No it won’t slow it unless she feels pressured to have sex and then she could become withdrawn and uncomfortable, the physiologically effects could be even more harmful,” he answered.

  “So if for instance she is in the bath and someone is washing her feet and she moans and her little toes curl and she says she wants to have sex it should be allowed?” Brody asked and Emma looked down.

  “I suppose it would be fine but I would hope that person would exercise caution so that she did not exert herself too much,” Mark replied.

  “So manual stimulation or oral stimulation leading to orgasm is better than intercourse?” Brody asked.

  “Yes I would think so,” Mark said his face growing red.

  “Okay now let’s say she wanted to go down on someone, is that to much exertion?” Brody asked in hopes of making Mark more uncomfortable.

  “I don’t see why not. However that is highly unusual for even a healthy woman to just want to give a blow job, unless she felt like she had to please her partner because he was ridiculously insecure, and if that was the case their relationship wouldn’t last anyway,” Mark said sarcastically.

  “Let’s say her partner wanted to please her in every way possible and took every precaution to ensure she was not able to exude any energy at all. I don’t know like tied her up and ravaged her body,” Brody asked and smiled.

  Emma and Lila both gasped loudly.

  “Well I’d say if he had to tie her up to get laid that would be enough to make her run and scream for the hills. Very unhealthy need for control,” Mark said cautiously looking at Emma.

  “What if she wanted him too?” Emma asked and Lila laughed loudly.

  Mark looked at Lila.

  “Why don’t you two just whip them out and see whose is bigger right here and right now?” Lila laughed and so did Emma.

  Mark looked confused.
br />   “Brody, Mark adores Emma, he is a good doctor. Mark, Brody is head up his ass in love with Emma and she is scared to death of being hurt after her divorce, but she is madly in love with him too.”

  “Do you want to fuck Emma Doc, do you intend on wooing her and sweeping her off her feet?” Brody asked seriously.

  “No Brody I actually am going to help Emma get well and stay well. My sexual intentions are for her friend,” Mark sneered at him.

  “Good glad that’s cleared up,” Brody said, “So now that I don’t want to throw you out the window and I hope you realize I love her, tell me what I need to do.”

  “Make her happy and not just sexually Brody. Be her partner, not her captor. Hold what is dear to her as closely as she does and just love her,” Mark smiled and looked at Lila, “Whip it out and see whose is bigger?”

  “Well you were both acting like seventeen year old boys!” Lila said defensively and Mark laughed.

  “What’s this tying her up shit about?” Mark asked.

  “Oh God could we please not do this,” Emma begged.

  Brody laughed, “You are going to eat Princess, the food is on it’s way up. Do you want to sit at the table or in bed?”

  “The table please,” Emma said and stood up.

  After dinner Emma and Brody brushed their teeth and went into her room.

  “You want to call London?” Brody asked.

  “Yes,” she smiled.

  “Should I give you a few minutes alone?” Brody said kissing her head.

  “No stay,” Emma sat and dialed the phone.

  “Mommy!” London yelled.

  “London you sound happy,” Emma smiled.

  “I am because I know he went to see you and you are going to be just fine,” London said laughing.

  “London I am glad you are happy but you need to know I would have been just fine with or without him. I love you and you love me, you have to remember that okay, life is what you make it. Just like before Brody when Daddy left we were very happy right? And we smiled and laughed all the time, as a matter a fact I think we laughed at least a zillion times a day right?” Emma asked.


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