Shifting Priorities 3: Mating Call

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by Anne Kane

  Shifting Priorities 3: Mating Call


  Shifting Priorities 3: Mating Call

  Anne Kane

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright ©2009 Anne Kane

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  ISBN: 978-1-60521-065-0

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  Changeling Press LLC

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  Editor: Chrissie Henderson

  Cover Artist: Karen Fox

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  Shifting Priorities 3: Mating Call

  Anne Kane

  Cali grew up alone in the unforgiving alleys of post-Empire Earth. She learned how to use her big blue eyes, blonde hair and innocent face to con a living from gullible males throughout the galaxy.

  But when she decides to charm her way onto Darien’s shuttle to steal the data codes for his new security system, she gets more than she bargained for. Pirates, an old acquaintance and an irresistibly sexy Imperial were-panther all make it a voyage she won’t forget anytime soon.


  Legend has it, long after the fall of civilization in the twenty-third century, a special breed of mutants was created with the two-fold purpose of defending His Imperial Highness, the ruler of all Earth, and to protect humanity. Known as the Imperial were-panthers, they could shift from human to panther form at will.

  In time, the heirs to the Imperial Dynasty became corrupt. They adopted an opulent lifestyle and demanded ever-increasing amounts of tribute from humanity. The Imperial were-panthers saw that humanity suffered greatly from their rulers’ greed. The shifters were torn between their duty to the throne and their loyalty to mankind. They tried to reason with His Imperial Highness but he refused their counsel, threatening to banish the shifters from the Earth if they continued to defy him.

  And so, the Imperial were-panthers decided to protect humanity with one last, heroic act. In a bloody battle, they wiped out the Imperial Dynasty. From that day forth, their entire race disappeared back into legend and myth and no one has seen an Imperial were-panther since.

  If Cali had known the truth, she might not have targeted Darien.

  Shifting Priorities 3: Mating Call

  Chapter One

  “That’s her over there.” The bartender nodded in the direction of a petite blonde on the dance floor. “She asked a lot of questions, and promised to make it worth my while if I pointed you out to her.” An easy grin lit up his face. “You’re a lucky cat. She’s a real looker.”

  “Thanks for the heads-up, Jack.” Darien watched the lithe woman gyrate in time to the heavy beat of the music. “With moves like those, I somehow doubt she’s hurting for partners. I wonder what she wants from me.”

  “You could always go ask her.” Jack popped the top off a moon-brewed ale and sat it on the bar in front of his old friend. The lower gravity of the moon gave the beverage an extra smooth flavor.

  Darien picked up the bottle and took a long pull. “How about we play it her way? I’ll nurse my drink and you can sic her on me.” He grinned. “And make sure to talk me up good. I could use a bit of action.”

  Jack snorted. “Yeah, right. Somehow, I doubt you’re hard up. Didn’t I see Jillian coming out of your quarters earlier?”

  Darien laughed. “She’s a friend, more like a sister than a lover. She likes to catch up when I’m planet-side.”

  “Whatever you say.” The bartender ducked under Darien’s good-natured swat. “Go grab a table and I’ll send her your way. You might want to have Jakeb run a background check on her too, just in case she’s after more than a night’s company.”

  Darien grabbed his drink and sauntered over to a booth on the far side of the bar, noting the improvements since his last visit. The place looked almost respectable these days. When the Galactic Corps disbanded after the treaty of Tangelerise, Jack had declared himself officially retired from the military. He’d purchased the run-down watering hole and settled in to life as a civilian.

  Darien had been the tech expert in their group, so he’d taken it legit and opened up his own security firm. With a solid background in how to breach systems, it didn’t take much effort to build defenses to protect them. In short order, he’d developed Lintek Security into one of the top security firms in this sector of the galaxy.

  He settled his large frame into the booth and let his gaze slide back to the blonde. Heat pooled in his loins as he watched her sashay her tight little ass across the dance floor. Her long, honey-gold hair rippled and shone with every move she made, the ever-changing colors of the lights above the dance floor picking out the highlights. He could just imagine it spread gloriously across her naked body while she writhed under him in the throes of passion.

  He gave a mental shake. No point in getting ahead of himself. His security systems were first class. She probably wanted him to set up a system for her lover. Or lovers. She looked like a real handful. He watched her wrap her arms around the neck of the Adillon she’d been dancing with, giving him a smoldering kiss before she glided over to the bar and accepted a drink from Jack. The stunned expression on the man’s face caused Darien to chuckle softly. She certainly knew how to tease.

  He pretended not to watch as Jack bent to talk to her, nodding in the direction of Darien’s table. She threw him a speculative glance that made him wonder what, exactly, she wanted. He gave a mental shrug and took another long pull on his beer. He’d find out soon enough.

  The girl slipped a cred-chip to Jack and sauntered over to his table. Leaning one hip against the cold marble top, she favored him with a brilliant smile as she set her glass down on the table. “Care to dance?”

  Darien grinned up at her as he unfolded himself from the booth. “Certainly.” He took the hand she extended and let her lead him to the floor. “I don’t believe we know each other.”

  She flashed him a sparkling white smile that sent a delicious flame curling around his spine. “Not yet.”

  He lifted a brow. “Is that an invitation?”


  He smiled, relaxing. It had been a while since he’d enjoyed the company of a flirtatious female.

  They reached the dance floor and she turned to face him, placing her hands lightly on his shoulders while she made eye contact. “I’m Calidar Ta Nokis. My friends call me Cali.” She stepped into the beat of the music, her body swaying enticingly just inches from his.

  “Nice to meet you, Calidar Ta Nokis. My name’s Darien.” He let the beat guide his movements, amazed at how easy he found it to follow her lead.

  She regarded him quizzically. “Just Darien?”

  He nodded. “Just Darien.”

  She raised her eyebrows, the faintest hint of a smile curving those luscious lips. “Well, then, just Darien, I’m glad to
meet you.”

  They danced in silence for a few minutes, Cali taunting him with her body, swaying in close without touching, and then backing up to put distance between them. Her tantalizing scent filled him, and he felt his balls tighten in anticipation. She had no idea how dangerous a game she played. His instinctive reaction to her astounded him. He had to fight the urge to sweep her up in his arms and take her somewhere else. Somewhere private, where he could take his time exploring every sweet, seductive inch of her.

  The music turned dark, swirling about them in a seductive stream. Cali raised her chin, her eyes dark sapphire pools under the throbbing lights. Slowly, she extended her tongue and licked her lips, leaving them wet and glistening.

  Darien stumbled, losing the beat of the music for a second. What the hell kind of game did the little minx think she was playing? The knowing glint in her eyes told him she knew exactly what had caused him to stumble. She certainly wasn’t as innocent as she looked. He wondered how far she planned to take this.

  He caught her gaze and held it while he slowly bent down to take her lips in a slow, sinful kiss that lasted an eternity. He traced the outline of her lips with his tongue, teasing gently until she opened to allow him in, both of them still swaying to the soft rhythm of the music.

  His tongue dipped deep to explore the inside of her mouth. She tasted of honeyed wine and sweet, sultry nights and he couldn’t get enough. Her lips were soft and sweet and inviting, the taste of her an enticing addiction. He groaned and deepened the kiss, wrapping his arms around her to draw her in closer, letting her feel the hard length of his shaft pressed against her soft belly. His enhanced senses allowed him to smell the heady aroma of her wet sex as she rolled her hips against him.

  She lifted her arms to wind them around his neck, running her fingers through his hair. He paused to drag some oxygen into his starving lungs and stared down into her eyes, the deep blue clouded with passion.

  They stayed like that, wrapped tight against each other, swaying to the beat of the music. Darien ran his hand down her spine and let it rest on her tight buttocks. He couldn’t believe how much she aroused him. They were in a public bar, both fully clothed, and yet he could barely restrain himself from ripping those clothes off and sinking into her soft, sweet body right here, right now.

  “Are you here with someone?” He held his breath as he waited for her answer. Surely, she wouldn’t have behaved so brazenly on the dance floor if she were already spoken for. He couldn’t imagine any male tolerating it, no matter how casual the relationship. It didn’t matter, really. She’d sealed her own fate the minute she’d asked him to dance. He wanted her. Now. Naked. Spread wide under him.

  She tossed her hair back, and his gaze followed the silky glide of it over her shoulders. “No.”

  He smiled, knowing it to be a predatory display of big, white teeth. “Perhaps you’d care to join me in one of the private booths?” Her smile faltered, just a bit. He wondered if she sensed the danger lurking beneath his smooth exterior.

  She lifted her chin to look him in the eyes. “I’d love to.”

  Shifting Priorities 3: Mating Call

  Chapter Two

  Cali stared up into those incredible eyes and felt a cold ball of fear settle in the pit of her stomach. Something about him made her throw her normal caution to the winds. She’d teased him too far, and now she needed to either follow through or make an excuse to squirm out of the situation. Her gut instinct warned her not to take this man lightly.

  It had seemed like such a good idea when she’d learned he was on Earth. A born con artist, she’d run the same scam, with minor variations, a dozen times in the last few years. Pick a mark, seduce your way into his stronghold and waltz out with the loot.

  Or the security codes, in this case. Darien Talzar headed the biggest security company in this corner of the galaxy. He’d developed the security protocols for the moon-based out-ports where the mining companies stored their raw gemstones. If she could get her hands on just one of those codes, she could sell it on the black market for enough cred-chips to retire and live in quiet luxury for the rest of her natural life.

  The fact that he looked like he’d just stepped off the set of a holo-vid shoot didn’t hurt either. Jet-black hair, just long enough to hint at rebellion, topped a craggy face with a jagged scar across one cheek. Dark brown eyes sparkled with mirth, the amber streaks swirling through them an intriguing contrast. She certainly didn’t have to pretend interest; the black lace thong she wore was already damp.

  She grimly repressed the panic attack. Just this one job and she’d never be hungry again. Life was harsh, you used what you had to get by, and she had the look of an innocent plaything. She ran her tongue across her lips and let a flirtatious smile curve the corner of her mouth.

  Darien loosened his grip on her, sliding his arm lower to fit her neatly beneath his shoulder. Damn, the man was huge! She refused to let his size intimidate her.

  He walked her over to the bar and put his arm up, snapping his fingers to get the attention of the bartender. Cali kept her eyes lowered and made sure to keep her attention on Darien, ignoring Jack completely. No need to let the mark know she’d been asking about him.

  “Got an open cube?”

  “For how long?” The odd note in the bartender’s voice had her glancing at him from under her lashes. He looked like he was choking on something.

  “Oh, an hour or so should be fine.” The wry note in Darien’s voice puzzled her. She got the feeling that she’d missed something in their exchange.

  Jack selected a key from the rack behind him and tossed it over to Darien. “Number twenty-seven. And try to keep the noise down.”

  Darien deftly plucked the key out of the air and steered Cali toward the rooms at the back. “Not the most romantic cubes in the galaxy, but they’ll have to do for tonight.” He let his hand wander lower, sliding over the curve of her hip.

  Cali felt a surge of welcoming heat between her legs. Her nipples strained against the fabric covering them and she let herself lean into his hard strength. Normally she kept her libido under control, using her looks to manipulate her marks, but something about Darien called to the primitive side that she kept tightly leashed. She’d have to be very careful not to lose control.

  He inserted the key-card and unlocked the cube, standing aside to let her enter. She’d barely cleared the doorway when he spun her around and fastened his mouth on hers, kissing her with a savage intensity that took her by surprise. She responded instantly, opening her lips to his assault, her tongue dancing along his in an erotic invitation.

  The door slid shut behind them with a subdued snick while Darien scooped her up into his arms and carried her to the bed, tossing her effortlessly onto the bouncy surface. His arms were pure muscle. He stood, shedding his clothing with quick, economical movements and Cali let her gaze feast upon his naked body.

  Nude, he looked even larger. Wide shoulders and a muscular torso narrowed to a flat stomach and lean hips. Heavy muscles roped over his arms and legs. She’d never seen a man with this much hard muscle. Her attention settled on the enormous shaft rising proudly from the nest of dark curls at his groin. A single drop of precum glistened on the plum-shaped head.

  She licked her lips, raising her chin to look squarely into his amazing eyes. Something teased the edge of her memory, some snippet of information that eluded her.

  Then he reached for her and rational thought fled. A crooked grin curled the corners of his mouth and his eyes darkened with lust, amber swirling on a darker brown. “Your turn.” He pounced onto the bed and grasped the front of her snug-fitting bodysuit, pulling the edges apart so that her breasts spilled out into his hands.

  “Very nice.” He cupped them, rubbing his thumbs over nipples that were already puckered into taut little peaks. He swiped his tongue across one.

  Cali gasped, arching off the bed as a bolt of pure lust surged from her naked breasts to her groin, causing her pussy to cream in eage
r anticipation. She heard him chuckle against her chest, the sound very male and very satisfied. She didn’t care. With moves like that, he could afford to be arrogant.

  He grazed his teeth across one nipple while he used his hands to knead and stroke the sensitive flesh, his tongue constantly moving, laving and licking. Cali writhed beneath him in a haze of need, wanting more, demanding more.

  Darien’s mouth roamed lower, nibbling tiny bites down her rib cage, across her hips, stopping to drive her mad with his tongue’s wet exploration of her navel. And all the time, his hands kept up their worship of her breasts. He dragged the suit off over her hips and tossed it carelessly onto the floor. He toyed with the scrap of lace covering her pussy, his fingers tracing the damp outline of her sex before he ripped the thong off, leaving her naked and exposed.

  “Your scent is driving me crazy.” He purred the words out against the hollow of her hips, his tongue flicking over the surface of her skin and causing tiny darts of electricity to dance along her nerves.

  “I’m not wearing any.” She tilted her hips toward that incredible tongue, offering herself up to his breathtaking caresses.

  He lifted his head and looked into her eyes. Amber streaks swirled deep within the dark pupils of his eyes. His nostrils flared wide as he took a deep breath. “I know.”

  For a moment, Cali stared into the depths of those eyes, puzzled. Then he lowered his mouth to the apex of her thighs and all she could think about was the sweet, honeyed bursts of flame that ran through her veins when he dipped his tongue into her sex. He delved deep to lick the inner walls of her channel and Cali whimpered with urgent need, tilting her hips to allow him deeper access.

  Darien growled low in his throat and proceeded to drive her lust higher and higher with his talented tongue, strong hands holding her firmly in place while he teased and tormented her wildly creaming pussy. Cali felt her sanity slipping away on a red-hot stream of want and lust. She bucked and twisted beneath him, breathless moans escaping her lips. Just when she thought she couldn’t take another minute of delicious torment from his tongue, he withdrew it.


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