Proposition: A Dark Billionaire Romance

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Proposition: A Dark Billionaire Romance Page 61

by Angela Blake

  She was one of those women once.

  If she were being honest with herself, she was still very much attracted to him, but she couldn’t let that have any bearing on what she was about to tell him. She had to do the right thing for Elena now.

  Whether or not they would ever have anything again didn’t matter as long as Elena had her father.

  “Hey,” Lucas said as he finally reached her.

  “Hey,” she responded as she gazed at him taking in the angles of his face, and the way it was brought out by the slight copper in his hair.

  “Ready to go? My car is just around the corner,” he jabbed a finger in the direction of the car.

  “Let’s go.”

  They walked quietly to the car, the air charged with the weight of all the things they wanted to say, but couldn’t.


  Lorena looked around as Lucas pulled up to a quiet spot on the beach an hour later. The car ride over had been awkward first with Lucas trying to draw her out of her shell, and Lorena terrified of letting down her wall.

  She would respond in monosyllables at first until finally he brought up one particular memory of her trying to cook and nearly burning the house down that had her laughing till tears ran down her face.

  After that, they simply fell into old habits.

  They got out of the car and took off their shoes as they let their toes sink into the sand.

  “I love how the sand feels between my toes,” she whispered quietly.

  Lucas smiled as he dug his feet in. “I remember you saying that. I love how it smells here. It’s hard to remember that smell when you live in the city, but once you’re here, it just permeates the senses.”

  Lorena gave him a small smile as she shoved her hands in her pockets and began to wriggle her toes. She sighed as she felt some of the tension drain away as she walked towards the water.

  She took in a huge gulp of salty air and let it fill her lungs completely before she released it. “The rest of the world just melts away out here,”

  “It does,” Lucas agreed from behind her as she felt rather than saw him stand next to her. He dipped his toes into the water. “The water is warm,”

  Lorena gave him a wry smile. “Nice try. I’m not falling for that trick.”

  “What trick?”

  “You flinched when you dipped your toes just now. You want to tell me that was a reflex?”

  Lucas gave her a sheepish smile. “Won’t know unless you try.”

  “Why would I”- she was interrupted when a splash of water drenched her. She sputtered as she stared at Lucas who looked as delighted as a kid during Christmas.

  The water was warm, but that didn’t mean she was going to let it slide. She gave him an innocent smile before she splashed him right back.

  He spit the water out of his mouth as he stared at her through hooded eyes.

  “Oh, it’s on.”

  They began a water fight much like the ones they used to have in Madrid when they were younger, and things were great between them. In that hour as they splashed each other, each trying to get the other to surrender, all the years melted away, and it was like they were back in Spain having some fun before they headed home for the night.

  Lucas threw himself onto the beach. “I give up.”

  “You are- what do the Americans call it? A chicken,” she began to make chicken noises at him.

  Lucas pretended to be offended. “And you are what they call a sore loser.”

  Lorena surprised herself and him by throwing her head back and laughing before she plopped next to him on the sand.

  They lay there, side by side, their bodies barely touching as they breathed deeply and stared at the deep blue sky. The sun shone down on them, its rays warming them up.

  Unknowingly, Lorena had moved closer to Lucas and had fitted herself to his side. He placed one arm around her just like he used to do.

  Lorena took a deep breath before she looked up at Lucas who was already gazing at her.

  “Que pasa?”

  “I need to tell you something, but before I do you, you have to promise you’ll wait till I’m finished before you say anything, and please think very carefully before you make a decision because it is a big deal.”

  “Are you offering to be my sponsor?” Lucas teased.

  Lorena slapped him on the arm, an amused smile tugging on the corner of her lips before she sobered up.

  “When I told you to go to America, when you got that scholarship, I knew that I had to let you go, so you could pursue your dream. So I convinced you that it was okay.”

  “I know why you did it, Lor. We agreed we’d try the long distance thing, but it was too hard after a while, I thought we both agreed to that.”

  Lorena gave an exasperated sigh. “Would you stop interrupting?”

  Lucas held up his hand and mimed shutting his mouth.

  “It was the right decision at the time, but what I didn’t tell you is that I was pregnant.”

  She proceeded to tell Lucas the story, why she had made the decisions she made, and Lucas listened quietly nodding to let her know he was keeping up.

  When she was finished, she waited anxiously for his reaction.

  “I’m sorry.”

  “What?” she whispered unsure of where this was coming from.

  “I’m sorry I made you feel like you were alone when you lost the baby, and like you had to let me go, so that I could pursue my dream while you raised our daughter. That wasn’t fair to you, and I wish you had told me the truth, but I understand why you didn’t.”


  He rolled over, so he was looming on top of her. “Really. When can I meet Elena?”

  Lorena laughed, a lovely carefree sound. “How about tonight? She’s with the baby sitter right now, but we can go see her.”

  Lucas leaned in and nuzzled her neck. “I like that-we.” He pulled back and gazed at her, his eyes full of questions. Lorena nodded as he pressed his lips to hers.

  He kissed her slowly at first, as if taking his time letting the years reacquaint him with what his body already knew, but soon his kissing grew more insistent, and he gently bit down on her bottom lip. She parted her lips and groaned as their tongues battled for dominance.

  She lifted her hips and pressed herself closer causing Lucas to moan in the back of his throat. His hands ran up and down her body leaving goosebumps in his wake.

  Lorena ran her hands over his back and snaked them underneath his shirt. She helped him out as he helped her out of her shirt.

  He placed both hands on her breasts and began to knead them till her breasts practically spilled out of her bra, and all the while Lorena was writhing, gasping like a swimmer who was desperate for air.

  She reached between them and placed her hand above his crotch and began to stroke. Lucas smiled against her as he grinded into her hand. He brought her hands up slowly and wrapped them around his neck.

  He reached down and lay his hand on top of her crotch and watched as her eyes glazed over with uncontrolled desire. He unzipped his jeans and kicked them off as Lorena watched him through hooded eyes.

  She kicked off her own jeans and watched as his eyes trailed over her body. He unclasped her bra and took one breast in his mouth. He began to suck and lick until Lorena was practically clawing on his back. He took the other breast and did the same till both her nipples were erect. She impatiently grinded against him until he finally tore himself away and lowered his boxers.

  He thrust into her in one quick stroke, and they began to move together in wild abandon not caring if the whole world heard them. He began to nibble on her ears and bit her neck as he steadily thrust into her.

  She ran her hands up and down his back and over his hips causing him to tremble in desire.

  They finally came together, both of them shouting, their voices echoing on that empty beach.

  “Let’s go home,” he finally said a while later as he was stroking her back.

  Lorena s
miled up at him as they got dressed and moved towards his car. They got in and drove towards Elena, towards their future.


  Swish: A Secret Baby Sports Romance


  Blaire Hamilton wiped the sweat off his brow and squinted as he spat out the brittle collecting in the corner of his mouth. He hunched over, placed his hands on his hips and took a deep calming breath.

  He just had the wind knocked out of him, that was all.

  He just needed to get the air back in his lungs, so he waited for the searing pain he felt from within to subside before looking back.

  While he waited, he knew he should take advantage of the situation and study the opposing team’s weakness.

  They left one of their players open, and Blaire knew that in a few minutes once they let him back in the game, he would be able to take him out easily.

  As the pain in his chest subsided, he leaned back and blinked to clear his vision. He had been so focused on the point guard, he didn’t notice the basketball that came flying out of nowhere and collided into him smack dab in the middle of his chest.

  He was a bit winded, but he also really needed the time out to regroup and clear his head.

  His head dropped forward, and he scanned the crowd, taking in the smell of stale sweat, freshly brewed popcorn, and he could almost taste the tension in the air.

  This is why he loved being in the NBA.

  The rush, the adrenaline, the lights, and how a hush fell on the crowd as all eyes turned to him. He loved taking stock of how people held their breaths in collective anticipation as he dribbled the ball, stood poised and then let it fly through the air knowing that in most cases, it usually landed with a final swoop causing the crowd to erupt into a frenzy of love and cheers.

  Most people would find being center stage intimidating, but Blaire wasn’t like that. He relished it so much, and he had been working towards it for years. Pretty much since he picked up a basketball in high school.

  At 27 years old, Blaire was the youngest player on the team, but he was scouted pretty much once he got to college. He just put it off so he could get a degree in History, which had always been a passion of his.

  The scout was peeved at his decision, but knowing that players like Blaire only came along once in a blue moon, had agreed to hold off on making a formal offer provided he could still play as well four years later.

  As soon as he graduated with a bachelor’s degree in History, Blaire had showed up, made a slam dunk and left the scout with his mouth hanging open.

  The rest, as they say, is history.

  Blaire stood up abruptly and began to stretch his muscles. He shook his head in an attempt to clear his shaggy brown hair out of his eyes.

  Need to get a bloody haircut, he thought to himself as he continued to stretch his muscles. Blaire’s blue eyes scanned the crowd nonchalantly as he idly wondered who he would pick up for the night. The team would probably be having a party afterwards, and he also liked to have female company. As his shirt rode up to reveal a finely taut stomach, he heard some of the women nearby sigh and mutter his name.

  He turned around and gave them a quick wink as his eyes roamed over them. Too young, he thought as he dismissed them and eyed another potential group in the back who were waving and screaming frantically so he could notice them.

  He raised an eyebrow in acknowledgement and flashed them a row of pearly white teeth. His eyes immediately landed on a petite blonde in the middle who even from his vantage point had voluptuous curves and a nice rack.

  She licked her lips suggestively, and he could immediately feel himself getting turned on just by looking at her. He mouthed the words ‘later’ and turned around before he got a massive boner that would make him unable to focus for the rest of the night.

  A flash of chestnut brown hair caught his attention, and Blaire frowned as he saw the brunette walk by. His heart skipped a beat as he wondered for a moment if it was her.

  Sienna Hummel.

  He hadn’t seen Sienna since he graduated from college, and the thought of her being there had his heart anxiously skipping ten beats, as his palms began to grow sweaty.

  He gritted his teeth and told himself to get over it. Sienna wasn’t here. There was no way. He had ended things once he graduated because he knew that Sienna wanted a nice quiet life, and he wanted more.

  He had loved her once, but he loved the sounds of girls screaming his name on and off the field even more. It was that thirst and lust for fame and the lifestyle that came along with it that drove him to end it; that, and her deception.

  He shook his head to clear away the remnants of the past and turned around to find his team mate and best friend, Mark Berry come running towards him.

  Mark ran his hands through his shaggy blonde hair, making it stick up on all ends. His green eyes scanned Blaire carefully, “Are you ready to be back in the game man?”

  Blaire gave a swift nod, “More than.”

  Mark gave him a grin before he shoved him towards the court, “Alright, I’m out for a few.”

  He plopped onto the bleachers, and Blaire ran towards the center of the court where his team was huddled. They went over a strategy before calling out break.

  Before the referee blew the whistle, Blaire cast his glance upwards once more and flashed the petite blonde from earlier a panty-dropping grin that had the blonde tighten her legs in response.

  Blaire smirked at her response before turning his attention back to the game just in time for the referee to blow the whistle.


  Blaire took a swig of his beer as he made his way in and out of the throngs of people in the tightly packed space. Mark sure knew how to throw a hell of a party. And he never got in trouble with the neighbors who beat the hell out of Blaire.

  Blaire was sure he could never get away with something like this despite being the MVP of their team.

  “Great Job Blaire-out!” somebody called out from across the room. Blaire cringed at the use of the detestable nickname but called out a thanks to the man nonetheless.

  They called him ‘Blaire-out' because he once accidentally tossed the ball so hard it caused one of the other players to black out mere seconds later. Blaire had freaked out, run over and dropped to his knees to check on the man’s pulse, but he was fine. The man was merely dehydrated, and a ball to the head simply didn’t help.

  Blaire had breathed a sigh of relief and told the rest of the team, but they didn’t believe him. They still thought he could do what they thought he did. Blaire didn’t mind really because it earned him respect on the court, and it made women flock to his side thinking that he could make them black out because of a mind numbing orgasm.

  While his sexual prowess wasn’t quite that intense, he did pride himself on being able to get a woman to scream out his name multiple times while he made them feel better than they ever had in their entire life.

  He finally found his way back to the blonde-Hannah was her name-and he stood there a moment admiring her frame. She had changed out of the jeans and tight fitting shirt she had on earlier, and now she had on a skimpy pink dress that was so tight, her breasts were practically spilling out of it.

  He felt himself growing aroused, but he still stood there watching as she tossed her blonde hair back and bit her lips. He didn’t like to rush these things. He liked to take his time, so that by the time they got to it, the woman would be begging him to take her.

  The man Hannah was talking to saw Blaire, gave him a nod and moved out of his seat. Blaire nodded at him in acknowledgement before he plopped down onto the couch next to Hannah. She practically purred and pressed herself up against him as she breathed quietly down his neck.

  “Do you guys always have parties like these?”

  “Pretty much after every game,” he took a swig of his beer and brought his arm to rest on her shoulder. He idly traced patterns on her back and was happy to find that her body shuddered in response. He turned so he was facing her, a
nd in one swift movement he had her on his lap. He casually placed a hand on her lap while the other toyed with the hair at the back of her neck.

  He shifted and grabbed his jacket off the back of the couch and placed it on her lap casually, so that his hand was able to move freely.

  “I heard you studied History in college.”

  Blaire chuckled as his hands lingered on the edge of her dress. She was trying not to show how affected she was, but he could see by the way she bit off the end of her sentence.

  “Somebody’s been doing their research,” Blaire’s other hand moved below her dress and toyed with the straps of her bra. Hannah gulped as she placed both arms around either side of his face.

  “I did study History, yes.”

  “What was your favorite era?”

  The hand that was hovering on the edge of her dress snaked underneath and began to rub her inner thighs. Hannah’s legs tightened in response, and Blaire grinned as he pressed a swift kiss on her neck, lingering there long enough to feel the goose bumps rise up and down her arms.

  He pulled back. “I don’t have a favorite era, but I was quite obsessed with Scottish history.”

  “Oh?” She tried to sound interested, but he could already see her brown eyes cloud over with lust.

  “Oh, yes. Studying the highlanders and their riots was really quite interesting.”

  “Interesting, yes,” Blaire’s hands had begun to move upwards and they rested just inside her thighs, but not anywhere near where Hannah wanted them to, and Blaire knew that.

  He wanted her to be fully ready, so he pulled his hand away and moved it to her feet. He began to massage her feet while his other hand massaged her shoulders.

  Hannah tried to keep her eyes from rolling to the back of her head.

  “I also took a biology course,” he added nonchalantly as he captured her lips with his. Instead of deepening the kiss like they both wanted to, Blaire kept his mouth closed and steady, settling for a mere peck on the lips to keep her thirsty for more.


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