The Billionaire From Portland: A Sexy BWWM Billionaire Romance (United States Of Billionaires Book 10)

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The Billionaire From Portland: A Sexy BWWM Billionaire Romance (United States Of Billionaires Book 10) Page 11

by Simply BWWM

  “I think we’re done,” Bradley said finally. “Do you want to look over my list?” Jessica shook her head.

  “Not right now,” she said. “I might later--but right now, I kind of want to get to the main event.” Bradley tsked and shook his head, amusement lighting up his eyes.

  “Such an impatient girl,” he said. He picked up the bag he’d brought into the apartment and set it in his lap. “All right. We’re agreed on our safe words and safe-gestures?” Jessica nodded.

  “Yes, sir,” she said. Already, she was buzzing with the awareness that she had given the man seated next to her on her couch control of the situation. She was letting him determine what would happen--based on what she had said she was okay with and not okay with, and whatever he had brought with him.

  “Stand up,” Bradley said, his voice firm. Jessica moved to obey, rising to her feet and turning to face him. “Strip for me, Jessica.” He took his phone out of his pocket, and Jessica frowned in confusion; if she was going to strip for him, what was with the phone? Was he going to ignore her? But after a few seconds, music started playing--starting with sparse drums and a feminine-sounding voice, a “Hey!” and then snarling, warbling guitar.

  As the song settled in, the female voice singing “Don’t touch, kid/ sleep with the lights on/ touch, kid/ how you surprise me now…” Jessica began to sway to the beat, her hands moving to the buttons at the front of her dress.

  She got to work, falling into the song, letting the sinuous rhythm and the woman’s voice and the textural guitar inspire her movements as she slowly unbuttoned her dress and then let it drop from her shoulders, to her waist, to her hips, to the floor.

  Jessica watched Bradley as she stripped, but his face barely betrayed more than interest; he was obviously enjoying himself, but she didn’t see the usual signs of desire that were always so easy to read in him. That shook her, but Brad gestured for her to continue, and she did, turning and twisting to add more intrigue to the act of taking off her bra and panties, slipping off the knee socks she’d put on because she knew he liked them.

  Finally, she was naked but felt--somehow--more than naked, the way she had the first time they’d had sex. She had no idea what Bradley was going to do to or with her, and that awareness made her scared and thrilled all at the same time.

  Bradley set the phone aside and rose to his feet. “Well done,” he said, pitching his voice just a touch louder than the music. “I needed you naked for what we’re going to do--are you wet, Jessica?” She nodded eagerly.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said.

  “Very good,” Bradley said. “You’re going to get even wetter before I’m done with you. Now, put your hands behind your back.” Jessica immediately obeyed, feeling her skin crawling and almost seeming to buzz with anticipation. She settled her wrists at the small of her back, and Bradley--carrying the bag still--moved behind her. She felt something silky and soft brush against her skin, and then wrap around her wrists, tightening.

  “What’s that?” Part of the contract had stipulated that she was allowed to ask whatever questions she wanted--that unless she’d been directed specifically that she wasn’t to speak, or unless she was gagged, she could say anything, be as loud as she wanted. That was in the rules. She almost wanted Bradley to revoke her permission to speak, to feel his power over her more directly.

  “It’s silk rope,” Bradley replied. “We can experiment with something harsher another time, but for right now I don’t want to risk making any marks on you that won’t fade in an hour or so. I can’t trust you not to deliberately harm yourself yet.”

  That stung--a little bit--but Jessica knew it was true. She probably would have twisted her wrists against any harsher binding that her boss might have used on her for their first session, wanting to somehow twist what he was doing into something more debasing than it was.

  As the silk rope tightened, Jessica could tell that Bradley knew exactly what he was doing; she wouldn’t be able to struggle at all--at least, not effectively. Her arms were immobilized behind her back. She could feel the pull in her shoulders, but it wasn’t enough to truly hurt, or at least it wasn’t yet.

  She heard a rustle and clatter as Bradley set the bag down behind her, and then his hands moved around to her front, cupping her breasts and fondling them lightly. “Before I can expect you to be good, I’ll have to teach you what happens when you’re bad, won’t I?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Jessica said, her heart beating faster.

  “Do you think you deserve a spanking, Jessica?”

  “Yes! Yes, Sir,” she said, almost involuntarily pulling against the bindings on her wrists. Bradley’s fingertips rolled and twisted her nipples, sending little jolts of pleasure through her body, and Jessica gasped and shuddered, leaning into the rough touches. She would never have anticipated that Brad would be this capable, this quickly--she would have thought she would have to push him to truly be rough with her. But if he was willing to go rough, she would see how far he would take it.

  His hands dropped away, and Jessica groaned in disappointment. Wasn’t he going to punish her? Brad stepped back from her, and she turned her head to see him walking towards the couch. He sat down, and she turned around to face him, her arms still behind her back. Bradley opened the bottle of wine she’d brought out and poured a glass, taking a sip, making her wait for whatever it was he was going to do--or command her to do--next. Finally, he looked up to meet her gaze and half-smiled.

  “Come here, Jessica,” he said, his voice taking on that firm, commanding note once more. Jessica moved to obey him immediately, hungry for whatever would come next--the spanking he’d promised?

  Bradley stopped her when she was only a few inches away from his knees. “Turn around and face the coffee table,” he said. Feeling slightly awkward, Jessica did as she was told. “Bend forward as far as you can.” She did, until the top half of her body was parallel to the coffee table, her back arched slightly. The tension in her shoulders increased, but it wasn’t precisely painful, yet. “Spread your legs a bit--if you fall forward onto the table, we’ll have to cut your punishment short.”

  Once again, he made her wait, her skin tingling, her whole body more than ready for whatever it was that Brad was going to do. Just when she was about to ask if he was going to spank her or not, she heard the harsh, staccato slap, and then felt the stinging heat of his hand’s impact on her right buttock. Before she could even fully react, the blow repeated--this time on her left buttock. Jessica yelped in belated surprise. “I want you to say, ‘Thank you, sir’ after every blow,” Bradley commanded.

  “Yes, Sir. Thank you, Sir,” Jessica said. She expected him to hit her right buttock again, but instead he struck her left for the second time in a row, deepening the heat there. “Thank you, Sir,” she said quickly, the words leaving her in a rush.

  Right, left, left, right, right, right, left, Bradley struck her ass with the flat of his hand, every blow sending jolts of sensation through Jessica’s body, each one adding a new layer of heat to her sensitive skin, and after a few moments, as she gave into the punishment more fully, she felt her pussy becoming wetter and wetter with each strike, each time she thanked him.

  He sped up, slapping her buttocks in rapid succession until she couldn’t even count the number of times he’d done it anymore, until she was at the edge of almost wanting to tell him to stop--she could feel the tears beginning to sting her eyes, but they had only begun.

  Then, just as suddenly as he’d started, he stopped. Jessica tensed, waiting for him to start again, her ass tingling hot and somehow cold at the same time, her whole body vibrating from the tension that consumed it. She wanted more--but she also wasn’t sure she could take any more. She wanted to know what he would do next, but she couldn’t bring herself to ask.

  A rustle on the couch next to her announced Bradley’s rise from it. He picked up his glass of wine and stepped around the coffee table, to where he’d left the bag. “Did you deserve that, Jessica?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Jessica replied almost automatically.

  “Why did you deserve it?” That stymied her. Why did she deserve the spanking? What had she done to merit being punished?

  “Because--because…” Jessica licked her dry lips, trying to think. “Because I need to learn how to be good?”

  “Exactly right,” Bradley confirmed, his voice softening with approval. “Do you need more punishment?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Jessica said. “I need as much punishment as you see fit to give me.” She heard Bradley chuckle, and in the periphery of her vision saw him pick up the bag--though he didn’t open it or show her what was in it.

  He came back to the couch and sat down. “This time, I want you to count down from twenty,” he told her. Twenty? Twenty what? “Understood?”

  “Yes, Sir,” Jessica replied, not sure what she was, exactly, agreeing to. She heard metal and plastic shuffling, clattering, and fabric whispering, and then nothing for a long moment. Jessica didn’t know what she should even expect.

  Just when the anticipation made her feel the most desperate, she felt the impact: something flat, colder and broader than a hand, across both of her buttocks at the same time. Jessica cried out, shocked by the sensation. Belatedly, she realized it was some kind of paddle. “Twenty!” She only just remembered to count. That answered the question then: she was going to get twenty blows from the paddle.

  But she didn’t. Instead, Bradley stopped at ten and stood, pulling her to a fully upright position. He brought the glass of wine up to her lips. “Thirsty?” Jessica nodded.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said. He tilted the glass, and she drank, savoring the cold sweetness coating her mouth. “Thank you, Sir,” she added when he brought the glass away. He lifted it for another sip, and she accepted it, drinking a little more deeply before she thanked him again.

  Bradley set the wine glass down and reached up between her legs, rubbing against her soaking wet labia. “You’re enjoying your punishment, aren’t you?” Jessica nodded enthusiastically.

  “Yes, Sir.” Bradley smiled, briefly breaking through the persona he’d adopted once they had started the session formally.

  “I think you need just a little bit more,” Bradley said. His fingers withdrew from her vulva and reached around to stroke her sensitive, tender buttocks, making Jessica shiver.

  “Yes, Sir,” she agreed.

  “But I think this time, it’ll be these gorgeous tits of yours--I think your ass is done for right now,” Bradley said. He leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. “And I think once I’m done, I can show you what happens when you’re good.” Jessica nodded her agreement to that prospect.

  He reached down into the bag and took out was Jessica recognized--after a moment--as a pair of nipple clamps. They were fairly tame ones; no spikes on them, no rough edges. They looked a little like clothespins, but the ends were covered in soft latex, and there was a screw on one side of each one to control how tightly they would pinch.

  Jessica bit her bottom lip, watching in fascinated anticipation as Bradley opened up one of the clamps. He rolled and twisted her right nipple, making it hard, and then closed the clamp around it, and Jessica moaned at the sensation: pain and pleasure, all mingled up, with nothing she could do about it.

  He repeated the movements on her other nipple, and for a moment, he left her standing there, arms bound behind her back, nipples throbbing with an unfamiliar aching pain-and-pleasure. Jessica began to whimper as the sensation intensified the longer the clamps stayed on. “That’s not all of it, Jess,” Brad told her, and she looked up to meet his gaze.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said. Bradley reached down into the bag once more, and Jessica’s eyes widened as she caught sight of a flogger. It was simple: a handle and strips of wide leather, suede on one side and shiny on the other. “Do you know how to use that?” The question left her before she could even think about whether or not it was--strictly speaking--a good idea to ask it.

  “Well enough,” Bradley said. “Are you going to accept your punishment, Jessica? Or do we need to stop here?”

  “No--no, we don’t need to stop. I’ll accept my punishment,” Jessica said. Bradley smiled.

  “Good,” he said. He twitched the flogger in his hand and teased her with it for a moment, brushing it over her skin, tickling the undersides of her breasts. “Look straight ahead,” he told her. Jessica did as she was told. Because of where she was looking, she couldn’t tell when he was going to strike her, and she couldn’t anticipate it. When the splatter of leather against skin reached her ears and the crackling explosion of sensation rocked her left breast, she cried out. “Count down from twenty again, Jessica,” Bradley told her.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said. “Twenty!”

  “No, the next one is twenty,” Bradley said. Jessica heard the rustle of the leather strips the instant before they hit her right breast.

  “Twenty!” she cried out.

  This time, he did take her all the way to “one,” not stopping even as tears began to roll down her cheeks, and as her voice began to crack on the numbers, as she trembled, helpless before him. Jessica didn’t use the safe word; she didn’t want to. She wanted to take the full punishment. She wanted the reward for taking it.

  “Did you let me keep doing that to debase you?” Jessica shook her head.

  “No, Sir,” she said.

  “Why did you let me keep doing that?” Jessica met his gaze.

  “Because I deserve punishment,” she said.

  “Why do you deserve punishment?”

  “To learn how to be good, Sir,” Jessica replied.

  “Do you think you were good?” Jessica considered that for a moment. She nodded. Every inch of her body seemed to be tingling, but her ass and her breasts were on fire, and she was so wet, so turned on that she could feel the slickness extending down onto her thighs. She couldn’t remember the last time that she had been that powerfully turned on, and she had been used to being turned on powerfully around Bradley.

  “I hope I was good, Sir,” she said. Bradley smiled at her.

  “You were very good,” he said, leaning in and kissing her on the lips lightly. “I think you deserve a reward for that now, don’t you?” Jessica nodded eagerly.

  “Please, Sir,” she said.

  “You have to be a little more patient than that, Jessica,” Bradley chided. He picked up the glass of wine once more and offered it to her, letting her drink down the rest of its contents when she accepted it. “Next time, I’ll make you show me how grateful you are for your punishment, before I give you your reward. But this time, I think I am too interested in getting off, too.” Jessica smiled, feeling the tension between her hips deepening at the knowledge that soon--soon--she would get what she so desperately wanted.

  He began to strip off his jeans and long-sleeved shirt, taking his time, leaving Jessica helplessly waiting. She wanted to see him naked, she wanted to feel his cock inside of her--in her mouth, in her pussy, she didn’t care where. Bradley even went so far as to fold his clothes neatly, setting them aside, standing before her with his cock fully erect. “Where should I fuck you, to show you how much you’ll like being good for me?” Jessica swallowed, wondering when her throat had gotten so dry.

  “Anywhere you want,” she said. “Please.”

  “You didn’t say sir,” Bradley chided her. “And that isn’t what I asked you. Where do you want my dick, Jessica?”

  “In my pussy, sir,” she said. “I want it in my pussy right now.” Bradley smiled slightly.

  “Is your pussy nice and wet for me, Jess?” She nodded.

  “It is, sir, soaking wet,” she told him. He reached up between her legs to confirm it, stroking her with lingering touches. Jessica moaned, her clit even more sensitive than it usually was, and whimpered when he stopped.

  “You are nice and soaking wet, that’s true,” Bradley said. “If you want my cock inside you, you’ll have to ride me. Can you do that?”

Yes, sir,” Jessica replied. Bradley sat down, and Jessica tried to think of how she could mount him, with her hands tied behind her. She shifted her weight from one foot to the other, keenly aware still of the throbbing in her buttocks, her breasts, her pussy--different kinds of throbbing, but all of it echoing the pulse fluttering in her chest. She took a breath, and Bradley reached out to help her, lifting her a little bit and spreading her legs so that she could climb on top of him.

  She hovered just above his erection, thighs parted around his lap, and almost as an afterthought, Bradley reached up and removed the clamps from her nipples. Jessica moaned out in relief, sinking down onto him all at once, closing her eyes at the dual pleasure of her freed nipples and the fullness inside of her. “You had better start moving or I’ll think you aren’t that good after all,” Bradley said after a few moments.

  Jessica nodded, murmured a “Yes, Sir,” and struggled slightly to pull herself up, and then sink down once more, without being able to get any leverage with her arms. Her legs would be aching the next day--she knew that--but it was so satisfying to feel his thick heat inside of her, filling her up finally, pushing deeper and deeper inside of her as she rose and fell on him, twisting her hips to get the best contact between their bodies, to get the tip of his cock to rub against her pleasure center. Brad’s hands moved to her hips, and he began to guide her, to control her a little bit.

  “Remember that you can’t come until I give you permission,” he said as she began to speed up.

  “Yes, Sir,” she said--although she hadn’t remembered until he’d said it. She began to move faster, flexing around him, trying to bring Bradley to the edge faster than she reached it so that she wouldn’t have to ask him for permission. Maybe if she made him come first, he would get her off with his fingers without making her ask for it. But Bradley was clever enough to have already guessed at her intentions--which Jessica figured out when he began to slow her down.


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