Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 101

by Max Jager

  10 RPG rocket launchers

  There was more than enough ammunition to go around for the weapons, so no one felt cheated. Islos was more than satisfied with what they had grabbed.

  Matt warned the Selantrian that he'd better find someone who could make ammunition as what they had taken wouldn't last forever.

  "Just make sure the propellant used in the cartridges is identical in every way to the original ammo, or you're going to be blowing those guns up."

  Islos and Thix were quite pleased with themselves and the success of the raid, while Matt began to worry if there would be repercussions from the Iranian government.

  "Too late for that now," he thought, "Hopefully word won't leak out right away, and we will be on our way back to Endor before news leaks out."

  Once again, everyone was worn out from all the hard work, but they had a date to keep. First stop was home with the Thrina taking up quite a bit of the old gravel pit. Once again, his folks had their house filled with aliens wandering around, gawking at pictures on the walls, and the odd lifestyle these earth people had. After the initial introductions and eating pizza and beer Islos and the others returned to finishing up re-stacking the guns and ammo. Joa Ei'Thas and Jezang were the only ones who seemed to enjoy visiting with Matt's parents and listening to them talk about everyday life in Durango.

  "I called all the kids on that list you read to your father," said his mother.

  "Most wanted to talk to you further so I told them you'd call as soon as you got here. Here's their phone numbers." Matt called them and as he suspected, everyone was getting ready to head back to college. However, all of them agreed to come over and listen to what he had to say. The next day, with his mother along to help, Matt hit a couple gold buyers and coin dealers offering them gold and several of the precious blue diamonds. All agreed what he had was extremely valuable, however they weren't prepared to offer him cash on such short notice. Instead, they came to an agreement where they would take the gold and diamonds in trade and hold them until they could be sold at fair prices. In return, they gave Matt lump sums of cash to purchase the supplies he needed.

  Matt, knew he was taking a bath on this exchange, but he had no choice, so he accepted the one-sided deal. Still, it gave him plenty of cash to buy everything he needed. Foodstuffs, diesel fuel, and oil, more tools, gasoline, as well as all the broad head arrows and archery supplies he could lay his hands on. The order also called for two top-of-the line Genesis compound bows. It gave Matt a heady feeling to just walk into places fill two or three shopping carts and pay strictly cash for everything. Some of the things he wanted were not available, so there wasn't anything he could do about that, he simply couldn't wait.

  Later that evening, there was another pizza and beer party at his folk's house, this time it was for his old high school classmates.

  Naturally, all were intrigued at the prospect of "hanging" with aliens, so once the party was well underway, and everyone in a relaxed mood, Matt stood up to speak.

  "I want to thank you all for coming," he began. "I know all of you are currently in school but pleas hear me out. First off, we've re-named Z'ha'dum to Endor like in Star Wars. It's a very forested planet and looks an awful lot like the planet in the movie…No Ewoks though, but that's a minor detail. Like I said, I know all of you are just starting college with careers already mapped out but I'd like all of you to give serious consideration to coming with me to Endor and help me get the first human planet in the Tryn-Isha system off to a good start. If you've ever wondered about other worlds out there, well here's your opportunity to get in on the ground floor as they say. Now you've all been talking with Islos, Tressal, Thix, Jezang, and the others so you have some idea of what life is like out there. I won't lie to you; it's going to be a lot of hard work. We'll be facing challenges the pioneers faced who settled these mountains, but we're now a part of the Loridian Empire. You won't be reading science fiction anymore you'll be living it. I took a lot of pictures of Endor, as well as some of the other planets out there, along with the folks you'll be working with. Since I don't have a large screen, just crowd around my computer and take a look.

  His friends saw a slide show featuring images taken a million light years away. Scenes of New Coryville, the thick forests surrounding it along with pictures taken of the Winding stair mountains. There were scenes of Fort Kamata, Golia, Ussen Ommo, Ruddoria, Tumar-Ju, and Denedra. Everyone ooed and ahhed, at the photos but it was the ones of Matt, Liam, Gabe and Walter posing with the likes of Ilmi, Gandric, Brand, Kiggham, and his people, Rekton, and Clath. The Neistrian made the biggest impression with Lee Martin exclaiming;

  "Oh my god! That's Yondu, is he real?"

  "His name is Clath," replied Matt, and he's a Neistrian. Guy's pretty cool though."

  From the comments he heard, everyone else seemed to think so as well. Then Patricia Clark his old girlfriend spoke up.

  "I'm going to the University of Colorado majoring in advertising with a minor in accounting suppose I just said, "screw it," and came with you. Could you offer anything better." Matt studied her for a moment. Being an ex-girlfriend, he knew how she could be,

  "What was she angling for?" He wondered.

  "Well Patricia, I certainly couldn't offer you anything involving advertising, however if you're sharp in accounting I think we could certainly use you. But on the other hand, you would have to re-learn a completely new system. The Loridian Empire is basically a cashless society. You carry a card that is literally your life. Bankcard, I.D., security data it's all in that card. Although I don't know a lot about the program, apparently the Trading Company offers training and educational programs. I think it would cost us something, but still."

  "Like I said, it's up to you guys, stay here and accept the same-old, same-old, or take a chance and come with me. Consider me "opportunity," at the door. I'm only knocking once; it's all up to you…"

  Chapter 121

  Titan Stand Chapter 121

  After he finished his speech, everyone broke down into the expected fussing and fretting about having to make a decision on their own, to actually think for themselves. Matt looked around the room at the classmates who at least had the interest to come out here. There was Patricia of course; she was the biggest surprise of the evening. Then there was Lee Martin, he and Matt used to play together before Liam became his best friend. Justin Saylor, Ellen Macy, who he didn't know well and had actually forgotten she was even in their class. Mike Justice, David Coulson, and Mark Danner. They hung around together and actually knew Liam more than he.

  While everyone wrangled with difficult personal choices, and talked with Jezang, and the others through translators Ellen approached him.

  "I don't think you know me very well but I knew Kaitlyn real well, although I never got into that Goth thing. How's she doing?"

  Matt chuckled,

  "She's doing great, probably better than I am. She's got herself a real sweet gig in the Ruddorian government. We don't see each other much anymore 'cause she's been pretty busy lately but yeah, she's doing great." Ellen looked stressed about something so he asked.

  "Are you going to school Ellen?" She grimaced then replied.

  "Yeah, out at Pueblo, I'm in the law enforcement program but I don't know if I want to stick with it or not. Someone told me I should join the Air Force or Army, and get into the military police program first, but I haven't made my mind up yet. When are you leaving here?" He looked at her for a moment,

  "About this time tomorrow, we have to make a stop out at Groom Lake to pick up all the volunteers the NASA director has promised."

  She sighed,

  "Look, I need to think about this, if I decide to come I'll be here, if you don't see me take off without me." And so it went, he heard the same story over and over again,

  "I need to think about this, if I'm not here tomorrow then I'm not coming." After everyone left, he still had no real clue as to who was really going. Out of concern for security, Islos decided to h
ead into orbit to wait for Matt's call using a direct channel on his comm device. By midnight, Matt was alone with just his folks. They sat in the living room as a family and just talked.

  "I know you don't like to say much about it," asked his mother, "But are you happy Matt?" He looked at her and grimaced.

  "I know you two are disappointed that I just ran out on you, and am not going to college, but I'm going to a different college mom. The things I'm doing and the people I'm meeting are absolutely incredible. We're trying to build a new world out there. I didn't see it at first, but this planet is never going to the stars, the Eisel, Zan-Argo, and Tryn-Isha systems are simply too far away."

  "Humanity has been offered a chance to skip possibly hundreds of years doing it this way. I thing Mr. Janson realizes this as well, and that's why NASA is on board with this volunteer thing. Honestly, mom…Dad, I feel just like one of the first pioneers here in Colorado, making a fresh start, and building something new and exciting." It all ended, as he knew it would, a lot of crying, and hugging.

  "Give it some thought Mom…dad, think about joining me sometime."

  "We've thought about it son," said his father, but we just haven't made up our minds yet."

  After they talked, Matt called Doctor Frick again to try and get some idea on who would be going from Rachel.

  "Right now it looks like eight, however I'm having to play my cards pretty close to my chest Matt, just be prepared for a larger than normal crowd at the inn, what time do you plan on arriving so I can let the ladies who run it know."

  "Probably around Midnight," replied Matt, Janson is expecting us at Area 51 around three in the morning to keep the number of crazies, and the media down."

  "Well don't be surprised if there are quite a few at the A'Le'Inn, I've been trying to keep a real tight lid on things, but you know how things like this get out."

  The next day, it was back to the stores for one last round of shopping, as well as purchasing drums of diesel fuel, gasoline and oil. Matt made sure everything was on skids, ready to load on the Thrina as soon as Islos landed again.

  He had been wondering all day just how many kids would show up. No one had called, so it was anyone's guess who would show up at nine. Islos landed just after eight, but it was almost a quarter after nine when a car pulled into the drive.

  Patricia Clark, Justin Saylor, Lee Martin, and Ellen Macy got out. No one said much all of them wearing desperate expressions, but they were here, and ready to go. Matt knew better than to ask if their parents were aware of what they were up to, but one thing was certain, they all were ready to leave immediately. With nothing left to do, he hugged and kissed his parents goodbye, and walked up the ramp. Once again, Patricia was the real surprise; Matt hoped that she wasn't thinking about trying to pick up with he or Liam again, Holliqua and Ilmi would certainly have something to say about that.

  In no time at all, they were setting down again, this time just behind the Little A'Le'Inn in Rachel Nevada. Doctor Frick had been right about the large crowd being present, a development that concerned Islos and Thix

  "Just glare at them and snarl," suggested Jezang, then winking at Matt, she added, sign their silly autograph books and they'll be happy." Matt's classmates elected to remain onboard along with Tressal who thought it best to stand by in case they needed to take off quickly.

  A large crowd, some dressed in silly costumes, or their interpretation of what an alien looked like, all shouting and screaming waving signs welcoming the aliens.

  Everyone stood at the top of the ramp looking very apprehensive at the shouting mob waiting below.

  "You guys have fans," exclaimed Matt, "They won't hurt you but if someone shoves a little book in front of you just write your name on it and smile. Jezang, you and I will lead things off, everyone stay close, here we go."

  They proceeded down the ramp keeping up a good pace moving through the excited crowd. Matt's friends simply didn't know what to make of the scene, and he worried that they might draw the wrong conclusions about earth people. The inside of the restaurant wasn't a whole lot better, but Dr. Frick met them at the door welcoming them, and directing them over to where three tables had been pushed together.

  "Everyone, please have a seat." He then called for everyone to quiet down, as there wasn't much time. Matt quickly handed out the cheap translators so that at least everyone could understand each other.

  After introducing Jezang, Islos Thix and the others, Matt called for order, then asking Dr. Frick about who all was going.

  "Along with myself, there's Dr. Allen Westcott a very good colleague of mine. I hope you don't mind Matt, this is a once in a lifetime opportunity for us."

  "Well consider yourselves now a part of Endor's diplomatic corps," replied Matt.

  "We've already screened six others; they all have their things packed and ready to go." Matt sighed, then took a moment to explain to his friends what hamburgers and French fries were. Two waitresses took everybody's orders while Frick detailed the passenger list.

  "Brad Cummings is a carpenter," began Frick, James Sylvia is an experienced car and truck mechanic, Donald Falkner is ex-special forces, Meghan Cook has a lot of farming and ranching experience, Charles Tucker has plumbing and electrical experience, and Tracy Kepler is an amateur astronomer. Yeah, I know, but she was so insistent." Matt looked at the hopefuls who were all sitting at another table. He then got up and walked over.

  "Look everybody; we don't have a lot of time so I'll say this just once. Endor is not a developed planet…Yet. It is a former mining planet where aliens took a whole town back in 1880 to work. The aliens are gone and the Loridian Trading company has declared the planet primarily human. First and foremost, everyone works. Dr. Frick has told me your backgrounds which we can certainly use but in the meantime, you might be doing other things. Get your gear gathered up and get out to the ship."

  They did as he asked while he talked with Frick and Westcott.

  "So you've decided to go along this time eh doctor," asked Matt.

  "I hope you don't mind," he replied, "I want to be where the action is, I want to meet these races you've told me about and some of which are represented here."

  Matt's friends seemed to enjoy the simple fare and even consented to having their pictures taken by not only the inn's owners but the other patrons as well. Matt then handed the woman at the cash register a small bag containing four blue diamonds along with six solid gold coins.

  "Obviously I don't have time to cash these ma'am," he stated, "But I believe there's enough value here to buy the whole county. In the deal all his friends were given complementary souvenirs of alien mugs, tee shirts and hats. After saying their "goodbyes," everyone proceeded out the door back into the mob and back to the ship.

  "Just find something to brace yourself against," he announced, "We're just going next door where we'll pick up the rest of our passengers."

  "Do you think this Janson fellow will do as he told you?" Asked Islos. Matt made a face and shrugged.

  "Damn I sure hope so; He wasn't available when I tried to call the other day. Umm maybe it would be a good idea to stay close to the ships weapons, you know, just in case." Then with a sly grin, he added,

  "Supposedly this Area 51 at Groom Lake is where rumor has it the government is hoding…Aliens, you know people like you." Islos looked puzzled.

  "There are Selantrians being held in this place?"

  "Not Selantrians so much as little bald headed people with large eyes, look at those mugs and tee-shirts all of you got."

  "I saw that," said Joa and didn't understand what they were supposed to be at first, some joke. Is that what your people think we look like?" Matt grimaced, and shook his head.

  "Look, all I know is that years ago a flying saucer supposedly crashed down in New Mexico and the crew was taken to where we are going." Both Joa and Islos laughed,

  "As far as we know, there are no such beings in any of the three systems that make up our solar system that bear any
resemblance to what you describe." Once they were around twenty-five thousand feet up, they contacted Groom Lake on the frequency Janson had given Matt. A terse voice told them to proceed to a location marked by a flashing green light. As they were almost on the ground, Matt and the others worried about all the flashing lights that filled the landing area.

  "We're screwed!" Thought Matt, "Janson is going to arrest us all, goddamn him!"

  Then Janson voice came over the comm,

  "Matt sorry about all the security but word's gotten out somehow that an alien craft is landing here and everyone's going crazy. Don't worry all the volunteers are here and ready to go. Although I was out at the time, I did receive your message about payment. Unfortunately, the Groom Lake facility is not equipped to handle grain shipments or other such shipments. This will have to be done at Edwards Air Force base after you leave here. See you shortly." Islos didn't like what he was hearing and started to get angry, until Matt told him.


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