Titan Stand

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Titan Stand Page 107

by Max Jager

  "Well go round some people up," said Matt, "I want to get all those weapons checked out and inventoried, of and see if you can find Mr. Falkner…Oh, wait, there he is." Donald Falkner along with Meghan Cook appeared, coming their way. Both waved and called out Matt's name.

  "Morning all," said Matt, "By the way, I don't believe you met my girlfriend Holliqua Karlnoti, Holliqua, this is Mr. Donald Falkner, he's going to be my head of security, and this is Meghan Cook, she's our farming and ranching expert." Holliqua shook hands with both, then addressed Falkner.

  "Mr. Falkner, I would be more than happy to assist you in any way that I can in regards to area security especially against raiders. Perhaps later on we can sit down and I can give you an idea of what these people are like." Then turning to Matt, she added.

  "I won't hurt to formulate some sort of local security, however we've given the Vel'Takz, and to a lesser extent, the Diyari such a drubbing it will be quite some time before they venture out. The Diyari have all scattered towards Eta Ceta, and I seriously doubt they will return anytime soon. Still, a good plan never hurts."

  "I would love to work out some sort of security plan Miss Karlnoti, how about later today?"

  "That would be fine with me Mr. Falkner," she replied. Then Meghan asked,

  "Matt, I brought along some soil testing equipment, as well as a bunch of seeds, Tracy and I want to get started on laying out some sort of garden, mind if we borrow some of your friends to help?"

  "Absolutely," he replied, "You're in charge Meghan. Don't forget we've got plenty of tools as well as a couple garden tillers over in the tool storage building; just go easy on the gas. Oh, and talk to Tucker about any sort of small animals he might know about that could be a problem."

  "Thanks Matt, I'll do that."

  When they got to where the hulk of the old raider ship was sitting he saw James Sylvia poking around the Mercedes-Benz military trucks they had stolen from the terrorist camp.

  "How do they look?" Asked Matt.

  "I don't know where you got these trucks," replied Sylvia, "But whoever had them before didn't take very good care of them. All need oil changes along with all the filters needing replaced, oil fuel, and air. Oh, they will run all right for now. Most of the tires look good; it doesn't look like you're going to be running them on hard surfaces so that should stretch out tire life for awhile. By the way, where did you get them?"

  "We raided a terrorist training camp in Iran; all the guns came from there as well." Falkner's ears really perked up at this.

  "You raided a terrorist camp?"

  "Sure did," replied Matt, let me tell you how."

  When he was done with his story, everyone was shaking their heads in disbelief.

  "Didn't Islos have anything better than that?" Asked Holliqua.

  "No, not really, why, should he have?" She rolled her eyes,

  "I suppose against the kind of forces you were dealing with it didn't matter all that much, but out here in our part of the universe that sort of thing would have just got you killed."

  "Yeah I know," replied Matt, "but the way we went in they never stood a chance."

  "Well gang," he added, "Let's get started on all those guns I brought back."

  It took the rest of the afternoon for them to sort through the weapons and ammunition prompting Donald Falkner to ask;

  "You've certainly got yourself a haul here Matt, what do you plan to do with it all?"

  "Well at the time we were in a hurry and I was just trying to remember all the Russian markings, stuff I remembered from before, you know like AK's and stuff.

  I was really trying to get more ammo than anything else."

  The inventory tallied up to quite a haul;

  Two cases of ten each: PM 9x18 mm Makarov pistols with six cases of ammo 200 rds ea.

  Two 10 count cases of 9mm Glock 17's, with 46 cases of 9mm ammo

  Two 10-count cases of PP-2000 9mm sub-machine guns

  Four 10-count cases of AKS-74U folding stock short barreled AK's 5.45x39mm

  Four 10 count cases of AK-74 rifles 5.45x39mm

  Two 10 count cases of AK-74M's

  Two 4-count cases PKM machine guns with sixteen cases of 7.62x54R ammo.

  200 rds ea.

  Two 2 cases of KORD 12.7x108mm heavy machine guns, with twelve cases

  Of 12.7x108mm 200 rds ea.

  Fifty 1080round "spam" cans 5.45x39 ammo

  Eight 10-count cases of PMN land mines with fuses

  One hundred OZM anti-personnel (bouncing Betty) mines

  Two hundred MON-50 anti-personnel (claymore type) mines

  Eight 4-count cases RPG-7 anti-tank rockets

  Eight 4-count cases SA-18 Grouse anti-tank rockets

  Four 10-count cases RPG-7 spare rockets

  Four 10-count cases SA-18 spare rockets

  One 8 count case Polish mfg. M44 Moisin-Nagant 7.62x54R dated 1954

  One 10 count case British mfg. 9mm Sten sub-machine guns w/ two 12 count spare magazines and cleaning kits

  "I certainly don't get what those Moisin's, and Sten's were doing in there," commented Falkner, "However you're looking at 9mm for the Sten's and 7.62x54 rimmed which is plentiful and reasonably cheap, might make nice training weapons. Those KORD's are the equivalent of our 20 "mike-mike's" and those round will go through a brick wall with no sweat. Well we've certainly done a days work here, I think it's "Miller" time"

  Chapter 128

  Titan Stand Chapter 128

  After getting the guns and ammunition put away and inventoried, Matt, spoke with Kaitlyn and Tiag who were preparing to leave. Meghan Cook, and Kathy Steel were also present. Kaitlyn and Tiag promised Meghan that even though the trading company had promised to send agricultural specialists,

  "We have specialists at the university as well, and while Matt has told me you have a supply of wheat corn and oats, we have experts in growing Blaken, Ronol, and Grimin Fruit, as well as Plota's. These are high protein, and nutrient charged vegetables and fruits. I'm sure they will enjoy getting out into the field and demonstrating the proper way to plant and grow them."

  "Thank you very much," replied Matt, don't be strangers, you're always welcome here."

  "Well we'll make it a point to get back here as soon as we can," replied Kaitlyn.

  Then they were gone leaving him with an undefined sadness. He began to remember the days when it was just he and Kaitlyn along with Amber. These thoughts didn't remain in his mind long; there was work to be done.

  Not long after, Major Morford returned with Clath and Rekton who had apparently flown around the planet as well as out into space a little ways. He was like a kid at Christmas as Clath had apparently let him do a little flying.

  "Absolutely incredible," he exclaimed, "The instrumentation is considerably different but the controls were nothing like I've ever experienced before. Clath tells me that in combat mode he can automatically switch over to an automatic mode in which he merely has to think the flight commands."

  "Most fighters in this world are like that," replied Matt. "Most of these races are telepathic it's just logical to control ships that way."

  "Well all I know is that I've had an incredible experience."

  Holliqua returned from talking with Jezang, and Donald Falkner, while the major, along with Trent Farmer, and Gary Simmons accompanied Clath and Rekton over to Facility 605.

  "So what do you want to do?" Asked Matt,

  ""I'm just happy to be around you Matt," replied Holliqua. "Please don't feel as though you have to entertain me, after all that I've been through, all of this is a real treat."

  "I don't suppose you know anything about setting up a government and getting a society up and running?" She laughed,

  "I'm afraid not, but hopefully I can offer suggestions along the way."

  "Well consider yourself one of my "official" advisors Holliqua."

  That evening after supper, he called another meeting with everyone in attendance. Standing before the gathered crowd, M
att began.

  "First of all, I want to make one thing perfectly clear, I don't want anyone to get the idea I'm the leader here by any stretch of the imagination. The only thing I've got going for me is the fact that I was here first, and it's what old Greg Tate wanted me to do. The Loridian Trading Company tells me that since the Neistrian's are gone the planet formerly known as Z'ha'dum, now known as Endor is officially a human planet. However, that is just a formal classification,

  All are welcome to live here and call Endor their home.

  "Now, as far as a formal government goes, I intend to model it on that of the United States, in other words, a representative democracy with a bill of rights to go along with that. We will also incorporate our laws with those of the Loridian Trading Company. Now, I've had a chance to speak to all of you I find that with the exception of the NASA people, all of you are here for more or less the same reason. Each of you has a pioneering spirit and are looking for somewhere to make a fresh start. Well this is the place to do that, you are all free to cut your own deal as they say, I'm not going to stand here and tell you what you can or cannot do other than remaining inside the law. If you want to stick around and homestead a place…go for it. If you want to strike out for one of the other planets out here…go for it."

  He then pointed to Walter,

  "Walter, I understand you, Brad, and Charles are interested in starting your own construction company?"

  "That's true," replied Walter, "We expect to have a lot of business in the coming months. Right now however, we're going over to Mindia as guests of Rekton and Brand to observe the construction techniques being employed over there."

  "Awesome," replied Matt, "Doctor Frick I haven't forgotten you or Doctor Westcott, very shortly we'll be heading for Selantria so you two can meet professor Strijac. Gabe, I understand that you have fallen under Gandric's evil influence, I…"

  "What are you talking about?" Blurted out Gabe. With a big smile on his face, Matt looked over at Gandric who was trying to figure out the joke.

  "It's no big thing Gabe, Gandric does have a very infectious personality, I'm pretty fond of him myself.

  "I'm learning an awful lot from him," exclaimed Gabe, "I want to learn the things he knows."

  "Well Gabe, all I can say is go for it." Gabe had really taken to his friend Gandric who told Matt that he didn't mind.

  "I have him run errands and perform some of the more menial tasks," Gandric had told him once. "I also reward him by opening up a world of technology he could only dream of."

  Matt felt pangs of guilt because Gandric had tried to teach him as well but he wasn't as technology minded as Gabe was. Gandric didn't seem to mind, but now that Gabe was here, he had a new student to mentor.

  "We now come to you Meghan; I understand that you have volunteered to oversee our food production?"

  "That's right Matt," she replied. "Doctor Steel along with David Coulson and Mark Danner will be working with me. Mark tells me his father owns a cattle ranch so he's had experience dealing with cattle. I've spoken to the Loridian people who promised us a starter herd of Wiylu's as well as possibly some Boloth's. There's some good grazing land east of here, a regular grassland savanna. There's also some excellent farmland we can raise crops.

  "The important thing to remember," added Matt, "Is that Endor is a fresh start. We're doing like our ancestors did instead of riding in a covered wagon, and crossing the prairie, to the west, we came in a spaceship across the universe, but the purpose is the same. I also want everyone to understand that things are going to be a little rough at first but I know we've got the stuff to really shine. The rest of the solar system will be watching us so let's show them what we are made of."

  Later, Matt joined Doctor Dyson, Jezang, Liam, Major Morford, Donald Falkner, and Holliqua to further discuss their situation.

  "I heard your speech earlier Matt," said the Major, "And I've got to admit you're a pretty gutsy kid. I want you to know that although we work for NASA we're all onboard in this thing. We are here to help you in every way we can. This is a great experiment son, and I think we can really make a go of things out here." Matt nodded then stared down at the fire.

  "So what did you think of Clath and Rekton?" The major chuckled,

  "Very impressed, but I think they were more impressed with me. As soon as he finishes up on a couple projects Rekton promised Gary and I a little tour of Golia, along with the opportunity to meet some friends of his."

  "I knew you'd like him," replied Matt. "There is one place I'd like to take you and your whole team, it's called Ussen Ommo. I won't say anymore than that for now, but I guarantee it will leave you with impressions that will stick in your mind for the rest of your life." Then Don Falkner spoke up.

  "Matt I've been talking to your lady there about these raiders, and other potential threats and I'd really like her and Jezang over there to form a little defense council. I hate to admit it but I'm afraid I'm outmatched."

  "I thought you were in the Special Forces?" said Matt. Falkner shrugged,

  "I was, real good at it too, but my specialty was counter-insurgency with medical cross-training. Oh, I can put an army or guerilla force together, but it looks like we're going to need an effective air defense more than anything."

  "He's right," said Jezang, "I know you try real hard Matt but we need someone who thinks strategically. Mr. Falkner has been sharing some of his ideas with Holliqua and me, ideas that we find very interesting."

  Three days later, the Nora-Lee lifted off for the first time since she had undergone the overhaul. Aboard was Amber, Gandric, Matt and Holliqua, Doctors

  Frick and Westcott, and Gary Simmons, the NASA astrophysicist. Things were a bit crowded but the flight would only take a couple cycles. As promised, they were going to visit professor Strijac at the University of Selantria. The three men could barely contain themselves as they were truly entering the heart of "Life out there."

  At one point, everyone had gathered on the bridge to share stories and talk about things in general. Doctor Westcott and Mr. Simmons were discussing Einstein and his theories of time and space when Amber pointed out,

  I'm afraid all of you are in for a big surprise as was Matt when I explained it to him. Much of what you know, or think you know, is wrong, At some point or another, you will have to confront Shalanterian mathematics, and Transdimensional theory. There's a world out there that you are about to meet head-on. Matt, along others have tried to explain to me the way you earther's think and see the universe, I'm afraid you are about to be proven wrong."

  During one of the sleep cycles, Matt found himself unable to sleep. Looking next to him Holliqua didn't seem to be having that problem. She looked like a large brown slug with just her head sticking out of her sleeping bag. He sat up and studied her for a moment watching her sleeping bag gently rise and fall as she breathed. Her long white hair was in disarray so he carefully rearranged some of it. Standing up, he made his way to the bridge where Amber and Gandric were sitting in the pilot and co-pilot's seats.

  "Oh hello Matt," said Gandric, "Here, take my seat, I have to go check the engines." As he sat down next to her, Amber looked at him and smiled. He looked at her,

  "Couldn't sleep, thought I'd come up and talk to you."

  "Is Holliqua asleep?" She asked.

  "Yeah…yeah, sleeping like a kitten, I'm glad too, we haven't talked much about it, but I know her heads all screwed up." Amber reached over and gently touched him.

  "Give her time Matt; she just needs time to heal. When we talk, I detect a great deal of pain and confusion, things that can only be healed by understanding…and time. He had a pretty good idea that was the case, but that wasn't what was troubling him as much as other things on his mind. Changing the subject, he looked at Amber with a half-smile,

  "We sure have come a long way since we put old Greg in the ground, haven't we?"

  "You worry too much Matt, relax, and just let the course of events flow. You're doing a wonderful job, you've
made a lot of friends, so please, don't punish yourself."

  "I just can't help it Amber, I'm just a kid without any schooling and a lot of dumb luck, I worry that everybody expects too much out of me."

  "Take it from me," she added, "Everyone thinks you're doing a wonderful job; just don't try to do everything by yourself."

  Up to this time, all the professors had to judge these strange new worlds was Denedra, Fort Kamata, and Endor. Now we were landing on Selantria in the massive city of Vlet-Pruis. Frick and Westcott, along with the NASA astro-physist Doctor Gary Simmons stared in awe as we came in over the city.

  "I always had it in my mind" said Doctor Westcott, "of just what an alien city would look like. Now here we are actually looking at one, it's nothing like I envisioned." On our way here, Amber had sent a message to the university alerting them that we were on our way to see Professor Crolth Strijac as per the conversation we had had on the shuttle.


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