The White Billionaire's Baby (BWWM Interracial Romance)

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The White Billionaire's Baby (BWWM Interracial Romance) Page 3

by Skye, Lena

  As I had all these thoughts I realized I was turning into Kyle and in a good way. He really has been the most amazing positive influence on my life.


  “I always leave room for dessert,”


  I arrived home in a much better mood than when I left. I couldn’t wait to tell Kyle about what had just happened to me. Although I couldn’t imagine that he would be thrilled about me giving the money away. I’d learned my lesson about that. The last time I hid something from him regarding money it blew up in my face. Some mistakes I just wasn’t going to repeat. I wanted to ask him if he would consider giving Chastity a job, but I wasn’t going to press my luck with him that day.

  Kyle was home when I arrived, and I went to the kitchen to find him at sitting at the table and looking over some paperwork.

  “Are those the results?” I blurted out.

  He turned around and smiled, “I didn’t even hear you come in, but these aren’t the results. Bill is taking them to the lab right now.”

  “Oh okay,” I said in disappointment. I was ready to get the results so that we could move on with our life either way.

  “I know how much you hate waiting,” he laughed, “I’m not fond of it myself but even I can’t rush some things.”

  “How was your day with him?”

  “It went well but I’m not great with kids just yet. It felt a little uncomfortable because we don’t know one another, but he warmed up to me in the end. With more time, we’ll be better.”

  “I have no doubt about that because you’re hard not to love,” I smiled.

  “I have an idea,” he said.

  “Oh yeah? What is it?”

  “How about we work like maniacs for the next four hours and then unplug from the matrix and have a nice quiet evening here.”

  I warred with myself because he and I had done quite a bit of ‘unplugging’ already, and we had a lot of things to get accomplished before our businesses opened.

  “I don’t know babe. We have a lot to get done,” I said.

  “Believe me, I know. But today I just want to not think about anything. I don’t get the results until tomorrow. I just want to enjoy my time with you,” he pleaded.

  There wasn’t any way that I could turn down such a heartfelt request from him. I tried to calm down my inner panic and go with the flow.

  “Okay, let’s get to work so that we can enjoy our evening.”

  His face lit up, “That’s great. I have a wonderful evening planned for us.”

  “Just surprise me later. I’m going to get out of here and swing by the restaurant to make sure that everything is on task. The bathrooms still weren’t quite right when I swung by yesterday. The wood wasn’t the right color. I haven’t spoken to Stacy at all today either.”

  He shifted into work mode with me, “Wasn’t she supposed to call you?”

  “Yes she was,” I said.

  Stacy was our business publicist, and she was supposed to update me on the response to our press release that we’d sent out the week before. It wasn’t my job to have to track down the people that worked for us. It was her responsibility to do what she said that she was going to do. She was getting paid a huge chunk of change to be on top of things.

  He groaned, “I’m going to call the agency today. We should have only dealt with Spencer, and she’s just not working out. We can’t afford to deal with someone that isn’t getting back to us in a timely manner.”

  “You’re right but don’t worry about it. I’ll call and get it all sorted out, I’m sure that Spencer won’t have a problem picking up our account. He wants to keep us with the agency and so he’ll have to oversee our project personally.”

  “Alright then,” he sighed, “I’ll let you handle it. I’m going to call Andrew back because he’s at the club now.”

  “You really have to delegate more task to him,” I said, “He’s your personal assistant for a reason, use him. He’s practically begging for you to give him more work, and I think that he can handle it.”

  “I know. I’m not used to having a male assistant and so it’s a huge adjustment. How do I even talk to him?”

  “You tell him what you need him to do and you keep your eyes off of his ass.”

  Kyle snorted, “I don’t think that’s going to be a problem.”

  “Good, let’s get to work.”


  For the next four hours me and Kyle worked diligently as promised. I loved being in the thick of things and helping him bring his ideas into fruition. It’s hard to believe that they’re ‘our businesses’. Kyle constantly tells me that I’m not his assistant, and that I’m his partner. I’m still working on wrapping my mind around that concept. Just to ensure that he’s drilled it in, he’s given me a huge stake of the company, and it’s written into our prenuptial agreement. He’s not the kind of man that holds on to his money with a tight fist and he’s acknowledging that I’m working just as hard as he is to get everything off of the ground.

  I was looking forward to getting home and seeing what he had in store for the both of us. I wanted to take the time to be in the moment and not think about everything that was surrounding us. He made the right call by deciding to wait until the following day to find about the paternity. It would be great to spend some time with him without being sad or worried about the future. It didn’t matter what was coming our way because we would go through it together.

  Kyle greeted me as soon as I stepped off of the elevator.

  “Good evening, happy to have you back,” he smiled with a boyish grin. He was wearing pajama pants and no shirt. My throat went dry as my eyes hungrily took in his entire body. I would never tire of seeing him without a shirt on.

  “It’s good to be back. I feel severely overdressed,” I responded.

  “Don’t worry, we’ll remedy that soon,” he winked as he took my hand and walked me further into our loft. All of the lights were out, and everything was lit by candlelight.

  “This is wonderful,” I exclaimed. We stepped into the living area, and there were two massage tables side by side and the sound of rain was playing lightly from the surround sound speakers. His hands wrapped about my waist as he pressed against my back.

  “Go and get prepared for our couples massage and I’ll let the masseurs know that you’re here.”

  “Now you’re just spoiling me rotten. I’ve needed a massage for weeks,” I said before I gave him a passionate kiss.

  “Then I’m doing my job.”

  We spend the next few hours getting our massages, having a delicious dinner, and dancing half clothed. It was without a doubt one of the best dates that I ever had. As the night was winding down I was tipsy and looking forward to getting to the bedroom. Connecting with Kyle sexually is something that I obviously enjoy, and I needed the stress relief. We made our way to the bedroom after a few too many drinks.

  “I’ve needed this all day,” Kyle said with a slight slur.

  “That makes two of us,” I giggled as he lifted my oversized t-shirt over my head exposing my body. I quickly pushed his pajama pants down to the floor, crawled into bed, and laid on my back. I opened my legs enticingly.

  “Are you offering?” He asked with a lick of his lips.

  “Yes, although I’m not sure if you’re still hungry,” I said.

  “I always leave room for dessert,” he joked as he crawled between my legs.

  His tongue circled around my belly button before he dipped his tongue inside. I giggled uncontrollably because it tickled me to my core.

  “That isn’t a very sexy feeling baby,” I laughed.

  “Well I love to hear your laugh and so it’s sexy for me,” he said before he ran his tongue from my knee and down the inside of my thigh. My legs quivered as his velvety tongue had its way with me. My pussy tingled in anticipation, but he continued his sweet torture until I was writhing against the bed and tempted to grab his head to place it where I wanted it, where I needed it.
/>   His tongue finally flicked against my small bundle of nerves, and it added gasoline to the fire that was burning within me. Before I had time to recover from the first lick his mouth was all over me again. His probing tongue dipped inside of me, and I instinctively moved away from him. His hands wrapped around my legs, pulled me closer to his face, and prevented me from moving. I whimpered slightly at his mouth’s relentless assault to my center. His tongue flicked faster and faster against my clit until I released.

  I lay against the bed panting, limp, and tired. I could have gone to sleep right there, but he needed his release as well, so I happily welcomed his weight on top of me. He pressed his lips against my own and ran my tongue across them. I’ve always enjoyed tasting myself on his lips. I reached between us and stroked his long thick rod. He was already hard and pulsating for me.

  He let out a slight hiss, “I need to be inside of you.”

  “I’m more than ready,” I groaned.

  I rubbed the bulbous head of his cock against my slick folds and he pushed deep inside of me without warning. His thrusts were erratic. He took long slow strokes and then harder and faster ones. I couldn’t predict what he was going to do next. Each push inside of me brought me closer to another orgasm. My muscles contracted around him and tried to milk him for the nectar that I loved so much. I placed my hands on his ass and pushed him deeper inside of me. He was filling me completely and creating space where there wasn’t any.

  I opened my eyes, and he was staring directly at me. My heart sped up because all over again I remembered where I was. I was with the man that was going to love me forever. I was overwhelmed with love and lust at the same time. I placed my arms around his neck and brought him closer to me.

  “I love you so much,” I panted as he pushed deep inside of me causing me to erupt.

  He didn’t slow down; he fucked me through my orgasm and joined me. He made noises that would have embarrassed him at any other point in his life. His body went lax, and we laid there in a comfortable silence.

  “I love you too,” he replied.


  “Maybe in about 8 years,”


  “I deeply apologize for the inconvenience but I am more than happy to take over your account. I shouldn’t have delegated it, and so it was my error. Stacy was a bit out of her league on this one,”

  Spencer assured me.

  “I appreciate your time and attention. I thought that Stacy was wonderful but she just wasn’t able to deliver what we needed,” I said.

  He nodded quickly, “I completely understand. I emailed you and Mr. Kane the schedule of interviews that you all have coming up. Your press release has been received very well by the media, and I think this is a great chance to get some of the heat off of your relationship.”

  I shifted uncomfortably in my seat at the mention of the past. He was right about the amount of negative press. I was still considered the urban Cinderella amongst the Chicago elite. I had made a conscious decision to ignore it all because it didn’t serve any positive purpose. It only made me feel like crap, because I was still suffering from feeling a bit inferior and undeserving of all of the good that was happening in my life. Every day, even the bad ones were better than my life before I met Kyle.

  “You have a point; we could use the great press. I’m happy that they’re eating it up. It’s time for Kyle to be in the forefront of the media for something positive.”

  Spencer’s brow furrowed, “What do you mean by that?”

  “You know what I mean, you even said it yourself.”

  “I think we mean it for two very different things,” he said, “Kyle doesn’t look bad because he’s marrying you. We’re living in the 21st century and yes we have some that are bigoted, but they’re in the minority. Screw whoever tried to hold your past over your head. It’s obvious that you’ve left that behind, and you’ll only get past it when you stop feeling guilty about it.”

  “Well then what are you talking about?”

  “I’m referring to the fact that Kyle has left his father’s company. Many people think that he is going to fall flat on his face. In fact, many are HOPING he falls flat on his face. He has a great business plan, and I know that his chains are going to go national. When people take a look at the places that the both of you have created, they’ll be singing your praises. The media has a very short term memory, and we can use that to our advantage,” he said confidently.

  “Wow, thank you for that. I think that I really needed to hear it. I see why Kyle wanted you in the first place.”

  “I am the best,” he said with a cocky grin.

  “I think that you may be right. Do you have a hard copy of the itinerary?”

  “Yes, my assistant will give it to you in binders on your way out. That’s all for now, and I’ll be in contact with you a little later today. You’re my direct contact right?”

  “Yes that’s right,” I responded as I rose to my feet and gave him a firm handshake.

  I left his office with my head a little higher than it had been before I entered. I never expected a pep talk from our publicist. That just proved that you could get inspiration from anywhere and that people were a lot nicer than we really think that they are. I took his words to heart, and I was determined to stop allowing my guilt to eat me alive. I was punishing myself worse than anyone else ever could have. I was a good person that deserved love, and I was blessed that Kyle loved me.

  My phone rang before I got to my car, I picked up quickly because it was Kyle.


  “Are you finished with your meeting?”

  “Yes, I’ve wrapped it up,” I responded.

  “Come home as soon as possible, I have the test results,” he said.

  “You’re not going to tell me over the phone?” I said.

  “Nope, just get here please,” he said before he hung up.

  My heart dropped because I couldn’t peg his tone. It was rare that I couldn’t read him and so I didn’t know how to feel as I drove home. I didn’t know if I was going to have to console him, listen to him rant, or celebrate with him. He knew how much I hated waiting, but he still did it to me anyway. I nervously drove back to the loft and hoped for the best. Whatever the outcome, I was going to support him in whatever way that he needed me to.

  When I arrived at the loft I searched for Kyle. He wasn’t on the first floor so I went upstairs to search for him on the balcony. I resolved to start looking for him there first in the future because it was where he usually was, and the weather just didn’t matter to him. I saw him through the glass panels laughing with Bill. I was a little confused as I stepped out onto the balcony.

  “Hey what’s going on?”

  “It’s good news! The baby is 100% not mine…well 99.9%.”

  I was stunned, especially since Kyle was in such great spirits about it.

  “Are you sure it’s not yours?”

  “We’re absolutely sure. Hell, I had them run it twice,” Bill laughed, “I wanted to tell the both of you yesterday, but I had to respect your wishes.”

  “Please tell her the rest of the news,” Kyle said when he came over and kissed me on the cheek.

  “There’s more?” I asked.

  “Yes there’s a lot more. I spoke to my contacts at the police department and offered them cash to find out if there was a DNA match. We got a match, and we found the kid’s father. His father is a junkie that was convicted of robbery and he’s been in jail for the last year,” he said with a widespread grin.

  I know that I was supposed to be overjoyed in that moment, but I kept seeing that cute angelic face in my head. He deserved two parents that loved and cared about him. I was a little saddened that he wouldn’t get that opportunity with Kyle.

  “Do you think that she knew all of this beforehand?” I asked.

  “It’s hard to say,” Kyle said, “but she did know that she was sleeping with someone else around the same time. I’m thinking that’s probably wh
y she didn’t come forward sooner. She was hoping like hell that it was mine, and it just didn’t turn out that way.”

  “I think that she was pulling an all-out scam,” Bill interjected. “Kyle this may not be the last time that a face from your past pops up wanting money. You’re in the media now more than ever and so we’re going to have to be a lot more careful. There are a lot of leeches out there.”

  “I just want to say thank you to the both of you for convincing me to do it. I would have hated to find out that he wasn’t my son later down the road after I got attached to him,” Kyle said.

  “I’m sorry that things turned out this way. It’s never fun being lied to or betrayed, but everything turned out the way that it’s supposed to,” I said.

  “You’re right. I had a feeling that she was lying to me, but I didn’t want to believe that about her. Bill, you can contact her tomorrow regarding our findings and let her know to never contact me again,” he said coldly.

  “That’s a task that I’ll gladly take.”

  “Let’s all go out to celebrate our averted close call,” Kyle suggested.

  “Unfortunately, I have to decline,” Bill said, “I have somewhere that I have to be. But I will catch up with the both of you later.”

  I tried to temper my annoyance because we didn’t have the time to go out and celebrate. I almost wondered if there was any truth to what the media was saying about my future husband. If we went out to celebrate, we would be out for hours and it wasn’t something that we could afford at the moment. I decided to give him an alternative.

  “How about we have a glass of champagne here and then get back work,” I said with a tight smile.

  Kyle picked up on my cue, “Umm okay, that’s cool too. We’ll see you later Bill.”

  “I’ll let myself out. Have a wonderful day.”


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