Bride of Vengeance (Highland Romance Series Book 1)

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Bride of Vengeance (Highland Romance Series Book 1) Page 6

by Pruitt, Anna

  Duncan even gave the girl a helpful nudge every once in a while to keep her awake. By the time they stopped to give the horses a rest in the afternoon, Duncan was ready to flee. He assisted Lydia off his horse and helped her get steady on the ground. Then he immediately let go of her hands. Duncan held on a little too long, or so he assumed, as Nathanial looked ready to pounce on him.

  “Thank you, Duncan.” Lydia smiled weakly as she made her way to the water, Duncan assumed to freshen up or to make another run for it. Either way, not his business.

  “Don’t mention it. Please.” He added, dodging his Laird’s gaze. Angus erupted in laughter, and, once more, he was the only one. He quickly stopped himself.

  Nathanial was in the deepest pit of suffering. He was raging and hurting all at once. He was acting like a child, too, and he knew it. A lad that did not want his toys shared. Lydia was not a plaything, but she was his. No one was going to touch her again. He had already made up his mind that she would be riding with him for the remainder of the journey. He couldn’t stand to see Duncan swoon over her one more minute. Lydia was his.

  As soon as they got back to his home, Nathanial would be able to show her that care she desperately needed. She would be able to mourn Callum and get some rest. For now, they needed to keep going.

  Lydia was taking a very long time freshening herself, Nathanial realized after he pulled himself from his thoughts of worrying about her and hating Duncan.

  “Should I go find her?” Duncan noticed her absence at the same time.

  “Do not move, Duncan.” Nathanial stalked away, leaving a grinning Duncan and Angus staring after him. Angus used more self control than he had his entire life. He did not laugh.

  Nathanial broke through the clearing and saw the water at once. He did not, however, see Lydia. Panic engulfed him, panic and anger. God, he was going to kill her. This time he would surely not be able to stop himself from hurting her. Nathanial took several angry steps forward before he saw her. She was sitting with her feet in the water, slumped on the ground, asleep. He immediately felt his anger vanish, his panic subsided and was replaced with a twinge of guilt. He was running her into the ground. She was heartbroken and had nothing left to give.

  Nathanial leaned down and picked her up, cradling her in his arms. She stirred only for a minute. He then leaned his head down and whispered in her ear. “One more day, Lydia. Give me one more day.”

  Somewhere in her subconscious, she heard his plea. Lydia did not understand what he meant by it, but the thought of this all being over in one day was a peaceful one, so she grabbed hold of it and let herself go.


  Lydia was drooling on her plaid and the man she was riding with when she awoke hours later. They were coming to a sudden stop. Lydia opened her eyes and saw the damage. She was contemplating wiping it from his plaid when she realized who his was. She was in Nathanial’s arms. Thank God he was not looking at her when she opened her eyes. He was staring off into the distance. Lydia lifted her head and realized she was now staring at his mouth. She immediately tried to adjust herself, but Nathanial was wrapping his arm around her now, keeping her still. He lowered his lips to her ear, like he loved to do when he decided to make her crazy.

  “Do not move.” Lydia froze at his words. She held onto his plaid to keep herself still. Her mind wandered to dark places. What was happening? Lydia seemed to be the only person who did not know. She could see Duncan right behind them. He looked ready to kill. Why weren’t they moving? Lydia heard the rustling then. Someone was closing in on them. Lydia looked up to Nathanial to see if he was worried. She couldn’t tell. He did look down at her, his eyes as intense as ever. Nathanial leaned down before she could stop him and brushed his lips over hers.

  “Good god, boy. Not now.” Duncan sighed.

  Angus could be heard chuckling somewhere in the distance.

  Nathanial pulled away and placed a soft kiss on her forehead where her scar still healed before staring ahead again. Lydia was confused and comforted at the same time.

  “It’s Margret.” Duncan declared as the woman appeared through the trees. She took a huge sigh of relief. The men relaxed.

  “Thank God I found ye.” Margret was out of breath and on a horse that was far too big for her. A fragile-looking priest rode beside her on an equally ridiculous horse.

  Nathanial was not able to stop Lydia from turning now.

  “Margret.” Lydia’s voice was filled with amazement. Margret, unsure of whether or not the girl would be happy to see her, simply smiled sheepishly.

  Lydia’s eyes brimmed with tears and Margret had her answer. “Hello, dear girl.”

  Lydia slid from Nathanial’s arms before he could stop her. Margret hesitantly climbed off her steed. It was not graceful.

  “I’ll never get back up there.” Margret commented as she took Lydia in her arms. “I’m so sorry, Lydia.” Margret, already knowing of Callum’s fate via messenger, cradled Lydia in her arms as Lydia broke down. “It’s going to be okay.”

  Nathanial watched Margret console Lydia and felt an immense amount of pain for his bride. Lydia had not been able to breakdown in his arms like that. She probably never would. “Margret.” Nathanial had to break the moment up. Margret nodded.

  “Come take a seat, Lydia.” Margret led Lydia to a fallen tree and helped her sit down. One by one the men dismounted, Nathanial being the last.

  “I’ll be right over here, love.” Margret let go of Lydia and rushed over to her Laird. “There is trouble.” Margret started as she, Nathanial and the other warriors walked away, leaving Lydia behind. Nathanial stopped and turned back to her for a moment.

  “Angus,” Nathanial commanded. There was no way Duncan was ever being out on Lydia duty again. Angus sighed and walked towards the girl.

  “James is a day’s ride from the keep.” Margret started.

  “We’re only a half day. We’ll get there first.” Duncan broke in.

  Margret shook her head. “Father Langley arrived at the keep this morning. Quinton stayed behind to watch him.” Nathanial tried not to show his true worry. Father Langley was Fane’s and Lydia’s father right-hand-man. “Langley’s come to take her home, Nathanial.” Margret did show her worry.

  “She cannot go back to him.” Duncan’s words seemed pathetic in comparison to what everyone was feeling. Fane would kill her if he got her back. Nathanial had expected to have a fight to keep her. Time was just not on their side. Had they been back and married by now, Nathanial would have a fighting chance to keep her. Nathanial looked back and saw Lydia sitting on the fallen tree. Father MalCanney sat by her jabbering away.

  “Is MalCanney willing?” Nathanial kept his gaze on Lydia as he spoke.

  “Is Lydia?” Margret followed his gaze. “MalCanney came of his own volition. He understands the situation. Does Lydia?” She could tell by her Laird’s expression that the girl did not. “Let me talk to her.” She suggested. “I can make her understand, Laird.”

  Nathanial did not answer her, he just walked away.

  Lydia was feeling awkward. She had never meant to breakdown like that in front of all the men. She was just never expecting to see a friendly face again. Now, as she sat next to a priest who held onto her hand and told her all about God’s plan, she wanted to run away.

  Lydia was watching the Priest’s face as he explained to her the mysteries of God. She saw his face turn a little darker as he stared at something coming closer. Then he turned back to her and seemed to frown at her in pity before looking ahead again.

  Lydia was lucky she looked up right as he was reaching for her. Nathanial was right in front of her, grabbing hold of her hand and then dragging her beside him, away from the group. The frightened girl couldn’t help but wonder what she had done now. Lydia had to run to keep up with his long strides. After walking for long enough that Lydia thought he might be taking her to end her life away from the group, Nathanial let go of her hand, walked a few more steps and then turned to her

  Lydia could not help but stare at him, even though she was terrified. “I’m sorry.” She said. Nathanial narrowed his eyes in question. “I’m not sure what I’ve done, though I’m sure it’s quite heinous. I can only promise not to do it in the future.”

  Nathanial, completely confused, could only stare for a long while. He started to wonder what she had done. God, this woman was going to get him killed one day.

  “Lydia,” Nathanial started, hoping his voice sounded sincere and calming. “You’re going to have to marry me tonight.”

  Her eyes went wide as she slowly shook her head.

  “You don’t get to say no.” The sincerity and calm vanished from his voice. This was already off to a stellar start. “I am Laird, my word is law.”

  “I believe I can say no, Laird.” Lydia instinctively took a step backwards. She was gauging her possible exits. If she backed up fast enough she could run straight through—

  “You wouldn’t make it.” Nathanial brought her eyes back to him. “Trust me.” Nathanial was frightening her, he knew. He decided to take a less threatening stance. He took a step back and leaned against a large tree. He could immediately see her calm. Her shoulders seemed to relax ever so slightly.

  “Have I ever told you about my mother, Lydia?” Nathanial waited for her to shake her head before he continued. “Her name was Miranda. I was six years old when she was killed.”

  “I’m very sorry.” Nathanial knew she meant it. She could just have no idea the role she played in it all.

  “She was pregnant at the time.” Lydia watched Nathanial’s face darken.

  “It was Fane?” Lydia chimed in after a long bout of silence. Nathanial said nothing. She took his silence as his answer. “Nathanial, I need you to understand that Baron Fane never really wanted me. He was making a deal with my father. I mean nothing to him. I was more of a game to him—to both of them. I’m sure he wouldn’t have even cared I was in his home after a few weeks. I mean nothing to him. I promise—“

  “I know.”

  The truth hit her hard. She was visibly taken aback. “I don’t understand. If you know—why—what am I doing here? Help me understand, Nathanial.”

  “You don’t need to.” Nathanial stood straight. “You have two choices in the moment, Lydia. One of them involves marrying me, an idea that disgusts you.” Nathanial took a step forward and Lydia took one back, always ready to run. “Or I can send you back home tonight.” He wasn’t sure if this news pleased her or not until she shook her head.

  “I can just leave. You can tell people—“

  “I wasn’t finished.” Nathanial stopped walking so she would. “You can go home to Fane. You’ll be there next week. Dead by the one after that.”

  “My father would—“

  “Do whatever he needed to do to keep Baron Fane on his side.” Nathanial saw her face drop. She believed him even though her head was shaking vigorously. “He’ll mourn you, of course. But only so much as he’d mourn the death of a dog. Or Callum.”

  He saw the anger in her eyes before he felt her fist hit his face. Lydia let out an unladylike expletive while she shook her hand from the pain, obviously not expecting his face to be so hard. She was marching away before Nathanial got his wits about him.

  Lydia walked as fast as she could without causing a scene. Once she saw their small group through the clearing, she slowed down to a normal pace and tried to calm herself from shaking so badly. Father MalCanney looked up and smiled when he saw her. She returned the favor. Lydia braced herself for the worst when Father MalCanney’s face went back into the same, sad look for her. Within seconds she was whirled around and flying through the air over his shoulder. He turned back around with her captive, earning several cheers from his men. And several looks of pity on her behalf.

  Nathanial walked for much longer this time, really giving them some space from the group. Lydia kicked and screamed at him every step of the way. Finally, she was dropped unceremoniously to the ground, hitting her backside hard when she landed. It took her a little longer to get to her feet than she was hoping, the pain radiating through the lower half of her body was intense and debilitating.

  She was too slow standing, Nathanial reached down and picked her up by the shoulders and used his strength to pin her to a tree. “That was the only time that will happen, Lydia. If it happens again, I’ll hit back. Understand?” He was lying through his teeth, but she did not need to know that. When there was no answer, Nathanial applied just a tad more pressure on her shoulders. “Say the words.”

  “I understand.” Lydia conceded. Nathanial loosened his grip and Lydia pushed his arms away from her, but she did not move.

  “We’re going to come to an agreement right now.” Nathanial threatened Lydia. When she nodded, Nathanial was taken aback. Was she ready to concede? He really should have known better…

  “No one needs to know you let me go, Laird.” She was bargaining again. Nathanial could not help but smile. It was the damndest thing, what she made him do. “No one has even seen what I look like in your land. All you have to do is find another—“

  “Another dim-witted, stubborn—“

  “Sure.” Lydia cut him off in an effort to ignore his insults. “I’m sure there are many of them in Scotland.” Nathanial burst into laughter. Lydia felt herself relax, just a little.

  “And where would you go, Lydia?” She’d clearly not thought about it since Callum’s death. She shrugged.

  “I’ll find a place.”

  “I’m convinced you would.” There was something soft about his voice now; about the way he was looking at her. How could he do this to her? One minute he was scaring her half to death, and the next all she wanted to do was kiss him.

  “Then I can leave?”

  “If it means that much to you, Lydia… of course.” Nathanial leaned down until his lips were nearly brushing hers. He liked seeing the way her eyes changed intensity when he was this close. He wanted to see more of it.

  “Thank you.” Lydia, unsure of his quick change of heart, tried to move her head away from him. She needed to think. There was nowhere to go. Nathanial kissed her gently once and pulled away.

  “You have another sister, after all. Don’t you, Lydia?” Again, her eyes changed. The stress was back in her shoulders, she stiffened her back. It was so easy to read her, Nathanial enjoyed it. “Mary?”

  Lydia shook her head.

  “It’s a good name. A strong name. A Highland name.” Nathanial turned away from her, knowing exactly how the rest of this conversation would play out. “Best wishes, Lady Lydia.” Then for the sake of it being their last kiss together, Nathanial turned and took her into his arms. He caught her mouth with his just as she was getting ready to object. Every time he kissed her was better than the last. Lydia was a goddess in his arms. All the pain and anger she felt towards him, she gave to him in passion. It was almost too much for him. He did not want to stop. Nathanial had the thought as he lifted her buttocks up to meet his manhood and she wrapped her legs around his waist. There was no way this night was ending any other way than Lydia becoming his. Marriage or not, he was taking her.

  Lydia wrapped her arms around his neck and held him close as she kissed him. She was now the aggressor. Innocently exploring him with her tongue, running her hand through his hair as he held onto her. Lydia felt herself get pushed up against the same tree as moments before. This time was different. He wasn’t threatening violence to her, he was driving her wild.

  Nathanial took her deeper, holding her hips with his hands, he began moving his against her. He heard her groan, felt her tighten her hold on him. Nathanial couldn’t wait any longer. God’s truth, he had shown more patience than any man he’d ever known. Nathanial struggled with the trousers Lydia insisted on wearing. If she was at all proper he would have her skirt lifted and he would be inside her by now. Nathanial pulled his mouth away from hers and passionately kissed her neck while he continued to struggle with her trousers. God, he h
ated them.

  “I’ll marry you.” Lydia, out of breath and struggling to come back down to earth, called out her declaration.

  “I know.” Nathanial, finally able to loosen the tie, put his hands firmly on her bare bottom and took her mouth with his again. It was time. It was not an ideal situation for a virgin, he was sure. He was equally sure she would enjoy it as much as he was going to. With one hand Nathanial held her bottom tight, forcing their most intimate parts to touch. With his other hand, he entered her with two fingers and rubbed her most sacred, most intense pleasure zone with his thumb. She cried out, breaking free from his kiss. God, she was tight.

  Lydia fought against him, pleasure fading fast. “I know.” Nathanial removed his fingers from inside of her and focused on driving her wild. He rubbed his thumb over her kernel of desire over and over again. As soon as she found fulfillment he was going to enter her, he promised himself.

  Lydia broke free from his kiss. She was having a hard time breathing, coming back to reality.

  “I’ll marry you if you let me go.” Lydia was finally able to say. Nathanial stopped moving, his breath raging against her ear. “When your plan of vengeance is done… you’ll let me go.” She told him. “And I’ll marry you.” Nathanial smiled against her ear. He released her from his possession, all the while fighting his urge to have her right this moment. The smart thing to do would be to wait, he told himself. Nathanial was able to stop smiling when he looked down at her and lied.

  “You have my word.”

  Chapter Nine

  This was not how Lydia imagined her wedding would happen. She stood across from a man she was almost sure would kill her one day, in front of a priest she did not trust, in a dress that was two sizes too big. It was Margret’s. The older woman insisted she not look like a man when she got married. Margret pulled the dress back and pinned it in place. Still, it draped over her, almost drowning her in a sea of fabric. Father MalCanney spoke of loyalty in marriage, and respecting one another. He never once mentioned love. Not that she ever could love this man. Lydia looked up at Nathanial when Father MalCanney asked them to face one another. What was he thinking? Lydia gave Nathanial her shaking hands, just like Father MalCanney asked of her. She recited the words and so did Nathanial. The entire time Lydia wondered what he was thinking.


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