Theirs to Claim

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Theirs to Claim Page 5

by Lillian Cole

  Once she’s finished, I climb on the bed, unable to stand up any longer. They both crawl in behind me, lying on either side of me.

  Their hands roam my body, caressing my heated flesh as I work to catch my breath. Finally, after a while, I open my eyes to find them looking down at me. “That was incredible. I might have to misbehave more often.”

  Julie giggles. “Told you.”

  I lean up to kiss her before reaching over to kiss Nash. Before long, our kisses turn heated, their hands more possessive.

  “Ours,” they whisper in unison, and my heart soars. I’ve never wanted to belong to anyone before but right now, I can’t imagine belonging to anyone else.

  They claim my body, my soul, and my mind with every touch, every kiss, every heated look. I have to remind myself that this is not permanent. I can’t have them. I can’t keep them.

  In the morning, it will all be over.



  Morning catches up to me much too soon. My eyes flutter open as Julie shifts next to me, cuddling her front to my side, her ass nestled against Nash’s front. His strong arm is draped over her stomach but his hand is clutching mine. His warm, firm hold has my heart fluttering in my chest and the ache between my legs is a delicious reminder of the night we shared.

  I can’t begin to explain the emotions I’m feeling right now. This strong, intense connection is more than just physical; it’s something I feel all the way down to my soul. It’s like they both know me in a way I never even knew myself.

  But let’s get real, we hardly know each other at all, and they are married. I’ll never fit into this equation. One plus one equals two.

  Two plus one equals disaster.

  I gently pry my hand from Nash’s and he shifts but doesn’t open his eyes.

  I breathe a sigh of relief as I gather my clothes. My heart clenches with longing as I leave the room.

  I walk into my empty apartment and that’s when the loneliness creeps in. When I walk into the bathroom, I take off my clothes and look in the mirror, noticing the bite marks on my tits and the bruises between my thighs.

  God that man is a savage beast, and I want more. I want more of them both. Why did I do this to myself? Why did I think I could walk away without feeling this way?




  I should have known better. Needing the advice of my best friend, I call Kaylee to see if she can help me work through some of these emotions. I give her a brief rundown of this past week and last night.

  “I always expected this you know. I never imagined you being in a normal relationship anyway.” She laughs.

  “Yeah, leave it to me to want something incredibly complicated.”

  “It doesn’t have to be. As long as each of you are clear about what you want, and there’s no jealousy, it can’t get complicated.”

  “I just don’t know how a relationship like this is supposed to work. They are already married. They already have a history, a foundation, I can’t compete with that.”

  “You shouldn’t have to. Listen, there are no right answers here. There’s no guidebook. You just have to dive in and see what happens.”

  “That sounds terrifying.”

  “Most relationships are.”

  I feel a little bit better after ending the call with her. Maybe she’s right. Maybe I just need to dive in and see what happens. What do I have to lose?



  I pry my eyes open as the early morning sun breaks through the blinds in our room, I nuzzle my face in Julie’s neck and she giggles, rolling over to face me.

  “Good morning,” she whispers.

  I kiss her nose. “Good morning, beautiful.”

  I roll over to my back to find the other side of the bed empty.

  “Did she leave?” Julie asks.

  “She might be in the bathroom. I’ll go check,” I tell her, dropping a kiss to her forehead before sitting up in bed. I stand up and slip on a pair of shorts then walk into the master bathroom but she’s not there.

  Julie puts on her robe. “Maybe she’s downstairs?”

  But something tells me she’s not. Something tells me she ran as soon as she could this morning. Last night might have been too much for her. I know I probably came on too strong, showing her how much we wanted her, but fuck, I couldn’t help myself.

  The look on Julie’s face when we realize she’s gone has me pulling her into my arms.

  “Did we do something wrong?”

  “No, she’s just scared, that’s all.”

  “But what if she doesn’t want us?”

  Leaning back, I cradle her face. “She wants us. Trust me. I’m going to go talk to her. She can run but she can’t hide. Not from this.”

  Julie nods, burying her face in my chest. “I love her, Nash. I don’t want to lose her.”

  “I love her too, baby. She’s ours. She just doesn’t realize it yet.”



  Later that afternoon, I’m knocking on Jayla’s door, desperation gripping my chest so tight I can hardly breathe. I haven’t wanted to claim a woman this badly since the moment I laid eyes on Julie. We didn’t even realize anything had been missing from our lives until we met her. Until we had her in our bed. Last night was the best night of my life. And for Julie, too. We both want her. The only problem is convincing Jayla she belongs with us.

  The door swings open and Jayla stands there wearing a tank top and a pair of cutoff shorts. She looks younger without makeup and her work clothes, and it has my cock hardening in my jeans.

  I take a few steps forward and she retreats. I close the door behind me. “Why did you run away this morning?”

  “I didn’t run. I left. I had shit to do today.”

  “I had shit to do, too. Starting with you. You don’t just leave and not say goodbye.”

  “Listen, Nash. Last night was fun but—”

  I raise a brow. “Fun?”

  She smiles. “Okay, it was incredible. But it was just sex. You and I both know it can be nothing more.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because you’re married.”

  “We both want you. Can’t you see that?”

  “And how does that work exactly? How do I fit in?”

  I stalk toward her, backing her up into the wall. I place one hand on her hip and bring the other up to cradle her face.

  “You fit perfectly between us, baby. Don’t you feel it? Because fuck knows we do.”

  She shakes her head, averting her gaze. “I’ve never felt this strongly before, and I’m afraid to believe in something that could fall apart at any moment.”

  “How will you ever know unless you give us a chance?” I angle my head, bringing my mouth to hers, caressing her lips with my own. Her arms go around my neck and I reach down to unbutton her shorts, dipping my hand inside. “So fucking wet for me,” I say, kissing her once more. “Let me show you how good it can be.” I push her shorts down over her hips then her panties.

  “What about Julie?”

  “She knows I’m here. She knows what I came for. We both want you. Together. Separately. However we can have you.”

  “I want that, too.”

  “Then give yourself to me. To her. We will figure out the rest as we go along.”

  Once she steps out of her shorts and panties, I unzip my jeans and reach inside to pull myself free. I lift her off her feet and she wraps her legs around my waist before I bring her down on my throbbing cock in one smooth thrust. She gasps, clutching my hair with her fingers.

  “Oh God.”

  “You can call his name all you want but I’m the one fucking you right now.”

  I fuck her hard against the wall, using my hands to hold her in place as I possess her body. “I need to come,” she pants.

  “No, not yet. I call the shots. I tell you when. Not a minute sooner,” I growl.

  She grunts, trying to restrain herself
. A sense of satisfaction rolls through me that she obeys my command. A few thrusts later, I give us the release we both so desperately need.

  “Come,” I command.

  She explodes, digging her nails into my shoulders as my teeth clamp down on her collarbone. I continue in and out of her, finding my own release.

  After a few moments, we finally catch our breaths. I lean back to look deep in her eyes. “Get dressed and pack a bag. You’re coming home with me.”

  She smiles. “Yes, sir.” I lower her to her feet. She grabs her blue jean shorts and underwear and heads to the bathroom while I pull my phone out and text Julie that we will be there soon.



  I pace the floor, waiting for them to arrive. Nash texted me on his way, letting me know that Jayla was with him, which settled my troubled heart, but I’m not able to breathe a sigh of relief until they walk through the door. I immediately rush to her, throwing my arms around her neck. I’m overwhelmed with emotion. “I thought you wouldn’t come back.”

  “Kind of hard to say no to him.”

  “Tell me about it. I’ve never been able to resist his acts of persuasion.”

  I look into her eyes. “Does this mean you’re going to give us a chance?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t know how this is supposed to work. I’ve never been in a relationship with three people.”

  “We haven’t either but we want to try, with you.”

  Nash moves in behind her, dropping a kiss to her neck. “We will take things slow and be very careful.”

  Jayla sighs. “Careful. Right.”

  Nash’s hand moves between us to unbutton her denim shorts. “Kiss her,” he demands as his hand dips inside.

  Our lips meet, tongues softly tangling as he slowly works her up.

  “I want both of you to strip and get on your knees.”



  The demand sends tiny sparks of electricity zapping through my nerve endings. I never thought I would see the day where I would allow a man to bring me to my knees but with Nash it’s different. I trust him. I trust him to respect my boundaries and while he demands control, I know that I’m the one who holds all of the power.

  We strip down and Julie and I both get on our knees. Excitement thrums in my veins, awaiting his next command. He stands before us, gloriously naked, every hard inch of his skin on grand display. He reaches out to touch my head, gently petting me. I lean into his touch, seeking his warmth. He leans down, his mouth hot and commanding against mine. Possessing me.

  Claiming me.

  His kiss is just as possessive when he tears his lips from mine and brings his mouth over to Julie’s.

  After a few moments, he releases her and stands to his full height once more.

  Unable to resist, I reach up and wrap my fingers around his straining cock. He lets go of a heated hiss when my lips wrap around the head, taking him deep into my mouth. Julie begins licking and sucking him as well and his eyes are full of adoration and desire as he gazes down at us.

  “So fucking beautiful.”

  His praise has me renewing my efforts, but far too soon, he’s pulling from my mouth and reaching down to grab my hand. He leads me over to the couch, taking a seat in the center. I straddle his hips and lower myself onto his gorgeous cock.

  “Ride me,” he commands, and I do as he says. Julie stands behind his head, leaning down to kiss him then me as I ride him like a fucking stallion. God he feels incredible. Like his cock was made for me. I come on a hollowed cry, his name pouring from my lips and he quickly follows, filling me up with his warm seed. Once I catch my breath, he lays me down on the couch and then Julie is between my legs, licking and sucking the cum from my cunt. I smile as he enters her from behind.

  The man is a fucking savage.

  Later that night, once we have all gorged ourselves on one another, we lie in bed, a mess of tangled limbs. Nash gives Julie a look and she moves from the bed, returning moments later with a square velvet box. I look at Nash in confusion. He slowly flips the lid open to reveal a necklace almost identical to Julie’s, the circlet of tiny diamonds sparkling in the lamplight.

  I gasp. “It’s beautiful.”

  “You’re ours,” he says, his tone hard and possessive.

  Swallowing thickly, I nod.

  “Sit up.”

  I do as he says and he clasps the necklace around my neck. Nash leans in to kiss my lips while Julie kisses my collarbone. My nipples tighten and my clit throbs, my body hungry for their touch. They lay me down and make love to me, and even though it’s sweet and gentle, there is no lacking their possessiveness. They’ve claimed me in ways I never imagined.





  And when morning comes, I don’t run away, because for the first time in my life, I know I’m exactly where I’m meant to be.


  Two years later...

  This just might be the craziest thing we’ve ever done, and we’ve done a lot of crazy shit. Hell, our entire relationship is nothing but one crazy adventure after another. However, I never thought in a million years I would end up here, in love with two of the most beautiful women in the world. Julie sits between my open legs as Jayla swims in the ocean before us. This is the last vacation we’ll have where it’s just the three of us for a while so I’m doing my best to soak in every single moment.

  “Did you feel that?” Julie asks as I caress her swollen belly.

  I smile, feeling the tiny kick beneath my palm once again. “He’s active today.”

  “He was dancing on my bladder all night.” She sighs tiredly. “I’m so ready for him to be here already. I’m ready to meet him.” She twists her head to gaze up at me. “I know he’s going to look just like you.”

  I kiss her nose then nuzzle her neck. “Have you given any more thought to the names we discussed?”

  “Jayla and I both agreed on Atlas.”

  I’m still not sold on that one even though it’s on the list, but if both my girls want something, I’m unable to tell them no. Jayla emerges from the water, making her way toward us where we sit on a blanket on the beach. She grabs a towel, drying herself off. “The water feels amazing. You two should join me.”

  “We’re content to enjoy the view instead,” Julie says to her seductively.

  Jayla folds her legs beneath her, sitting on her knees next to us. She’s not as far along as Julie but she’s starting to show. We have no idea if it’s a boy or a girl but I hope like hell it’s a girl.

  I reach for her hand to pull her forward and kiss her wet lips. “How was your swim?”

  “Amazing. I love it here. Thank you for bringing us.”

  “I wanted to have this before our life gets turned upside down with babies and chaos.”

  “But what wonderful chaos it will be,” Julie adds.

  There’s no doubt about that. The last two years have been challenging. But this will be our greatest challenge yet. We’ve already decided that Julie will stay home with the children and Jayla and I will return to work. Each of us are content with our roles. Julie more so than any of us. Jayla and I both love our jobs, so this will be a perfect mix for all of us. I want at least four babies, two by each woman but we will see what fate has in store for us. If there is anything I’ve learned by being in a relationship with two strong, independent women is that nothing is predictable.

  “We were just discussing the name again,” I add. “Julie says you’ve both agreed on Atlas.”

  “I like that one the best.”

  “I think I can live with that,” I tell them.

  “I’m starving,” Jayla says.

  “I brought some fresh kiwi and strawberries down. It’s in the cooler.”

  Jayla retrieves the large Ziploc bag full of fruit. She offers a strawberry to Julie first. As she bites down, the juice dribbles off her chin and down her chest.

She giggles but Jayla is right there to help clean her up. Leaning in to lick the sticky liquid from her skin. Julie moans, craning her neck back. “Mmm.”

  “So goddamn sweet,” Jayla says as she darts her tongue beneath her bikini top to taste her nipple.

  Julie gasps, her cheeks turning pink.

  “What do you say we go back upstairs to the condo and I’ll feed you some more.”

  Julie nods with a sexy smile as Jayla stands and helps her to her feet. I gather up our stuff as they walk back up toward the condo.

  Both women have been downright insatiable since they found out they were pregnant and there’s not a day that passes that I don’t feel like the luckiest fucking man alive. The two most perfect women carrying my babies and they belong to me.

  All mine.

  I’m still amazed at how we ended up here. What started out as one night, a fantasy brought to life, has led to what couldn’t be a more perfect forever.

  The End

  His to Claim




  My heart beats like a drum in my chest as I walk into the backyard where all of my friends and family are gathered to celebrate my eighteenth birthday.

  Mom holds the cake as I blow out the candles. “Happy birthday, sweetheart,” my father says, pulling me in for a hug.

  “Thank you, Daddy. I can’t believe y’all did this.” I turn to my best friend, Jayla. “And kept it a secret.”

  “Trust me, it wasn’t easy,” she says.

  I scan the crowd as I hug each and every one of my family members and friends, thanking them for being a part of my special day. A day I never thought would come.

  I’m an adult now.

  A woman.

  The heaviness in my body only worsens as I look around the crowded backyard, searching for the man I’ve been waiting to give myself to him for four long years.


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