Feeding Fersia

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Feeding Fersia Page 5

by L. S. O'Dea

  “How? Why?” She gazed at him with hope and suspicion.

  Good. She wasn’t a fool. Young and foolish, but not a fool. “Well, I can’t make him love you, but—”

  “I knew you couldn’t help.” Her crestfallen face made him want to grin.

  “But I can. However, my assistance only goes so far. I can get you both away from here—away from Stacia—but you’ll have to make him fall in love with you again.” Or not. He didn’t really care about that.

  “What do you mean away from here? We’d work for you?”

  “Yes. In the lab.” This was the tricky part. No matter what Conguise ordered, Servants and Guards talked. They may not speak of exactly what went on in Level Five, but there were suspicions. He’d heard the whispers. No one suspected his hearing to be as good as it was.

  “I-I don’t know.”

  “Suit yourself.” He tossed back his drink. “I’ll find someone else. Two someones to help in the lab. Live in the lab. Together. Alone.”

  “We’d live there? Together?” Her eyes were sparkling now.

  “Yes. You’d be together all the time.” He took a step toward her. “Day and night.” He took another step. “I’d be there during the day but in the evenings, you’d be all alone, together.” His predatory instincts were heightened. He had to fight the urge to grab her and drag her to the lab. He could do it that way, but he wanted her to trust him. According to Ableson’s research, the transformed creature maintained some of the host creature’s feelings. If he could gain her trust now, it might help Aranea19 be a little more susceptible to his suggestions than Aranea18 had been.

  “Really? It’d be just the two of us?”

  “Yes.” He could arrange that. Actually, it’d be better that way.

  Usually, those going through the first few phases of the process were housed in large rooms filled with other Guards and Servants in various stages of transformation, but the Araneas made the other creatures nervous. Cold Creepers and River-Men could be unpredictable especially when anxious. Not to mention the constant clacking of the Phasmatodeas, or Brush-Men as the Guards called them. It was enough to drive the sanest Almighty crazy.

  She started to nod and then frowned. “Jocko would never agree to it.”

  It was sad that she thought either of them had a choice. “I’ll ask Conguise to reassign the two of you. He knows I’m looking for assistants.”

  “What if he doesn’t love me? Even after we spend this time together.”

  “Then my dear, you can decide what happens to him.” He took another step forward and touched her cheek, raising her eyes to his. “His fate will be in your hands.”

  “I wouldn’t want you to hurt him. I love him.”

  “I wouldn’t hurt him.” She’d do that herself if things didn’t go as planned.

  “Oh. Good. You just meant that I could send him back to the house if I liked living at the lab.”

  “Exactly.” He lied.

  “Then, yes. I’d like to help you.”

  “Perfect.” Tonight hadn’t been a waste of time after all.

  CHAPTER 12: Fersia

  FERSIA CLUTCHED HER SMALL satchel filled with her clothes and a few personal items to her chest as she followed two Guards through a maze of corridors. Jocko walked alongside her almost vibrating with nerves.

  “I don’t like this,” he whispered. “Why us? I bet Barney had something to do with this. He hates me.”

  McBrid hadn’t let anyone know about their conversation and that was great because Jocko would never forgive her for getting him reassigned here. This place was scary. There were strange odors that made her want to bolt out the door or hide in a dark corner, but that was silly because Servants cleaned the laboratories every day. The stories of monsters living here were just that—stories. The smells were probably chemicals and things used in the lab.

  The Guards stopped at an elevator and one of them held the door. “After you.” He was young, about her age, and looked a lot like the other Guard except he was thin and the other Guard was big and muscular.

  “Thank you.” She followed Jocko inside.

  “Where are we going?” asked Jocko as the doors closed.

  “You’ll see,” said the larger Guard.

  “What will we be doing?” Jocko was growing more and more nervous.

  “It’ll be fine.” She took his hand.

  “How do you know?” Jocko’s tone was sharp but he squeezed her hand, seeming to relax a little.

  “I don’t, but at least we’re together. Right?”

  “Yeah. I guess.” Her face must’ve shown how his words had hurt because he squeezed her hand again. “I didn’t mean it like that. I wish neither of us were here, but I’m glad we’re together.”

  She smiled up at him. She’d been right to decide to do this. Jocko still loved her. He just didn’t realize it yet.

  CHAPTER 13: McBrid

  MCBRID REARRANGED THE PILLOWS on the bed and straightened the covers. Fersia and Jocko would arrive soon. He looked around the enclosure one last time. It looked...better. There was no way to disguise the bars but he’d added extra blankets, bright, fluffy pillows, playing cards, paper, pens, books and even pictures to the two walls that made up the back and one side of the cage—anything that’d make the sterile confines of the laboratory seem homey. He wanted them comfortable not scared.

  The door opened and Charlie stepped inside followed by the two Servants and Louis. Their eyes were wide as they looked around the room and their faces were pale. They had to smell things that frightened them on an elemental level. It was like that for him every day he came to work. His senses screamed for him to run, get as far away from this place as possible, but he ignored them. He should’ve never accepted this job. He should’ve known his grandfather’s prodding had been a bad thing, but he’d hoped the old man had finally forgiven him for his birth. He was the man’s heir after all, but either his grandfather hadn’t known what went on here—which was possible—or he’d hoped to finally get rid of his mephi grandson. His grandfather had relished calling him that slur whenever his mother had been gone.

  “Welcome.” He smiled, giving the two Servants a moment to look around the lab. It was innocuous. Nothing frightening, except the serum and they wouldn’t recognize the danger in that until it was too late.

  “Thank you.” Fersia smiled shyly back at him, her hand wrapped tightly in Jocko’s.

  The young, male Servant didn’t look happy but he kept Fersia close to his side. McBrid wanted to grin like a fool. This was going to work.

  “This way.” McBrid led them to their cage.

  It was actually two enclosures but he wouldn’t lower the glass until their transformation was well underway. Now, was the time for them to renew their love.

  “Ah...You want us to stay in there?” Jocko’s eyes held a hint of panic.

  “Yes.” If it were going to happen, this was the time the host would balk. Most didn’t bother, realizing that there was nowhere to flee. The lab was a maze of hallways and the smells permeating throughout the area kept most specimens close to the familiar which was Almightys and their rules. He put his hand on the young male’s back. “Only for a while.”

  “Its’s a cage.” Fersia’s dark, green eyes met his and the hurt and betrayal in her gaze was a like a trip to the past. He’d seen that look on his grandfather’s face every day.

  “Yes, but that’s to keep you safe.” He took her free hand. “I’m sure you can smell some odors that you can’t name.”

  She nodded. Her eyes were huge in her tiny face.

  “There are things here that are dangerous...very, very dangerous and I need to know that the two of you are safe.” Soon, she’d be the most dangerous thing here.

  “Oh...okay.” Her lips trembled as she offered him a slight smile. She was putting her trust in him and for one brief moment he wanted to send her away.

  “I don’t know, Fersia.” Jocko’s eyes darted toward the door.

ouis moved in front of it.

  “We’ll be fine.” She took Jocko’s hand and led him into the cage.

  “Wh-what do you need us to do?” asked Jocko.

  “I have an inoculation that I’m developing.” He closed the door, making sure to smile at the two of them in the most reassuring manner he could.

  “For what?” Fersia stood by Jocko, clutching his hand.

  “It has many uses. It’ll make you stronger, healthier and faster.” He moved to his table. “We already ran your bloodwork and you’re both healthy right now.”

  “Right now?” Jocko’s face paled.

  “Yes, but you have a future of arthritis and pain ahead of you.”

  “When I’m old. We all get like that when we’re old.”

  Jocko wasn’t buying this but McBrid was a good salesman. He’d been selling this lie for years. “That’s what I’m trying to eliminate.” He prepared the first syringe. “With this shot, you won’t get arthritis at all.”

  “Really?” Fersia dropped Jocko’s hand and moved to the front of the cage. “My mom has some pains, especially in the morning.”

  “Your mother? You’re still in contact with your mother?” It was uncommon for any of the lower classes to stay with their mothers past four or five years old.

  “Yes, she works at the house too. Maybe, you could let her try some of this.”

  There was nothing like a mother’s love. His mother had fought for him, risked everything for him. He needed to speak with Fersia but he couldn’t do it in front of the male. “I have one more test I need to run on you, Fersia.”

  “Me?” She squeaked, her finger touching her chest.

  “Yes. Let her out.”

  “I’m going with her.” Jocko took her hand.

  “No, you’re not.” He was an Almighty and they were Servants. It was time they remembered that. “You’re only together because I allow it.”

  Fersia’s eyes widened. He wanted to wink at her so she’d know he wasn’t going to separate them, but Jocko was watching him too closely.

  Louis opened the cage.

  “Fersia, come with me.”

  She glanced at Jocko before stepping through the door. Louis closed it as McBrid escorted Fersia out of the laboratory and down the hallway to his office. As soon as the door closed he turned toward her.

  “Perhaps, you should return to the house.”

  “What? No. Jocko loves me. I swear.”

  “That’s not it.” He moved away, not sure how to explain. “Your mother will miss you.”

  “My mother?”

  “Yes.” Let her think he was a fool. “I hadn’t realized you were still with your mother. I thought...I thought the only one you loved was Jocko.” His mother would’ve died for him. He couldn’t do this to Fersia’s mom. She’d managed, somehow, to keep her offspring. He couldn’t take her away.

  “My mom will get over it.”

  “I doubt that.”

  “Please, sir. I love Jocko. I want to be with him, not my mother. You said you’d help me. Let us stay. My mom doesn’t like Jocko. She doesn’t want me to be with him. Please, don’t make us go back to the house.”

  He closed his eyes. She was perfect for this and the male Servant did seem to care for her.

  “If you make us leave, I’ll run away. I won’t stay here watching Jocko with Stacia and hearing my mom tell me I told you so. I won’t.” There was a hard set to her jaw.

  He sighed. He’d have a difficult time explaining to Conguise why they wouldn’t work anyway. The professor had seen the labs so he knew there wasn’t anything physiological that would exclude them from this experiment. “Okay.”

  “Thank you. Thank you.” She grinned up at him. “You won’t be sorry. We’ll work hard. Do whatever you want.”

  All he wanted was for her to not kill her mate, but he didn’t think she could make that promise—not yet.

  CHAPTER 14: McBrid

  MCBRID LED FERSIA BACK to the lab and put her in the cage with Jocko. The young male didn’t even try to hide his relief at seeing her. Perhaps this was for the best. He moved to the counter and filled two vials with serum. He’d altered it slightly, hoping to make the transition easier on them. He couldn’t afford for Fersia to die during the metamorphosis.

  “So, that stuff is supposed to help us not get sick when we get older?” Jocko was suspicious. He had good instincts.

  “Yes.” He moved toward the cage.

  “Then why not use it on someone who’s already in pain, like Fersia’s mom.”

  “Shhh.” Fersia shook her head at Jocko’s mention of her mom.

  She was smart and that could be good or bad depending on how docile and malleable she was as an Aranea.

  “The medication isn’t perfected yet. That’s why the two of you are here,” he said.

  “What do you mean?” asked Jocko.

  “It’s hard on the system. You’ll get sick, very sick and I wouldn’t want to give it to someone older who’s already ailing.”

  “How sick?” Fersia clasped onto Jocko’s hand and he pulled her against his side.

  “This is a new batch. Weaker than the last, so hopefully, you won’t get too sick.” They were going to be violently ill. “Give me your arm.”

  She glanced at Jocko and then back at him. “Could we start tomorrow? Please.”

  She wanted to be alone with her lover. He had a schedule to meet and he was already behind but one more day wouldn’t make a difference. “Of course.” He nodded. “For you.”

  “Thank you,” she whispered.

  “Actually, I have some other work I can do. I’ll leave the two of you here. Alone. The door will be locked and I’ll be back later with your dinner.” He winked at her and she blushed.

  CHAPTER 15: McBrid

  WHEN MCBRID ENTERED THE lab the next morning, the two Servants were still in bed. Jocko was lying on his stomach, his arm stretched over Fersia as she snuggled close to his side. Waiting had been an excellent idea. The two were bonding. Isolation tended to do that to captives.

  “Good morning.” McBrid carried their breakfast to the enclosure.

  The other scientists let the Guards feed their specimens but he managed that task whenever he was able, especially during the early phases. When they were going through the transformation, he had to get close to them and he wanted them to see him as their friend, their provider. Not much of the host remained in the transformed creature but supplying food was a core necessity –elemental to everything. He was sure that prior relationship had made a few of his experiments hesitate a second before attacking, giving him the chance to get away.

  “What did you bring? It smells great.” Jocko sat up in bed.

  “Come. See for yourself.” He slid the tray into the cage. “I hope you slept well.”

  Fersia moaned and rolled over. Jocko grabbed a blanket, wrapping it around his waist as he walked to the food. He grabbed the tray and carried it to the table, stuffing sausages into his mouth.

  “You’ll want to leave some for her.” The kid needed a lesson in manners.

  “Oh, yeah.” He held the last piece of sausage half-way to his lips as he turned toward Fersia. “Do you want it?”

  Of course she wanted it. It was sausage for Araldo’s sake.

  Fersia sat up, keeping the blanket over her naked body, her nose twitching at the smell. “It’s okay. You can have it.”

  McBrid should give the male the old serum. Let him get extra sick but this experiment wouldn’t work if Jocko died during the transformation. Plus, he’d changed the type of spider that was the core supplier of the DNA. If Conguise wanted weapons, he needed mobile ones—hunters—not ones that built webs and waited for prey. They’d argued about which spiders to use in the past. The professor believed that the web weavers would be more docile, but the weavers hadn’t been docile nor had they spun any webs. The ability to make silk didn’t transfer from the parasitic DNA into the host. “I’ll get you more sausage but after breakfast I
need to give you the shots.” He wanted her to eat first. She needed to be strong enough to survive the transformation.

  CHAPTER 16: McBrid

  THE FOLLOWING MORNING WHEN McBrid went into the lab the two Servants were sitting next to each other on the bed reading.

  “Hey, McBrid’s here.” Jocko dropped his book and stood. “What’s for breakfast? More of those sausages would be great.”

  “Good morning.” He smiled, trying to hide the surprised look on his face as he wandered into the room. “They were preparing your food when I went to the kitchen” He hadn’t actually stopped to get their breakfast because he’d expected them to be puking their guts out. “I asked them to add some extra sausage.”

  “Fabulous.” Jocko dropped back onto the bed and picked up his book.

  “Can you bring some new books?” Fersia carried a pile over to the table. “We’re done with these.”


  “She loves to read,” said Jocko. “She’s really smart too.”

  “So are you.” She put the books down and went back to the bed, snuggling against his side.

  “Yeah, right.”

  “You are.” She kissed his cheek.

  “Not as smart as you.”

  “You’re smarter.” She rested her head on his shoulder. “You know a lot of things I don’t.”

  “Nothing useful.” He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her close. “You read everything – books about building, gardening, the sea, plants and tons of other things. I only read stories.”

  “Stories can teach you a lot.”

  Jocko kissed her forehead and turned toward McBrid. “Bring books on every topic but make them non-fiction. I still have quite a few stories to read.”

  “I’ll bring more before I leave for the day.” Maybe, their relationship was actually going to work. “I need to take a sample of your blood and then I’ll get your breakfast. After that, you’ll need another shot.”

  “Good,” said Jocko as he grabbed Fersia’s hand and pulled her along with him to the front of the cage. “I’m starving.”


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