Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 54

by Max Jager

  Matt was surprised at how much the floater could carry, it resembled a large plank at what he guessed was five foot in length and two feet wide with the anti-gravitational apparatus on the bottom and sides. By the time of the last trip the device was barely rising six inches off the ground obviously running low on power. Even with the floater, everyone grabbed a crate or two as they headed out to the ship for the last time. By this time the fire was dangerously close and the smoke rising well up into the sky. Vasta alerted them to the fact that the scanner was showing the approach of aircraft as well as numerous vehicles. Just before Matt was about to enter the ship he turned to see Jezang coming out the warehouse carrying two small crates on her shoulders. He then saw a blackened terrorist come from around the building raising his rifle to shoot.

  "Jezang! On your right!" She turned to see the man, then in a flash she flung the crate on her right shoulder in his direction. Matt could only imagine the incredible strength it took to throw that crate with the speed it flew. It literally exploded the man's head and upper chest as the force sent him flying backward. Without missing a beat, the android ran over to him and retrieved the crate as well as the man's rifle.

  "Thank you Matt," I didn't sense him."

  By the time they were airborne six jets were overhead and because they were off stealth mode they had been spotted. In moments, everyone was to their battle stations. This time it was Matt who was on the spot as the fighters were coming at them from above. Although their shields were up, the Azani was still in a critical situation. Orlak began evasive maneuvers as Matt locked in his guns on two missiles heading their way. Suddenly he saw dozens of tiny twinkling lights spreading out from the ships rear which the missiles began to turn to. He didn't have time to consider what was happening as he started working his guns in an arc towards the approaching jets.

  Just as he thought he might hit them the Azani turned sharply upward throwing his aim off and causing him to bang his head on the turret. I seconds they were approaching the point where the sky ended and you could see stars. Continuing into space Orlak asked if everyone was all right.

  "Give us a little warning next time" complained Skart.

  "Same here," replied Matt, "I had a bead on those fighters but lost them."

  "I apologize everyone," said Orlak, "Straight up was the only way I knew to loose them. Any damage to report?"

  "None that we can find," replied Gyod, you got those shields up in time."

  "Once we can get back to that communications satellite we can examine our little treasure."

  The "treasure" consisted of quite a haul, since each crate held six rifles they had fifty AK 47's counting the two Jezang and Ifwol had picked up. Along with that were twelve AK74's, eight RPD's, ten CZ75's fifty grenades, eight RPG's, and thousands of rounds of ammunition, quite a haul. As everyone sat around the dining table Rekton announced,

  "Well everybody, it would seem we did quite well, quite a haul I'd say." Matt then spoke up,

  "I'm still not real clear as to why you wanted these guns so bad, from what I could see, those plazer rifles all of you were carrying sure did a better job of whacking those terrorists than my AR."

  "Well I thought you understood," said Rekton, raiders won't be able to detect them. Oh I imagine given enough time they will be able to but by then we'll have made plenty of credits."

  Matt was convinced there was more behind all this, but claimed three CZ's an RPD, as well as an AK74 along with several magazines. He ended up becoming a walking "arsenal" but in the end, the thrill of the fight brought a thrill he had never experienced before.

  Checking the internet revealed that they had really kicked over a hornet's nest. Naturally Israel was taking the heat for destroying a "refugee" camp with the accompanying world outrage, however for some strange reason the story quickly disappeared from the news a fact that seemed strange to Matt considering that all these terrorist groups liked to play these kinds of stories for all they were worth.

  He then suggested they find a desolate area where they could familiarize themselves with these weapons, but for now, the next stop was the little A'Le'Inn located on the edge of area 51 in Rachel Nevada. Although doctor Frick had told Matt he wouldn't be able to make it he promised that people he could vouch for would.

  The Azani set down behind the motel hiding the ship from the highway, there also looked to be around ten or twelve vehicles parked out in front as well. Since the other's other than Slavek had not been here, they insisted on carrying their sidearms.

  Matt led the way with Orlak and Rekton following right behind. As soon as he opened the door, everyone who was sitting at the counter turned. Then seeing that it was only a teen-aged kid, returned to what they had been doing. Matt then stepped on into the room with his friends following. As soon as the patrons caught sight of his friends one man spit out his coffee, and two women began to cringe in horror. The dining room then turned deathly quiet when someone in a low voice uttered an

  "Oh my god!" Quickly sizing up the situation, Matt waved at everyone,

  'Greetings everyone, we were in the neighborhood and thought we'd stop by."

  No one moved, frozen with fear and uncertainty.

  The lady who owned the place helped break the ice as well with,

  "Welcome to the little A'Le'Inn, everybody, I've got a fresh pot of coffee ready to go, and the grill is ready for your order, find a seat and sit down."

  Matt turned to his friends and said,

  "These people don't know whether to "shit" or go blind, don't make any threatening moves and just take a seat I'll do the ordering." Orlak and Rekton took a table near the door so they could keep an eye on it while Skart and Ifwol sat at the counter. Smiling at the people sitting next to them they asked Matt what was on the menu. It was Jezang that really grabbed everyone's attention. Her white metallic skin, white combat outfit and black striping on her face and hands giving her a sinister look. All eyes were glued on her as she pulled out a chair and sat down along with Ifwol and Slavek. Gyod and Vasta stood looking at a table occupied by a man and woman.

  "They want to know if they can share your table," exclaimed Matt.

  "Ssuuurre," stammered the man offering the two seats with his hand. A man and woman then introduced themselves to Matt.

  "Doctor Frick told us you might stop by I take it you must be Matt Grainger from Durango, my name is Kenneth Frazier, perhaps you've listened to my late night radio show "Report from 51?" Matt shook his head.

  "Well anyway, this is Kristin Jared noted UFO expert we're so glad you could stop by. Can anyone of your friends speak English?"

  "No," replied Matt, Slavek over there can a little but put this translator in you're ear so you can understand them, and they can understand you. But before we start "twenty questions" let me get my friends fed."

  Matt quickly explained what everything was and what it consisted of.

  Everyone ended up ordering coffee, a cheeseburger and French fries along with a small wedge of apple pie. Once all the orders were in Matt took stock of the situation. The human patrons were gradually loosening up, a few even snapping pictures but eyes never wandered far from Jezang or the strange sidearm's the aliens were all carrying. Frazier then asked Matt,

  "Would you mind introducing your friends?"

  "Of course, that's Orlak Klo'Ax, that's Rekton, sitting across from him. I see everyone staring at Jezang, she's an android, that's Vasta Tramik, Ifwol Skyn, Gyod Yeindol is the ship's engineer, and Skart Grexie is his assistant." Everyone smiled and waved as the tension slowly eased in the room. Frazier then asked Matt,

  "Would your friends mind if Kristin and I interviewed them? Orlak then spoke up,"

  "If you want to talk to us just ask, we can understand you, we aren't stupid." Kristin then announced,

  "When I was a child I was abducted by aliens but none of you look like the ones who did it." Skart pointed at her,

  "Well it certainly wasn't any of us, what did they look like?" Jared thoug
ht a moment then replied,

  "Very short and stocky and as I remember, came up to about here. They had slanted eyes, fair skin, and very short reddish hair." Skart thought a moment but then Rekton jumped in.

  "Sounds like Palgonian's but I'm pretty sure they haven't developed interstellar space travel yet."

  "Well aren't they always trying to ingratiate themselves with the Glethians?"

  Skart chuckled,

  "I forgot about them." He then returned to Kristin.

  "When did all this happen?"

  "About nineteen years ago when I was eight. My folks had a summer house in Wisconsin on Lake Michigan, it was dark and I was walking along the beach when a bright light hit me and the next thing I remembered was waking up lying on a table with all these weird aliens looking at me, but they weren't the ones you called the Palgonian's.

  "What did they look like?" Asked Skart.

  "Very tall and skinny. Very pale with big eyes and button noses."

  "That's the Glethians all right," injected Rekton, "I had no idea they had craft that could travel this far…Interesting. So what did they do?" He continued.

  "I don't really know," replied Kristin, but whatever it was I ached all over for a week. The next thing I knew I was back on the beach with no one else around. I just got up and ran for my life all the way home, never telling my parents."

  "Sounds pretty strange to me," added Rekton, but for some reason this planet seems to be the real "go-to" destination."

  "So why are you here?" Asked Frazier. Rekton shrugged,

  "Because Matt told us what a fun place this was, and the last time I was here people shot at me, you aren't going to do that are you?" Frazier backed away,

  "No…Absolutely not, who would do such a thing?" With a grin on his face, Rekton replied,

  "Matt has been showing us maps of the various countries. I have a pretty good idea of who it was, needless to say, that country isn't long for this world."

  Chapter 67

  Titan Stand Chapter 67

  Matt then turned to Frazier,

  "We aren't going to have the cops come busting in here are we? Last time I was here we missed them by seconds." The woman who owned the place spoke up.

  "There's a couple of them who patrol along the highway who stop in here from time to time, I told them there was a private party going on tonight, we shouldn't have any problems, first order coming up." Frazier, Jared, Matt, and Vivian the owner were the only ones who had translators; the other patrons were on their own as far as following the conversation. Matt did his best to let them know what was being discussed.

  "So if you're here," asked Matt, "Who's doing your show?" Frazier shrugged,

  "We're running a "best of," Frick called me too late to get anything set up here in the diner so I have to "wing it," on the interviews." He then cautiously asked Matt,

  "Would the lady mind if I interviewed her?"

  "You mean Jezang? I guess…Ask her." Kenneth Frazier then approached Jezang who was now sitting by herself at one of the tables.

  By now, everyone was eating their burgers, except Vasta who seemed to be enjoying the macaroni and cheese and the cold slaw he had ordered. Calling Vivian the owner over he pointed to his meal with his fork.

  "This is simply wonderful what is it called, I've never eaten anything like it."

  "Well honey its called macaroni and cheese and cold slaw. Mind you, nothing out of a box all made from scratch, even the slaw. I'm glad you like it. I've forgotten your name, what is it?" Vasta grinned,

  "Vasta Tramik, I'm the personal assistant to foreign minister Roika of Ruddoria."

  "Well that's nice, mind if I advertise this as "Vasta's favorite?"

  "No, not at all." Vivian then announced,

  "Before you leave, please check out our souvenir items in the counter over there. We have tee-shirts, hats and coffee mugs." Before they landed, Matt had anticipated this, advising everyone to carry gold with them. On Golia and elsewhere in the Loridian Empire gold had value but not like the thirteen hundred dollars an ounce here on earth. Instead it generally came in the form of small flat pieces that resembled sticks of gum with each stick weighing one tem or roughly two ounces here on earth. In the Loridian Empire, each stick was valued at around twenty credits or fifty dollars in US dollars. Even though Matt made sure they didn't overpay, Vivian Danvers ended up becoming a very wealthy woman.

  Everyone got something completely cleaning out Vivian's stock of souvenirs. Before they left, Matt pointed out the pictures on the wall of his and Slavek's previous visit. This time everyone posed for new ones standing with the still bewildered patrons who also took their own photos. As they left, everyone thanked Vivian for her hospitality.

  As Matt collected the translators, Frazier asked him,

  "That Jezang was certainly a remarkable…Uh, woman, what does she do?" Matt grinned at him,

  "She is a "terminator" Mr. Frazier, an honest-to-god real-life terminator…She'll be back!"

  As everyone prepared to take off, Matt asked if they enjoyed their food.

  "Well I don't know about the rest of you," exclaimed Vasta, "But I thoroughly enjoyed my macaroni and cheese."

  The rest agreed the burgers and fries were certainly different."

  "Is this the sort of thing you earthlings eat all the time?" Asked Orlak.

  "All the time," replied Matt, "It's one of our national foods." Slavek then suggested they over fly area 51 once more. Matt wasn't so sure, but was quickly outvoted. So at a thousand feet off the deck the Azani came sweeping in from the south doing a slow roll over the facility. Orlak then made a wide turn and came in once more, shooting straight up as they came in over the facility not stopping until reaching the upper atmosphere breaking the sound barrier along the way which rattled the windows of the little A'Le'Inn.

  Back in orbit over earth they hacked into the internet again to check the news and so Matt could access video's that showed how to field strip the weapons they had recently captured. He already knew how to field strip the AK47 but not the AK74 or the RPD. He also found a video demonstrating the RPG showing its components and how it fired. Matt spent considerable time field striping the guns and how to clean them along with making everyone do the same.

  I think I know a place where we can do some target practicing and get all of you familiar with all of these guns. Later as everyone sat and talked about their "haul" everyone commented on the fact that they were so heavy and so solidly built. This then led into a discussion and comparison of the sort of weapons they used as opposed to the ones Matt was familiar with.

  "It's really very simple," said Matt, "The guns you use are basically electronic and have no moving parts. They don't fire projectiles either so there's no need for bolts, receivers, or heavy barrels. You saw those guns demonstrated in the videos, there's lots of wear and tear and heat build up. You know I watched you guys using those plaser rifles and I do have to say that they seemed a lot more destructive at close range."

  "Yes, well they are only effective out to two farlons although the military have some that are effective out to four farlons," said Rekton. Although he didn't say it, Matt thought all those plaser weapons looked cheap, and not very cool looking.

  They then discussed why scanners could pick up trace readings of any beam weapon even if they were stored in a locker. Then a thought occurred to Matt,

  "You say that even if stored in a locker of some kind, scanners can detect them?"

  "Yes, that's true," replied Orlak.

  "These things don't give you cancer do they? Back on earth they're always telling people their cell phones can give them cancer because of some sort of radiation they give off maybe it's the same with these guns of yours." Then Skart spoke up,

  "Well in all honesty they do emit a form of radiation which is benign with moderate exposure, that's why we keep everything in special lockers when not in use. All these weapons be they plaser, partron or plasma do emit what's called neutronic dust which is what
the scanners pick up. Just carrying a weapon of this type aboard a ship is enough to leave enough of a trace that can be detected. We don't want to alarm you since normal usage and proper storage methods won't cause any harm. Supposedly even carrying a Geltron rifle for two ceme's and even sleeping with it won't harm you, who knows. Just use proper handling and safe storage methods and you'll be fine." However it didn't surprise Matt when Rekton, Orlak, and Skart claimed CZ's especially after Matt showed them how easy the pistols were to field strip and clean.


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