Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 72

by Max Jager

  He also received a hug from Tiag then stepped up to Amber who had greeted Jezang by touching their palms together.

  "Hey Amber, it's been a long time, I see you've already met Jezang." In response, both androids gently grasped each other's heads and gently touched foreheads for a few seconds, then stepping back.

  "Jezang it is so wonderful to see you again. I had hoped for so long that I might meet one of my Khemi production mates. Tell me do you know of any others?" Jezang shook her head,

  "No my sister sadly I do not, yet strangely I do not think they are no more. Somewhere, they are out there." Then Tiag introduced him to Ilmi. Cautiously shaking her hand he felt her warmth and inquisitive eyes.

  "I've heard all about you Ilmi," he exclaimed,

  "Although not from your grandfather." Immediately a grin appeared on her face along with a nod.

  "That's not surprising. Well I've been catching all the pizz on you as well earth boy!"

  He now had her pegged as a bitch but decided to reserve his "official" judgment after a lengthy chat.

  "Well look everybody," he announced, Jezang and I need to get our gear parked somewhere maybe afterwards we could all meet at the bar?"

  "Gandric is back at the ship," said Amber, "Why don't the rest of you head for the bar, while I show Matt and Jezang to the ship." While the girls headed for the terminal entrance Amber instructed them to follow her. They walked quite a ways until he spotted an old friend. The Nora-Lee looked just as he remembered it. Gandric greeted them heartedly especially Jezang. Amber then addressed Matt.

  "I want to thank you Matt, I want to thank you very much for bringing Jezang."

  Well," he replied, I just figured with two of you we'd have one badass team, you know, kick ass and take names!" Amber didn't seem quite sure what he meant but Jezang did.

  As he did a quick unpacking he noticed his old locker was still there and Kaitlyn's AR still inside along with a number of mementoes and several items he had left there for safe keeping. Because of their two female guests it looked like he was going to have to create his own bed once again but anticipating that he had scrounged a piece of shipping foam that he had sandwiched in between two

  Thick blankets that he placed under his sleeping bag. The effect was better than a real bed. Even the vibration encountered on spacecraft was dulled by the padding and he usually slept like a baby. Jezang was also destined to sleep on a pallet as well although according to her, just lying down in her "reposement" mode as she called it allowed her to regenerate. Amber did the same thing, but just resting in the pilot or co-pilot's seat was enough.

  "Whether I lie in a soft bed or on a flat hard surface doesn't really matter," Jezang once told him.

  As he unpacked, Gandric brought him up to speed on all the developments on Ussen Ommo as well as Xandrus.

  "You just never know what fate has in store," observed Gandric.

  "When you visited my home the people were in despair, we were lost, now there is full employment, two of the purifiers are already on Ussen Ommo, and a third is being set up as we speak. The fourth is under going some late development modifications to handle some of the larger wreckage and that one probably won't be ready for another ceme."

  "I saw a story about them on the news," replied Matt, "They reminded me of bugs we have back on earth. I noticed they seemed to be throwing a lot of dirt around, is that normal?"

  "You must have seen pictures of them in their set-up stages," replied Gandric.

  "A lot of adjustments have to be made to adapt to the density of the soil, and the density of the scrap, once they are fully calibrated, you won't see much of that."

  He was expecting Amber and Gandric to accompany him and Jezang to the bar however the three androids bowed out sending him off on his own. As Matt headed for the bar he wondered what the three were up to and why they wanted to be alone, he hoped it wasn't anything conspiratorial. Once at the bar he quickly found the table Kaitlyn and the others were sitting at. The moment he sat down Ilmi immediately changed her seat to sit next to him causing him to become suspicious. She also seemed to be chewing something,

  "Was it gum?" He thought, "I'm not aware of anyone having chewing gum in this galaxy."

  "What are you chewing Ilmi?" He asked, she shrugged,

  "Kaitlyn gave it to me," at which point Kaitlyn piped up.

  "I missed my bubble gum," she stated, "I bought a bunch of it when we were in Ireland. It's English and not as good as my double bubble, but I can think better when I'm chewing."

  By now Ilmi had moved slightly closer to him causing Matt to recall what Aesil had said about her, this girl really was strange.

  "When are you going back to your planet?" She asked.

  "Shrugging, he replied,

  "Hell if I know, right now I've got a few items of unfinished business to take care of such as getting back to Ussen Ommo, to watch those purifier's work, as well as Z'ha'dum to return some things as well as having a look around. Why? Do you want to go?" Ilmi eagerly nodded,

  "Oh absolutely, I've been to pretty much all the important planets here in the galaxy, and Kaitlyn and Tiag have been telling me about your planet. Please, if you do go back, I want to go." He studied her for a moment then slowly replied,

  "That remains to be seen, I'll think about it."

  Chapter 87

  Titan Stand Chapter 87

  The bar was filled with races of all descriptions as it was the main transit point for this end of the Loridian trading empire. Matt was mildly surprised it didn't really have a name either, and as he sat with his friends he thought of names he could suggest to the proprietor.

  "So do I get to go with you on your next trip to this earth of yours," said Ilmi once more. He looked at her asking,

  "Before I decide one way or another, I need to know a little more about you. First of all why are you Orlak's responsibility, something happen to your parents?"

  "No!" She replied defensively, "If you must know, my parents are heading up a research project way out in the Klyborg-Setti star cluster and aren't due back until early next yean. As a matter -of-fact, I spoke with them two geem's ago, and would do more often but the stars create so much interference they have to move out of that area from time to time to send back reports and communicate with people. In the meantime, I'm staying with my grandfather." Matt nodded,

  "Sounds logical." He then turned his attention to Kaitlyn.

  "So it looks like you got a real make-over, what's going on?" Unfortunately for him, Kaitlyn took this as an insult snapping back.

  "Are you trying to insinuate something, because if you are!"

  He held up his hands,

  "Hold on there Kaitlyn, I meant no insult it's just that you look so different." Then Tiag came to Kaitlyn's defense,

  "I don't know what your problem is Matt but she looks absolutely sensational."

  Once again he apologized, trying to change the subject.

  So what is it you are involved with now?" Both Kaitlyn and Tiag glared at him,

  "Well it just so happens Mr. "smarty-pants," exclaimed Kaitlyn, Tiag has arranged for me to begin study at the school of diplomacy at the university on Ruddoria. It will be hard but I've set my mind to it. I wasn't aware there was so much interest in earth. Right now, it looks like I'm in the right place at the right time. At some point they will want someone who can answer their questions about earth, and I'll be ready."

  "She's right," added Tiag, "We attended a party my parents gave at the foreign ministry. Kaitlyn was wonderful, everyone wanted to talk to her about earth." He studied her for a moment, then grinned.

  "I'm glad for you Kaitlyn, you finally found your calling, I hope it all works out for you." Tiag then spoke up,

  If you're interested Matt, we could probably find something meaningful for you." He shook his head,

  "Thanks for the offer Tiag, but I imagine that when things get boring I'll head back to earth, it's no big deal."

  He started to say something e
lse, but he felt someone tugging on his jacket sleeve.

  It was Ilmi.

  "Don't forget about me Matt, I've got a few connections as well and if you've spent anytime with my grandfather you know he does too."

  "I'll keep that in mind," he replied. "By the way, just what can you bring to the table as far as useful skills?"

  Without missing a beat, she replied,

  "Like I said, I can fly everything up to class five spacecraft, from that point on you're talking mostly military craft. I'm a dead shot with a Geltron rifle, as well as a Phatron pistol. I can also hold my own in a canon turret. My other passion is knives, got one here that was made by an elf friend of mine, here take a look."

  The moment she drew the large knife from the small of her back Matt knew who she was talking about.

  "Let me guess," he replied, "Yufic Moon Called, He made one for me as well, in fact, not long after we arrived in this galaxy. He really does some terrific work; the knife is in my weapons bag. I've got another one that I carry all the time, it's not fancy but it's easy to sharpen and does everything I ask of it." Matt had a Buck Selkirk fixed blade that he carried horizontally like Ilmi carried hers in the small of his back.

  "It's a sound looking knife but if you have one made by Yufic why don't you carry that one?" She asked.

  "I don't want to take the chance of loosing it, if I lost this Buck I'd be mad but not as mad as if I lost Yufic's knife. Anyway this one fits my hand well and it's easy to sharpen." As he put his knife back in its sheath another thought occurred to him.

  "Are you going to any sort of school? I mean Kaitlyn and Tiag here are, or will be involved in study how about you?" Ilmi pursed her lips,

  I've got two yeans to decide on what I want to do. My parents want me to go into medicine and I probably will, I seem to have a talent for that sort of thing. Still, I want to have a good look around make sure there isn't something I'm missing."

  "Kicking around for a yean or two seems to be quite the thing out here," he replied.

  "Well it's just the way things are Matt," added Tiag, "Attending a university is a major event in anyone's life, it's a major commitment."

  "She's right," said Kaitlyn, "It's not like home where you can change careers if something doesn't work out. Oh you can switch to other fields in in your chosen career but the whole thing is pretty rigid."

  "I've also got an interest in possibly joining the navy," said Ilmi, "I could still do that with medical training and actually enjoy two careers which I may do, but like I said, I want to look around."

  "I thought a lot of the doctors were androids and robots?" Asked Matt,

  "Well a lot are," replied Ilmi, "But you find them mostly out on isolated mining and manufacturing planets, but the big medical centers on Golia, Ruddoria, Selantria, places like that are all staffed by living beings. However from time to time some of the small quieter planets will have living beings as well who are there simply because they like the solitude and fewer patients."

  Before heading back to the Nora-Lee Matt checked the message board in another room of the bar. It was actually a series of computer terminals you swiped your ID card and anything directed at you appeared, along with any jobs you had shown an interest in. Nothing came up so apparently Holliqua was busy with other things.

  When they entered the Nora-Lee Amber, Gandric, and Jezang were sitting on the bridge merely staring at each other and not saying a word. He knew that they were probably chatting up a storm through telepathy, and not wishing to interrupt them waved the girls back down to the cargo deck. However Amber promptly called out,

  "Don't leave, we were just having a friendly chat and getting up to speed on all the news."

  "Well we're ready to leave if you are," replied Matt.

  "Very well," replied the android, "Prepare for lift-off."

  A milacenton out of Fort Kamata found them sitting in the small crew lounge with Kaitlyn and Tiag detailing their trip to earth to bring back Bria and her new husband.

  "So things didn't work out so well?" Asked Matt.

  "No," Was all Kaitlyn would say. "Bria forgot to mention to us that her parents already had someone picked out, marrying this MacBranain guy really threw a wrench into the works, her folks were furious. Right now, both of them are on Denedra as guests of the queen and right now there is a lot of furious communications between Bria and her parents. I feel so sorry for her husband, the poor guy just fell head first into a brush chipper and he doesn't know why. Bria has threatened to return to earth and never come back, so it's quite possible taking the two back to Ireland is a real possibility."

  "Why do her parents find this guy so objectionable he asked.

  "Other than the fact that he's not someone they picked out I'm not really sure," replied Kaitlyn, "But hopefully they'll have a cooling off period and everyone can calm down and get to know him, he's a really nice guy, Bria is crazy about him so that's all that matters I guess."

  "Will she let you know if the situation changes?" Asked Matt.

  "Umm, she said she would," replied Kaitlyn.

  "Kaitlyn, I've got a problem that I could really use a little female help on, got a minute?"

  "Uh oh!" She exclaimed, "Get someone pregnant?"

  "What! No!" He exclaimed, it's about Holliqua."

  "Oh her," replied Kaitlyn, "I thought you got rid of her."

  "Not hardly, do you want to hear my story or not?" Kaitlyn sighed,

  "All right what's the problem?" He then told her the story of the rescue mission, and her subsequent rescue as well.

  "After he finished his tale Kaitlyn shook her head,

  "Boy, you really do have a problem and one I honestly can't give you any advice on other than to say try to find something to be doing all the time, maybe she'll get the hint. Or, you could invite her along on a mission with Amber Jezang, and Gandric. She wouldn't dare try anything, and might in fact be put off by four against one."

  "Well thanks anyway," he replied, "she's been on my mind a lot lately now I've got "Tank Girl," to deal with as well, although she seems a little more level headed."

  "Well you've certainly got woman troubles," snickered Kaitlyn,

  Matt shrugged,

  "It's my problem to deal with I guess. By the way, I'm really happy for you Kaitlyn, getting hooked up with Tiag and getting in with that diplomatic program, you're a whole lot smarter than I first gave you credit for, you've got real talent for dealing with others, and will be a real asset to any official delegations that go to earth. From some of the things I've been hearing Loridia has been kicking around the idea of making a trip to earth at some point. I met a Selantrian professor on the shuttle who wants me to stop by the next time I'm in the neighborhood. He and his fellow professors are curious about earth as well so we'll have to see I guess."

  "Well see, there you go Matt, you go and talk with him, you never know what will come of it. I think that if we play our cards right we can be a part of something really big here." He guffawed,

  "Well I certainly hope so; I'm certainly not getting rich fooling around out here."

  Kaitlyn patted the back of his hand,

  "You worry too much, don't forget, we're new out here, everyone's still trying to figure us out. I don't know about you, but I'm making a lot of new friends out here…Important ones too. The fact that I'm a teenager doesn't seem to matter to anyone, they ask me questions and I give them honest answers. I'm friendly, and willing to do things for people, I've really been opening a lot of doors lately."

  "Well I'm really glad I asked you to come," he replied, "Just imagine what you'd be doing back on earth right now if you hadn't come." Kaitlyn's expression turned grim.

  "Believe me I think about that a lot, I'd either be dead, or working at McDonalds or Wal-Mart, I've got one chance in life and I'm taking it." Later, as he lay on his pallet trying to get comfortable, Matt thought about Kaitlyn and how good things were coming her way, and the fact that all he could do was hang around a bunch of aliens
looking for adventure and whatever came their way.

  During the trip to Ussen Ommo, Matt got to know Ilmi much better realizing she was a whole lot smarter than she came off as. Once he eavesdropped on a conversation she was having with Amber and Jezang about galaxy politics and long term strategies. Apparently she wasn't worried about a war between Moriedia and Ruddoria; however the Khufrian situation involving genetic engineering would more than likely go very hard on them.

  "The Khufrian's are basically at the bottom of galactic society and they know it," he heard her tell Amber, and Jezang.

  "I don't know, perhaps this genetic engineering business was an attempt to move up in the empire's standing. I'm afraid though they are going to reject any punishment or sanctions and it could very easily lead to a war. It wouldn't surprise me if they ended up cutting a deal with the Diyari and the Vel'Takz, which could make things very interesting and not for the better."


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